Taken from Corkscrew with permission, a part of the LC QC Project
Croagunk returns for the third generation in a row as an excellent Pokemon in LC. Croagunk can check a lot of threats at once, meaning that Croagunk will often find its way onto a team. Croagunk’s typing grants it resistances to Rock-, Poison-, Grass-, Fighting-, and Dark-type moves, and its ability, Dry Skin, grants it an immunity to Water-type moves as well. Croagunk’s resistances allow it to counter and check a slew of top tier Pokemon such as Carvanha, Mienfoo, and Tirtouga, among others. In addition, Croagunk is the only Fighting-type in LC to be hit neutrally by Fairy-type attacks, so it can severely weaken Cottonee and Spritzee, LC's premier Fairy-types. However, its bulk and attacking stats can be underwhelming at times, often allowing neutral attacks to 2HKO or severely weaken Croagunk.
Mixed Utility
name: Mixed Utility
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Knock Off / Shadow Ball
ability: Dry Skin
item: Eviolite
evs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 108 SpA / 116 SpD
nature: Quiet
Drain Punch is used as it gives Croagunk a means of recovering health and allows Croagunk to beat Rock-, Ice-, and Normal-types with ease. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk’s most powerful move in this set, hitting Fairy-types super effectively, allowing Croagunk to 2HKO Spritzee. Vacuum Wave is useful for dealing with faster Pokemon such as Carvanha, Bunnelby, and Pawniard, as well as for picking off faster weakened threats. Knock Off is one of the best moves in the game, and it allows Croagunk to pose a threat to many of its switch-ins. Alternatively, Shadow Ball can be used if Will-O-Wisp is a problem, as it allows Croagunk to check Misdreavus.
Set Details
Equpping an Eviolite gives Croagunk some much needed bulk, and it works really well with Drain Punch recovery. The EVs are distributed between the defensive and offensive stats in order to be as efficient as possible, although Croagunk has to sacrifice its Speed. Dry Skin allows Croagunk to wall Carvanha and Tirtouga, as well as be able to switch into Chinchou’s Scalds.
Usage Tips
Croagunk should be switching on the Pokemon that it walls, such as Tirtouga, Carvanha, Scraggy, Mienfoo, and Timburr. It cannot be expected to be a huge threat to opposing teams, as it can be easily worn down if the opponent repeatedly forces it in. Croagunk should be used as a glue Pokemon to stop Pokemon such as Tirtouga from sweeping your team. If Pokemon such as Carvanha or Tirtouga are on the opposing team, it is best to play reservedly, keeping Croagunk ready so that the threat cannot set up.
Team Options
As it's often used as a glue Pokemon, Croagunk generally offers more to the team than the team can offer to it. It does, however, need good switch-ins to Psychic-, Fire-, Ground-, and Flying-type moves from the likes of Abra, Larvesta, Drilbur, Archen, and Fletchling. Rock- and Steel-types make great partners as they resist Flying-type moves. Tirtouga also likes Croagunk's Knock Off support. Rock- and Water-types can take on the Fire-types that Croagunk hates. Slowpoke can handle Ground- and Fire-types, making it a good partner. Other Fighting-types such as Mienfoo or Scraggy appreciate Croagunk's ability to cripple Fighting-type switch-ins with Knock Off as well as being a good switch-in to Fairy-types. Pokemon that can pass it health are really beneficial, as Croagunk has no recovery outside of Dry Skin and the weak Drain Punch. Spritzee, Lickitung, and Ferroseed make good partners, as Croagunk can switch in on Fighting- and Poison-type moves for them.
