Both trainers seem to be meditating something. They glare at each other and then at the referee, then the floor. Only to start again. A small crowd gets comfortable on their seats, as the somewhat old, wait haired man reads the battle rules aloud and presents both the trainers and ther teams.
2 favors for each mon (limited by mon, not player) (check arena for details)
3v3 FE Singles
5 Chills / 2 Recs
2 Subs
Switch = OK
Training Items
All Abilities
2 Days DQ (?)
Arena: Referee's Favor
2 favors for each mon (limited by mon, not player) (check arena for details)
3v3 FE Singles
5 Chills / 2 Recs
2 Subs
Switch = OK
Training Items
All Abilities
2 Days DQ (?)
Arena: Referee's Favor
Arena: Referee's Favor
Field Type: ASB Arena
Complexity: Simple IMO
Format: Probably better for Singles, but can be used for anything really.
Restrictions: None. At least at the start.
You are walking through the corridors towards the ASB Arena, where a battle you are taking part in was scheduled. When you are getting near the end, a suspicious looking character gets in your way.
- Greetings, trainer.
- Who are you, if I may know?
- Oh, me? I’m the ref that got hired for your battle.
You take a look at him, and confirm that he is indeed wearing the uniform characteristic of refs. You can also see his ID.
- Oh, is there a problem? – You ask, now curious.
- No, no problem. Just wondering if you would want to discuss some… things.
- Things? Like what?
- You know, there are a lot of things I have control over during the battles. I could, you know, make some “tweaks” here and there, make sure some things happen and some don’t.
- Wait, are you offering to rig the battle in my favor?
- Oh, no, I would never do that. Just saying that I could make things happen, not that I would do it if someone asked me. Do you get it?
You nod slowly. He then walks in the direction you came from, while you decide to continue forward. You can’t stop thinking about what he said, as you realize he could have made the same offer to your opponent, too.
Arena Mechanics:
- ASB Arena. At least at the start.
- Ref’s Favor: The core part of the arena. Each player gets X amount of “favors”, which they can use to “make sure things happen, or don’t.” This is activated by using an extra, free sub specially for this. Example:
Horn Drill + Horn Drill Combo - Cooldown (Earthquake) – Earhquake
-[Ref’s Favor] Make Horn Drill + Horn Drill combo hit.
Conflicting favors nullify each others, but they still use up a favor. If the opponent asked the referee for the combo to miss, then the accuracy of the combo would be checked normally.
You can also use it in an attack or chance sub, but then you don't get the free sub. For example:
Pain Split - Chill - Crunch
- [Ref's Favor] IF Focus Blast AND in a combo, THEN make the combo miss.
Would use one of your regular subs.
Only one Favor may be used per round.
Things You Can Ask For:
- A move/combo to hit/miss. --% accuracy moves/combos can not miss, even with a favor.
- A secondary effect to happen/not happen.
- Increase/decrease a field effect's duration (maximum one round for those that last certain amount of rounds, maximum two actions for those that last a certain amount of actions).
- Make sure a crit happens/doesn't happen.
- Get rid of a minor status.
- Cause a consecutive move use penalty, even if the move was not used last action. This stacks with natural consecutive use penalty (Earthquake *3 can go from 7+11+15 to 11+15+19).
- Make a consecutive move use penalty dissapear (Earthquake *3 can go from 7+11+15 to 7+11+7).
- Interrupt charge attacks with single hit moves.
- Make an attack work as if a certain condition had been fullfiled. Example: Solar Beam haviing 6 BAP for a use, making a charge attack have no charge time, Synthesis healing as if the weather was sunny, etc.
- Ask for a certain move to be rolled via Sleep talk / Assits / Metronome / Similar moves.
- More to be added.
Things You May NOT ask for:
- Use of a move your mon doesn't know.
- Make your oponent's mon forget a move.
- Get rid of mayor status ailments.
- Create a field effect.
- Gain an Ability.
- Change type effectiveness.
- Inflict a status, minor or mayor.
- Deal direct damage to the opponent's HP / EN.
- OHKOes, invulnerabilitie, and other dumb things.
- More to be added.
In Case What You Want To Ask For Is Not Listed:
The ref shall decide if you can do it or not, so you are encouraged to ask him/her. Things will be added to the lists as people mention/suggest/try to do things.
