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Crossover Chaos V2: Slate 44 - Halloween

I had nothing to do so I counted up the (weighted) votes (plus the E3 theme extra) so far:
Corrin- 8 (+1)
Pokemon Trainer- 3 (+1)
Ice Climbers- 3 (+1)
Inkling- 7 (+1)
Sanae Kochiya- 1
Kirby- 10 (+1)
Ridley- 1 (+1)

The (+1) has NOT been added. It is the E3 bonus. I did not count the submissions with no votes but the E3 bonus here.
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Pika Xreme's Kirby
Brodaha's Inkling
Pika Xreme's Bowser

Can we please not do the "Pokemon crossing over with itself" thing again?


Slate ideas:
Retro Rampage (Characters who made their first appearance in 1999 or earlier)
Re: Indie-Go Plateau (Characters from indie games)
Final Boss Festival (Final bosses.)

Slate ideas:
Retro Rampage (Characters who made their first appearance in 1999 or earlier)
Re: Indie-Go Plateau (Characters from indie games)
Final Boss Festival (Final bosses.)
I really like the retro theme idea. If anyone else has any suggestions for themes, feel free to post them here.
Slate #2
Anything Goes!

Congratulations to Pika Xreme, KirbyRider1337, and Brodaha for winning with Kirby, Corrin, and Inkling respectively. All three winners have earned the title Captain Rainbow.

Reminder that you can vote for only one of your own submissions. I included all votes this slate but will disregard affected votes in the future.

Submit your characters for this slate by the 25th of June!
Have fun!​
Recent winners from the last thread are restricted this slate:
Shadow Mewtwo, Marisa Kirisame, Deathwing
Niko, Waluigi, Sayori
Samus, Demigod of Rock, Sora
Big Rig, Norn, Pepsiman
Heavy, Reimu Hakurei, Crow
May as well bring back a few past submissions...


The Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame
: Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism)
Type: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Sheer Force/Desolate Land/Nuclear Fusion (HA)
Signature Ability: Nuclear Fusion: All attacks gain a 30% chance to burn the opponent on top of pre-existing effects. User resists Water- and Ice-type moves (disregarding normal weaknesses), and is immune to Freeze. User's Fire-Type Moves become super-effective on Water-Type Pokemon, but are resisted by Steel-Type Pokemon. Solar Beam does not require a charge turn, regardless of weather.
Moves: Overheat, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blast Burn, Eruption, Fiery Dance, Magma Storm, Inferno, Fusion Flare, Blue Flare, Heat Wave, Tailwind, Roost, Defog, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Beak Blast, Hell's Artificial Sun*, Earth Power, High Jump Kick, Sunsteel Strike, Solar Beam, Sky Attack, Explosion, Sunny Day, U-Turn, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Scald, Steam Eruption.
Signature Move: Hell's Artificial Sun- Base 90 Power, Fire-Type, Special, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Sets up Sunny Day if it is not already set up. Uses Utsuho's higher stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Signature Z-Move: Subterranean Sun- Converted from Hell's Artificial Sun via Okuunium Z. Fire-type, Base 230 Power, Special. Bypasses Accuracy Check. Sets the weather to Intense Sunlight if it is not already present, which lasts until Utsuho is switched out. Uses Utsuho's stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Stats: 90 HP/140 Atk/50 Def/140 SpA/50 Def/110 Spe (BST: 580)

Reasoning: Okuu is a powerful mixed attacker who utilizes both physical and special attacks in her nuclear fusion powered arsenal, and as you might have guessed, LOVES bringing the Sun out. She's a fire-type due to the sun motif and flying-type due to, well, being a bird (a hell crow to be precise), which is also why she has moves like Brave Bird, Beak Blast and Roost. She consumed the corpse of the Yatagarasu, and as such gained the power to manipulate Nuclear Fusion. As a result, she can learn pretty much every Fire, Heat and Sun-based attack there is, even moves that would normally be signature to legendaries, such as Magma Storm, Blue Flare, Sunsteel Strike and Steam Eruption.

Her Signature Ability, Nuclear Fusion, is simple in practice. Her power is known to burn things pretty badly (given how she's hurling SUNS at people), and given how she's a walking embodiment of a sun god, she resists Water and Ice attacks well (I mean, you wouldn't use water and ice to try put out a sun, would you?) but in turn her radioactive powers are kept in check by Steel-Types, who resist her fiery assaults. It also lets her fire off Solar Beam without fear of a charge time (Because come on, she's basically a walking, talking sun generator), but only when using this power. Her other two abilities revolve around either her focus on firepower over gimmicks and her associated weather in Hisoutensoku, the Scorching Sun weather. This also shows up in her Signature move and Signature Z-Move, which both set up a variant of Sunny Day. This also applies to her stats: while Okuu has a lot of HP, her defenses are poor. However, she's also very fast and hits hella hard, as befitting for one who manipulates and is powered by Nuclear Fusion. For Pokemon who appreciate the power of sunlight, you can't really go wrong with pairing them with Okuu. Speaking of suns, her signature move, Hell's Artificial Sun, and her Z-Move, Subterranean Sun, are both based on spell cards in Touhou: Subterranean Animism (In fact they're the same spell card, with Hell's Artificial Sun being used on Easy and Normal and Subterranean Sun being used on Hard and Lunatic).

However, Utsuho, like others sharing her type (see: Charizard, Moltres, Talonflame and Ho-Oh) DOES NOT like dealing with Stealth Rocks. She can clear them away with Defog but doesn't want to switch into them ever.

Example Special Attacker Moveset w/ Okuunium Z

Utsuho@Okuunium Z
Ability: Nuclear Fusion
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hell's Artificial Sun
-Steam Eruption/Scald
-Solar Beam
-Earth Power/Focus Blast/Tailwind/Roost/Defog


The Perfect and Elegant Maid
: Sakuya Izayoi (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Levitate / Speed Boost / Sakuya's World (HA)
Signature Ability: Sakuya's World- Always moves first, regardless of speed, against any moves with a Priority below +3. (As in, +3 and above moves will go before her).
Moves: Fake Out, Trick Room, Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Extreme Speed, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, First Impression, Throat Chop, Slash, Night Slash, Smart Strike, Silver Edge*, Swords Dance, Detect, Substitute, Memento, Snatch, Torment, Acupressure, U-Turn, Parting Shot, Speed Swap
Signature Move: Silver Edge - Physical, Steel-Type, 90 BP, 100 Acc, 10 PP. High critical hit ratio, Super Effective against Dark- and Ghost- Types.
Signature Z-Move: Deflation World - Converted from Silver Edge using Sakuyanium Z. Steel-type, 200 BP, Physical. Super Effective against Dark- and Ghost- types. +5 Priority (yes, it goes before Protect and the like).
Stats: 90 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 60 SpA / 90 SpD/ 130 Spe (BST: 590)
Reasoning: Sakuya is the maid of Remilia Scarlet and likely a former vampire hunter, though she has either forgotten or simply refuses to divulge her past before meeting the Scarlet Devil. Her typing relates to her primary weapon of choice (her enchanted silver knives) and her close-quarters combat skills, two main facets of her possible former identity. Her normal abilities are Levitate (Because it's Touhou, she can fly obviously) and Speed Boost, but her most notable ability is her hidden ability, Sakuya's World, which is a direct nod to her ability in canon: She can manipulate time. She's a primarily physical combatant with not much variety to her name, but she doesn't really need it. She's got a plethora of priority moves for sets not using her Hidden Ability, and her Hidden Ability allows her to use her high power moves without fear of being outsped. Her signature move, Silver Edge, is a representation of her silver knives, which work well against Vampires and other such demonic beings, which affords it a unique super-effectiveness against Dark and Ghost- types. Her other moves are either relative to her time manipulation powers (Trick Room, Fake Out, Speed Swap, Extreme Speed, Sucker Punch, First Impression, Detect), Her general wit and devotion to her mistress (Memento, Snatch, Torment, U-Turn, Parting Shot), her close-quarters combat skills (Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Knock Off, X Scissor, Acrobatics, Throat Chop, Slash, Night Slash, Smart Strike, Swords Dance) or some combination of them (Substitute mainly). Sakuya's stats are generally high across the board save for her special attack due to her mistress' demands to be the perfect maid forcing Sakuya to toughen up A LOT. She's not extremely strong in any one area, but she's not particularly weak in any area either. Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night of the same name: Deflation World, and serves as an ultimate demonstration of her time manipulation powers. Even Protect will not save the unfortunate target from Sakuya's wrath.