Physical Attacker
name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Gunk Shot / Poison Jab
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Bulk Up / Fake Out / Sucker Punch
ability: Dry Skin
item: Eviolite
evs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Adamant
Drain Punch is Croagunk's main STAB move, and it allows Croagunk to heal itself throughout the match. Drain Punch also checks Scraggy, Tirtouga, and Carvanha. Gunk Shot is the strongest attack that Croagunk has, and is Croagunk's best move for beating Spritzee. Gunk Shot 2HKOes Spritzee more often than not, and in tight situations, it can be fallen back on for its poison chance, although a 30% chance is not all that huge. After losing its Eviolite, Spritzee is OHKOed by Gunk Shot. Gunk Shot is also the best attack against Timburr and Mienfoo. Knock Off is the best support move that Croagunk can offer, and is also Croagunk's best option against Misdreavus. Bulk Up is used in the last slot in order to set up against Timburr, Trubbish, or any other Pokemon that cannot harm Croagunk. Fletchling fails to OHKO Croagunk at full health after a boost, and this can be used to lure a threat out to OHKO it with a +1 Gunk Shot. However this is generally risky, and relies heavily on Croagunk being at full health. Fake Out can be used over Bulk Up in order to do damage over time to teams, while Sucker Punch lets Croagunk check Pokemon like Abra. Poison Jab can be used over Gunk Shot if accuracy is an issue, as Gunk Shot only hits 80% of the time, but the loss in power is noticeable.
Set Details
36 Speed EVs let Croagunk outspeed Spritzee, allowing for the possible 2HKO with Gunk Shot. 36 Speed EVs also let Croagunk outspeed Honedge, Ferroseed, and Porygon. 188 Attack EVs leave Croagunk as strong as possible on the physical side, allowing for multiple 2HKOs and OHKOs in order for Croagunk to act as a blanket check to troublesome Pokemon. The remainder is thrown into HP and the defenses to give Croagunk some needed bulk, which allows it to survive important attacks such as Spritzee's Moonblast, which fails to 2HKO Croagunk with the given EV spread. Eviolite boosts Croagunk's defenses even further, and is more beneficial than any other item.
Usage Tips
Croagunk should be switching in on walls and threats that cannot really harm it, such as Timburr or Spritzee. Other common Pokemon to switch into include Mienfoo, Tirtouga, and Carvanha. This set should be used similarly to the mixed utility set, checking a variety of Pokemon. Croagunk should be used conservatively, as it can check a variety of threats to a team. If Pokemon such as Carvanha, Mienfoo, Tirtouga, Timburr, Spritzee, or Cottonee are still alive, keep Croagunk safe in order to revenge kill or check them.
Team Options
This set appreciates more support than the Utility set. Aromatherapy Spritzee is a great partner, as Croagunk does not like being burned. Scraggy is an excellent partner, as it appreciates Knock Off support, as well as Croagunk's ability to beat Spritzee, Timburr, and Mienfoo. Croagunk does not like Ghost-types all that much, making Dark-type Pokemon such as Pawniard good partners. Croagunk also needs a teammate that can switch into Ground-type moves, as Drilbur can easily switch in on a move like Fake Out or Gunk Shot. Fletchling forces Croagunk out, so Archen or Chinchou make great partners.
Nasty Plot Wallbreaker
name: Nasty Plot Wallbreaker
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Shadow Ball / Icy Wind
ability: Dry Skin
item: Berry Juice
evs: 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 116 SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Modest
Nasty Plot is the boosting move of this set, allowing Croagunk to punch holes through common Pokemon. At +2, Sludge Bomb OHKOes Spritzee, 2HKOes Vullaby, and 2HKOes Timburr. Porygon is also 2HKOed at +2, as are other more stall based Pokemon, such as Lileep. Vacuum Wave forces Pawniard out and helps check Pokemon such as Tirtouga or Carvanha. It is also Croagunk's second best special Fighting-type move, only beaten by Focus Blast in terms of power. Shadow Ball can be used to OHKO Berry Juice Misdreavus most of the time, and is Croagunk's best option against Gastly. Icy Wind can be used in the last slot if you want to be able to slow a potential check or counter, allowing for easier setup. Icy Wind also helps to support teammates that might theoretically check a threat, but are too slow to do so.
