Dear Dead by Daylight
You are Slipping on a Banana Peel.
Alias: Latticed Butterflyfish
Once upon a time, watching people unrealistically propel themselves upwards brought great hilarity. Now, I mean, does anyone really laugh? Are you unexpected? Innovative? Movies aren’t black, white, and silent anymore.
Each night, you may use one of the Proper Comedic Timing Relics’ pooled abilities. As a team, you may assign a role to each member. Each role may only be used once a night. Any ability-checking abilities will receive the ability the mafia member performed that night.
Each night, beginning on N1 if you choose, you may designate one member to perform your factional kill. You may send “NX - Kill ALIAS” to the host. If ALIAS is outside a temple and not otherwise protected, they will die.
Each day, beginning on D2 if you choose, if your factional kill did not succeed at night, you may designate one member to send “DX - Destroy TEMPLE” to the host. TEMPLE will be destroyed, killing everyone in it, after taking the prior night’s protective abilities into account. You may submit a TEMPLE to destroy on D1, but it must be empty.
Each night, you must send “NX - Visit TEMPLE” to the host. You may include any other conditions for entry you like. If you are visiting a probability temple, please include a number from 1-100. If you are visiting an adventure temple, be aware you will need to complete the activity during the day.
Your safeclaim is: a Firefly.
You are allied with the Proper Comedic Timing Relics. You win if the Town Relics and the Utility Players are eliminated while at least one Proper Comedic Timing Relic is still alive.