Sample Attacker Sakuya Set w/Sakuya's World:

Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z
Ability: Sakuya's World
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Silver Edge
- Close Combat/High Jump Kick
- Knock Off/Throat Chop/Night Slash
- Filler
Filler=Swords Dance/Detect/Substitute/Memento/Snatch/Torment/Acupressure/U-Turn/Parting Shot/Speed Swap/Acrobatics/X-Scissor/Trick Room


Deified Human of the Wind
: Sanae Kochiya (Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith)
Type: Water/Flying
Ability: Blessings of Moriya
Signature Ability- Blessings of Moriya: Sanae acts as if she is also a Ground-type for purposes of Weaknesses, Resistances and STAB. So she's essentially a Water/Flying/Ground-type. Cannot be disabled or copied by any means.
Moves: Surf, Wily Toad*, Yasaka's Divine Wind*,The Day the Sea Split* Dazzling Gleam, Roost, Tailwind, Reflect, Light Screen, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Earth Power, Hydro Pump, Aeroblast, Recover, Taunt, Encore, Toxic, Calm Mind, Follow Me, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell, Baton Pass, Soak, Rain Dance, other supportive moves.
Signature Moves
Wily Toad
: Ground-type, Special, 80 BP, 10 PP. 30% chance to inflict Toxic Poison, Paralysis or Burn on the target. (Basically a Ground-type Tri Attack with a higher chance of inflicting, but no freeze (it poisons instead).
God's Wind: Flying-Type, 85 BP, 10 PP. 20% chance to increase all stats by 1 stage. (Basically a better, Flying-type Ancient Power).
The Day the Sea Split: Water-Type, Special, 95 BP, 15 PP. Ignores the target's stat boosts.
Yasaka's Divine Wind
: Upgraded from God's Wind with Kanakium Z. 185 BP, Flying-type, Special. Raises all stats by 1 stage (basically Flying-type Clangorous Soulblaze).
Lord Mishaguji: Upgraded from Wily Toad with Suwakium Z. 185 BP, Ground-type, Special. Inflicts Sleep or Freeze on the target.
Moses' Miracle: Upgraded from The Day the Sea Split with Sanaium Z. 200 BP, Water-type, Special. Ignores the Target's Stat Boosts and has a high critical hit rate.
Stats: 120/50/110/100/110/100 (590 BST)

Reasoning: Sanae Kochiya is an Arahitogami- a human who ascended to godhood while alive- who first appeared in Mountain of Faith. She has low physical attack, but her other stats are decent across the board, and she has a good bulk of 120/110/110. Her typing is a bit weird and mostly a reference to her spell cards (Sanae mostly deals with water, for instance, The Day the Sea Split, which is her signature move), plus the two gods whose power she borrows, Kanako Yasaka and Suwako Moriya. Kanako Yasaka, a Sky Goddess denotes her Flying-typing, and her signature ability is a reference to Suwako Moriya, who is an earth goddess. This grants her a unique triple-typing of Ground/Water/Flying, granting Sanae two immunities (Ground and Electric), resistances to Fire, Poison, Steel, Bug and Fighting, and only a few weaknesses, notably to Grass and Ice.

She also, fittingly, has three signature moves: Wily Toad references Suwako's secondary nature as a curse goddess, inflicting the lowest damage of her signature moves but cursing the foe with nasty status ailments. God's Wind references Kanako's secondary nature as a War Goddess (later technological innovation), which empowers those who side with her. Lastly, The Day the Sea Split is from Sanae's own power, ignoring other stat gains that the enemy may have. And surprise surprise, they have Z-Move equivalents too, all based on Spell Cards from Mountain of Faith. That being said, Lord Mishaguji is Suwako's spell card, not Sanae's. But it just made sense.

Sanae is a supportive 'mon who comes in two distinct flavours. One flavour of Sanae supports her team, the other hinders the enemy team. She has a wide supportive movepool and combined with her nice defensive typing she can fairly easily switch in and promptly start throwing statuses or setting up for teammates. Sanae is not completely devoid of offensive presence either and, in a pinch, she can start throwing out powerful attacks, since Water/Ground/Flying is actually pretty decent combined coverage, too, so she can play a pretty decent Set-up sweeper, too. And Base 100 Speed is pretty fast. That being said, she's a bit dependant on luck for her signature moves' other effects and she can only use ONE Signature Z Move.

Her other moves are standard fare for being supportive and since she can create miracles there's no real reason to say she can't use 'em.

Here are three sample sets for Sanae, showcasing the different roles she can slot into.

Sample movesets:

"That may have looked like Sanae, but it's actually a wild poisonous Sanae... with poison!"
Sanae@Suwakium Z
Nature: Bold/Calm
EVs: 252 HP, spread the rest between Def and SpD as needed. Maybe some Speed if you need to outspeed specific threats.
-Wily Toad
-Status Move (Thunder Wave, Toxic)
Filler (For this set)= Taunt, Encore, Protect, Soak, The Day the Sea Split, God's Wind.

This Sanae has a simple purpose: Spread status and annoyance everywhere! Between Wily Toad, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Encore and Taunt, she's got a myriad of ways to cause your opponent no end of frustration. She can even put in extra coverage in the form of her other signature moves if you're worried about Flying-types or levitators (e.g. Other Touhous, ESPECIALLY other Sanae) hard walling you.

The Moriya Shrine Conspiracy:
Sanae@Kanakium Z
Nature: Bold/Calm
EVs: 252 HP, divide the rest between Speed and Bulk as needed.
-God's Wind
-Baton Pass
-Calm Mind
-Tailwind/Recover/Grassy Terrain/Misty Terrain/Heal Bell/Rain Dance/Wily Toad/The Day the Sea Split

Simple Baton Passer set. Get God's Wind Boosts and pass 'em (or you can use Yasaka's Divine Wind for a guaranteed +1 everything), OR for more reliable boosts, Calm Mind is there. Fourth Slot is Filler for what you want to support. Speed Support, Recovery, stopping status, granting healing or status restoration, setting up Rain or simply hitting things with more coverage.

Still Couldn't Take Over the Hakurei Shrine:
Sanae@Sanaium Z/Kanakium Z/Suwakium Z
Nature: Timid/Modest
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP.
-The Day the Sea Split
-Wily Toad
-God's Wind
-Calm Mind

Simple Calm Mind + 3 Attacks Set. Utilizing all three of her signature moves here for maximum coverage and versatility. Got a foe walling you? Spam Wily Toad and hope for a status hit. Enemy can't do anything to you? Throw out God's Wind and hope for a free boost. Want to hit something hard? Split the Sea on 'em. The Z-Crystal is variable here because all three Z-Crystals can be useful for an offensive Sanae set since they ALL have nice effects. Moses' Miracle is a very hard hitting Water-type nuke, Lord Mishaguji is a guaranteed disable on the target, and Yasaka's Divine Wind is Clangorous Soulblaze but Flying-type which is amazing.

Edit: Got two more incoming!

"Now then, time for a news story!"


