Crossover Chaos V2: Slate 44 - Halloween

Voting is open. Get your votes in by next weekend.
Pokémon: The Bloat
Type: Poison/Ghost
Ability: Detached Eyes (Compound Eyes clone) / Thick Fat
New Move: Brimstone Laser (Dark-type | 130BP | Special | 70% Accuracy | 5-8PP | Just does damage, nothing else.)
Moves: Red Tears (See 0), Gunk Shot, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Bounce, Sludge Wave, Hyper Beam, Flail, Toxic Spikes, Body Slam, Infestation, Block
Stats: 105/115/75/125/90/40 [BST 580]

Reasoning: Poison/Ghost because The Bloat is a dead Peep, and NONE of the danmaku and creep left behind by Peep is red, which is the color other bosses tend to use for theirs. Bloat has good all-around stats, reflecting the use of those infamous brimstone lasers, the danmaku and creep left behind after landing, and of course, jumping about. (Shadow Ball's mandatory STAB btw) Bulk leans towards Special because Isaac's physical weaponry tends to be a straight upgrade to his tears, meaning Bloat takes more damage. Speed isn't Bloat's strong suit due to not moving outside of jumping. Moves are also based on the Bloat's own moves in combat, with Toxic Spikes and Infestation also originating from the creep left behind after landing from a jump. Block because Boss Arenas can't be left through exiting the door you just entered through. And in case you're wondering about Brimstone Laser's weird typing...
Spoilers for a post-post-Mom boss, though an unlockable character is described here too
Demons such as playable character Azazel and bosses Satan, The Fallen, and The Dark One/Adversary use them too, not to mention clearly-alive mooks such as the Vis. With all but two demon bosses using this move, plus Isaac's ability to get it for himself being from making a deal with the devil, might as well give Brimstone Laser the type associated with demons in general: Dark.
Pokémon: Cragalanche
Type: Rock
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Stone Edge, Head Smash, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Precipice Blades, Flare Blitz, Mega Punch, Rock Slide, Smack Down, Dynamic Punch, Mega Punch, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Superpower, Hammer Arm, Giga Impact, Heat Crash
Stats: 120/135/135/55/55/70 [BST 570]

Reasoning: Gigantic rock monster, Rock-type. Stats because Cragalanche is a very bulky and formidable opponent, but physical strength is what lies in the rock, not magical. (also striking him from the back will deal loads of damage and meleeing him there is way too risky for comfort due to his physical prowess) Thus, with his attacks also leaning physical, he's a physical brute that is designed to relentlessly sponge hits and return blows, and though his physical offense hurts like a freight train, incoming physical attacks aren't gonna do much. Unfortunately, you'll need to swap out the choice item for lefties if you get some health back, but he's strongg af regardless. Just note that a strong, Super-Effective Special move will cut this beast's rampage short.
Pokémon: Enderman
Typing: Psychic
Ability: Hydrophobia (Adds a weakness to Water moves. 12.5% of HP is lost after each turn in Rain.)
Moves: Psychic, Fling, Teleport, Ally Switch, Psyshock, Thrash, Outrage, Grass Knot, Mud Bomb, Mud-Slap, Sand Attack, Sand Tomb, Earth Power Detect, Rototiller, Astonish, Pursuit, Zen Headbutt, Miracle Eye, Mean Look
Stats: 113/127/71/61/71/127 [BST 570]

Reasoning: Ah, the Enderman. Though normally passive, staring into its eyes for too long causes it to move after you swiftly, with plenty of damage, and it's got quite the HP too. Grass Knot, Rototiller, and Ground-type attacks because of its ability to pick up some certain, yet specific things (Including flowers, soil, and sand and clay), Psychic, Zen Headbutt, and Psyshock are mandatory STABs, and Fling because 1. Ender Pearls, and 2. Can carry things. Other things are from when you anger it... It relentless chases after you in order to beat you down, with Detect being from how projectiles are useless against it because it just simply teleports out of the way. And Miracle Eye and Mean Look both relate to how staring into an Enderman's eyes are a bad idea, plus it's got you in its sights... (Miracle Eye is just there to hit Dark-types; Last I checked, these guys can hit Illagers)
Pokémon: Sophia
Franchise: Fire Emblem



Ability: Druid (Dark-type moves have 1.5x power.) | Forewarn
Moves: Nosferatu, Apocalypse, Trick Room, Future Sight, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Light Screen, Reflect, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam
Stats: 80 HP/10 Atk/45 Def/150 SpA/160 SpD/45 Spe (490 BST)

Nosferatu |




| 75 BP | 24 PP | 100% | Heals the user of health equal to the damage dealt.
Apocalypse |




| 110 BP | 24 PP | 85% | Super effective on Dragon-types.
Sample Sets
Sophia @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Druid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Trick Room
- Nosferatu / Apocalypse
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Draco Meteor

Sophia @ Assault Vest
Ability: Druid
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Dazzling Gleam
- Apocalypse / Nosferatu
- Psychic / Psyshock

Sophia @ Leftovers
Ability: Druid
EVs: 252 HP / 180 SpA / 76 SpD
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Future Sight
- Nosferatu
- Draco Meteor

Reasoning: She has the mysterious ability to see the future, and she happens to be half-dragon. Druid is the class she promotes to, which specializes in dark magic. Nosferatu is a tome that drains health, and Apocalypse is one that does more damage to dragon units. Her stats somewhat reference her stats in FE, having high Special stats and low Physical stats.
Pokémon: Dark Mind
Type: Rock/Fire
Ability: Levitate / Emergency Exit (HA)
Stats: 60/60/110/130/110/110 (580)
Stats (True Form): 120/60/100/140/100/80 (600)
Notable Moves: Crash*, Power Gem, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Solar Beam, Magic Coat, Mirror Coat, Reflect, Nasty Plot, Recover, Shooter Cutter (see Marx)
*Crash: Special Fire-type, 140 BP, 100 Acc, 5/8 PP. Hits 2 turns after being used. Bomb/Ball move. 200 BP Inferno Overdrive
Sample Sets
Dark Mind @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate / Emergency Exit
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Power Gem
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt / Nasty Plot

Dark Mind-True @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Crash
- Power Gem
- Recover
- Ice Beam / Nasty Plot

Reasoning: The final boss of Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, a being with control over mirrors that seeks to control the Mirror World. Rock/Fire because he's made of glass and fire. Levitate because he floats without ever touching the ground, and Emergency Exit because he flees when he takes enough damage. Crash is a move he uses in the game, while he can also use Shooter Cutter if one of his mirrors is broken. Various laser moves because his true form is extremely fond of lasers. Fire, Ice, and Electric moves because of his star shots that give Fire, Ice, and Spark. Magic Coat, Mirror Coat, and Reflect because duh. Recover because he can recover from being shattered between phases (pretty easily at that), Nasty Plot because Evil Plan.
Pokémon: Sphere Doomer
Type (Purple): Normal/Flying
Type (Red): Fire/Flying
Type (Green): Electric/Flying
Type (Silver): Ice/Flying
Type (Grand): Rock/Flying
Ability: Beast Boost
Ability (as Grand Doomer): Doomworker*
*Doomworker: STAB on Fire, Electric, and Ice.
(Purple, Red, Green, and Silver are available outside of battle and can Ultra Burst into Grand Doomer with the Grandoomium Z.)
Stats: 71/113/71/113/71/131 (570)
Stats (as Grand Doomer): 71/137/103/137/103/103 (654)
Notable Moves: Sphere Barrage*, Ice Burst**, Brave Bird, Air Slash, Hurricane, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Wild Charge, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icicle Crash, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Rapid Spin, Drill Run, Aura Sphere, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb
*Sphere Barrage: Special Normal-Type, 25 BP, 100% Acc, 30/48 PP. Type matches user's primary, runs off user's higher attacking stat, hits 2-5 times. 140 Z-BP.
**Ice Burst: Physical Ice-Type, 120 BP, 90% Acc. 5/8 PP. 10% chance to freeze. 190 Z-BP.
Signature Z-Move: Grand Barrage, Normal-Type, 15 BP. Matches user's primarty type and runs off user's higher attacking stat, hits 13 times. Can only be used by Grand Doomer, upgraded from Sphere Barrage with the Grandoomium Z.
Sample Sets
Sphere Doomer-Purple @ Grandoomium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sphere Barrage
- Ice Burst
- Wild Charge
- Drill Run

Reasoning: The extradimensional Energy Sphere-eating monsters from Kirby's Return To Dream Land. Flying because they're winged monsters that can fly. Because of their extradimensional origins (and because I felt like it), I gave them the Beast Boost ability and prime number stats of the Ultra Beasts. Red, Green and Silver all get types based on the abilities they give, while Purple gets the basic Normal and the Grand Doomer gets Rock due to its bouncing rock form. Sphere Barrage and Ice Burst are based off attacks they have in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.. In addition to their STABs, they also have biting, spinning, and ball moves from their attacks in canon.
Pokémon: Whispy Woods
Type: Grass
Ability: Powerful Breath* / Harvest (HA)
*Powerful Breath: Boosts Flying-type moves by 1.5x
Stats: 130/130/100/120/70/50 (600)
Notable Moves: Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Power Whip, Whispy Inhale*, Air Bullet**, Hurricane, Synthesis, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Heavy Slam, Rock Slide, Stone Edge
*Whispy Inhale: Physical Flying-type, 90 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, 20% chance to drop target's Defense by 1, Biting move, 175 BP Supersonic Skystrike
**Air Bullet: Special Flying-type, 30 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, hits 3 times, 175 BP Supersonic Skystrike
Sample Sets
Whispy Woods @ Leftovers
Ability: Powerful Breath
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Brave Nature
- Whispy Inhale
- Seed Bomb
- Stone Edge
- Overheat

Reasoning: Whispy Woods is a tree, hence Grass type. Powerful Breath because Whispy specializes in wind-based attacks using his breath, but obviously cannot fly. Harvest and Seed Bomb are based on Whispy's apple attacks, while the Poison moves are based on the poisonous version of said attack used as Whispy's Revenge. Power Whip, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes are based on his root attacks. Energy and Synthesis are just because Grass-type. Whispy Inhale comes from the attack of the same name, as does Crunch. Air Bullet inspires the signature move of the same name, while its gust variation gives Hurricane and its dark variation gives Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball. His fiery Burst Fruits from Star Allies give him Fire moves. Heavy Slam comes from his jumping moves. Rock Slide and Stone Edge come from the stone-tossing moves he gets as Clanky Woods in Planet Robobot. His stats reflect his being a big ol tree. His speed is 50 because while he's rooted in the ground, he's not completely immobile, and can crawl and jump (!) with surprising speed.
Pokémon: Creeper
Type: Grass
Ability: Supercharge*
*Supercharge: When hit by an Electric move, turns into Creeper-Charged. (Does not grant Electric immunity.)
Stats: 95/120/50/55/50/50 (420)
Stats (-Charged): 95/180/50/55/50/50 (480)
Move: Creeper Blast: Physical Grass-type, 500 BP, 100 Acc, 5/8 PP. User faints. Hits everything in double battles. 200 BP Bloom Doom.
Sample Sets
Creeper @ Focus Sash / Choice Band
Ability: Supercharge
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Creeper Blast

Reasoning: Creeper?! Aw, man! Pure Grass because it's a plant. Supercharge comes from how Creepers that are struck by lightning turn into the even deadlier Charged Creepers, but still take normal lightning damage. Its only move is also its signature move, Creeper Blast, based on its deadly explosion. I made it as powerful as Gen 4 Explosion and gave it STAB because, well, exploding is the only thing it's good for, so I had to make sure it was REALLY good at it.
Pokemon: Queen Sectonia
Type: Bug/Fairy
Abilities: Queenly Majesty | Pressure | Levitate
Stats: 80/125/75/115/85/120 (600)

Form: Queen Sectonia-Dreamstalk
Type: Bug/Grass
Ability: Moonstruck Blossom - Increases the effectiveness of this Pokemon's Moon-based moves by 50%, and removes its Grass-type weaknesses.
-Moon based moves: Moonblast, Moonlight, Moongeist Beam, Lunar Dance (does nothing and Sectonia can't learn it)
Stats: 120/125/115/140/120/60 (680)
Can be chosen on teambuilder

Form: Soul of Sectonia
Type: Bug/Ghost
Ability: Eternal Beauty - Increases the power of this Pokémon's Fairy-type and Grass-type moves by 50%. If this Pokemon is Queen Sectonia in its Soul form, it changes to Soul of Sectonia-Unrooted when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. Doesn't revert back when healing.
Stats: 130/140/130/170/150/60 (780)
Stats (Unrooted): 75/160/115/170/120/140 (780)
Works like other Kirby bosses' Soul forms, a transformation similar to Primal Reversion that happens when giving Queen Sectonia-Dreamstalk the Miracle Fruit

New Moves
Thrust Barrage - Bug | Physical | 25 BP | 15 PP | 100% Acc | Hits 4 times. Type changes based on user's secondary type if any.
Final Death Bloom - Grass-type Light of Ruin clone.

