<li>One of the few Prankster Pokemon in OU, with access to Recover, Taunt, and Will-O-Wisp.</li>
<li>Large amount of immunities.</li>
<li>Shallow offensive movepool.</li>
<li>Overall mediocre stats and is fairly frail.</li>
<li>Gained a super effective weakness to the Fairy-type.</li>
[Set Recommendations]
<p>name: Standard<br />
move 1: Taunt<br />
move 2: Will-O-Wisp<br />
move 3: Recover<br />
move 4: Foul Play / Confide / Night Shade<br />
ability: Ability: Prankster<br />
item: Leftovers<br />
evs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 72 SpD<br />
nature: Bold</p>
<p>The main draw of this set is Sableye's ability, Prankster. This allows any non-attacking move to gain priority, making Sableye a fairly potent stallbreaker and check to many physical Pokemon. Taunt and Will-O-Wisp are the main moves of this set, allowing Sableye to burn Pokemon and force them to take residual damage, then prevent them from recovering the damage taken. Its also important to note that Will-O-Wisp indirectly buffs Sableye's low physical Defense, greatly aiding its longevity. Foul Play is recommended primarily for Talonflame, which otherwise counters this set, as it has a very strong chance to 2HKO the standard spread. Confide helps Sableye offset its low Special Defense by weakening a strong special attacker, further increasing its longevity. Night Shade allows you to bypass Sableye's fairly low offenses and deal consistent damage Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Rotom-W.</p>
<p>Steel-types such as Excadrill and Scizor make for excellent partners, being able to threaten Fairy-type Pokemon that wall this set. Similarly, Mega Gengar makes for an excellent partner, being able to trap and revenge Fairy-types with its STAB Poison-type attacks. Water-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Slowbro also make for good partners, being able to handle notable Fire-type Pokemon such as Talonflame and Blaziken, respectively.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Sableye has a lot of difficulty breaking through Fairy-type Pokemon, such as Togekiss, Florges, and Sylveon. They tend to carry cleric moves, which offsets Sableye's, and all resist Sableye's main attacks and can hit it super effectively with STAB. If Foul Play isn't used, Talonflame hard counters Sableye, as it absorbs Will-O-Wisp and with Gale Wings it can attack before Sableye uses Recover.
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