Traditional Reporter of Fantasy
Aya Shameimaru (Touhou Kaiedzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View)
Type: Flying
Ability: Speed Boost
Moves: Illusory Dominance*, Tailwind, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Coercive Reporting*, High Jump Kick, Agility, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Roost, Petal Blizzard, Extreme Speed, Encore, Taunt, Torment, Baton Pass, U-Turn, etc.
Signature Moves
Illusory Dominance
: Flying-Type, Physical. +1 Priority. Base Power increases in regards to how much faster Aya is than the opponent.
Coercive Reporting: Flying-Type, Status. +4 Priority. Utilizing her camera, takes a snapshot of a move directed at her, protecting herself and disabling the move. Cannot be used if the foe already has a disabled move. Only protects Aya once per turn.
Signature Z-Moves
Peerless Wind God
: Flying-type, Physical, Base 200 power. Upgraded from Illusory Dominance with Ayanium Z. +4 Priority. All attacks that target Aya this turn will miss without fail, even attacks that normally would not be able to.
Double Spoiler: Flying-type, Status. +4 Priority. Upgraded from Coercive Reporting with Ayanium Z. +4 Priority. On top of the normal effects of Coercive Reporting, also reflects the move back on the one who used it. Only protects Aya once per turn.
Stats: 80 HP/110 Atk/65 Def/70 SpA/65 SpD/200 Spe (BST: 590)
Reasoning: Aya Shameimaru is a crow tengu reporter who is often known to go out and pester people for interviews. She's known as one of the fastest beings in Gensokyo, to the point where even other famous speedsters in Gensokyo like Marisa Kirisame struggle to keep up, and this is reflected in her ability and stats. She's not got good bulk at all and her attack is only a decent base 110, but her speed is through the roof at an absurd base 200. And to top that off, she's got Speed Boost! You are not outspeeding Aya, period. Her typing is based on the fact that she is a type of bird youkai, and thus Pure-Flying (Since there's nothing else of note). Most of her attacks revolve around utilizing her speed or ability to manipulate the wind, although there are a few oddballs in there. Notably, Petal Blizzard and Stone Edge are based on spell cards that attack with either maple leaves or rocks blown around by the wind, respectively. Her Signature Moves are based on entirely different things from her appearances. Illusory Dominance is based on her infamous spell card of the same name from Mountain of Faith and pretty much used everywhere else afterwards (and its Z-Move version, Peerless Wind God, is an upgraded version of that), whereas Coercive Reporting is based on the spell card 'Reporting "Aya Shameimaru's Coercive Reporting"', which shows up in Double Spoiler in name, and mechanically, it is based on how she works in her own spinoff games, Shoot the Bullet and Double Spoiler (Which is also the name for its Z-Move variant!). Aya is basically a fast physical attacker.

Sample Aya set:
Aya@Ayanium Z
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Jolly Nature
-Illusory Dominance
-Coercive Reporting
Filler=High Jump Kick/Petal Blizzard/Stone Edge/Swords Dance/Extreme Speed/Encore/Taunt/Baton Pass/U-Turn


"Hm, something smells weak~"


Flower Master of Four Seasons
Yuuka Kazami (Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story)
Type: Grass
Ability: Intimidate/Pressure/Garden of the Sun (HA)
Signature Ability: Garden of the Sun- Upon being switched in, sets up Grassy Terrain and Sunny Day. (Basically Grassy Surge and Drought in a single package).
Moves: Beauties of Nature*, Master Spark (See Marisa Kirisame), Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Energy Ball, Frenzy Plant, Ingrain, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Synthesis, Strength, Leech Seed, Poison Jab, Power Gem, Seed Flare, Sludge Bomb, Spiky Shield, Baneful Bunker, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Toxic, Stun Spore, Rototiller, Curse, Meteor Mash, Flash Cannon, Fleur Cannon, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Pollen Puff, Substitute, Growth, Return.
Signature Move: Beauties of Nature- Grass-type, 90 BP. Classification based on Yuuka's higher attack stat. Sets up Grassy Terrain if it is not already set up.
Signature Z-Moves
Reflowering of Gensokyo
: Upgraded from Beauties of Nature with Yuukanium Z. Grass-type, Base 190 BP. Classification based on Yuuka's higher attack stat. If Grassy Terrain is active, consumes the Grassy Terrain to deal double damage.
Dual Spark: Upgraded from Master Spark with Yuukanium Z. Electric-type, Special. Base 120 BP. Hits twice.
Stats: 120 HP/120 Atk/120 Def/120 SpA/120 SpD/5 Spe (BST: 605)
Reasoning: Yuuka Kazami is a flower youkai, which explains her typing. Her ability is the ability to manipulate flowers, which grants her pretty much every plant or flower-related move, even ones signature to a single Pokemon or line, such as Seed Flare, Fleur Cannon and Pollen Puff. It also grants her Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Spiky Shield and Baneful Bunker as she can manipulate flowers of all types, including poisonous ones. Her other moves as well as her stat spread (minus speed) are a note regarding how Yuuka is a very old and powerful youkai, both physically and magically and thus she learns a lot of powerful moves, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Strength, Meteor Mash, Flash Cannon, Foul Play, Sucker Punch and Play Rough. She is also often lauded as the original user of the Master Spark, which is why she is able to use it despite the fact that it is supposed to be Marisa's signature move: Marisa copied the Master Spark from Yuuka. Her actual signature move is based on one of her gauge attacks in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, and its Z-Move equivalent is the level 4 gauge attack, a Spell Card from the same game. In Lotus Land Story, she's also known to create a clone of herself to fire a second Master Spark alongside her, hence why her Z-Move upgrade for Master Spark is Dual Spark- a slightly stronger Master Spark that also hits twice. Her hidden ability is a reference to the domain she spends the most time around in Windows canon, a garden full of sunflowers (literally named the Garden of the Sun), and her normal abilities are based on Akyuu's article in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, where she stats Yuuka has the highest threat level, which may make her come off as intimidating. However, in Touhou canon, Yuuka is the slowest playable character to date by a long shot, and as such, her base speed is absolutely abysmal. She's never going to be outspeeding anything unless you're using Trick Room, even at +6 with a Tailwind up. For reference, she speed ties with Munchlax and Shuckle. Yeah. She's that slow. If she comes out in Trick Room, though, you're basically facing something that's basically Arceus-Grass but much, MUCH faster. Needless to say, not a good time. Thankfully, it's only in Trick Room that she's so threatening. Still, 120/120/120 Bulk plus reliable recovery makes Yuuka a tough one to bring down, and she has just enough of a movepool to crush most anything that gets in her way that she's not weak to.

Here are some sample Yuuka sets.

"Genocide is a Game~" (Curse Yuuka)
Yuuka@Yuukanium Z/Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate/Garden of the Sun
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
Brave Nature
-Beauties of Nature
Filler=Poison Jab/Earthquake/Stone Edge/Close Combat/Meteor Mash/Return/Play Rough/Sucker Punch/Foul Play/Baneful Bunker/Spiky Shield/Synthesis/Sleep Powder

"In a few hours, you'll become a mist of atoms~" (Specially Offensive Yuuka)
Yuuka@Yuukanium Z
Ability: Intimidate/Garden of the Sun
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SpA, 4Def/SpD
Quiet Nature
-Beauties of Nature/Seed Flare/Solar Beam (if using Garden of the Sun)
-Master Spark
Filler=Growth/Flash Cannon/Fleur Cannon/Sludge Bomb/Power Gem/Pollen Puff/Baneful Bunker/Spiky Shield/Stun Spore/Sleep Powder/Toxic/Leech Seed/Synthesis

"By the way, who are you?" (Tanky Yuuka)
Ability: Intimidate/Pressure/Garden of the Sun
EVs: 252 HP, the rest go into bulk as needed. Put whatever doesn't go into bulk into the preferred attacking stat.
Nature can be Sassy, Impish, Quiet or Brave depending on what you need.
-Beauties of Nature
-Leech Seed
Filler=Toxic/Stun Spore/Sleep Powder/Baneful Bunker/Spiky Shield/Grassy Terrain/Master Spark/Sludge Bomb/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Poison Jab/Foul Play/Sucker Punch/Pollen Puff/Fleur Cannon/Power Gem
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Welcome to Danganronpa hell!!!