Physical: X-Scissor, Attack Order, Lunge, U-Turn, Fury Cutter, Sacred Sword, Stone Edge, Smart Strike, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Rapid Spin, Phantom Force
Special: Moonblast, Moongeist Beam, Signal Beam, Bug Buzz, Power Gem, Shadow Ball, Mirror Shot, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Mirror Coat, Night Shade, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Tri Attack, Swift
Status: Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Defend Order, Reflect, Light Screen, Barrier, Amnesia, Roost, Moonlight, Mirror Move, Teleport, Stealth Rock

Exclusive to Dreamstalk: Ingrain, Solar Beam, Seed Bomb, Spiky Shield, Needle Arm, Petal Blizzard, Power Whip, Petal Dance, Bullet Seed, Spike Cannon, Wrap, Bind, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Defog
Exclusive to Soul: Heat Crash, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Shooter Cutter (see Marx)

Reasoning: Sectonia... does things! (WIP)
Pokemon: Maws
Type: Poison/Water
Ability: Strong Jaws | Infiltrator | Lurker
- When this Pokemon uses a move with a charge turn, the attack is performed with x1.5 power, -3 priority and in the turn it is used, but the user will take half damage instead of having invulnerability in case the move grants invulnerability.

New Move: Ink Swallow - 80 BP | Poison | Physical | 10 PP | 100% Acc. | Bite-based. User is made invulnerable for one turn, then hits the next turn. When a foe attemps to switch out while the move is being executed, the move lands before switching out. Ball or Bomb moves deal double damage to the user while it is executing this move.

Moves: Dive, Dig, Skull Bash, Liquidation, Bite, Crunch, Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Super Fang, Hyper Fang, Screech, Roar, Supersonic, Hyper Voice, Lock-On
Stats: 100/130/70/30/110/106 (546)

Reasoning: Maws is a type of boss enemy from Splatoon. Poison because it can ink stuff. Unlike Inklings they live underwater, so they gets Water type. Maws's only actions ever are diving in ink (at which point it is invulnerable), locking onto a target, swimming until it reaches that target (goes through land, steel, etc to reach a target), then jumping up headfirst and jaws wide open to get the target in a single bite. Sound moves because Maws uses sonar to detect targets.
Pokémon: DJ Octavio
Type: Poison/Grass
Abilities: Soundproof | Slip Out | Octarian Arsenal
Slip Out:
Allows this Pokémon to always switch out, regardless of the foe's Ability, binding moves or its own Ingrain.
Octarian Arsenal: Poison-type moves are calculated from DJ Octavio's higher attack stat.
Stats: 110/100/90/80/70/100 (550)

Pokémon: DJ Octavio-Octobot King
Type: Poison/Steel
Abilities: Levitate | Octarian Arsenal | Iron Fist
Stats: 120/130/90/110/80/100 (610)

Spoiler form from Splatoon 2 (meant for Ubers)
Out of battle alternate form. Use the Hypnoshades on Callie and DJ Octavio, like the DNA Splicers on Kyurem and Reshiram/Zekrom.
Form: DJ Octavio-Octobot King II
Typing: Poison/Steel
Ability: Levitate | Octarian Arsenal | Inky Voice
Moves: DJ Octavio's and Callie's movepools combined. Can use both of their Z-Moves.
Stats: 120/140/90/140/90/100 (680)

Signature Z-Move: Massive Octobomb (200 BP | Poison | Special | Upgrades from Sludge Bomb with Wasabium-Z | The terrain becomes Inky Terrain.)

Physical: Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Leaf Blade, Double Iron Bash, Bullet Punch, Hammer Arm, Focus Punch, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Thief, Pursuit
Special: Sludge Bomb, Octazooka, Boomburst, Thunderbolt
Status: Acid Armor, Baneful Bunker, Nasty Plot, Toxic

Pokémon: Callie
Typing: Poison / Fairy
Ability: Dancer / Inky Voice (This Pokemon's sound-based moves become Poison-type moves.)
Physical: Steamroller, Splat Roller
Special: Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Bomb, Boomburst, Fiery Dance
Status: Parting Shot, Sing, Perish Song, Teeter Dance, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Stealth Rock
Signature Move: Splat Roller (80 BP | Poison | Physical | Lowers opponent's Speed by 1.)
Signature Z-Move: Bomb Rush (40 BP | Poison | Special | Upgrades from Sludge Bomb with Calamarium-Z | Hits five times. The terrain becomes Inky Terrain.)
Stats: 70/110/65/130/65/110 (550)
Reasoning: Poison type because she inks stuff, Fairy type because she's a pretty pop idol and also because she's pink/purple. Stats are a slightly altered versions of normal Inkling, because she's, well... an Inkling. Callie's more frail but hits harder because she prefers to go all out, based on her personality and Splatfest themes. Marie on the other hand would more defensive if she were to be submitted. (!_vs._Focus_on_healing). Callie is also physical unlike Inkling because she prefers the Roller weapons. Also why she gets it as a move. Splat Roller lowers speed because it inks the ground, and ink lowers speed.
She gets sound and dance moves because, unlike most other Inklings, she's an idol that... sings and dances. However, she hasn't been shown using many of the weapons that Inklings use, so she doesn't get moves such as Hydro Pump or Flamethrower. Bomb Rush is a Special in Splatoon, also the only Special that Callie was shown using, thus the Z-Move. Callie's theme song is also called "Bomb Rush Blush" so she is closely related to the move.
Splatoon 2 Spoilers
Callie gets Perish Song and Parting Shot as references to her being kidnapped and brainwashed during the Splatoon 2 story mode. It is also revealed that the brainwashed Callie is the one responsible for "renovations" in Octo Canyon, adding many traps and dangers to it, that is why I gave her entry hazards.
Slate #38
Characters with Unique Theme Songs


Congratulations to Cookie Butter, Pika Xreme (and Pika Xreme again) for winning with Queen Sectonia, Creeper and Dark Mind. From memory Pika is the first user who has won two submissions in one slate.

This slate was suggested by Cookie Butter. Any character that has their own song (such as a unique boss theme) or is very closely associated with a song (a motif related to a character) counts for this theme. Generic boss themes and series music do not count (such as the SMB ground theme). Brownie points if you post your sub along with its associated music.

Submissions for the current slate close in one week.
Have fun!​
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Actually, I won with Captain Falcon and Waluigi in the same slate. And Pika won with Zan Partizanne and Sonic in the same slate even before that.
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From memory Pika is the first user who has won two submissions in one slate.
Actually, I won with Captain Falcon and Waluigi in the same slate. And Pika won with Zan Partizanne and Sonic in the same slate even before that.
i mean it's technically not wrong, though there were definitely some earlier instances in v1

also gojiratar pulled it off in expanded just for trivia purposes
Characters with their own theme, huh? Well then how about...

Pokemon: Dharkon
Type: Dark/Poison
Ability: Bane of Light (The user's Dark type moves are super effective on Fairy types, and their Poison type moves are super effective against Psychic types.)
Signature Move: Demonic Rend
- Type: Dark
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 110
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 5 (max 8)
- Effect: Has a 40% chance to lower the foe's Speed by two stages. Targets all adjecent Pokemon in a Double Battle.
Signature Z-Move: Hammer of Darkness
- Prerequisite Move: Demonic Rend
- Type: Dark
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 190
- Effect: Lowers the opposing Pokemon's speed by one stage.
- Flavor: The user gathers together its entire dark mass and smashes it onto the foe. Lowers their Speed by one stage.
Stats: 97/142/101/65/88/100 (Total: 593)
Notable Moveset: Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Glare, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Curse, Work Up, Shadow Claw, Shadow Force, Phantom Force, Teleport, Sludge Bomb, Drill Run, X-Scissor, Laser Focus
Overview: Dharkon is the opposite of Galeem. He does in fact have his own theme. A dark entity that wants nothing more than to shroud the world in darkness. Everything about it is supposed to make you uncomfortable and wary, which is why here it has bizarre stat numbers. Like Galeem, its ability is named after the respective spirit power in game, and here it has the same effect for Dharkon's STABs. Its defenses are a little more balanced, in exchange for a lower offensive stat. Its Speed was kept the same as Galeem's Speed to show that, despite the two being polar opposites, they're equally matched. Also, fun fact about Galeem/Dharkon's themes. Galeem's theme uses the Lifelight motif, but it primarily uses the first half of the theme. It also seems to sound faster than Lifelight. To contrast this, Dharkon's theme uses the second half of the Lifelight motif, and is much slower than the actual Lifelight song.

Pokemon: Frog
Type: Fighting/Water
Abilities: Justified / Super Luck / Sniper
Signature Item: Hero's Badge (When held by Frog, sharply raises his critical hit ratio when using physical attacks.)
Signature Move: Masamune
- Type: Fighting
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 80
- Accuracy: 95
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: If the foe is Dark type and their other typing resists Fighting, this move is super effective anyway (does not hit Ghosts). Has a high critical hit ratio.

Signature Z-Move: Mountain Carving Masamune
- Type: Fighting
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 195
- Effect: If the foe is Dark type or Rock type and their other typing resists Fighting, this move is super effective anyway. (Does not hit Ghost.)
- Z-Crystal: Froginium-Z
Stats: 80/84/96/88/86/106 (Total: 540)
Notable Moves: Liquidation, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Scald, Bubblebeam, Surf, Aqua Jet, Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Strength, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Slash, Recover, Focus Energy, Reversal, Lick, Detect, Round, Bulk Up
Overview: Frog (with his awesome theme) is here! Frog is a swordsman with water magic, and his best way of dealing damage is using his high critical ratio. In battle, Frog works like a better version of Farfetch'd, utilizing the Hero's Badge with Sniper and high crit chance moves to score boosted crits left and right. Frog can also run special sets with Focus Energy and Super Luck, or possibly Focus Energy Sniper physical sets to take advantage of Froginium Z. However you go about using Frog, he'll fight nobly to the end.
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It's been way too long since I've posted here, but for THIS slate in particular? How could I not? This slate is practically BUILT for Touhou, given how practically half of the cast have their own themes!

"It ain't magic if it ain't flashy. Danmaku is all about firepower!"