Set Details
The EVs are optimized to OHKO and 2HKO threats to team members after a boost, such as Vullaby or Timburr. A +2 Sludge Bomb 2HKOes Vullaby and can often OHKO Spritzee, allowing Fighting-type teammates to sweep unimpeded. 36 Speed EVs allow Croagunk to outspeed minimum Speed Spritzee, allowing for the 2HKO without a boost. Berry Juice is preferred over Eviolite as Nasty Plot Croagunk has no means of recovery, and the added bulk is not as necessary.
Usage Tips
Croagunk can set up on common Pokemon such as Chinchou, Trubbish, and most Fighting-types, specifically Timburr or Mienfoo. One of the best and easiest ways to set up is to take advantage of Croagunk's excellent typing and slew of resistances. Forcing out Pokemon such as Cottonee or Pawniard is ideal. Croagunk can also come in on Pawniard and Tirtouga, two big offensive threats, and either set up or straight out KO them. In a pinch, Croagunk can also perform as a glue, like the Mixed Utility set, but it is outclassed in this regard by the aforementioned set, and the lack of bulk really hurts Croagunk.
Team Options
Something that can beat Drilbur is an excellent teammate, as Croagunk cannot beat Drilbur itself except for on a predicted switch with Icy Wind. Pokemon that hate Timburr, Vullaby, or Spritzee make good teammates with Croagunk, as Croagunk can eliminate them to sweep. This means that Pokemon such as Scraggy or Pawniard make great teammates. A good switch-in to Fletchling is always needed, making Archen a good teammate. Something that can set up Stealth Rock is also an ideal teammate, as some of the Pokemon that Croagunk can check are KOed much easier to handle when Stealth Rock is up, such as Vullaby and Berry Juice Misdreavus.
Other Options
Fake Out is an option, but it is quite weak, and most of the time, Croagunk has better moves to use. Rock Slide can hit incoming Flying- and Fire-types, particularly Larvesta. Earthquake can also hit Fire-types and is more useful for hitting Ponyta than Rock Slide is. Ice Punch hits the Flying- and Ground-types that often switch into Croagunk for super effective damage. Sludge Bomb can be used on the physical utility set in order to 2HKO physically defensive Spritzee. Icy Wind or Bulldoze can be used on the Nasty Plot or Bulk Up sets respectively in order to have a safer way to set up by forcing a switch. A Substitute + Focus Punch set can be used, or even just Substitute. Bullet Punch can be used as a safer option than Sucker Punch, but it is largely outclassed by Vacuum Wave. Poison Touch can be used as an alternate ability, if you want to feign Dry Skin. The chance to poison helps to weaken switch-ins as well. A Work Up set can also be used on teams that can make up for Croagunk's Speed issues.
Checks & Counters
**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Koffing or Grimer can easily switch in on Croagunk, resisting both of its STABs. Koffing can burn Croagunk, while Grimer can hit hard with a Fire Punch and doesn't mind Knock Off thanks to Sticky Hold.
**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Slowpoke make great counters to Croagunk, hitting it with their 4x super effective STAB moves. Abra is a nice check as well, although it has to be wary of switching in as a Knock Off followed by a Vacuum Wave KOes it. Abra can also hold a Focus Sash and stop Croagunk from attempting a sweep.
**Ground-types**: Hippopotas and Drilbur can easily switch in and immediately threaten Croagunk. Diglett struggles to switch in, but it can easily trap and KO Croagunk.
**Flying-types**: Fletchling can outspeed and KO Croagunk with its STAB attacks. Vullaby, Mantyke, and Archen also make excellent switch-ins, as none of them fear anything that Croagunk has to offer aside from a possible poison from Sludge Bomb.
**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types resist Croagunk's STAB attacks and can usually threaten it with a burn. However, most of them cannot switch in directly, as a Knock Off will either cripple or outright OHKO them.
**Fire-types**: Fire-types hit Croagunk hard due to Dry Skin. Larvesta and Ponyta can threaten it with a burn, and the former resists Fighting-type moves. Vulpix is also a threat as the sun it brings with Drought hurts Croagunk, and Croagunk can do nothing to it in return.