: Chihiro Fujisaki [Quick note, he has legs, it's just that the fullbody sprite is so big it's actually insane.]
Type: Electric / Ghost
Ability: Download / Stamina / Weak Armor
Moves: Alter Ego*, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Destiny Bond, Moonblast, Focus Blast, Recover, Amnesia, Toxic (everything has it so)
*Ghost, 90 power, 90% accuracy, 32 PP max, removes hazards on the user's side of the field.
Stats: 120/60/65/120/80/125 [570 BST]
Reasoning: Chihiro Fujisaki is Electric-type because he (yes he, I'll get to that in a sec) was a master programmer, to the point where he was accepted into a high school for people who were the best at what they did (Welcome to Danganronpa folks!) for being so flippin good at programming. As for being Ghost, he dies pretty quickly in Danganronpa (The whole game is about high schoolers murdering eachother. Yup). Furthermore, before he died, he made an AI that uses him as an avatar to talk with people, voice and all, responding to people's questions. The AI is Alter Ego, the basis of the move. But this means that the AI is powerful enough to recognize and emulate its creators voice in new ways. Alter Ego is basically Chihiro's spirit in an AI, thus adding to the Ghost aspect. Download is pretty simple, as he is a programmer, and the other Pokemon who get Download are also associated with tech. The other two abilities are more complicated. Chihiro's backstory is that as a little kid, he was bullied for being weak for a boy. As of a result, he developed a weakness complex and crossdressed as a girl to escape the bullying. This is where Weak Armor comes from. It even is the HA due to the fact that his backstory is a secret to every other character in the game until after his death. However, in the game he's in, Danganronpa, he tries to overcome his weakness by working out and getting stronger. The reason he's murdered is because his murderer was jealous of Chihiro's mental willpower to overcome his weakness, which is where Stamina comes in. Going into moves, Alter Ego is Fujisaki's own creation, so I decided to make it a move. It's a Ghost move as when first discovered, Alter Ego is assumed to be Chihiro's ghost. It removes hazards due to the fact that Alter Ego exists on a laptop, which usually have fans to prevent them from overheating. Skipping over obligatory Electric STABs, Destiny Bond is due to the nature of Danganronpa, in which the murderer always goes down with the person they kill. Moonblast is the stand in for the crossdressing Chihiro did for most of his life. Focus Blast is somewhat in the same category, although slightly more subtle. Recover is simply there as the closest existing Pokemon to this submission, Porygon, has Recover. Amnesia is due to the fact that all students in Danganronpa have been purposely given amnesia several times, making them think that they just entered high school, when in reality, they've been trapped for two years. Toxic is something I assume every entry here gets, and it could use the utility anyway.

Chihiro Fujisaki @ Life Orb
Ability: Download / Weak Armor
Nature: Timid / Modest
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Alter Ego
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt / Recover
- Moonblast / Recover

Chihiro Fujisaki @ Leftovers
Ability: Stamina
Nature: Impish / Timid
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA OR 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spe
- Alter Ego
- Destiny Bond
- Recover
- Toxic
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"Only ONE of us is a real winner. About time you see it's me."
Pokémon: King Dedede (from Kirby)
Type: Normal/Flying
Type (as Masked Dedede): Electric/Flying
Ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony / Hammer Royale*
*Hammer Royale: Hammer moves (including all moves with Hammer in the name) lose any negative effects they have, such as stat drops or recoil. If they have no negative effects, they instead gain 1.2x power.
Stats: 130/150/110/70/70/70 (600)
Stats (Masked Dedede): 130/180/130/80/80/100 (700)
(When switching in with the Dedede Mask, King Dedede turns into Masked Dedede, similar to a Primal Reversion.)
Notable Moves: Dedede Hammer Throw*, Electro Hammer**, Wood Hammer, Ice Hammer, Dragon Hammer, Hammer Arm, Slack Off, Earthquake, Return, Body Slam, Rapid Spin
*Dedede Hammer Throw: Physical Flying-type, 100 BP, 100% accuracy, 15/24 PP, 10% chance to burn.
**Electro Hammer: Physical Electric-type, 100 BP, 100% accuracy, 15/24 PP, lowers speed by 1.
King Dedede @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Slack Off
- Dedede Hammer Throw
- Earthquake
- Body Slam

Masked Dedede @ Dedede Mask
Ability: Hammer Royale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dedede Hammer Throw
- Electro Hammer
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Hammer
Reasoning: King Dedede's base form is Normal/Flying because he's a bird-thing that flies, and has no strong association with any particular element. He becomes Electric/Flying as Masked Dedede, because Masked Dedede uses an electrified hammer, is fought in an electric cage, and sends out electric shockwaves with certain attacks. (You can even see sparks flying off him!) Thick Fat and Gluttony because he's fat and eats a lot. Hammer Royale is because he's really, really good with a hammer. As in the Kirby games, King Dedede is kinda slow, but durable and VERY strong. Masked Dedede's speed is much higher because, well, Masked Dedede is faster. The Dedede Hammer Throw is based on the move of the same name from the Kirby series, which he carries into Kirby Battle Royale. Electro Hammer is based off of Masked Dedede's electrified hammer. He also gets all "hammer" moves, for reasons that should be simple enough. Slack Off because Dedede's pretty lazy. Earthquake is common on big, strong Pokémon, and he, again, produces shockwaves on the ground with some attacks. Body Slam because one of his attacks is, well, a body slam. Rapid Spin is because one of his attacks as both a playable character and as Masked Dedede involves spinning around quickly.
"My beauty rivals the divine... and my power will crush all that you hold dear!"
Pokémon: Queen Sectonia (from Kirby)
Type: Fairy/Bug
Type (w/ Dreamstalk): Fairy/Grass
Type (as Soul of Sectonia): Fairy/Ghost
Ability: Pressure / Queen of the Sky* (Hidden)
*Queen of the Sky: Halves damage from Flying moves, and ignores the resistances (but not weaknesses or immunities) of the Flying type when attacking
Ability (as Soul of Sectonia): Wilted Soul*
*Wilted Soul: If Sectonia-Soul or Sectonia-Soul-Decapitated, Grass-type moves become Ghost-type and have 1.2x power. In addition, if Sectonia-Soul, after being KOed, revives as Sectonia-Soul-Decapitated.
Stats: 80/130/80/130/80/120 (620)
Stats (-Dreamstalk): 120/150/100/150/100/60 (680)
Stats (-Soul): 120/180/120/180/120/60 (780)
Stats (-Soul-Decapitated): 40/180/40/180/40/140 (620)
(Standard or Dreamstalk can be selected out of battle. When switched in with Soul Stone, Sectonia-Dreamstalk turns into Sectonia-Soul. Sectonia-Soul transforms into Sectonia-Soul-Decapitated as controlled by its ability.)
Notable Moves: Sectra Blade*, Moonblast, X-Scissor, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shadow Ball, U-Turn, Roost, Stone Edge, Power Gem, Stealth Rock, Defog, Sacred Sword, Flash Cannon, Leaf Blade, Petal Blizzard, Power Whip, Energy Ball, Wild Charge,
*Sectra Blade: Physical Fairy-type, 95 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP. 20% chance to lower target's Defense by 1.
Sectonia @ Life Orb
Ability: Queen of the Sky
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sectra Blade
- X-Scissor
- Sacred Sword
- Wild Charge

Sectonia-Dreamstalk @ Leftovers
Ability: Queen of the Sky
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Signal Beam / Stealth Rock