Pokémon : **Marisa Kirisame** (Touhou Fuumaroku ~ Story of Eastern Wonderland). Theme song posted is Love-Coloured Master Spark (as it appeared in Imperishable Night), but she also has Magus Night and Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star, just to name a few.
Type: Normal
Abilities: Levitate / Magician / Speed Boost (HA).
Signature Item: Mini Hakkero- When held by Marisa, boosts the power of Marisa's off-type moves by 50% (So basically everything BUT normal-type moves [and Ice-types for the alternate form] get the boost). Also acts as a unique Z-Crystal for Marisa, and thus cannot be removed from Marisa.
Moves: Master Spark*/Master Spark Frozen*, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Dazzling Gleam, Nasty Plot, Agility, Thief, Dark Pulse, Tri-Attack, Swift, etc.
Signature Move: Master Spark- Normal-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. Can damage Ghost-types.
Master Spark Frozen- Ice-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. 20% chance to freeze the target.
Signature Z-Moves:
Final Spark - Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the typing of the move it upgrades from (So Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 210 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits both targets in a Double Battle. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, 40% chance to freeze the target.

Blazing Star -Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the type of the move it upgrades from (Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 190 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits the target's Defense. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, has a 100% chance to lower the foe's speed upon hitting.

Stats: 80 HP/70 Atk/50 Def/130 SpA/70 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 530).
Alternate Form: Marisa-Winter (Toggled by using the Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa out of battle. Can be reverted through using Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa-Winter out of battle. When switching from Marisa to Marisa-Winter, if Marisa knows Master Spark, it will be replaced with Master Spark Frozen, and vice-versa.)
Typing changes to Normal/Ice.
Stats and abilities remain unchanged.
Reasoning: Here we have Marisa Kirisame, the deuteragonist of the Touhou Project series, having been around since the second game in the series. Compared to the original slate, This Marisa leans more from more recent games in the series, like Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Marisa is often associated with magic, and her title is the Ordinary Magician, so it seemed fitting to make Marisa a Normal-type. But to get the most out of her coverage, Marisa has a signature item in the Mini Hakkero, which boosts her non Normal-type attacks by 50%, essentially giving them STAB too. Unlike Protean however, she does not change type. Her signature move is quite obviously her freaking huge magical laser, the Master Spark, which serves as her primary STAB move. It even works on ghosts in the series, so Ghost-types will be in for a big surprise if they think they're safe against Marisa lacking Dark Pulse, as Master Spark will blast them anyway. Only Rock- and Steel-types are safe. Her other main moves are based on attacks she uses through the series. Marisa's Hakkero has shown to have the ability to expel flames and frost as some of her shot-types, and it is a reactor, so she does get the holy trinity of Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam to her name. Draco Meteor is based on her star-based attacks (And one of her moves even has a nearly identical name, that being Star Sign "Dragon Meteor"), as are Swift and Dazzling Gleam. Dark Pulse is based on when her Mini Hakkero got possessed in Double-Dealing Character, and the spell card, Bewitched Weapon "Dark Spark" (Which is yet another Master Spark variant).

Marisa's abilities follow a simple pattern. Levitate is the standard Touhou fare, Magician fits thematically in two ways (She's a magician obviously, but she's also a known thief and burglar, fitting the item-stealing shtick [Not that she'd want to use it, given that she's usually going to be holding the Hakkero]), and Speed Boost is a reference to Marisa using her magic to fly faster (like with one of her Z-Moves).

Marisa's alternate form, Marisa-Winter, takes cues from Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where Marisa is infused with the power of Winter, giving her attacks an icy aftertouch. This affords Marisa a secondary Ice-typing and turns her Master Spark into Master Spark Frozen, which instead has a chance to freeze. Both the regular and Frozen variants of the Master Spark can be upgraded into one of two Z-Moves using the Mini Hakkero in place of a Z-Crystal. Final Spark is based off of her Last Spell in Imperishable Night, and is just a supercharged Master Spark. Blazing Star, on the other hand, is based on her Last Word from the same game, which later becomes a recurring spell card throughout the series, and involves her using a Master Spark as propulsion to ram into the enemy, hence a Psyshock-esque effect. The Z-Moves change type (and possibly effects) depending on which version of Master Spark is upgraded- the Normal-type versions can hit Ghost-types just like the base move, the Ice-type versions instead either reduce speed or have a chance to freeze the target solid.

Marisa's stats are fairly self-explanatory: She's a fast specially offensive glass cannon, just like in her home series.

Some example sets:

"Danmaku is all about Firepower!" (Standard Marisa set)
Marisa@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
-Master Spark
Coverage=Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam

"It's so cold over where I live that it's snowing! It's practically winter! Seriously, what's going on?" (Standard Marisa-Winter set)
Marisa-Winter@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest/Timid Nature
-Master Spark Frozen
Coverage=Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Tri-Attack.

"Eh, whatever. If I use this Yin-Yang orb well enough, it'll all work out, right?"

Pokémon: **Reimu Hakurei** (Touhou Reiiden ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers.) Theme song posted is Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle, as it appeared in Imperishable Night, but she also has Spring Lane ~ Colourful Path and Mystic Oriental Love Consultation, just to name a few.
Type: Fighting/Flying
Abilities: Cloud Nine/Own Tempo/Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden (HA)
Signature Ability: Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden- Removes the weaknesses associated with the Flying-type from the user. Moves that cannot miss (EXCEPT Z-Moves) gain a 50% increase in damage.
Moves: Swift, Feint Attack, Magical Leaf, Fantasy Seal*, Aura Sphere, Smart Strike, Play Rough, Detect, Outrage, Thrash, Close Combat, Petal Dance, Slack Off, etc.
Signature Moves: Fantasy Seal- Flying-type, 60 BP, Special, 20 PP. Cannot miss. Super-effective on Dark-Types. Calculated from Reimu's higher offensive stat.
Signature Z-Move: Fantasy Nature. Flying-Type, Special. Upgrades from Reimu's Fantasy Seal with Hakureinium Z. 250 BP. Does neutral damage to the foe, regardless of typing (Cannot deal Super-effective or not very effect damage). Ignores abilities. This move is a two-turn move: On the first, Reimu enters an invulnerable state, and on the second, Reimu attacks, leaving the invulnerable state. Damage is calculated from Reimu's higher offensive stat.
Stats: 100 HP/100 Atk/100 Def/100 SpA/100 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 600)
Reasoning: Reimu Hakurei, the Shrine Maiden of Paradise, is the main character of the Touhou Project series.

One of Reimu's titles (And a spell card of hers is named after this) is the Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden, and she's shown no trouble in handling the normal Flying-type weaknesses, so the ability itself manifests as a version of Delta Stream that is restricted only to Reimu herself. In addition, this ability also gives Reimu a 50% bonus damage on all moves that cannot miss with the exception of Z-Moves, referencing the fact that she always has the homing shot type. Speaking of typing, Reimu was a tough one to pin down at first, but eventually I came to Flying/Fighting. Flying because of the same reasons as her ability, and Fighting because in the fighting games, her moveset prominently includes usage of martial arts. Reimu's other abilities are a reference to her personality and distinct way of thinking from others in Gensokyo, and the weather she is associated with in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, the Sunny weather (While it's translated as Sunny, its kanji's more literal translation is Pleasant Weather), so she can either avoid confusion or keep weather effects off the field. While Reimu's typing is bolstered by Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden, removing the Flying-type associated weaknesses still doesn't give her all that great a defensive typing, as she only resists Bug, Fighting, Grass, Rock and Ground-type moves, and is weak to Psychic, Flying and Fairy-type moves (Fairies are always pranking her, after all).

Reimu's stats are because she's always the jack of all trades, master of none in any game she appears in: Her stats are 100 base across the board, not lacking nor excelling in any one area.

Her moveset typically revolves around her style of using homing attacks, like her trademark homing amulets. Moves like Aura Sphere, Smart Strike are all part of keeping in with this, along with Reimu's signature move, Fantasy Seal. It's a technique that forcibly seals the target away, and works extremely well on youkai, hence why it's super-effective against Dark-types. It is of course based on her most common spell card throughout the series, appearing in almost every game in some form since Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Other moves like Close Combat, Detect and Play Rough are from her appearances in Fighting Games and Print Works, or in the case of Detect, based on Reimu's keen intuition. Outrage and Slack Off are based on two facets of Reimu's personality: She's quick to anger if offended (And in fanon, oftentimes gets depicted as going on a rampage due to lack of donations), but she's also very lazy when it comes to things that not her duties. Petal Dance and Magical Leaf are the obligatory Hidden Star in Four Seasons reference, based on Reimu being infused with the power of Spring, though she doesn't get any extra form or a variant of Fantasy Seal from it.

Her signature Z-Move, Fantasy Nature, is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night and Hopeless Masquerade. It was difficult to balance this one given how utterly broken the ability is in the actual series' canon, so this was the best I could come up with: It's a two-turn move akin to something like Shadow Force or Phantom Force. With Reimu's ultimate manifestation of her natural powers, she ignores weaknesses, resistances and abilities, and cannot be hurt during the charge turn by anything. However, due to the charge turn, it can be fairly easy to prepare for Fantasy Nature so long as you're careful, and another Semi-Invulnerable move will beat Fantasy Nature out. Still, it is an IMMENSELY powerful nuke, and if you don't have a defensive measure prepared, you're probably going to lose something, as even coming off of a meager base 100 SpA, a base 250 STAB hurts a great deal.

"The number of things which cannot be cut by my youkai-forged Roukanken is next to none!"

Pokémon: **Youmu Konpaku** (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.) Theme song posted is Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?, which is Youmu's boss theme in Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Type: Ghost/Steel
Ability: Phantom Half
Signature Ability: Phantom Half- Youmu's attacks strike a second time at 35% power. The damage of the second hit is always dealt as Ghost-type damage, regardless of what type of move Youmu is using (And is subject to Ghost-type weaknesses and resistances). Cannot be disabled or removed.
Moves: Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Petal Blizzard, Roukanken, Hakurouken, Swords Dance, Agility, etc.
Signature Moves
Roukanken: Steel-type, 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Physical. Ignores the target's stat changes. Super-effective on Ghost-types. 210 BP Corkscrew Crash.
Hakurouken: Ghost-type, 90 Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Physical. Can damage foes that are normally immune to Ghost-type moves (e.g. Normal-types), removing their Ghost-type immunity until they are switched out (Basically a reskinned Thousand Arrows, except Ghost-type and single-target). 200 BP Never-Ending Nightmare.
Stats: 90 HP/125 Atk/100 Def/50 SpA/70 SpD/140 Spe (BST: 575)

Reasoning: Youmu Konpaku, the Half-Phantom, Half-Human Gardener, is... well, a half-human half-phantom hybrid who first appears as the Stage 5 Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She serves Yuyuko Saigyouji, and acts as her gardener (Although realistically she's closer to a maid, like a certain other silver-haired servant) and swordsmanship instructor (Not that she's ever seen giving Yuyuko lessons). She's an expert swordswoman herself and wields two swords that have been passed down through the Konpaku lineage for generations: The Roukanken and the Hakurouken, which manifest as her signature moves.

If you look at an image of Youmu, you'll see a white blob of some sort floating behind Youmu. This... is also Youmu, or to be more specific, her phantom half, which manifests as Youmu's first and only ability, manifesting as a slightly stronger version of Parental Bond which only deals Ghost-type damage (This means that the ability is useless against Normal-types unless she uses Hakurouken on them). Her other moves are mostly self-explanatory, except for perhaps Petal Blizzard. That move is specifically based on one of Youmu's spell cards from the fighting games. Specifically, Sword Skill "Cherry Blossom Flashing".

Youmu's stats are fairly straightforward as well. As a half-phantom, Youmu is naturally more resilient to physical attacks than an ordinary human would be so her defense is a fair bit higher than her special defense, and she has decent HP. In the fighting games, Youmu's projectiles are some of the worst in the game, which naturally translates to awful special attack. But in return, her melee attacks are fast and powerful, hence she has good attack and is blisteringly fast.