Field Type: ASB Arena
Complexity: Simple IMO
Format: Probably better for Singles, but can be used for anything really.
Restrictions: None. At least at the start.
You are walking through the corridors towards the ASB Arena, where a battle you are taking part in was scheduled. When you are getting near the end, a suspicious looking character gets in your way.
- Greetings, trainer.
- Who are you, if I may know?
- Oh, me? I’m the ref that got hired for your battle.
You take a look at him, and confirm that he is indeed wearing the uniform characteristic of refs. You can also see his ID.
- Oh, is there a problem? – You ask, now curious.
- No, no problem. Just wondering if you would want to discuss some… things.
- Things? Like what?
- You know, there are a lot of things I have control over during the battles. I could, you know, make some “tweaks” here and there, make sure some things happen and some don’t.
- Wait, are you offering to rig the battle in my favor?
- Oh, no, I would never do that. Just saying that I could make things happen, not that I would do it if someone asked me. Do you get it?
You nod slowly. He then walks in the direction you came from, while you decide to continue forward. You can’t stop thinking about what he said, as you realize he could have made the same offer to your opponent, too.
Arena Mechanics:
- ASB Arena. At least at the start.
- Ref’s Favor: The core part of the arena. Each player gets X amount of “favors”, which they can use to “make sure things happen, or don’t.” This is activated by using an extra, free sub specially for this. Example:
Horn Drill + Horn Drill Combo - Cooldown (Earthquake) – Earhquake
-[Ref’s Favor] Make Horn Drill + Horn Drill combo hit.
Conflicting favors nullify each others, but they still use up a favor. If the opponent asked the referee for the combo to miss, then the accuracy of the combo would be checked normally.
You can also use it in an attack or chance sub, but then you don't get the free sub. For example:
Pain Split - Chill - Crunch
- [Ref's Favor] IF Focus Blast AND in a combo, THEN make the combo miss.
Would use one of your regular subs.
Only one Favor may be used per round.
Things You Can Ask For:
- A move/combo to hit/miss. --% accuracy moves/combos can not miss, even with a favor.
- A secondary effect to happen/not happen.
- Increase/decrease a field effect's duration (maximum one round for those that last certain amount of rounds, maximum two actions for those that last a certain amount of actions).
- Make sure a crit happens/doesn't happen.
- Get rid of a minor status.
- Cause a consecutive move use penalty, even if the move was not used last action. This stacks with natural consecutive use penalty (Earthquake *3 can go from 7+11+15 to 11+15+19).
- Make a consecutive move use penalty dissapear (Earthquake *3 can go from 7+11+15 to 7+11+7).
- Interrupt charge attacks with single hit moves.
- Make an attack work as if a certain condition had been fullfiled. Example: Solar Beam haviing 6 BAP for a use, making a charge attack have no charge time, Synthesis healing as if the weather was sunny, etc.
- Ask for a certain move to be rolled via Sleep talk / Assits / Metronome / Similar moves.
- More to be added.
Things You May NOT ask for:
- Use of a move your mon doesn't know.
- Make your oponent's mon forget a move.
- Get rid of mayor status ailments.
- Create a field effect.
- Gain an Ability.
- Change type effectiveness.
- Inflict a status, minor or mayor.
- Deal direct damage to the opponent's HP / EN.
- OHKOes, invulnerabilitie, and other dumb things.
- More to be added.
In Case What You Want To Ask For Is Not Listed:
The ref shall decide if you can do it or not, so you are encouraged to ask him/her. Things will be added to the lists as people mention/suggest/try to do things.