Sectonia-Soul @ Soul Stone
Ability: Wilted Soul
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Sectra Blade
- U-Turn
Reasoning: Standard is for OU, Dreamstalk is for Ubers, Soul might be fine in Ubers but is mostly just for fun. Primary Fairy because she's fairy-like, and she rules over the People of the Sky, who are almost identical to Kirby-verse fairies. Bug in base form because she's a wasp, Grass when merged with the Dreamstalk because she's a flower, and Ghost as Soul of Sectonia because she's fucking dead. Queen Sectonia in her first fight and Soul of Sectonia after ripping its head off are both pretty fast, hence their high speed. Meanwhile, Queen Sectonia in her second fight and Soul of Sectonia's first phase are both literally stuck in the ground, hence their low speed. Attack and Special Attack are even because Sectonia uses her strength and magic equally proficiently. Queen of the Sky is named for the fact that she rules Floralia, which resides high in the sky, and its properties reflect both that and the fact that she managed to get the upper hand against Kirby (!), who's Flying-type in this mod. Wilted Soul is because, well Soul of Sectonia is an undead flower, so it turns Grass moves into Ghost moves, and its form change is because of Soul of Sectonia detaching its head from its body after its first phase is beaten. Her moves are either common STABs or originate from her boss fights. Sectra Blade is because in all her forms, she always uses a way to cut people (her rapiers, sharp petals and flowers that turn into swords somehow, and the Kirby soul superboss special, Quad Cutter), and also she needed a physical Fairy STAB and Play Rough just doesn't fit.
Pokemon: Bub (Bubble Bobble)
Type: Dragon / Water
Ability: Cute Charm / Water Bubble (HA)
Signature Move: Bubble Toss (Water / Special / 40 bp / 16 pp / 100% chance to inflict "Bubble" on opponent. When inflicted with Bubble, Def and power of contact moves is halved. Bubble is volatile status, like confusion.)
Stats: 60 / 90 / 85 / 70 / 100 / 110 | BST = 515
Moves: Waterfall, Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Return, Dragon Claw, Drill Run, Aqua Jet, Dragon Breath, Slack Off, Lunge, Ice Punch, Bubble Toss (See above)
Reasoning: This is from an old arcade game. You play as Bub, a dragon who throws bubbles at his enemies to trap them and eventually pop. That explains his Dragon / Water typing, his HA, and his signature move. Cute Charm is only there because look at him. The stats are pretty easy to explain. The low HP is because in old arcade games including this, you only had a few tries before it was over for good. Attack is high because you are destroying enemies by jumping on or into the bubbles you throw, which is a fully melee act. Bubble Toss is special though, because it is a magical bubble that he summons (and for balance with water bubble). Defense is lower than special defense because all the enemies get up close and personal to attack you, and Speed is fairly high because Bub can move across the screen quickly by jumping on enemies, running around, and sliding on waterfalls.

Bub @ Life Orb
Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Bubble Toss
-Ice Punch
-Slack Off

Pokemon: Plague Knight (Shovel Knight)
Type: Poison
Ability: Prankster / Chemical Burn (This pokemon's poison-type moves have a chance to burn. The chance is calculated as [30% + chance of other effect happening.] The other effect can still happen, but it's chance is halved.)
Signature Move: Potion Throw (Poison / Special / 80 bp / 16 pp / Super-effective against rock types. 10% chance to poison.)
Stats: 60 / 70 / 75 / 130 / 115 / 115 | BST = 565
Moves: Sludge Bomb, Fake Out, Flamethrower, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Encore, Nasty Plot, Reflect, Light Screen, Parting Shot, Potion Throw (See above)
Reasoning: Plague Knight is the anti-hero from Shovel Knight, pure poison because he spreads disease and is a master of potions. Prankster is because Plague Knight might not be truly evil, but he is definitely tricky. His signature ability, Chemical Burn, is based on his attacks where he throws beakers and fire explodes from them, spreading across the field. The signature move is another of his attacks, where he throws beakers that explode, blowing up the ground (which is made of rocks in this boss fight). Plague Knight doesn't have much HP in game, so it reflects here, but he does throw many mystical potions of different kinds at you so his SpA is high. The SpD is also high because of his alchemical skills, and he is quite a speedy boi in game. The movepool is based on his ability to manipulate the elements with his potions, as well as helping himself in the form of most of his status moves.
Pokémon: Donkey Kong

Abilities: Iron Fist / Own Tempo / Sheer Force (HA)
Signature Moves:
Barrel Roll |
| Power: 30 | Accuracy: 100% | 16 PP | Hits 3-5 times. Each hit has a 5% chance of causing the target to flinch. Doesn't make contact. | Z-Move: 100 BP Bloom Doom.
Banana Peel |
| Power: - | Accuracy: -% | 16 PP | | The user eats a banana and restores 50% health and throws a banana peel at the foe's side. The next foe to enter the field falls and loses 20% of its maximum health. | Z-Move: Restores user's stat drops to zero.
Z-Move: King's Percussion |
| Power: 200 | Accuracy: 100% | 1 PP | Deals damage to all adjacent foes instead of taking damage. Sound based. Doesn't make contact. | Move Required: Belly Drum. | Z-Crystal: DKongium Z
Stats: 130 HP/160 Atk/100 Def/60 SpA/80 SpD/70 Spe (600 BST)
Moves: Body Slam, Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Superpower, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Hammer Arm, Low Kick, Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Trop Kick, Power Whip, Mega Punch, Drain Punch, Power-Up Punch, Counter, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Belly Drum, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Knock Off, Frustration, Return, Stomping Tantrum, High Jump Kick, Jump KIck.
Reasoning: Normal because DK is just a huge gorilla and Grass because he's also the king of the jungle. Iron Fist explains itslef, Own Tempo because b o n g o s and Sheer Force because he usually cannot control himself when attacks due to how powerful it is. (it's a fucking gorilla I can't give a better reasoning). Barrel Roll because is the main way he attacks Jumpman at his first appearence and Banana Peel is based on how much he adores bananas and on that annoying item from Mario Kart games. King's Percussion is based on his ability to use bongos as weapons and on his final smash at Super Smash Bros.
Donkey Kong @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Banana Peel
- Barrel Roll
- Body Slam / Earthquake / Fire Punch

Donkey Kong @ DKongium Z
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Drain Punch / Banana Peel
- Barrel Roll
- Body Slam / Earthquake / Fire Punch
Pokémon: Ridley (a.k.a the boi)

Abilities: Regenerator / Merciless / Tough Claws (HA)
Signature Move: Plasma Breath |
| Power: 130 | Accuracy: 100% | 10 PP | Physical if Attack is higher than Special Attack. Pulse Move. | Z-Move: 200 BP Devastating Drake.
Stats: 110 HP/125 Atk/75 Def/135 SpA/85 SpD/120 Spe
Moves: Crunch, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Dragon Claw, Dual Chop, Outrage, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Metal Claw, Poison Jab, Dragon Tail, Hone Claws, Dragon Dance, Brave Bird, Air Slash, Elemental Fangs, Stomping Tantrum, U-Turn, Taunt, Roost, Aqua Tail, Smart Strike, Steel Wing, Wing Attack, Iron Head, Fly, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, Defog.
Reasoning: Dark/Dragon because his boi is cruel as heck (Ordered his entire legion of space pirates to kill the whole population of K2-L, killed and ate Samus' parents and almost killed her, believes on the superiority of other species over others and is known as the friggin Cunning God of Death) and Dragon because he's unoficially known as a space dragon (ik it shouldn't count but c'mon guys look at him). Regenerator comes because he always has an excuse to be alive at every Metroid game, Merciless because of the same reason for being Dark (may change it tho) and Tough Claws because, well, his claws hurt a lot and are his more powerful source for doing contact damage at Samus. Plasma Beath is based on the plasma he attacks Samus with.