"Even with all your firepower, you can't match me, can you?"

Pokémon: **Reisen Udongein Inaba** (Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night) Posted theme song is the Urban Legend in Limbo version of Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon, which originated as Reisen's boss theme in Imperishable Night.
Type: Psychic
Ability: Red Eyes of Insanity
Signature Ability: Red Eyes of Insanity- Reisen's Psychic-type moves can affect Dark-type Pokemon, but only deal half damage to them. Against foes with a mental status ailment (Infatuation, Taunt, Torment, Confusion, Encore), Reisen deals guaranteed critical hits. Reisen can infatuate targets regardless of gender.
Moves: Mind Starmine, Demotivator, Tele-mesmerism, Psyshock, Confuse Ray, Glare, Hypnosis, etc.
Signature Moves
Mind Starmine: 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Taunts the Target, stopping them from using Status moves.
Demotivator: 80 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Torments the Target, preventing them from using the same move twice in a row.
Tele-mesmerism: 70 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP, Psychic-type, Special. Infatuates the target, giving all of their actions a 50% chance to fail.
Z-Move: Lunatic Red Eyes- Upgrades from Glare with Udongium Z. 180 BP. Hits both targets in a double battle. Confuses, Infatuates, Taunts and Paralyzes the targets, while also trapping them for 3 turns.
Stats: 80 HP/50 Atk/70 Def/90 SpA/90 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 510)

Reasoning: Here we have Reisen Udongein Inaba, the Lunatic Lunar Rabbit. She is, as the name suggests, a Moon Rabbit, a type of rabbit youkai that originally came from the moon, who first stats in Imperishable Night.

Reisen's Ability is based on her ability in canon, which is to drive foes to insanity through her eyes. Naturally, through this, Reisen is meant to focus on the mental status ailments, which she can easily inflict through her signature moves, all of which are named after Spell Cards in the series. This focus on mental assaults is also what gives Reisen her Psychic-typing.

Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night, Glare of the Hazy Phantom Moon "Lunatic Red Eyes", where she unleashes a powerful blast of waves from her eyes (Which, naturally, drives all nearby foes insane.)

...That's it. Reisen was actually very simple to make.

And for a VERY old submission...

"You can't let yourself be held back by common sense in Gensokyo, right?"

Pokémon: **Sanae Kochiya** (Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith) Posted theme song is a remix of Faith is For the Transient People, Sanae's boss theme from Mountain of Faith.
Type: Water/Flying
Ability: Blessings of Moriya
Signature Ability- Blessings of Moriya: Sanae also acts as if she is also a ground-type for purposes of Weaknesses, Resistances and STAB. So she's essentially a Water/Flying/Ground-type. Cannot be disabled, copied or removed by any means.
Moves: Surf, Wily Toad*, Yasaka's Divine Wind*,The Day the Sea Split* Dazzling Gleam, Roost, Tailwind, Reflect, Light Screen, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Earth Power, Hydro Pump, Aeroblast, Recover, Taunt, Encore, Toxic, Calm Mind, Follow Me, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell, Baton Pass, Soak, Rain Dance, other supportive moves.
Signature Moves
Wily Toad: Ground-type, Special, 80 BP, 10 PP. 30% chance to inflict Toxic Poison, Paralysis or Burn on the target. (Basically a Ground-type Tri Attack with a higher chance of inflicting, but no freeze.)
God's Wind: Flying-Type, 85 BP, 10 PP. 20% chance to increase all stats by 1 stage. (Basically a better, Flying-type Ancient Power).
The Day the Sea Split: Water-Type, Special, 95 BP, 15 PP. Ignores the target's stat boosts.
Yasaka's Divine Wind: Upgraded from God's Wind with Kanakium Z. 185 BP, Flying-type, Special. Raises all stats by 1 stage (basically Flying-type Clangorous Soulblaze).
Lord Mishaguji: Upgraded from Wily Toad with Suwakium Z. 185 BP, Ground-type, Special. Inflicts Sleep or Freeze on the target.
Moses' Miracle: Upgraded from The Day the Sea Split with Sanaium Z. 200 BP, Water-type, Special. Ignores the Target's Stat Boosts and has a high critical hit rate.
Stats: 120/50/110/100/110/100 (590 BST)

Reasoning: Sanae Kochiya is an Arahitogami- a human who ascended to godhood while alive- who first appeared in Mountain of Faith. She has low physical attack, but her other stats are decent across the board, and she has a good bulk of 120/110/110. Her typing is a bit weird and mostly a reference to her spell cards (Sanae's own spells mostly deal with water, for instance, The Day the Sea Split, which is her signature move), plus the two gods whose power she borrows, Kanako Yasaka and Suwako Moriya. Kanako Yasaka, a Sky Goddess denotes her Flying-typing, and her signature ability is a reference to Suwako Moriya, who is an earth goddess. This grants her a unique triple-typing of Ground/Water/Flying, granting Sanae two immunities (Ground and Electric), resistances to Fire, Poison, Steel, Bug and Fighting, and only a few weaknesses, notably to Grass and Ice.

She also, fittingly, has three signature moves: Wily Toad references Suwako's secondary nature as a curse goddess, inflicting the lowest damage of her signature moves but cursing the foe with nasty status ailments. God's Wind references Kanako's secondary nature as a War Goddess (later technological innovation), which empowers those who side with her. Lastly, The Day the Sea Split is from Sanae's own power, ignoring other stat gains that the enemy may have. And surprise surprise, they have Z-Move equivalents too, all based on Spell Cards from Mountain of Faith. That being said, Lord Mishaguji is Suwako's spell card, not Sanae's. But it just made sense.

Sanae is a supportive 'mon who comes in two distinct flavours. One flavour of Sanae supports her team, the other hinders the enemy team. She has a wide supportive movepool and combined with her nice defensive typing she can fairly easily switch in and promptly start throwing statuses or setting up for teammates. Sanae is not completely devoid of offensive presence either and, in a pinch, she can start throwing out powerful attacks, since Water/Ground/Flying is actually pretty decent combined coverage, too, so she can play a pretty decent Set-up sweeper, too. And Base 100 Speed is pretty fast. That being said, she's a bit dependant on luck for her signature moves' other effects and she can only use ONE Signature Z Move.

Her other moves are standard fare for being supportive and since she can create miracles there's no real reason to say she can't use 'em.

Here are three sample sets for Sanae, showcasing the different roles she can slot into.

Sample movesets:

"That may have looked like Sanae, but it's actually a wild poisonous Sanae... with poison!"
Sanae@Suwakium Z
Nature: Bold/Calm
EVs: 252 HP, spread the rest between Def and SpD as needed. Maybe some Speed if you need to outspeed specific threats.
-Wily Toad
-Status Move (Thunder Wave, Toxic)
Filler (For this set)= Taunt, Encore, Protect, Soak, The Day the Sea Split, God's Wind.

This Sanae has a simple purpose: Spread status and annoyance everywhere! Between Wily Toad, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Encore and Taunt, she's got a myriad of ways to cause your opponent no end of frustration. She can even put in extra coverage in the form of her other signature moves if you're worried about Flying-types or levitators (e.g. Other Touhous, ESPECIALLY other Sanae) hard walling you.

The Moriya Shrine Conspiracy:
Sanae@Kanakium Z
Nature: Bold/Calm
EVs: 252 HP, divide the rest between Speed and Bulk as needed.
-God's Wind
-Baton Pass
-Calm Mind
-Tailwind/Recover/Grassy Terrain/Misty Terrain/Heal Bell/Rain Dance/Wily Toad/The Day the Sea Split

Simple Baton Passer set. Get God's Wind Boosts and pass 'em (or you can use Yasaka's Divine Wind for a guaranteed +1 everything), OR for more reliable boosts, Calm Mind is there. Fourth Slot is Filler for what you want to support. Speed Support, Recovery, stopping status, granting healing or status restoration, setting up Rain or simply hitting things with more coverage.

Still Couldn't Take Over the Hakurei Shrine:
Sanae@Sanaium Z/Kanakium Z/Suwakium Z
Nature: Timid/Modest
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP.
-The Day the Sea Split
-Wily Toad
-God's Wind
-Calm Mind

Simple Calm Mind + 3 Attacks Set. Utilizing all three of her signature moves here for maximum coverage and versatility. Got a foe walling you? Spam Wily Toad and hope for a status hit. Enemy can't do anything to you? Throw out God's Wind and hope for a free boost. Want to hit something hard? Split the Sea on 'em. The Z-Crystal is variable here because all three Z-Crystals can be useful for an offensive Sanae set since they ALL have nice effects. Moses' Miracle is a very hard hitting Water-type nuke, Lord Mishaguji is a guaranteed disable on the target, and Yasaka's Divine Wind is Clangorous Soulblaze but Flying-type which is amazing.
Hey, might as well return. All subs count.

Pokemon: Robo
Type: Steel
Abilities: Filter / Iron Fist / Heavy Metal
Signature Move: Sweeping Cure Beam
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Special
- Power: 80 (Z-Move: 140)
- Accuracy: 75
- PP: 10 (max 24)
- Effect: If the user hits the target with this move, Robo is healed for 25% of his HP and the rest of the party by 12.5%. Also hits all targets and heals the user's partners in Doubles and Triples by the same amount for Robo. Cannot be used by anyone other than Robo.

Signature Z-Move: Lifeline (Requires Recover)
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Status
- Effect: Gives the entire party the "Raise" status condition. If another Pokemon is knocked out with this, they're revived for 50% of their max HP and all other members (barring Robo and its partnet) with this have it removed.
- Z-Crystal: Roboium-Z
Stats: 100/120/140/105/75/50 (Total: 600)
Notable Moves: Double-Edge, Comet Punch, Discharge, Meteor Mash, Flamethrower, Overheat, Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Mega Punch, Recover, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Shadow Punch, Hammer Arm, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk (CANNOT learn Toxic)
Overview: Robo is pumping with something that definitely isn't Rickroll! Robo is a interesting tank with access to several types of moves, including healing. In battle, Robo can either be a tank or a Trick Room attacker, due to his immense coverage and high bulk, along with Filter and Iron Fist to help out. His moves reference his punching ability, fists, beams, and other techs, with one of his triple techs, Lifeline being represented. Sweeping Cure Beam is more or less original here, being a combination of Laser Spin and Cure Beam. This also adds to his position as a cleric, due to its healing properties.

And reposts of my Neosonic-inspired subs. All count because its Touhou.

Sumireko Usami

Pokémon: Sumireko Usami (Touhou Shinpiroku ~ Urban Legend in Limbo)
Type: Normal/Psychic
Ability: Forewarn/Levitate/Psychokinesis (HA)
Signature Ability
Psychokinesis: Psychic-type Steelworker clone.
Moves: 3D Printer Gun, Zener Cards, Psychic, Psyshock, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Scald, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Detect, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Endure, Slam, Double-Edge, Foresight, Tri-Attack, Recover, Psych Up, Telekinesis, Trump Card, Agility, Barrier, Dream Eater, Kinesis, Light Screen, Reflect, Psychic Terrain, Psycho Boost, Miracle Eye, Rest, Sleep Talk, Teleport, Hidden Power, Surf, Waterfall, Soak, Sludge Wave, Happy Hour, U-Turn, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Signature Moves: 3D Printer Gun ~ Normal-type, 100 Base Power, 80 Accuracy, 5 PP. -6 Priority. Forces the opponent to switch out.
Zener Cards ~ Psychic-type, Physical, 25 Base Power, 85 Accuracy, 20 PP. Hits 2 to 5 times. Hits off of the opponent's Special Defense.
See Visions of the Other World's Lunacy! ~ Psychic-type, Special, 210 Base Power. Can only be access by Psycho Boost using Sumirekoium Z.
Stats: 81 HP/107 Atk/73 Def/116 SpA/72 SpD/118 Spe (BST: 567)

Reasoning: Expose the Esoteric! The Secret Sealing Club's First President: Sumireko Usami. She's a human with psychic abilities, so that's out of the way, and her abilities are self-explanatory. Forewarn for her enhanced awareness (I think), Levitate since she can do that, and Psychokinesis since I want to make a Psychic-type Steelworker.