Mollux (F)
Types: Fire / Poison
Abilities: Dry Skin / Illuminate (DW)
Nature: Bold
HP: 100
Atk: 1 (-)
Def: 4 (+)
SpA: 5
SpD: 4
Spe: 76
Size: 3
Weight: 3
Total: 20
EC: n/a max
MC: 0
AC: 5/5 max
Moves: (44)
Acid Spray
Clear Smog
Confuse Ray
Double Team
Fire Blast
Fire Spin
Flame Charge
Gastro Acid
Heal Bell
Heal Pulse
Heat Wave
Helping Hand
Hidden Power [Ice]
Hyper Beam
Knock Off
Lava Plume
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Sleep Talk
Sludge Bomb
Sludge Wave
Stealth Rock
Sunny Day
Thunder Wave
Venom Drench
Water Gun
Scizor (M)
Nature: Careful
Types: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Technician / Swarm / Light Metal (DW)
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 (-)
SpD: Rank 4 (+)
Spe: 65
Size: 3
Weight: 5 (118 kg)
Base Rank Total: 20
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2 (-)
SpD: Rank 5 (+)
Spe: 75
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5 (4 Light Metal)
Base Rank Total: 24
EC: 6/6
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
Moves: (75)
Aerial Ace
Air Slash
Baton Pass
Brick Break
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Bullet Punch
Double Edge
Double Hit
Double Team
False Swipe
Flash Cannon
Focus Energy
Fury Cutter
Giga Impact
Hidden Power Ground (6)
Hyper Beam
Iron Head
Knock Off
Light Screen
Metal Claw
Morning Sun
Natural Gift
Night Slash
Ominous Wind
Quick Attack
Rain Dance
Razor Wind
Rock Smash
Secret Power
Silver Wind
Skull Bash
Sleep Talk
Steel Wing
Struggle Bug
Sunny Day
Swords Dance
Take Down
Vacuum Wave
Wing Attack
Ditto (M)
Types: Normal
Abilities: Limber / Imposter (DW)
Nature: Timid
HP: 90
Atk: 1 (-)
Def: 2
Spa: 2
Spd: 2
Spe: 56 (+) (+5% Acc)
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Total: 12
EC: n/a max
MC: 0
AC: 5/5 max
Moves: (1) (0 CC Bonus)
Slowbro [Hammer Bro.] (M)
Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)
Typing: Water/Psychic
Water: Water STAB; ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Psychic: Psychic STAB; can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Oblivious: This Pokemon is incapable of being affected by Attract, Cute Charm, Captivate, or Taunt. (Passive)
Own Tempo: This Pokemon moves at its own pace; when confused, it will never harm itself in confusion. If this Pokemon also has Tangled Feet, it will raise Accuracy by one (1) Stage. (Passive)
Regenerator (HA-Unlocked): When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch battle, it reacts to the energy in the Poke Ball and ten (10) HP is restored. When this Pokemon Chills, it restores six (6) HP in addition to its 12 Energy. (Passive)
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5 (+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 26 (30/1.15) (-10% Evasion)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
EC: 6/6
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
Moves (26):
Water Gun
Zen Headbutt
Slack Off
Heal Pulse
Rain Dance
Belly Drum
Future Sight
Me First
Mud Sport
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Trick Room
Light Screen
Skill Swap
Octillery [Mecha-Blooper] (M)
Nature: Sassy (+1 SpD, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)
Typing: Water
Water: Water STAB; ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Suction Cups: This Pokemon has sticky suction cups that anchor down to prevent it from being moved or scared away by Roar or Whirlwind. It will hold its ground against Dragon Tail and Overhead Throw and will not be forced out in a switch battle. (Passive)
Sniper: This Pokemon has deadly accuracy and strikes sensitive points, increasing its critical hit bonus from +3 to +5 on single attacks, +2 to +3 on two-hit attacks, and +1 to +2 on multi-hit attacks. (Passive)
Moody (HA-Unlocked): This Pokemon's feelings are always fluctuating, and its mood at any given time greatly influences how it can act from one round to the next. In addition to its general nature, this Pokemon displays a burst of emotional power each round that shares characteristics with other natures, affecting the Pokemon's Ranks directly. At the end of each round the Pokemon changes its Moody nature (roll out of 25 R1 and out of 24 in subsequent rounds), a nature that has the regular drawbacks of a nature but enhances that nature's strengths. [Table of Moody Natures:] (Passive)
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4 (+)
Spe: 39 (45/1.15) (-10% Evasion)
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19
EC: 6/6
MC: 1
AC: 5/5
Moves (28):
Water Gun
Aurora Beam
Bubble Beam
Focus Energy
Signal Beam
Bullet Seed
Gunk Shot
Acid Spray
Mud Shot
Rock Blast
Water Spout
Ice Beam
Smack Down
Hidden Power [Fairy]
Double Team
Sludge Bomb
Flash Cannon
Swampert [Queen Bean] (F)
Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)
Typing: Water/Ground