Croagunk returns for the third generation in a row as an excellent Pokemon in LC. Croagunk can check a lot of threats at once, meaning that Croagunk will often find its way onto a team. Croagunk’s typing grants it resistances to Rock-, Poison-, Grass-, Fighting-, and Dark-type moves, and its ability, Dry Skin, grants it an immunity to Water-type moves as well. Croagunk’s resistances allow it to counter and check a slew of top tier Pokemon such as Carvanha, Mienfoo, and Tirtouga, among others. In addition, Croagunk is the only Fighting-type in LC to be hit neutrally by Fairy-type attacks, so it can severely weaken Cottonee and Spritzee, LC's premier Fairy-types. However, its bulk and attacking stats can be underwhelming at times, often allowing neutral attacks to 2HKO or severely weaken Croagunk.
Mixed Utility
name: Mixed Utility
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Knock Off / Shadow Ball
ability: Dry Skin
item: Eviolite
evs: 132 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 108 SpA / 116 SpD
nature: Quiet
Drain Punch is used as it gives Croagunk a means of recovering health and allows Croagunk to beat Rock-, Ice-, and Normal-types with ease. Sludge Bomb is Croagunk’s most powerful move in this set, hitting Fairy-types super effectively, allowing Croagunk to 2HKO Spritzee. Vacuum Wave is useful for dealing with faster Pokemon such as Carvanha, Bunnelby, and Pawniard, as well as for picking off faster weakened threats. Knock Off is one of the best moves in the game, and it allows Croagunk to pose a threat to many of its switch-ins. Alternatively, Shadow Ball can be used if Will-O-Wisp is a problem, as it allows Croagunk to check Misdreavus.
Set Details
Equpping an Eviolite gives Croagunk some much needed bulk, and it works really well with Drain Punch recovery. The EVs are distributed between the defensive and offensive stats in order to be as efficient as possible, although Croagunk has to sacrifice its Speed. Dry Skin allows Croagunk to wall Carvanha and Tirtouga, as well as be able to switch into Chinchou’s Scalds.
Usage Tips
Croagunk should be switching on the Pokemon that it walls, such as Tirtouga, Carvanha, Scraggy, Mienfoo, and Timburr. It cannot be expected to be a huge threat to opposing teams, as it can be easily worn down if the opponent repeatedly forces it in. Croagunk should be used as a glue Pokemon to stop Pokemon such as Tirtouga from sweeping your team. If Pokemon such as Carvanha or Tirtouga are on the opposing team, it is best to play reservedly, keeping Croagunk ready so that the threat cannot set up.
Team Options
As it's often used as a glue Pokemon, Croagunk generally offers more to the team than the team can offer to it. It does, however, need good switch-ins to Psychic-, Fire-, Ground-, and Flying-type moves from the likes of Abra, Larvesta, Drilbur, Archen, and Fletchling. Rock- and Steel-types make great partners as they resist Flying-type moves. Tirtouga also likes Croagunk's Knock Off support. Rock- and Water-types can take on the Fire-types that Croagunk hates. Slowpoke can handle Ground- and Fire-types, making it a good partner. Other Fighting-types such as Mienfoo or Scraggy appreciate Croagunk's ability to cripple Fighting-type switch-ins with Knock Off as well as being a good switch-in to Fairy-types. Pokemon that can pass it health are really beneficial, as Croagunk has no recovery outside of Dry Skin and the weak Drain Punch. Spritzee, Lickitung, and Ferroseed make good partners, as Croagunk can switch in on Fighting- and Poison-type moves for them.