Sumireko's stats were calculated using her puppet's stats. I took all 4 of her different styles, added them up, and divided them by 4. However, I realized that was weak, and decided to add +20 to HP, and +40 to Attack, Special Attack, And Speed.

Her movepool involves a Spellcard, a few different attacks based off her abilities, and some other garbage. Yes, she learns 3 signature legendary moves, but they do fit her well. Zener Cards is a multi-hitting Phyiscal move that does special damage, and 3D Printer Gun is a beefed up Dragon Tail, though Normal-type and Special. Not really much else to say considering she's one of the newer characters out there. Z-Move is her Last Word, and I couldn't think of anything interesting, so its a one-type Psychic nuke.

Pokémon: Satori Komeiji (Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism and assorted fangames)
Type: Psychic
Ability: Protean/Forewarn/3rd Eye (HA)
Signature Ability
3rd Eye: Upon switching in, copies the opponent's moveset, but all moves cost 2 PP to use. Resets upon switching-in.
Moves: Brain Fingerprint, Copycat, Assist, Mimic, Me First, Metronome, Nature Power, Rest, Sleep Talk, Sketch (once), Psychic, Hypnosis, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Moonblast, Energy Ball, Aura Sphere, Tri-Attack, Signal Beam, Earth Power, Power Gem, Surf, Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Nasty Plot, Fujiyama Volcano, Icicle Fall, Sword of Hisou, Miracle Eye, Mind Reader
Signature Moves: Brain Fingerprint ~ Psychic-type, Special, 70 Base Power, 90 Accuracy, 10 PP. Disables a random move on the opponent.
Perfect Mind Control ~ Psychic-type, Status. Inflicts the Control status condition. Lasts for 1 turn, and the opponent is hit with its own move. Positive effects are given to the inflicter and they can select what move they use. Can only be access by Mimic using Satorium Z.
Stats: 133 HP/116 Atk/56 Def/120 SpA/56 SpD/102 Spe (BST: 583)

Reasoning: Here's a pretty new one I got here, Satori Komeiji, the head satori of the Palace of the Earth Spirits. She has Orin and Utusho has pets, and Koishi as her younger sister (basically the same as the Scarlet sisters, but with their main focus swapped). Her main ability is to read minds and copy trauma, as well as hypnotism, so she's Psychic type as a matter of fact. Forewarn also kinda helps in that matter. Protean through the fangame, TPDP, because I want to, and Mind Reader to copy the opponent's moves, which is more or less canon through her Spellcards, but this time, she gains the opponent's movepool at the cost of extra PP.

Her stats are kinda of a translation of what she was in LoT2, with very high HP, good offensives, but low defenses. She also had low speed, but not here for the glass cannon roll I'm looking for.

Her movepool is one of a spellcard, and others based off of trauma copying, and fan game stuff, where she is a Blue Mage in GoS. Therefore, she has the most viable special move of all types. She can also mind control through Violet Detector and GoS, so I thought it was a cool idea. She also has moves from the other Touhou subs that one, but only from the ones that one for consistency.
Koishi Komeiji

Pokémon: Koishi Komeiji (Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism and assorted fangames)
Type: Psychic/Grass
Ability: Comatose/Flower Veil/Brambly Rose Garden (HA)
Signature Ability
Brambly Rose Garden: Upon switching in, sets up the terrain Brambly Rose Garden for the entire time Koishi is out, disappearing when either knocked out or switched out. The following effects are shown below:
  • Increases the power of Psychic-type moves for grounded Pokemon by 50%.
  • Flower Shield will now boost the user’s Special Defense and Defense.
  • Every turn, there is a 50% chance that Koishi may raise a random stat by 1, and a opponent's random stat lowered by 1.
  • Floral Healing will now be able to heal the user.
  • Other than above, has the same effects as Grassy Terrain.
Moves: Super-Ego, Release of the Id, Ancestors Are Watching You, Petal Blizzard, Leaf Storm, Petal Dance, Flower Shield, Floral Healing, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Rest, Sleep Talk, Dark Pulse, Scary Face, Night Slash, Slash, Sacred Sword, Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Nature Power, Grassy Terrain, Solar Beam, Heart Swap, Heart Stamp, Spore, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Attract,
Signature Moves: Release of the Id ~ Psychic-type, Special, 40 Base Power, 90 Accuracy, 10 PP. Deals 3 hits.
Super-Ego ~ Psychic-type, Special, 90 Base Power, 100 Accuracy, 5 PP. Always deals neutral damage, regardless of typing. Hits all targets in a Double Battle.
Ancestors Are Watching You ~ Psychic-type, Special, 70 Base Power, 100 Accuracy, 5 PP. Hits for 2 more turns after use. Deals 50% more damage to targets with a mental status condition attached.
I'm Going to Call You Now, So Answer the Phone! ~ Dark-type, Special, 175 Base Power. Deals damage to the opponent's Defense. Can only be access by Night Slash using Koishium Z.
Stats: 101 HP/53 Atk/74 Def/144 SpA/116 SpD/112 Spe (BST: 600)

Reasoning: And here we meet Satori's strange sister, Koishi Komeiji. Unlike her sister, she forcefully closed her 3rd eye, and has ended up in a permanent state of unconciousness (kinda), which is where Comatose comes from. Flower Veil represents her relationship with roses for her attacks, and Brambly Rose Garden, formerly her Last Word in HM, is now her signature ability, being a buffed up version of Grassy Terrain.

Her stats are also kinda of a translation of what she was in LoT2, but modified to fit a more special attacker/special wall. Also was made to become stronger than her sister due to her Extra boss status.

Her movepool is her 3 main spellcards from the fighting games and also more things like flowers, hearts, and knife moves because of her Z-Move.

And to honor me/Neosonic....


Pokémon: Flandre Scarlet (Touhou Koumakyou ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything (HA)
Signature Abilities
Four of a Kind: Flandre's damaging moves hit 4 times, with each hit doing 25% damage. Does not affect multi-hit nor fixed-damage moves, and secondary effects don't occur until the last hit.
Ability to Destroy Anything: Basically Sheer Force, Sniper and Super Luck condensed into one ability, but gives recoil equal to 25% of the damage done to the opponent for every move that doesn't have recoil.
Moves: Laevateinn, Starbow Break, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Oblivion Wing, Brave Bird, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Leech Life, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Dragon Claw, Fly, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Draining Kiss, Fury Swipes, Blast Burn, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Double Team, Lifesteal, Fury Swipes, Quick Attack
Signature Moves: Laevateinn ~ Fire-type, Physical, 150 Base Power, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Deals damage based on Flandre's higher attack stat. Consumes double the PP as usual and lowers her used attacking stat by -2.
Starbow Break ~ Dark-type, Special, 120 Base Power, 95 Accuracy, 10 PP. Deals damage based on Flandre's higher attack stat. Deals both Fairy and Dark-type damage, but deals 33% of the damage done back to the user as recoil. Cannot faint from the recoil, though.
Stats: 90 HP/150 Atk/50 Def/150 SpA/50 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 620)

Reasoning: Technically I'm taking this as a repost of Neosonic's Flandre, but I also made a Flandre, so here's a semi-weaker version of her. She has less firepower in turn for "better" bulk. Again, LoT2 inspirations here, but also adding Starbow Break, another famous spellcard to the mix. Laevateinn is also much more powerful, but with even more drawbacks. She also has more thematic and usable options and that's about it, really.

Meet Flandre Scarlet, younger sister of Remilia Scarlet and the Extra Boss of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. She's a vampire who may or may not be insane, but is incredibly powerful due to her Ability to Destroy Anything. This manifests as one of her two abilities, which basically acts as a combination of three other abilities: Sheer Force, Sniper and Super Luck, though for balance's sake, the Sheer Force portion of the ability is nerfed from 33% to only 20%. She also has an ability directly based on one of her most famous spell cards, Taboo "Four of a Kind", in which she splits into four, which manifests itself exactly as you'd expect- her attacks all hit four times, with each hit dealing 32.5% damage (for a total of 130% damage). Fire typing is based on some of her attacks having a fire aspect to it (Notably her signature move), and Dark-type because she's a vampire.

Flandre's stats are how she is typically depicted in fan works; A glass cannon, with emphasis on both the glass and cannon aspect. Flandre has insane amounts of Attack and Special Attack, and her speed is amazing too. To compensate however, Flandre's bulk is absolutely pathetic- to the point where even Deoxys-Attack compares favourably in terms of bulk, and you KNOW that if Deoxys-Attack compares favourably in that regard, it's really bad. Priority moves are the bane of Flandre's existence, and she can't ever switch in without a free switch. She NEEDS slow U-turns and defense against Priority (like Psychic Terrain) in order to succeed.

Flandre's movepool is based on spell cards she's used, her vampiric qualities and personality traits. Her signature Laevateinn is based on the Spell Card of the same name (Taboo "Laevateinn"), and it plays to Flandre's strengths and the foe's weaknesses- it deals adaptive damage. Night Slash and Dark Pulse are fairly self-explanatory. Oblivion Wing, Giga Drain and Leech Life are based on Flandre's vampirism, letting her drain the opponents' life to heal herself (Not that she should be taking damage ever, anyway). Play Rough is based on her childish Nature, and Brave Bird is because Crobat got it, so why not Flan? Dazzling Gleam is based on another spell card, that being Forbidden Barrage "Starbow Break".

Flan can run a multitude of sets (as long as they're offense-based, Defensive Flan is absolutely out of the question), so here are a few examples, which mostly boil down to the obligatory Choice sets. Because Flan will always switch out against something it can't kill in one hit.

Specs Flan
Flandre@Choice Specs
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP
IVs: 0 Attack (to MAYBE live a Foul Play... MAYBE)
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Dark Pulse
-Dazzling Gleam
-Giga Drain/Oblivion Wing

Banded Flan
Flandre@Choice Band
Adamant/Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Night Slash
-Play Rough
-Leech Life/Brave Bird

Scarf Flan
Flandre@Choice Scarf
Nature depends on physical or special. Adamant/Jolly for Physical, Modest/Timid for Special.
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 into either Atk or SpA, 4 HP.
Atk IV is 0 for Special attacking sets.
Ability: Four of a Kind/Ability to Destroy Anything
-Dark Pulse/Night Slash
-Play Rough/Dazzling Gleam
-Giga Drain/Oblivion Wing/Leech Life/Brave Bird
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Remember this Spider?