Pokémon: Meta Ridley

Abilities: Mega Launcher (HA)
Signature Move: Kinetic Breath Weapon |
| Power: 130 | Accuracy: 100% | 10 PP | Physical if Attack is higher than Special Attack. Pulse Move. | Z-Move: 200 BP Corskrew Crash
Stats: 110 HP/165 Atk (+40)/75 Def/175 SpA (+50)/85 SpD/130 Spe (+10)
Reasoning: Steel because it's reborn and cybernetically enhanced through Space Pirate technology and Dragon because he resembles one. Mega Launcher due to his mainly bomb and beams based attacks. Kinetic Breath Weapon is one of Meta Ridley's attacks at the Metroid games.
(The Boi) Meta Ridley @ Cybernetic Implants
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Plasma Breath
- Kinetic Breath Weapon
- U-turn / Roost
- Fire Blast

(The Boi) Ridley @ Choice Specs
Ability: Regenerator / Merciless
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Plasma Breath
- Dark Pulse
- U-turn
- Sludge Bomb / Fire Blast

(The Boi) Ridley @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Plasma Breath / Outrage
- Knock Off
- U-turn / Pursuit
- Poison Jab / Fire Fang

(The Boi) Ridley @ Poisinium Z / Firium Z / Dragonium Z
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Plasma Breath / Outrage
- Knock Off
- Dragon Dance
- Poison Jab / Fire Fang

(The Boi) Ridley @ Poisinium Z
Ability: Regenerator / Merciless
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Plasma Breath
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Sludge Bomb / Fire Blast

(The Boi) Ridley @ Cybernetic Implants
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Plasma Breath
- Kinetic Breath Weapon
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
Pokémon: Cancernia (from Mutant Genetic Gladiators)

Abilities: Hyper Cutter / Tough Claws / Drain Life* (HA)
*Drain Life: Every Attack of this Pokémon restore 50% of damage dealth from the user.
Signature Move: Skull Crush |
| Power: 130 | Accuracy: 100% | 16 PP | The user takes 33% recoil damage. Makes contact. | Z-Move: 190 BP Blackhole Eclipse.
Stats: 80 HP/170 Atk/130 Def/40 SpA/100 SpD/80 Spe (600 BST)
Moves: Knock Off, Bonemerang, Pursuit, Crabhammer, Leech Life, Dig, Poison Jab, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Pursuit, Shadow Bone, Razor Shell, Cross Chop, X-Scissor, Brick Break, Pursuit, Rock Slide, Dual Chop, Revenge, Superpower, Skull Bash, Bone Club, Bone Rush, Swords Dance, Hone Claws, Guillotine, Night Slash, Crunch, Brutal Swing, Iron Head, Headbutt, Double Edge, Head Smash, Head Smash, Shadow Claw, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Stomping Tantrum, Bulk Up.
Reasoning: Dark comes from being described as made by a ferocius race of evil crab-like aliens, and ground comes of living and being created underground (the relation between bones and Ground-type also counts). Hyper Cutter is almost a staple of Crab-like mons, Tough Claws because of its huge ass pinzers and Drain Life is a conmon ability for Necro-gened mutants in the game. Skulll Crush is the main Necro attack it gets, therebefore the Dark-typing. Its overall good bulk, huge attack and below average speed come from its game stats.
Cancernia @ Leftovers
Ability: Drain Life
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Knock Off
- Bonemerang / Poison Jab
- Stealth Rock / Spikes

Cancernia @ Life Orb / Darkinium Z
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Skull Crush / Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Bonemerang / Stomping Tantrum
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Pokémon: Hyness
Type: Dark/Psychic
Ability: Hood Removal (Below 50% HP, turns into Unhooded form. Above 50% HP, turns back into Hooded form.)
Stats: Hooded: 100/70/80/135/80/95 [BST 560]
Unhooded: 100/130/80/145/80/125 [BST 660]
Some Moves: Psychic, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Assist, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Shock Wave, Lava Plume, Thousand Arrows
Reasoning: Hyness is proficient in magic in general, and is the one leading the effort to bring back Void Termina. Dark/Psychic. He uses the various powers of his generals throughout his boss fight, explaining Assist (Second Phase), BoltBeam, and Lava Plume. He gets Psychic due to the manner in which he carries the generals around him during the second phase of his fight. Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball refer to the orbs of energy he attacks with throughout the fight. One of his attacks rains down a bunch of light needles down on Kirby and co., which gives him Thousand Arrows. His attacks suddenly become more crazed once the hood drops, transitioning between phases (Which is why he uses Minior-esque mechanics), so he gets a boost to Attack and Speed (with a smaller one in SpA) from there. He also puts up much more of a fight than he did without the hood, which is why he gets quite the BST boost.
Pokémon: Knucklotec
Type: Rock/Ice
Ability: Iron Fist / Solid Rock [HA]
Stats: 100/160/150/70/150/50 [BST 680]
Some Moves: Ice Punch, Icicle Crash, Rock Tomb, Icicle Spear, Ice Hammer, Hammer Arm, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Rock Wrecker, Mega Punch, Earthquake
Reasoning: Knuclotec's made of stone and summons icicles into the fight, on top of having a nice hat made of ice. Rock/Ice. Those stats are COLOSSAL, but Knucklotec's actually a god, as his names in Japanese and Chinese translate to "Tostarena God", and even outside of those versions he's heavily implied to be a deity. (i also gave him those stats because that typing is blagh) He focuses on Attack and bulk because for the former, his fists will HURT, and for the latter, the only means Mario has of damaging him is to hit him with his own fist. (This is why he gets Solid Rock.) He gets the punching moves he gets due to primarily attacking with his fists (Iron Fist comes from this as well).
Pokémon: Gotta Sweep
Type: Ground
Ability: Janitor (Absorbs Spikes and Toxic Spikes upon switch-in; Is immune to both.)
Stats: 40/50/130/50/120/160 [BST 570]
New Move: GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP! [Ground-type Dragon Tail clone]
Signature Z-Move: LOOKS LIKE IT'S SWEEPIN' TIIIIIIIIME! [Ground; 120BP; Physical; Defog effects + Forces the target to switch out. Use requires Sweepium Z and GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!]
Some Other Moves: Rapid Spin, Sand Attack, Smoke Screen, Haze, Gunk Shot, Mud-Slap, Mud Sport
Reasoning: Gotta Sweep's by far and large the fastest character in the game (Well, before you get the last notebook anyway, at which point Arts and Crafters takes that spot), and being a broom, is pretty durable. Ground makes sense when you consider that he cleans up the ground. A lot. Immunity comes from how being more or less the school's Janitor, you have to resist the trash you clean up. He gets his signature move from how he pushes EVERYTHING he comes in contact with when he roams the school, and the same goes for his Signature Move. (Though I imagine something flying would be able to float over him.) Rapid Spin is based on how a broom can swivel, and the other moves are basically Gotta Sweep attacking by sweeping near the target. (Gunk Shot = Dust Shoot in Japan)
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The return of the Hyperdimension Neptunia crew!
The four characters below are CPUs (Console Patron Units) who transform with HDD (Hyper Drive Divinity), which boosts their stats and gives them wings (hence Vert's human Ability and everyone else's Levitate in HDD). Stats and moves are translated to rough equivalents from the series of origin, including Z-Moves corresponding to their tier 1 EXE Drive skills. All SP Skills are translated, but some Combo Skills are skipped over.
This time around, changes to HDD form occur outside of battle using a key item called Processor Unit (like using the Prison Bottle to change Hoopa's form). HDD forms are intended for Ubers.


Pokémon: Neptune
Type: Fairy/Electric
Ability: Own Tempo / Oblivious / Forewarn
Moves: Cross Combo*, Storm Throw, Future Sight, Gear Grind, Swords Dance, Quiver Dance, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Air Slash, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Blaze Kick, Play Rough, Spark, Thunder
*Fairy, Physical, 10 BP, 100% Acc, 20 PP | Hits 7 times. | Fairium Z: 140 BP Twinkle Tackle
Z-Move: Neptune Break - Fairy, Physical, 18 BP | Hits 12 times. | Move: Cross Combo | Z-Crystal: EXEnium Z
Stats: 97/141/99/81/81/101 | 600 BST


HDD Form: Neptune-Purple-Heart
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 97/151/109/101/101/121 | 680 BST
Neptune is the CPU of Planeptune. Her Fairy typing comes from her whimsical nature. While she doesn't have many elemental attacks compared to the other CPUs, the modal element in her repertoire is Lightning, so her second type is Electric.
Personality-wise, she takes things at her own pace (Own Tempo), may seem like a bonehead at times (Oblivious), and is the most self-aware character in the series (Forewarn).
SP Skills: Cross Combo, Critical Edge (Storm Throw), 32-bit Mega Blade (Future Sight), Victory Slash (Gear Grind), Do Your Best! (Swords Dance), Stat Multiplier (Quiver Dance)
Notable Combo Skills: Hot Edge (Flamethrower), Ice Edge (Ice Beam), Blast Edge (Air Slash), Thunder Edge (Thunderbolt), Break Edge (Dazzling Gleam), Blaze Break (Blaze Kick), Dual Edge (Play Rough), Thunder Break (Spark), Thunder Crush (Thunder)