Physical Attacker
name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Gunk Shot / Poison Jab
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Bulk Up / Fake Out / Sucker Punch
ability: Dry Skin
item: Eviolite
evs: 52 HP / 188 Atk / 116 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Adamant
Drain Punch is Croagunk's main STAB move, and it allows Croagunk to heal itself throughout the match. Drain Punch also checks Scraggy, Tirtouga, and Carvanha. Gunk Shot is the strongest attack that Croagunk has, and is Croagunk's best move for beating Spritzee. Gunk Shot 2HKOes Spritzee more often than not, and in tight situations, it can be fallen back on for its poison chance, although a 30% chance is not all that huge. After losing its Eviolite, Spritzee is OHKOed by Gunk Shot. Gunk Shot is also the best attack against Timburr and Mienfoo. Knock Off is the best support move that Croagunk can offer, and is also Croagunk's best option against Misdreavus. Bulk Up is used in the last slot in order to set up against Timburr, Trubbish, or any other Pokemon that cannot harm Croagunk. Fletchling fails to OHKO Croagunk at full health after a boost, and this can be used to lure a threat out to OHKO it with a +1 Gunk Shot. However this is generally risky, and relies heavily on Croagunk being at full health. Fake Out can be used over Bulk Up in order to do damage over time to teams, while Sucker Punch lets Croagunk check Pokemon like Abra. Poison Jab can be used over Gunk Shot if accuracy is an issue, as Gunk Shot only hits 80% of the time, but the loss in power is noticeable.
Set Details
36 Speed EVs let Croagunk outspeed Spritzee, allowing for the possible 2HKO with Gunk Shot. 36 Speed EVs also let Croagunk outspeed Honedge, Ferroseed, and Porygon. 188 Attack EVs leave Croagunk as strong as possible on the physical side, allowing for multiple 2HKOs and OHKOs in order for Croagunk to act as a blanket check to troublesome Pokemon. The remainder is thrown into HP and the defenses to give Croagunk some needed bulk, which allows it to survive important attacks such as Spritzee's Moonblast, which fails to 2HKO Croagunk with the given EV spread. Eviolite boosts Croagunk's defenses even further, and is more beneficial than any other item.
Usage Tips
Croagunk should be switching in on walls and threats that cannot really harm it, such as Timburr or Spritzee. Other common Pokemon to switch into include Mienfoo, Tirtouga, and Carvanha. This set should be used similarly to the mixed utility set, checking a variety of Pokemon. Croagunk should be used conservatively, as it can check a variety of threats to a team. If Pokemon such as Carvanha, Mienfoo, Tirtouga, Timburr, Spritzee, or Cottonee are still alive, keep Croagunk safe in order to revenge kill or check them.
Team Options
This set appreciates more support than the Utility set. Aromatherapy Spritzee is a great partner, as Croagunk does not like being burned. Scraggy is an excellent partner, as it appreciates Knock Off support, as well as Croagunk's ability to beat Spritzee, Timburr, and Mienfoo. Croagunk does not like Ghost-types all that much, making Dark-type Pokemon such as Pawniard good partners. Croagunk also needs a teammate that can switch into Ground-type moves, as Drilbur can easily switch in on a move like Fake Out or Gunk Shot. Fletchling forces Croagunk out, so Archen or Chinchou make great partners.
Nasty Plot Wallbreaker
name: Nasty Plot Wallbreaker
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Vacuum Wave
move 4: Shadow Ball / Icy Wind
ability: Dry Skin
item: Berry Juice
evs: 52 HP / 116 Def / 188 SpA / 116 SpD / 36 Spe
nature: Modest
Nasty Plot is the boosting move of this set, allowing Croagunk to punch holes through common Pokemon. At +2, Sludge Bomb OHKOes Spritzee, 2HKOes Vullaby, and 2HKOes Timburr. Porygon is also 2HKOed at +2, as are other more stall based Pokemon, such as Lileep. Vacuum Wave forces Pawniard out and helps check Pokemon such as Tirtouga or Carvanha. It is also Croagunk's second best special Fighting-type move, only beaten by Focus Blast in terms of power. Shadow Ball can be used to OHKO Berry Juice Misdreavus most of the time, and is Croagunk's best option against Gastly. Icy Wind can be used in the last slot if you want to be able to slow a potential check or counter, allowing for easier setup. Icy Wind also helps to support teammates that might theoretically check a threat, but are too slow to do so.