"Don't look so blue, my deary~ ... I think purple is a better look on you! Ahuhuhu~"
Pokémon: Muffet
Type: Poison/Bug
Ability: Swarm / Anticipation [HA]
Moves: Attack Order, Heal Order, Bug Bite, Spider Web, Sticky Web, String Shot, Toxic Thread, Sweet Scent, Venom Drench, Gastro Acid, Infestation, Knock Off, Assurance, Venoshock, After You, Last Resort, Retaliate, Play Rough, Poison Jab
Stats: 120/100/85/100/85/80 [BST 570]
Reasoning: Muffet is a Spider-like monster who challenges you to a battle unless you bought something from the previous room, which would cost 9999G, since someone offered her money to take your SOUL. First up, Poison/Bug. Bug's a no-brainer, as there's more terrestrial arthropods that are Bug-type than ones that aren't, and Poison is from how she turns your SOUL purple, which doesn't affect horizontal movement, but for vertical movement, you'll have to hop between the top, middle, and bottom of the screen to dodge her attacks, plus she's a spider. Her ATK is on par with most of the other mooks in the area, and her DEF is somewhat averageish. Her HP, though, is the highest in Hotland (well excluding mettaton), which can likely be attributed to her being a boss, but she still beats out So Sorry in the HP department, so... Anyways, moves. Attack and Heal Order are from her use of Spider minions throughout her fight, the former as danmaku and the latter I imagine as giving her some food to eat. The status-based Poison-type moves are from how she turns your SOUL purple, as mentioned earlier. Sweet Scent because she sells delicious treats, and the webbing-based moves (and Toxic Thread) because you get stuck in her web trying to progress when she challenges you to a fight. Last Resort is from how the use of her pet in her attacks is sparsely distributed. Finally, Retaliate is from how she mistakenly presumes you dislike spiders, such as the ones in Toriel's Ruins.

In the deepest darkness, there are beasts who wear faces stolen from your memories and pluck at the strings in your heart. Know yourself, and stay strong.
Pokémon: Nosk
Type: Poison/Bug
Ability: Disguise / Imitation (Renamed Illusion)
Moves: Take Down, Lunge, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Sludge, Bounce, Gastro Acid, Acid, Acid Spray, Screech, Roar, Double-Edge, Copycat, Role Play, Struggle Bug, Cross Poison, Poison Jab, Toxic, Belch, Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Mind Reader, Assurance, Fake Tears, Flatter, Snarl, Throat Chop, Block, Me First, Play Nice, Stomp, Sucker Punch, Venoshock, Infestation, Dream Eater, Psych Up
Stats: 100/112/90/90/80/90 [BST 552]
Reasoning: Nosk is a terror that lurks deep within Deepnest, mimicking any poor souls who draw too close to its nest. Stats aren't too high, but that's to balance out both its abilities being good and the paranoia that would ensue involving its abilities. Poison/Bug because it's an arthropod that attacks with infection. Either it has a sturdy disguise up that blocks the first hit in battle, or a weaker disguise of one of its teammates. Pair it with, say, Magus and what the foe thought was super effective turns out to be resisted (unless you're galeem). Anyways, its moves are based off of things it does in-game (those being: Charging and hopping across the map, attacking with acid all over the place, and jumping above you with acid leaking out of the ceiling, presumably from itself), Cross-Poison being a reasonable use of its front appendages, and other moves from its shrieks and copycat nature.

"Geh ha ha ha ha! Thoust FOOLS!"
Pokémon: Rouxls Kaard
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Run Away / Wimp Out / Defeatist
Moves: U-Turn, Taunt, Parting Shot, Substitute, Reflect, Light Screen, Teleport, Fling, Trick, Swagger, Work Up
New Item: Control Crown (Destroys itself and confuses the holder if it's not Kaard)
Stats: 55/45/75/45/75/120 [BST 415]
Reasoning: Rouxls Kaard is just a wimp who sets up puzzles... Yet for all his ham, his puzzles suck ass and once starved fresh dry of puzzles, he sics an enemy you defeated before on you, same stats and everything, and after that surrenders to your group unceremoniously, all in hilarious, over-the-top fashion. Wimp Out and Defeatist because he turns tail once things go south, which is likely to happen in the blink of an eye with him. Fairy because he's a Darkner, an entity hinted at to be entirely fantasy, even in-universe, and if the sole Darkner on your team being the White Mage of the bunch is any indication, Darkners have a stronger connection to magic in general than Lightners do. Psychic due to floating and not even being animated on the overworld, plus the aforementioned connection with magic. He is not a Dark-type because he's too inept at villainy to warrant the Dark typing in the first place. (The Dark type is also known as the Evil type in Japan; Kaard isn't even close to the same extent of villainy that the King of Spades' sheer cruelty and Jevil's complete insanity have reached.)
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Why settle for just one theme song, when you can have three?
The image above is purely an out-of-battle form, like Xerneas' Neutral Mode. In battle, Airy is sent out in Larva Form.


Pokémon: Airy (Larva Form)
Type: Poison/Bug
Ability: Wicked Thing - If Airy takes direct damage in Larva Form, then she changes to Pupa Form. Otherwise, if she ends a turn below half HP, then she enters Final Form. Pupa Form deals 1.2* damage with Fire-type attacks, while Final Form deals 1.5*. This Ability cannot be suppressed, bypassed, or copied.
Moves: Infestation, Thunder Wave, Fake Out, Steamroller, Play Rough, Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave, Toxic, Hex, Venoshock, Spiky Shield, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Earth Power, Dark Pulse, Attract, Taunt, Torment, Signal Beam, Recover, Acedia*
*Bug, Other, 5 PP | Clears all opponents' stat boosts and volatile status conditions. Sets up a field effect that causes the next opponent-hitting attack to deal super-effective damage. (Immunities are not ignored.) | Buginium Z: resets the user's lowered stats
Stats: 112/111/75/66/100/70 | 534 BST


Pokémon: Airy (Pupa Form)
Z-Move: Imperfect Flare - Fire, Special, 190 BP | Hits all foes. Can only be used by Airy in her Pupa Form. | Move: Fire Blast | Z-Crystal: Airium Z
Stats: 88/111/75/138/100/88 | 600 BST


Pokémon: Airy (Final Form)
Z-Move: Zeta Flare - Fire, Special, 210 BP | Hits all foes. Can only be used by Airy in her Final Form. | Move: Fire Blast | Z-Crystal: Airium Z
Stats: 88/120/75/150/112/121 | 666 BST

  • Typing - Airy is weak to fire and cannot be poisoned. She resembles bugs in her first two forms, and her presence is poisonous to the universe.
  • Moves and stats - Mostly derived from the game of origin. Signal Beam is a notable exception (added STAB option), some moves are multiple derived from one move of origin, Imperfect Flare is a Z-Move placeholder so that Airium Z is not dead weight on Pupa Form, and I tried to find an adequate way to balance Acedia. (Giving every form access to every move not named Zeta Flare might seem illogical, but anything beyond that would be too complicated.)
  • Ability - Named after the theme song of her Larva Form. The effect is based on the two story paths in which she is fought.
    • The bad ending, in which the protagonists disobey Airy, has her in Pupa Form as the final boss. The disobedience is represented as attacking directly.
    • The true ending, in which Airy completely deceives the protagonists, has her in Final Form as the penultimate boss. This sort of going with the flow is represented as a lack of direct attacks.


Samus's bounty hunter foes in Metroid Prime Hunters all have their own theme songs, and Trace is no exception.
Pokémon: Trace
Type: Psychic/Bug
Ability: Kriken - Upon using a physical attack, changes to Triskelion form. Upon using a special attack in Triskelion form, changes back.
Moves: Imperialist*, Psyshock, Signal Beam, Charge Shot (see Samus), Charge Beam, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, U-turn, Close Combat, Knock Off, Throat Chop, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Pursuit, First Impression, Extreme Speed, Sucker Punch, Fake Out, Lock-On, Vanish**
*Psychic, Special, 100 BP, 90% Acc, 10 PP | Guaranteed critical hit if user is faster. Hits Dark-types through their natural immunity. | Psychium Z: 180 BP Shattered Psyche
**Psychic, Other, 20 PP | Trace conceals his presence by turning invisible. He switches out, and his replacement takes half damage for the rest of the turn. | Psychium Z: fully heals switch-in
Stats: 105/80/95/145/95/85 | 605 BST


Form: Trace-Triskelion
Stats: 105/145/85/80/85/105 | 605 BST

Reasoning: Trace is a bounty hunter like Samus, so its stats and a good portion of its movepool are inspired by the Slate 19 winner. The Psychic type relates to the nature of his sniping/cloaking tactics, while Bug comes from his exoskeleton body known to be more fragile than it looks. Unlike Samus, Trace is just as well known for his alternate form, the Triskelion, which he uses for added mobility and to get up-close and personal in combat.
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Pokémon: Midna
Type: Dark/Psychic
Ability: Cursed Body
Moves: Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Moonblast, Moonlight, Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Taunt, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Parting Shot
Signature Move: Twilight Wave - 95 BP Special Dark-type move. 100% accuracy. 30% chance to lower target's attack.
Z-Move: Midnium-Z | Twilight Wave | "Fused Shadow" | 175 BP Dark-type move, raises user's stats by 1 stage.
Stats: 65/100/80/110/110/115 [BST 580]
Reasoning: Midna, the princess of the twilight realm from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Her ancient ancestors, a tribe of sorcerors, attempted to take the power of the gods and were banished to an alternate dimension as punishment. Dark type represents the darkness of the twilight realm, and Psychic type represents sorcery in general. The Fused Shadow is a magic relic of her ancestors, and something of a macguffin in the story.
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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.

Pokemon: **The Hollow Knight** (Hollow Knight)
Type: Ghost/Poison
Ability: Defeatist
Moves: Gunk Shot, Shadow Claw, Shadow Bone, Self-destruct, Sludge Bomb, Sacred Sword, Shadow Sneak, Lunge, Counter, Flamethrower, Magnet Rise, Body Slam, Iron Defense, Rest, Shadow Sneak
Stats: 80 / 100 / 75 / 100 / 75 / 90 | 510 BST
Reasoning: WIP


Pokemon: Pure Vessel
Type: Ghost
Ability: Untarnished (Immunity to Psychic moves. When hit by a Psychic move, restore 25% of health.)
Moves: Shadow Claw, Shadow Bone, Sacred Sword, Shadow Sneak, Lunge, Counter, Spikes, Magnet Rise, Body Slam, Iron Defense, Rest, Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Focus (see The Knight), Void Tendrils (Ghost | Physical | Non-contact | 85% Accuracy | 120 BP | 10-16 PP | No secondary effect.)
Stats: 80 / 125 / 95 / 125 / 95 / 110 | 610 BST


Pokemon: **The Radiance** (Hollow Knight)
Type: Psychic/Fire
Ability: Dazzling / Drought
Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Psychic, Psyshock, Sacred Sword, Spikes, Aura Sphere, Fly, Flash Cannon, Roar, Rest, Defog, Dream Eater, Inferno, Solar Blade, Psycho Cut, Solar Beam, Hypnosis, Morning Sun
Stats: 110 / 120 / 80 / 140 / 120 / 100 | 670 BST
Reasoning: The Radiance is the true final boss of Hollow Knight, only accessible after killing all the dreamers as usual but also acquiring the Void Heart and entering the mind of the Hollow Knight using the Ascended Dream Nail. Psychic comes from the Radiance only existing in the dream realm, and Fire comes from the fact that the The Radiance uses mainly Fire attacks and being heavily related to the Sun in the game. This also explains Drought. Dazzling comes from The Radiance being very bright, as well as the Dream Nail dialogue of many infected enemies mentioning viewing blinding brightness, The Radiance. The moves all come from things The Radiance does in-game, such as using fireballs, lasers, making Spikes appear from the ground, shooting swords in all directions, and other things. Absolute Radiance can be fought at the end of the Pantheon of Hallownest or in the Hall of Gods after reaching her once. It is the perfect version of the Radiance, with faster attacks, more health, and the looming fact that if you lose, you have to fight every boss in the game in a row again to fight her. Radiant Dreams is based on this perfect state strengthening Absrad and her effects on Hallownest through the infection.