Pokémon: Noire
Type: Steel/Fire
Ability: Vital Spirit / Inner Focus / No Guard
Moves: Meteor Mash, Bone Rush, Gear Grind, Flare Blitz, Tornado Chain*, Swords Dance, Hone Claws, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Fire Lash, Zing Zap, Poison Jab, Body Slam, Fire Blast
*Steel, Physical, 40 BP, 100% Acc, 5 PP | Hits 3 times. | Steelium Z: 185 BP Corkscrew Crash
Z-Move: Infinite Slash - Steel, Physical, 12 BP | Hits 12 times. After the attack, the target's Defense, Special Defense, and Speed are lowered by 1 stage. | Move: Tornado Chain | Z-Crystal: EXEnium Z
Stats: 100/94/104/104/94/104 | 600 BST


HDD Form: Noire-Black-Heart
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 100/109/119/119/109/124 | 680 BST
Noire is the CPU of the industrial Lastation and specializes in Fire attacks. This is the reason for her Steel/Fire typing. She has a notable work ethic (Vital Spirit, Inner Focus) and notable accuracy in battle (No Guard).
SP Skills: Tornado Sword (Meteor Mash), Lace Ribbons (Bone Rush), Drop Crush (Gear Grind), Volcano Dive (Flare Blitz), Tornado Chain, Muscle Memory (Swords Dance), Tech Training (Hone Claws)
Notable Combo Skills: Hot Edge (Flamethrower), Thunder Edge (Thunderbolt), Flame Fencer (Fire Lash), Thunder Fencer (Zing Zap), Venom Fencer (Poison Jab), Paralyze Fencer (Body Slam), Vanish Buster (Fire Blast)


Pokémon: Vert
Type: Grass/Flying
Ability: Gamer - The user is grounded but immune to sleep. In Electric Terrain, the user regains 1/16 HP per turn. This Ability cannot be removed.
Moves: Sylhet Spear*, Bullet Seed, Power Whip, Hurricane, Nasty Plot, Agility, Cotton Spore, Leaf Blade, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam, Aura Sphere, Air Slash, Drill Peck
*Grass, Special, 85 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Where applicable, has a 20% chance to disable each target's last used move. Targets all adjacent foes. | Grassium Z: 160 BP Bloom Doom
Z-Move: Spiral Break - Grass-type, Special, 12 BP | Hits 11 times. Targets all adjacent foes. After the attack, all targets have their Speed and Accuracy lowered by 1 stage and, for 5 turns, are partially trapped and cannot hit critically. | Move: Sylhet Spear | Z-Crystal: EXEnium Z
Stats: 80/74/74/124/124/124 | 600 BST


HDD Form: Vert-Green-Heart
Ability: Telepathy
Stats: 80/84/84/144/144/144 | 680 BST
Vert is the CPU of the nature-loving Leanbox, hence the Grass typing. Flying comes from her affinity with Wind attacks. However, since she can't fly in human form, her Ability makes her grounded. Speaking of the Ability, Vert is the avid gamer of the CPUs.
SP Skills: Sylhet Spear, Rainy Ratnapura (Bullet Seed), Purpurascens Burst (Power Whip), Kinestra Slash (Hurricane), Brain Steep (Nasty Plot), Assam Link (Agility), Terai Division (Cotton Spore)
Notable Combo Skills: Slash Edge (Leaf Blade), Ice Lancer (Ice Beam), Venom Storm (Sludge Bomb), Mandarin Slap (Body Slam), Tea Photon (Aura Sphere), Air Lancer (Air Slash), Dust Strike (Drill Peck)


Pokémon: Blanc
Type: Ice/Fighting
Ability: Analytic / Anger Point / Filter
Moves: Tanzerin Trombe*, Circle Throw, Focus Blast, Ice Hammer, Iron Defense, Amnesia, Bulk Up, Zing Zap, Drill Peck, Poison Jab, Hammer Arm, Icicle Crash, Ice Beam, Blizzard
*Fighting, Physical, 12 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Hits 7 times. | Fightinium Z: 160 BP All-Out Pummeling
Z-Move: Hard Break - Fighting, Physical, 60 BP | Hits 3 times. Hits all adjacent foes and renders them unable to act next turn. | Move: Tanzerin Trombe | Z-Crystal: EXEnium Z
Stats: 135/104/124/74/104/49 | 600 BST


HDD Form: Blanc-White-Heart
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 135/124/144/84/124/59 | 680 BST
Blanc is the CPU of Lowee, the land of ice and snow. She also specializes in Ice attacks, hence her primary type. Though laconic, she is frightfully violent when provoked, which is where the Fighting type and Anger Point come from. Her human form is normally a steady bookworm, hence Analytic. Filter...well, just because her typing doesn't do justice for her ridiculous bulk in her game of origin. (Take my word for it.)
SP Skills: Tanzerin Trombe, Zerstorung (Circle Throw), Gefahrlichtern (Focus Blast), Getter Ravine (Ice Hammer), Defensive Support (Iron Defense), Mental Support (Amnesia), Andis Support (Bulk Up)
Notable Combo Skills: Thunder Hit (Zing Zap), Blast Hit (Drill Peck), Schild Break (Poison Jab), Strike Hit (Hammer Arm), various Ice attacks (Icicle Crash, Ice Beam, Blizzard)

Pokemon: Gnomey (Punch Quest)

Ability: Klutz / Oblivious / Secret Hat
New Ability (Secret Hat): Boosts the user's stats by 0.012%.
Atk: 80
Def: 50
SpA: 50
SpD: 50
Spe: 60
BST: 400 (lol)
Moves: Instruct, Follow Me, Bounce, Punch, Screech, Confide, All Punch-based moves
Signature Move: Punch |
| 90 BP | 20 PP | 100 Acc | Gnomes invented Punching, but THEY only used it for good. Deals triple damage against Bug-types. | Z-Move: 160 BP Breakneck Blitz
Justification: gNoMeZ rUle
Suggestion: discussion phase once in a while. I want to complain discuss about Inkling but I don't want to do it in voting/submission phases.

Now onto submissions

Pokémon: Worm (W☢rms)
Type: Ground/Fire
Ability: Detonate* / Mega Launcher / Reckless [HA]
*Bomb and ball moves hit off of the user's highest attack stat and deal 20% more damage.
Physical: Seed Bomb, Egg Bomb, Magnet Bomb, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Shell Trap, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Bulldoze, Fire Punch, Earthquake
Special: Searing Shot, Mud Bomb, Aura Sphere, Sludge Bomb, Electro Ball, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Mist Ball, Shadow Ball, Weather Ball, Octazooka, Zap Cannon, Mind Blown, Dragon Pulse
Status: Teleport, Lock-On, Focus Energy, Laser Focus, Coil

Signature Move: Explosive Sheep |
| 75 BP | 20 PP | 100 Acc | Bomb move. Removes any terrain, then hits.

Z-Move: Concrete Donkey | Base Move: Explosive Sheep | 150 BP | Bomb move. Hits enemy Pokemon, even those that are Flying-type or have the ability Levitate, and makes them susceptible to Ground-type moves.
Z-Crystal: Airstrikium-Z
Stats: 90/122/90/70/90/108 (570)

  • Ground-type: Worms are ground-dwellers.
  • Fire-type: Type related to explosion.
  • Stats: Worms are pretty balanced and can take many hits in a match, but they clearly deal more damage than they can take.
  • Detonate/Mega Launcher: Worms mostly use guns/explosives as weapons, and the only thing related to guns/explosives in Pokemon are bomb and pulse moves.
  • Reckless: Useless, but self-explanatory. These worms are reckless.
  • Signature move Explosive Sheep: Sheep is a classic Worms explosive. Most of Worms' explosions destroy the terrain, so this one removes the terrain.
  • Signature Z-move Concrete Donkey: An Air Strike-type super weapon that goes from top to bottom of the screen, destroying anything below it. The Air Strike can fly above any flying targets and deploy the Concrete Donkey on top of them, making this a Z-move clone of Thousand Arrows.
Now for some move explanations. I did my research.
  • Sludge Bomb: Poison Strike
  • Magnet Bomb: Electro Magnet
  • Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere and Focus Blast: Dragon Ball
  • Fire Punch: Fire Punch
  • Teleport: Teleport
  • Energy Ball and Seed Bomb: Banana Bomb
  • Mist Ball: Holy Hand Grenade
  • Searing Shot: Napalm Strike
  • Lock-On, Laser Focus and Focus Energy: Marked for Death
  • Bulldoze: Pneumatic Drill
  • Earthquake: Earthquake
  • Mind Blown, Explosion and Self-Destruct: Kamikaze
  • Zap Cannon and Electro Ball: Lightning Strike
  • Coil: Not based on anything from the games but worms can coil.