Water: Water STAB; ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Ground: Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Torrent: When this Pokemon's HP is lower than 33%, the BAP of its Water attacks is increased by two (2). (Passive)
Damp (HA-Unlocked): This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short-circuits the opponent's ability to use Self-Destruct or Explosion. (Passive)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 52 (60/1.15) (-10% Evasion)
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
EC: 9/9
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
Moves (25):
Water Gun
Mud Sport
Mud Shot
Mud Bomb
Hammer Arm
Mirror Coat
Wide Guard
Ice Beam
Sludge Wave
Rock Slide
Slowbro [Hammer Bro.] (M)
Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)
Typing: Water/Psychic
Water: Water STAB; ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Psychic: Psychic STAB; can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Oblivious: This Pokemon is incapable of being affected by Attract, Cute Charm, Captivate, or Taunt. (Passive)
Own Tempo: This Pokemon moves at its own pace; when confused, it will never harm itself in confusion. If this Pokemon also has Tangled Feet, it will raise Accuracy by one (1) Stage. (Passive)
Regenerator (HA-Unlocked): When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch battle, it reacts to the energy in the Poke Ball and ten (10) HP is restored. When this Pokemon Chills, it restores six (6) HP in addition to its 12 Energy. (Passive)
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5 (+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 26 (30/1.15) (-10% Evasion)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
EC: 6/6
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
Moves (26):
Water Gun
Zen Headbutt
Slack Off
Heal Pulse
Rain Dance
Belly Drum
Future Sight
Me First
Mud Sport
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Trick Room
Light Screen
Skill Swap
Octillery [Mecha-Blooper] (M)
Nature: Sassy (+1 SpD, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)
Typing: Water
Water: Water STAB; ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Suction Cups: This Pokemon has sticky suction cups that anchor down to prevent it from being moved or scared away by Roar or Whirlwind. It will hold its ground against Dragon Tail and Overhead Throw and will not be forced out in a switch battle. (Passive)
Sniper: This Pokemon has deadly accuracy and strikes sensitive points, increasing its critical hit bonus from +3 to +5 on single attacks, +2 to +3 on two-hit attacks, and +1 to +2 on multi-hit attacks. (Passive)
Moody (HA-Unlocked): This Pokemon's feelings are always fluctuating, and its mood at any given time greatly influences how it can act from one round to the next. In addition to its general nature, this Pokemon displays a burst of emotional power each round that shares characteristics with other natures, affecting the Pokemon's Ranks directly. At the end of each round the Pokemon changes its Moody nature (roll out of 25 R1 and out of 24 in subsequent rounds), a nature that has the regular drawbacks of a nature but enhances that nature's strengths. [Table of Moody Natures:] (Passive)
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4 (+)
Spe: 39 (45/1.15) (-10% Evasion)
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19
EC: 6/6
MC: 1
AC: 5/5
Moves (28):
Water Gun
Aurora Beam
Bubble Beam
Focus Energy
Signal Beam
Bullet Seed
Gunk Shot
Acid Spray
Mud Shot
Rock Blast
Water Spout
Ice Beam
Smack Down
Hidden Power [Fairy]
Double Team
Sludge Bomb
Flash Cannon
Swampert [Queen Bean] (F)
Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)
Typing: Water/Ground
Water: Water STAB; ignores arena restrictions on Water attacks that require an external water source. Evasive Diving reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Ground: Ground STAB; immune to Sandstorm. Ignores Arena restrictions on Dig and Seismic Attacks for Arenas in which any land mass exists, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action.
Torrent: When this Pokemon's HP is lower than 33%, the BAP of its Water attacks is increased by two (2). (Passive)
Damp (HA-Unlocked): This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short-circuits the opponent's ability to use Self-Destruct or Explosion. (Passive)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 52 (60/1.15) (-10% Evasion)
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
EC: 9/9
MC: 0
AC: 5/5
Moves (25):
Water Gun
Mud Sport
Mud Shot
Mud Bomb
Hammer Arm
Mirror Coat
Wide Guard
Ice Beam
Sludge Wave
Rock Slide
Just as the referee calls them to the arena, they both seem to have made a decision. They walk slowly to their designated place, and get their first Pokéball ready.
starwarsfan sends out and equips.
Dummy007 seds out, equips and orders.
starwarsfan orders.
I make favors.
starwarsfan sends out and equips.
Dummy007 seds out, equips and orders.
starwarsfan orders.
I make favors.