Transforms when The Radiance holds the Godtuner item.
Pokemon: Absolute Radiance
Ability: Radiant Dreams: Active as long as Absolute Radiance is on the field, can be replaced by other Primal Weathers. Fire moves gain 1.5x power and all non-psychic or ghost types lose 1/16 of their health every turn. Water moves have 1/2 power, and sun-related abilities and moves like Chlorophyll, Solar Power, Morning Sun, Solar Beam/Blade, are activated by this.
Stats: 110 / 130 / 100 / 170 / 140 / 110 | 770 BST
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Pokémon: Mad Piano
Type: Ghost/Dark
Ability: Disguise
Notable Moves: Crunch, Pursuit, Snarl, Super Fang, Perish Song, First Impression, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, Wide Guard, Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang
Stats: 70/88/120/38/88/16

Reasoning: The Mad Piano the infamous enemy from BBH in SM64, known to scare every kid playing the game for the first time. Coming from the Halloween themed area filled with Boos, as well as demonic look, Ghost/Dark was obvious. In the game, the Mad Piano acts a Mimic, where it guards treasure until you get near it, using its unassuming looks as a piano to fool players into thinking it is simply a Piano, so giving it Disguise as an ability will let it play such role. All the moves are related to what Mad Piano does in the games, its huge mouth with sharp teeth, and the fact that it's a piano. Lastly, hits stats are slow and bulky, but someone with a good eye will notice a few things about the numbering.


Pokémon: Quincy
Type: Normal
Ability: Hustle, Hip Shot (Special Version of Hustle), HA: Quintessential Aim (Compound Eyes, but lower's your own accuracy instead)
Notable Moves: Every move with 85% accuracy or lower. Learns no moves with accuracy above 85%
Z-Move: Storm of Arrow: Just a normal type Sinister Arrow Raid. Derived from Fury Attack
Stats: 78/63/77/80/40/100

Reasoning: Quincy is among several Hero Monkeys in BTD6, and is usually considered the worst Hero in the game, due to his extremely poor accuracy and weak bow. Being a Monkey, as well as associating pretty well with the Primary category of towers (although Heroes are in their own category, you can consider some of them part of other categories based off themes), Quincy is naturally a Normal type. Like mentioned before, Quincy learned how to shoot from Storm Trooper Academy, and could not hit slow moving balloons if his life depended on it. This is why he has 3 abilities that lower accuracy and also has inaccurate moves. His signature Z-move is based of his level 10 ability in his game of origin, while Fury Attack is a reference to his level 3 ability. And lastly, his stats are again references to important rounds in the game.
I'll be subbing the characters with the first and second best boss themes in all of gaming.

Pokémon: Dynal
Franchise: Fossil Fighters

Ability: Mega Launcher
Moves: Rex Roar, Regal Combo, Antimatter Beam, Imperial Wrath, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Tail, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Shadow Claw, Smart Strike, Crunch
Stats: 170 HP/140 Atk/60 Def/140 SpA/60 SpD/30 Spe (600 BST)

Rex Roar |
| 8 PP | Raises Attack by 3.
Regal Combo |
| 67 BP | 8 PP | 80% | Hits twice. Inflicts the excite status, which prevents the target from switching for two turns.
Antimatter Beam |
| 160 BP | 8 PP | 85% | Fails unless there are two or more conscious Dragon-types in the party, other than Dynal. Hits all opponents. Pulse move.
Imperial Wrath |
| 60 BP | Z-Move. Hits thrice. 30% chance to badly poison. Requires Regal Combo and Dynalium Z.

Dynal @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Antimatter Beam
- Draco Meteor

Dynal @ Dynalium Z
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Regal Combo
- Rex Roar
- Crunch
- Smart Strike

Reasoning: Dynal is an alien who becomes a Vivosaur, which is like a Pokemon, but dinosaur-based. He is the penultimate boss fought in Fossil Fighters. His stats here are similar his stats in FF, with high health and attacking power, but low defense and speed. His moves here are all unique moves he uses, with Rex Roar greatly increasing his attack, Regal Combo hitting twice and inflicting the excite status, Imperial Wrath hitting thrice and inflicting heavy poison, and Antimatter Beam being a team skill that hits all the opponent's Vivosaurs.

Pokémon: Zeromus
Franchise: Final Fantasy

Ability: Noncorporeal (Can only be harmed with super effective moves, or Rock-type moves.)
Moves: Draco Meteor
Stats: 40 HP/40 Atk/40 Def/100 SpA/40 SpD/40 Spe (300 BST)

Reasoning: This is the first stage of Zeromus, who is the spirit of Zemus. This stage is immune to attacks due to being non-corporeal. However, since a gem was used to make him affected by attacks, his Ability here makes him harmable by Rock attacks. His only move is Draco Meteor, because the only move he uses in this stage is Meteor.


Pokémon: True Zeromus (evolves from Zeromus)

Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Big Bang, Black Hole, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Night Slash, Pursuit, Taunt, Torment, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Moonblast, Knock Off, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Explosion
Stats: 150 HP/158 Atk/148 Def/101 SpA/52 SpD/59 Spe (668 BST)

Big Bang |
| 175 BP | 100% | Z-Move. Hits all opponents. 50% chance to poison. Requires Thunder and Zeromium-Z.
Black Hole |
| 100 BP | 8 PP | 100%
True Zeromus @ Zeromium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Thunder
- Black Hole
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast

Reasoning: A gem turns Zeromus into his true form, making him corporeal. He has quotes that connect him to darkness and evil. He absorbs Flare, which is why he has Flash Fire here. Big Bang and Black Hole are two of his abilities, with Big Bang being a powerful burst that damages your party, and inflicts Sap. Lightning is shown during the attack, making it Electric-type here. Moonblast represents the area he's fought in. He has Psychic moves because he had mind control when he was alive. All of his stats here come from his stats in FFIV 3D. Speed and Defense are ripped right from Speed and Defense. Special Defense is ripped from Magic Defense. Special Attack is combined from Intellect and Spirit, and Attack is combined from Strength and Attack. HP is his FFIV 3D HP divided by 1000.
i've subbed both of these two before but these are completely brand-new versions, i remade them from scratch


Rise, oh Dark Lord of Despair!
Crush the stars, lay waste to care! (x4)
Rise and cover the land in sorrows!
May your symphony of emptiness
Bring the end of all tomorrows! (x2)
Pokémon: Void Termina
Ability: Unaware
Notable Moves: Destructive Stomp Strike*, Axe of Fury**, Jamba Sword***, Jamba Axe****, Jamba Spear (see Zan Partizanne), Recover, Horn Leech, Megahorn, Giga Drain, Hammer Arm, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Frost Breath, Sacred Sword, Nigh Slash, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Earthquake, Red Tears (see 0), Dark Pulse, Brave Bird, Oblivion Wing, Spirit Shackle, Spikes, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Shooter Cutter (see Marx), Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Surf, Waterfall, Boomburst
*Destructive Stomp Strike: Physical Dark-type, 85 BP, 100 Acc, 15/24 PP. 20% to flinch. Boosted against Minimize. 160 Z-BP.
**Axe of Fury: Physical Fairy-type, 120 BP, 85 Acc, 5/8 PP. 30% to lower target's Defense by 1. 190 Z-BP.
***Jamba Sword: Physical Fire-type, 90 BP, 100 Acc, 15/24 PP. 10% chance to burn target. 175 Z-BP.
****Jamba Axe: Physical Ice-type, 90 BP, 100 Acc, 10/16 PP. 10% chance to freeze target. 175 Z-BP.
Reasoning: The origin of all matter, energy and spirit in the multiverse, incarnated as a god of destruction. Unaware comes from his initially mindless nature. He gets draining moves from absorbing the life force of the Mage-Sisters and Hyness, Megahorn from his horns, and STABs for his various forms. He gets Recover due to the whole reincarnation deal, and the Jamba weapons because he uses weapons similar to the Mage-Sisters'. The rest of his moves are based off attacks he uses in battle. Destructive Stomp Strike is an attack he uses in his Demon God form. This form also uses punches and sword strikes, and has moves to match. Flamethrower and Frost Breath come from how he uses his breath to infuse his swords with elemental properties. Earthquake because his attacks create shockwaves across the ground. Red Tears is an attack used in his First Core form. Axe of Fury is an attack he uses in his Angel form. I felt Oblivion Wing fit because Yveltal and Void Termina are both gods of destruction, and see above about absorbing life force. He can call thunderbolts with spears, and shoot arrows. Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannnon, and Ice Beam come from his laser attacks. Shooter Cutter is used by his Final Core. He also gets Flare Blitz from his flaming tackle, and Boomburst because his laser is named "Loud Song" / "Song Laser".

Void Termina can change between its Demon God, First Core, Angel, and Final Core forms outside of battle.

Pokémon: Void Termina (Demon God)
Type: Dark
Stats: 130/150/110/100/100/90 (680)
Stats (True): 130/180/130/150/100/90 (780)
(Void Termina-Demon God turns into Void Termina-Demon God-True when holding the Jamba Heart.)
Void Termina @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Jamba Heart
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Recover
- Destructive Stomp Strike
- Jamba Spear
- Jamba Axe
Reasoning: Void Termina's first form, a towering humanoid. Dark is because it's referred to as the Demon God form. He mostly just smacks things and isn't especially fast, hence his stats. In Soul Melter EX, he is fought as the True Destroyer of Worlds, a stronger form that its True form is based on.

Pokémon: Void Termina-First Core
Type: Poison
Stats: 110/90/80/120/110/60 (570)
Void Termina-First Core @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Recover
- Spikes
- Red Tears
- Thunder Wave
Reasoning: Void Termina's second form, as well as his heart. It's Poison-type because it attacks with a blood-like liquid. It's by far the weakest form of Void Termina, which carries over here. It doesn't change visually in Soul Melter or Soul Melter EX, nor does it truly change strategies, hence it lacking a True variant.

Pokémon: Void Termina-Angel
Type: Fairy/Flying
Stats: 90/150/100/130/100/130 (700)
Stats (True): 90/180/100/180/100/150 (800)
(Void Termina-Angel turns into Void Termina-Angel-True when holding the Jamba Heart.)
Void Termina-Angel @ Life Orb / Jamba Heart
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Axe of Fury
- Brave Bird
- Destructive Stomp Strike
- Earthquake
Reasoning: Void Termina's third form, a winged being. It's Fairy/Flying because it's known as the "Angel" form. It's significantly faster than the Demon God form and starts using magical attacks, hence its stats.

Pokémon: Void Termina-Final Core
Type: Ghost/Water
Stats: 120/130/100/150/110/110 (720)
Stats (Void Soul): 120/180/100/180/120/120 (820)
Stats (Void): 120/200/130/200/150/120 (920)
(Void Termina-Final Core turns into Void Soul when holding the Soul Orb, and Void when holding the Twinkling Star. Void and the Twinkling Star are banned to AG with extreme prejudice.)
Void Termina-Final Core @ Leftovers / Life Orb / Soul Orb
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
Reasoning: Void Termina's true and final form, a ball with a familiar face. Three familiar faces, actually. Ghost because it adopts the role of Void Termina's Soul form, and Water because it appears to be made of liquid and it summons minions that are weak to the same things as water-based enemies. Void Soul is its form in Soul Melter. In Soul Melter EX, it instead appears as Astral Birth: Void. If you're wondering why Void is so powerful... it's the origin of all matter, energy and spirit in the multiverse. And it's a step above a Soul form for an actual god.


