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big muhma


<li>Avalugg has astronomical physical bulk; capable of tanking even super effective attacks.</li>
<li>Its access to Recover and Ice Body add longevity.</li>
<li>Rapid Spin gives it good utility.</li>
<li>Passable Attack stat for a defensively-oriented Pokemon.</li>
<li>It's the only Pokemon with the combination of Recover and Sturdy.</li>


<li>Ice is a poor defensive typing, especially with its weakness to hazards.</li>
<li>Poor special bulk leaves it open to being KOed by nearly any super effective special attack.</li>
<li>Slow, slow, slow. This thing <em>will</em> be moving last.</li>
<li>As a result of the above two cons, Avalugg is easily set up on, and easily forced out.</li>
<li>The buff to Defog and the prevalence of better spinners this generation leave Avalugg outclassed in many ways.</li>
<li>Its shallow movepool doesn't give it many options to work with in terms of creativity.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Avalugg @ Leftovers<br />
Ability: Sturdy / Ice Body<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def<br />
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)<br />
- Rapid Spin<br />
- Recover<br />
- Avalanche<br />
- Earthquake / Roar / Stone Edge</p>

<p>The idea here is pretty simple: stop physical threats, spin, and recover liberally. Avalanche is Avalugg's main STAB option; it's especially useful against Dragon-types locked into Outrage, which Avalugg can tank easily. Earthquake deals good damage to spinblockers and works as an effective coverage move against the likes of Mega Gengar and Aegislash. Roar or Stone Edge can be used for additional utility or coverage, respectively.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Anything with moderate Special Attack can break through Avalugg. The threat doesn't even need to be fast... even Reuniclus outspeeds it. Physical Pokemon such as Salamence can run special coverage moves like Fire Blast to wallbreak easily. Ghost-types are good for stopping Avalugg from spinning, but need to watch out for physical attacks on the switch in. Forcing it out when Stealth Rock and other hazards are up will wear it down quickly.</p>
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Earthquake deals better against spinblockers and offers better coverage in general. Earthquake hits hard Aegislash and Mega Gengar on the switch (which can take one Crunch and trap and KO you), OHKOing the latter with some Attack EVs or two SR rounds. Crunch not only is worse against those Pokemon (fails to OHKO Mega Gengar which then traps and KOes you) but it can't even deal enough damage to Jellicent, which outspeeds and burns you while avoiding the 2HKO. Crunch is just useless. EQ should be the first option, and Roar and Stone Edge should be either slashed after or put in the AC (Stone Edge for Gyarados, Volcarona, Talonflame, Mega Charizard X, and Rotom-W, while Roar is generally a good move to avoid being setup on).
Fixed! The idea was you'd use Crunch on the switch, similar to what you're suggesting Earthquake does. But you're right that it's getting more back for its buck with EQ. I wish there was more this mon could do.
hey hey amchecks are cool




<li>Astronomical physical bulk; capable of tanking even some (Some? 252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def (custom): 270-320 (68.52 - 81.21%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. I'd go with something like "most") super effective attacks.</li>
<li>Access to Recover and Ice Body add longevity.</li>
<li>Rapid Spin gives it good utility.</li>
<li>Passable Attack stat for a defensively-oriented Pokemon.</li>
<li>It's the only Pokemon with the combination of Recover and Sturdy.</li>


<li>Ice-type is a poor defensive typing, especially with its weakness to hazards.</li>
<li>Poor special bulk leaves it open to being KO'(RA)d from KOed by nearly any super effective special attack.</li>
<li>Slow, slow, slow. This thing <em>will</em> be moving last.</li>
<li>As a result of the above two cons, Avalugg is easily set up on, and easily forced out.</li>
<li>The buff to Defog and the prevalence of better Rapid Spinners spinners this generation leave Avalugg outclassed in many ways.</li> <- Borders on discussing generational changes; not sure if that's ok since we are only two weeks into the generation. I suggest replacing "The buff to Defog and the prevalence of better Rapid Spinners" with "Prevalence of better spinners and Defog users leaves"
<li>Its shallow movepool doesn't give it many options to work with in terms of creativity.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Avalugg @ Leftovers<br />
Ability: Sturdy / Ice Body<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def<br />
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)<br />
- Rapid Spin<br />
- Recover<br />
- Avalanche<br />
- EQ Earthquake / Roar / Stone Edge</p>

