Board Game Circus TTS Board Game Nights


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permission from zorbees

Let's have board game nights using tabletop simulator (TTS). TTS is a physics sandbox built to simulate board games in and it has a lot of free board games available. I have two gift copies of it left and could afford to buy another 4pack if we get big interest.

If you're interested, please make a post featuring timezones/availability, whether you would need a gift copy, and what games you would want to play.

I'll add a schedule to the OP when actual games are planned, the planning of which I imagine would happen largely over discord.
Totally up for it.

EDT, Available any day after this Thursday except 2 weeks from now. I'd need a gift copy, however. I can roll with anything as well. One Night Werewolf might be fun, if you want a suggestion.
I'm Amsterdam time and usually available, I'm down with most games. I'd like to play something I homebrewed some time but I'd have to homebrew something first.
I am EST but soon to be PST and I would be down

I probably need the gift less than others but would very much appreciate it if someone wants to give it to me!
Who would be available today, tomorrow, saturday, or sunday starting 20:00 (8 pm?) amsterdam time (utc+2 currently?) I could do a bit later on all days except saturday as well.

As for games, we could play secret hitler, one night ultimate werewolf, or something else from the workshop or DLC. I'm definitely open to suggestions
Who would be available today, tomorrow, saturday, or sunday starting 20:00 (8 pm?) amsterdam time (utc+2 currently?) I could do a bit later on all days except saturday as well.

As for games, we could play secret hitler, one night ultimate werewolf, or something else from the workshop or DLC. I'm definitely open to suggestions

I available for that all days except for saturday.
if you can play today just contact me on discord, time moving up an hour because i forgot lol (48 mins from the time this was posted)