"Okay, okay, I give up. The endless night, stealing the full moon, hiding the human village, and putting funny hats on stone statues, it's all Alice's fault. Now bitch, get out of the way!"
Pokémon: Marisa Kirisame
Type: Normal/Water
Ability: Levitate / Magician
Stats: 60/110/50/140/70/110 (540)
Notable Moves: Master Spark*, Hyper Beam, Tri-Attack, Extreme Speed, Return, Water Pulse, Liquidation, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Lunge, Signal Beam, Power Gem, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Draco Meteor, Wood Hammer, Rapid Spin, Focus Blast, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Taunt, U-Turn, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Cosmic Power
*Master Spark: Special Grass-type, 120 BP, 90% Accuracy, 5/8 PP, 10% chance to burn.
Signature Item: Mini-Hakkero: If user is Marisa Kirisame: Boosts light-based and Fire-type moves by 1.2x power (see Dark Crown for list of light moves, Master Spark is also included), negates recharge turns when KOing with a recharge move
Marisa Kirisame @ Mini-Hakkero
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Beam
- Master Spark
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse / Water Pulse
Reasoning: The allegedly ordinary magician who lives in the Forest of Magic, stealing people's books and stuffing her face with mushrooms that probably aren't good for her. Normal because self-proclaimed ordinary human also yay Hyper Beam. Water because her talent is technically water magic, her best special Water move is Water Pulse because she doesn't really make use of it. Her stats reflect how she is in the Touhou series: she specializes in blasting things with powerful magic and she's pretty fast, while also being no slouch with physical attacks, but she's not exactly wanting to take hits. Levitate because she float, Magician because she's a literal magician who also likes to swipe "held items". Tri-Attack, Return, and Liquidation for STAB. Extreme Speed because yay fast. She also gets shitloads of light/laser based moves, because she's... really fond of her lasers. This includes her signature move, the Master Spark. It's Grass-type instead of anything she would get STAB on because it originally belonged to the flower youkai Yuuka Kazami until Marisa decided she should start "borrowing" people's spells too. Ice moves because she briefly went through an ice phase in Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Fire moves because she's used quite a lot of fire attacks. Draco Meteor because she has an attack named basically the same thing. Wood Hammer because she can indeed just smack people with that broom of hers. Rapid Spin because she's had several attacks involving spinning. Focus Blast because generic special move. Gunk Shot and Sludge Bomb because she's had attacks in fighting games involving throwing potions at people. Electric moves because Master Spark. Cosmic Power because she has a lot of star-themed attacks. Her signature item, the Mini-Hakkero, is used for her light and heat-based magic, hence its effect, also yay Hyper Beam.
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Pokémon: Kiara Sesshouin
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Abilities: Triage / Infiltrator
Physical: Zen Headbutt, Heart Stamp, Play Rough, Submission, Close Combat, Arm Thrust, Force Palm, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Dynamic Punch, Reversal, Attack Order, Sucker Punch, Beat Up, Power Trip, Pursuit, Foul Play, Lick, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force, Dizzy Punch, Last Resort
Special: Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Psybeam, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Extrasensory, Psyshock, Stored Power, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Zap Cannon, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon
Status: Play Nice, Baby-Doll Eyes, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Attract, Heal Order, Defend Order, Nasty Plot, Barrier, Reflect, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room, Curse, Healing Wish, Heal Pulse, Moonlight, Conversion, Conversion 2, Thunder Wave, Lock-On, Teleport
Thesis of Still Heart - 60 BP | Psychic | Special | 15 PP | --% Acc. | Ignores the target's type, always dealing neutral damage. Eliminates the target's stat changes.
Stats: 115/100/80/110/90/105 (600)

Form: Kiara Sesshouin-Heaven's Hole
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Abilities: Dazzling
Moves: All of the above plus:
Physical: Meteor Mash, Megahorn
Special: Doom Desire, Night Daze, Night Shade
Status: Cosmic Power, Sunny Day, Morning Sun
Stats: 135/120/90/150/90/105 (690)

By equipping the Crown of the Beast, Heaven's Hole Kiara can become Beast III/R Kiara (works like Primal Reversion).
Form: Kiara Sesshouin-Beast III/R
Type: Dark/Fairy
Signature Ability: Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation - When Beast III/R is on field, every Vulnerable Lifeform opponent is under the effect of Attract. This Ability can't be ignored.
Stats: 155/140/100/150/120/125 (790)

Pokémon: Urumi Ushizaki
Typing: Water | Rock
Ability: Pressure | Weight Surge (On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Gravity).
Signature Item: Heavy Stone Baby (If the holder is Urumi Ushizaki, can use Drowning in the Sanzu. If not, holder is grounded and Speed halved.) Fling power: 130
Z-Move: Drowning in the Sanzu (160 BP | Water | must know Dive | Inflicts Drown condition.)
Drown: A Pokemon inflicted with this condition takes damage equal to N/12 of its max HP every turn, where N starts at 1 and increases by 1 every turn. Prevents the target from switching for five turns. Water-types are immune. The effect ends if either the user or the target leaves the field.
Stats: 95/105/105/40/75/100 (520)
Physical: Stone Edge, Dive, Liquidation, Megahorn, Leech Life, Horn Leech, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Fling
Special: Infestation
Status: Trick, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Milk Drink, Protect
For Flavor: Origin Pulse, Whirlpool, Ancient Power, Smack Down, Rollout, Rock Blast, Horn Attack, Shadow Sneak
Reasoning: Urumi Ushizaki is a river-dwelling cow-spider youkai. She gives her stone baby to oblivious passerbies, only to weigh them down with her weight-increasing powers (where the abilities come from). She then emerges out of the river to attack. Her spells are based on the stone baby and drowning, which translates to Rock-type and Water-type. Some Bug-type moves were also given due to her being part spider, and cow-related moves in Milk Drink and Horn Attack as well. In current times, she is forbidden from attacking humans, so she now domesticates giant extinct fish instead, thus Origin Pulse and Ancient Power. Doubt you'll do much with that OP move because of her low SpA though. The Dark-type moves, Trick & Shadow Sneak are because she is a youkai that tricks people, gives them a bad thing to hold, sneaks in and attacks them.
Sample Set:
Urumi Ushizaki (F) @ Heavy Stone Baby
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Milk Drink
- Dive
- Leech Life / Stone Edge
- Trick / Stone Edge

Urumi Ushizaki (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Weight Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Liquidation
- Trick / Knock Off
Pokémon: Yuuka Kazami
Type: Grass/Fairy
Ability: Four Seasons Flower Master / Pranskter / Grassy Surge / Comatose
Works exactly like Red and Blue Basculin. Comatose Yuuka has long hair and pajamas.
Four Seasons Flower Master - In Rain, Sun or Hail, Yuuka restores 1/16 of her maximum HP, rounded down, at the end of each turn. In Sun, takes half damage from Fire-type moves. In Hail, immune to chip damage.
Physical: Petal Blizzard, Earthquake, Strength, Play Rough, Bullet Seed
Special: Petal Dance, Energy Ball, Frenzy Plant, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Hyper Beam, Tri-Attack, Seed Flare, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Fleur Cannon, Pollen Puff, Earth Power, Nature's Madness, Charge Beam
Status: Aromatherapy, Floral Healing, Sweet Scent, Nature Power, Rest, Sleep Talk, Play Nice, Spiky Shield, Ingrain, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Rototiller, Curse, Growth, Double Team, Agility, Teleport
Signature Moves: Master Spark - 120 BP | Normal | 5 PP | 90% Acc. | Hits twice if Double Team was used by this Pokémon the turn prior.
Additionally, Yuuka gains every flower related move added to Crossover Chaos. Currently only Final Death Bloom. Rosa Ichthys doesn't count due to being a weapon slash, thus not fully a flower move.
Stats: 120 HP/140 Atk/120 Def/120 SpA/100 SpD/20 Spe (BST: 620)
Pokémon: Seija Kijin
Typing: Dark/Normal
Ability: Contrary | Reverse Ideology
Reverse Ideology:
Moves by or against this Pokémon follow Inverse Battle rules.
Signature Move: This Side Down (80 BP | Normal | Physical | Does damage based on opponent's Special Defense)
Signature Z-Move: Overturning All Under Heaven (200 BP | Normal | Physical | must know This Side Down | Does damage based on opponent's lowest Defense stat) Must be holding Reverse Sign.
Physical: This Side Down, Frustration, Beat Up, Foul Play, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Spike Cannon, Reversal, Needle Arm, Twineedle, Brave Bird, Counter, Metal Burst
Special: Mirror Shot, Mirror Coat, Psyshock
Status: Topsy-Turvy, Mirror Move, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Ally Switch, Switcheroo, Trick, Guard Swap, Power Swap, Speed Swap, Power Trick, Heart Swap
Stats: 90/95/80/75/85/100 (BST 525)

Reasoning: Seija is an amanojaku with the power to turn over anything. So, almost everything about her is based on that fact. Both abilities and most moves reverse or turn over something. Dark/Normal typing because of her name Kijin is spelled with characters meaning "oni" and "human" which would be Dark and Normal respectively. This Side Down and Overturning All Under Heaven are some of Seija's Spell Cards, the one that's the Z-move is the Hard/Lunatic version of the other one. The only things that don't represent Seija's reverse powers are: Spike Cannon (representing her danmaku/bullet hell), Needle Arm & Twineedle (representing her Reverse Needle Spell Card), Brave Bird (representing her Change Air Brave Spell Card), Frustration because she lost against the main heroine (and got an entire spin-off game because she was angry at that), and the Dark moves due to her being a cunning and persuasive Dark-type.
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"Soup's on, baby"

Pokemon: Gary the Hot Soup
Typing: Fighting
Ability: Long Reach
Signature Move: Bottle Throw (60 BP | Rock | Physical | 100 Acc | 30 PP | USER threw a bottle!
Moves: Bulk Up, Vital Throw, Circle Throw, Storm Throw, Close Combat, Take Down, Tackle, Heavy Slam, Double Edge, Taunt
Stats: 150 / 90 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 (400 BP)

Reasoning: Gary the Hot Soup is a joke wrestling competitor in LISA: The Painful who is incredibly easy to defeat at that point in the game. However, he returns in the DLC sequel LISA: The Joyful as a much more competent opponent (the soup got hot, baby). Given, the only actual change he received is an HP boost from 400 to 5000, but he's still a somewhat difficult fight. His theme song in Joyful, 666 KILL CHOP DELUXE, is almost offensively bad. All of his moves are things you would see in post-apocalypse wrestling, and Bottle Throw is a weak attack he likes to spam. Long Reach due to his freakish arm proportions compared to a normal human in game.
Strongest Youkai - Huge Power clone
Stats: 140 Atk

Um... I'm probably not the best one to say this, but this looks... maybe just a little bit broken. Combined with Yuuka's great bulk and the fact that she has nearly 600 attack unboosted with 0 investment in this case (by comparison to Rhyperior, who has the exact same base attack), meaning that Yuuka's rather lackluster physical movepool doesn't really matter since she has just enough coverage to crush most things, and can just throw status on the few foes she can't just splat with overwhelming brute force.
Um... I'm probably not the best one to say this, but this looks... maybe just a little bit broken. Combined with Yuuka's great bulk and the fact that she has nearly 600 attack unboosted with 0 investment in this case (by comparison to Rhyperior, who has the exact same base attack), meaning that Yuuka's rather lackluster physical movepool doesn't really matter since she has just enough coverage to crush most things, and can just throw status on the few foes she can't just splat with overwhelming brute force.
To be fair, how powerful submissions are isn't really relevant. However, in Touhou, Yuuka (while strong) isn't the strongest Youkai. Yuugi is said to be the physically strongest and Suika after magic, and there is also Yukari border manipulation (which is essentially abilities she can use depending on the plot, and has nothing to do with the US/Mexico border). And there are also tons of other characters with far more power than those 3, but who are not Youkai.
So the ability doesn't really fit.