<p>The idea here is pretty simple: stop physical threads threats, spin, and recover liberally. Avalanche is its main STAB option; it's especially useful against Dragon-types locked into Outrage, which whose attacks Avalugg can tank easily. Earthquake deals good damage to spinblockers and works as an effective coverage move against the likes of Mega Gengar and Aegislash. Roar or Stone Edge can be used for additional utility or coverage, respectively.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Anything with moderate Special Attack can break through it Avalugg. The threat doesn't even need to be fast... even Reuniclus outspeeds it. Physical Pokemon such as Salamence can run special coverage moves like Fire Blast to wallbreak easily. Ghost-types are good for stopping Avalugg from spinning, but need to watch out for a physical attack on the way in. Forcing it out when Stealth Rock and other hazards are up will wear it down quickly.</p>

edit@below: haha didnt notice that taicrunch
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Working on top of that check
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Avalugg has astronomical Astronomical physical bulk; capable of tanking even some (Some? 252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def (custom): 270-320 (68.52 - 81.21%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. I'd go with something like "most") super effective attacks.</li>
Its access Access to Recover and Ice Body add longevity.</li>
<li>Rapid Spin gives it good utility.</li>
<li>Passable Attack stat for a defensively-oriented Pokemon.</li>
<li>It's the only Pokemon with the combination of Recover and Sturdy.</li>


-type is a poor defensive typing, especially with its weakness to hazards.</li>
<li>Poor special bulk leaves it open to being
KO'(RA)d from KOed by nearly any super effective special attack.</li>
<li>Slow, slow, slow. This thing <em>will</em> be moving last.</li>
<li>As a result of the above two cons, Avalugg is easily set up on
,(RC) and easily forced out.</li>
<li>The buff to Defog and the prevalence of better
Rapid Spinners spinners this generation leave Avalugg outclassed in many ways.</li> <- Borders on discussing generational changes; not sure if that's ok since we are only two weeks into the generation. I suggest replacing "The buff to Defog and the prevalence of better Rapid Spinners" with "Prevalence of better spinners and Defog users leaves" I personally think it's fine the way it is
<li>Its shallow movepool doesn't give it many options to work with in terms of creativity.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Avalugg @ Leftovers<br />
Ability: Sturdy / Ice Body<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def<br />
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)<br />
- Rapid Spin<br />
- Recover<br />
- Avalanche<br />
EQ Earthquake / Roar / Stone Edge</p>

<p>The idea here is pretty simple: stop physical threads threats, spin, and recover liberally. Avalanche is its Avalugg's main STAB option; it's especially useful against Dragon-types locked into Outrage, which whose attacks (Do not implement this change please) Avalugg can tank easily. Earthquake deals good damage to spinblockers and works as an effective coverage move against the likes of Mega Gengar and Aegislash. Roar or Stone Edge can be used for additional utility or coverage, respectively.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Anything with moderate Special Attack can break through it Avalugg. The threat doesn't even need to be fast... even Reuniclus outspeeds it. Physical Pokemon such as Salamence can run special coverage moves like Fire Blast to wallbreak easily. Ghost-types are good for stopping Avalugg from spinning, but need to watch out for a physical attack on the way in physical attacks on the switch in. Forcing it out when Stealth Rock and other hazards are up will wear it down quickly.</p>

Great job Birkal and Pwnemon


GP Approved 1/1
It is confirmed that Avalugg can learn Mirror Coat as an egg move through corsola-->squirtle-->bergmite chainbreeding

now imagine sturdy + mirror coat, provided your side of the field is clear of entry hazards
As far as sets are concerned, after the opponents special attackers are down avalugg can pull of a sweep pretty smoothly. While I do like the support sets I just think that this set is more than niche and viable. The sets above make it more of a skarmory with rapid spin and without hazards. I don't know just don't think avalugg's potential is truly shown here. It appears as set up fodder here.
In my opinion avalugg's bulky offensive spread is just too good to pass up. This set is mainly for cleaning late-game where it can completely decimate the opposing team if they dont have a special attacker up. With right support it's pretty diabolical. I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules posting this, I don't really know how this works. Take it for what it's worth. - Crazy Horse
Avalugg @ Leftovers / Ice Gem
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Curse
- Ice Ball / Avalanche
- Earthquake
- Recover
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