Set Details
The EVs are optimized to OHKO and 2HKO threats to team members after a boost, such as Vullaby or Timburr. A +2 Sludge Bomb 2HKOes Vullaby and can often OHKO Spritzee, allowing Fighting-type teammates to sweep unimpeded. 36 Speed EVs allow Croagunk to outspeed minimum Speed Spritzee, allowing for the 2HKO without a boost. Berry Juice is preferred over Eviolite as Nasty Plot Croagunk has no means of recovery, and the added bulk is not as necessary.
Usage Tips
Croagunk can set up on common Pokemon such as Chinchou, Trubbish, and most Fighting-types, specifically Timburr or Mienfoo. One of the best and easiest ways to set up is to take advantage of Croagunk's excellent typing and slew of resistances. Forcing out Pokemon such as Cottonee or Pawniard is ideal. Croagunk can also come in on Pawniard and Tirtouga, two big offensive threats, and either set up or straight out KO them. In a pinch, Croagunk can also perform as a glue, like the Mixed Utility set, but it is outclassed in this regard by the aforementioned set, and the lack of bulk really hurts Croagunk.
Team Options
Something that can beat Drilbur is an excellent teammate, as Croagunk cannot beat Drilbur itself except for on a predicted switch with Icy Wind. Pokemon that hate Timburr, Vullaby, or Spritzee make good teammates with Croagunk, as Croagunk can eliminate them to sweep. This means that Pokemon such as Scraggy or Pawniard make great teammates. A good switch-in to Fletchling is always needed, making Archen a good teammate. Something that can set up Stealth Rock is also an ideal teammate, as some of the Pokemon that Croagunk can check are KOed much easier to handle when Stealth Rock is up, such as Vullaby and Berry Juice Misdreavus.
Other Options
Fake Out is an option, but it is quite weak, and most of the time, Croagunk has better moves to use. Rock Slide can hit incoming Flying- and Fire-types, particularly Larvesta. Earthquake can also hit Fire-types and is more useful for hitting Ponyta than Rock Slide is. Ice Punch hits the Flying- and Ground-types that often switch into Croagunk for super effective damage. Sludge Bomb can be used on the physical utility set in order to 2HKO physically defensive Spritzee. Icy Wind or Bulldoze can be used on the Nasty Plot or Bulk Up sets respectively in order to have a safer way to set up by forcing a switch. A Substitute + Focus Punch set can be used, or even just Substitute. Bullet Punch can be used as a safer option than Sucker Punch, but it is largely outclassed by Vacuum Wave. Poison Touch can be used as an alternate ability, if you want to feign Dry Skin. The chance to poison helps to weaken switch-ins as well. A Work Up set can also be used on teams that can make up for Croagunk's Speed issues.
Checks & Counters
**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Koffing or Grimer can easily switch in on Croagunk, resisting both of its STABs. Koffing can burn Croagunk, while Grimer can hit hard with a Fire Punch and doesn't mind Knock Off thanks to Sticky Hold.
**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Slowpoke make great counters to Croagunk, hitting it with their 4x super effective STAB moves. Abra is a nice check as well, although it has to be wary of switching in as a Knock Off followed by a Vacuum Wave KOes it. Abra can also hold a Focus Sash and stop Croagunk from attempting a sweep.
**Ground-types**: Hippopotas and Drilbur can easily switch in and immediately threaten Croagunk. Diglett struggles to switch in, but it can easily trap and KO Croagunk.
**Flying-types**: Fletchling can outspeed and KO Croagunk with its STAB attacks. Vullaby, Mantyke, and Archen also make excellent switch-ins, as none of them fear anything that Croagunk has to offer aside from a possible poison from Sludge Bomb.
**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types resist Croagunk's STAB attacks and can usually threaten it with a burn. However, most of them cannot switch in directly, as a Knock Off will either cripple or outright OHKO them.
**Fire-types**: Fire-types hit Croagunk hard due to Dry Skin. Larvesta and Ponyta can threaten it with a burn, and the former resists Fighting-type moves. Vulpix is also a threat as the sun it brings with Drought hurts Croagunk, and Croagunk can do nothing to it in return.
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