Pokémon: King Dedede
Type: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Gluttony | Thick Fat (HA) | King's Revenge (special, like Battle Bond on Ash-Greninja)
King's Revenge: Changes to Masked if at 1/2 max HP or less at end of turn. When using Hammer moves, only positive effects are taken into account (no stat drops or recoil).
Stats: 170 / 120 / 80 / 40 / 80 / 60 (550)
Stats (Masked): 170 / 145 / 130 / 40 / 105 / 60 (650)
Signature Move: Hammer Throw (Flying Type, Physical, 90 BP, 15 PP, 100% Acc., 30% chance to burn opponent)
OU Moveset:
King Dedede @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum (exclusive to Gluttony/Thick Fat sets)
- Acrobatics
- Hammer Arm
- Roost
Very strong Belly Drum set, rips through stall teams. Not very good against faster teams due to poor speed.
King Dedede @ Assault Vest
Ability: King's Revenge
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch / Wood Hammer
- Ice Hammer / Wood Hammer
- Hammer Arm
- Hammer Throw
Amazingly bulky attacker. Good luck getting past this wall.
Other moves: Dragon Hammer, Body Slam, Heavy Slam, Bounce, Rapid Spin, Wild Charge (exclusive to Masked), King's Shield, Bullet Punch (exclusive to Masked)
  • Flying-type: He's a bird (penguins are birds too, see Delibird). With suction powers. That can float, exactly like Kirby. He even shares the air bullet move with Kirby when they deflate and exhale.
  • Fighting-type: A hammer-wielding warrior who built a freaking wrestling ring on his own castle. His FIRST appearance is in a wrestling ring.
  • Stats: I mean... they seem pretty self-explanatory.
  • Gluttony: King Dedede is the antagonist of both Gourmet Race and Spring Breeze due to food reasons.
  • Thick Fat: King Dedede is clearly fat.
  • King's Revenge (Power Construct clone): Masked Dedede is a form associated with revenge, so it would only make sense to make it activate with low HP, taking revenge on the enemy who damaged it. Defeated in Spring Breeze, he becomes Masked in Revenge of the King. Defeated in Triple Deluxe, he gets "King Dedede's Revenge" form which is also masked.
  • King's Revenge (no stat drop or recoil from hammer moves): Dedede's hammer in Masked form is so good that he doesn't flinch when Kirby deals damage to him BUT only if he's doing a hammer attack. Therefore it wouldn't make sense for a top quality hammer to hinder Masked Dedede when he uses it in battle.
  • Signature move Hammer Throw: Dedede throws his hammer into the air, making it spin like a helicopter. That's why it's Flying-type. Also Flying-type gets STAB. Another hammer move that Dedede does, Hammer Flip, can SOMETIMES light the hammer on fire, so the move has a chance to burn.
  • Belly Drum: his down taunt from Smash Bros. Also he has an entire minigame dedicated to drums.
  • Acrobatics: Have you SEEN King Dedede's air moves when he's floating?
  • Hammer Arm + Wood Hammer + Ice Hammer + Dragon Hammer: self-explanatory, he has a hammer.
  • Roost: Firstly, he's a bird. Secondly, the text description of Roost is "The user lands and rests its body", that's exactly what King Dedede does when he deflates and exhales.
  • Wild Charge: his Masked-Dedede hammer is covered with electricity.
  • Body Slam + Heavy Slam + Bounce + Rapid Spin: common King Dedede moves, any video on youtube with his boss battles will show things similar to those moves.
  • King's Shield: He is the King Dedede.
  • Bullet Punch: Masked-Dedede's hammer can fire fast missiles. Since there aren't any multi-hit Steel or Fire moves, bullet punch is the closest we have to bullet missiles.

Pokémon: Primal Dialga (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky)
Type: Steel | Dragon
Ability: Pressure | Time Crisis (HA) - Moves used by this Pokémon that either hit after three turns, need a turn to charge, lock the user in the next turn or recharge in the next turn have none of those side-effects.
Signature Move: Temporal Eclipse - Ghost-type variant of Roar of Time.
Signature Z Move: Sky of Time and Darkness - Requires Timegearium Z - Base Move: Temporal Eclipse - 210 BP - Ghost-type - Hits Normal-types for normal effectiveness. Sets Frozen Time weather.
New Weather: Frozen Time

  • Can only be replaced by Desolate Land, Primordial Sea or Delta Stream.
  • Permanent, unless Primal Dialga switches out or faints, in which case it lasts for 5 turns.
  • Increases the power of Dragon- and Ghost-type moves by 50%.
  • Acts as if turns stop counting.
    • Any items, statuses, terrains and abilities that activate "at the end of every turn" don't activate under Frozen Time. Examples: Speed Boost, Shed Skin, Harvest, Leftovers, Toxic damage, Burn damage, Grassy Terrain, etc.
    • Field effects such as Screens, Gravity, Terrains, or Rooms can't be stalled out of time. Example: Aurora Veil is permanent for all intents and purposes unless Brick Break is used or Frozen Time ends.
    • Moves that hit after three turns never hit. (Future Sight and Doom Desire)
    • Moves that lock the user never "unlock" the user if used, but never confuse either. (Outrage, Thrash, Petal Dance and Uproar)
    • Moves that recharge in the next turn or Truant never recharge, because the next turn never arrives.
    • However, Sleep, Taunt, Torment, Embargo, Disable and Confusion keep their time counters like normal.
    • Frozen Time also doesn't stop its own turn counter.
  • Weather Ball turns into Ghost-type.
Stats: 100 / 150 / 120 / 150 / 100 / 90 (710)
Other Moves: Dialga's entire movepool, Doom Desire, Thrash
Reasoning: I'm a big fan of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, and since we have Shadow Mewtwo from Pokken, I feel like Primal Dialga deserves some love too.
Primal Dialga is a Dialga that lost self-control, and it loses control of its time powers too. In turn-based battle of normal Pokemon, time = turns, so Primal Dialga's signature ability changes turn-based moves in weird ways, such as Outrage, Doom Desire (new) and Roar of Time, and lets it use those indiscriminately. Good thing it doesn't get Geomancy.
The reason it gains a Ghost signature move and a new Ghost weather is because Primal Dialga's lackeys are all Ghost-types, like Dusknoir and Sableye. Primal Dialga also turns the future into a gray, "dead" landscape. Following the idea that turns = time, the weather's main effect is to stop turn counting. Competitively, this means Primal Dialga won't take burn damage, and works great with Misty Terrain or Aurora Veil support.
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Suggestion: discussion phase once in a while. I want to complain discuss about Inkling but I don't want to do it in voting/submission phases.
I don't see too much value in having a discussion phase for this pet mod. Any discussion or criticisms about a particular submission can be bought up in submission phase where the submitter has the opportunity to make changes. If there's more demand for a discussion phase, I'm open to introducing one but for now I don't see any reason to.
After talking to Cookie Butter, I realized I made some kind of bad design choices so I'm going to ask to make the following changes to my Inkling:
-Non-poison types in Inky Terrain have 0.67x speed instead of the Soundproof effect.
-Inkling gets Soundproof as a HA.
-Inkling now gets access to Boomburst.