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Deoxys-L in OU is ridiculous.
I feel Medicham is a rather inferior version of Heracross now, but he's still capable of putting a major dent here and there. He has the right to be in the Alakazam/Marowak/etc group, along with a bunch of other Pokemon.
Deoxys-L in OU is ridiculous.
When discussing the OU tier useability in Ubers is irrelevant. The Uber tier exists to fit pokemon that would be broken in OU. If this means they never ever see use, then that is unfortunate, but that is how it will be.Tyranitar and Celebi deserve to stay in OU, because frankly, they would die in an instant in Ubers. Tyranitar has a 4x weakness to fighting, and with the advent of Close Combat, it's easier to take down. Celebi may be a little bit irritating to take down, but what the hell would it do in Ubers? It's easy enough to take down with its 7 weaknesses.
Well Knock Off isnt just a maybe there.. If any of those Pokes switched into a Knock Off they will be royally screwed..Insane movepool,recover,spikes,knock off,taunt,thunder wave.It defends a little better than cresse and is more useful poke.The real argument is this Weavile, T-tar, heracross the best counter are main part of the game and because deoxys has taunt,it will probably never use sleep talk set so, you will be use toxic, wisp and t-wave on thing faster deoxy LG which is a lot stuff. Movepool does not matter(well maybe knock off),Heracross, Weavile,T-tar still kick it around like a rag doll. Because it is name Deoxys it gets lump in with sweeper Deoxy F and Normal.People have negative image of it.