Release Information
NOTE: This OP is Defunct and used for links, only the Unique Pokemon and CAP Data remains. Refer to the Registration Thread for any updates to this information.
Stat and Rarity List
Attack and Command List
Ability List
Type Bonus List
Item List
Stat Boosters, Status, Natures, Capture Mechanics, and Other Mechanics
Referee Training Grounds is the relocation area for all of the Stat Boosting and Status information.
Unique Pokemon:
Some Pokemon are special cases and must be handled seperately. They are Unown, Smeargle, Shedinja, and Rotom.
Unown can use all types of Hidden Power and Struggle. Each instance of Hidden Power is considered a separate move for the purposes of Disable and Imprison. Unown's Hidden Powers take on the elemental attributes of each element rather than just being a simple energy attack, so for example Hidden Power Water douses an opponent, Hidden Power Electric can shock them, etc. Unown only gets the STAB damage boost on Hidden Power Psychic, but it does have -1 Energy Cost for all Hidden Powers. Consider the following effects of Hidden Power to apply when Unown uses them:
Hidden Power Bug: 50% Drain Effect (Leech Life)
Hidden Power Dark: Taunt Effect (Taunt)
Hidden Power Dragon: Roar Effect (Dragon Tail)
Hidden Power Electric: 30% Paralyze (Discharge)
Hidden Power Fighting: Calculates Damage Using Defense (Mystery Sword)
Hidden Power Fire: 30% Burn (Lava Plume)
Hidden Power Flying: High Critical Hit Ratio (Aeroblast/Air Cutter)
Hidden Power Ghost: 10% Special Defense Lower (Shadow Ball)
Hidden Power Grass: 10% Sleep (Spore/Sleep Powder/Grasswhistle)
Hidden Power Ground: 10% Accuracy Lower (Mud Bomb/Mud Slap)
Hidden Power Ice: 10% Freeze (Ice Beam)
Hidden Power Poison: 30% Toxic (Poison Fang)
Hidden Power Psychic: 10% Confusion (Psybeam/Confusion)
Hidden Power Rock: 10% Flinch (Rock Slide)
Hidden Power Steel: 10% Special Attack Lower (Flash Cannon)
Hidden Power Water: 10% Speed Lower (Bubblebeam/Bubble)
Smeargle can only learn attacks through Sketch. Smeargle has a Rarity Rating of 3, however Smeargle cannot be selected as part of your starting Pokemon. Once you catch a Smeargle, it can Sketch any of your starting Pokemon's starting attacks (Level-up Moves up to Level 25 and your selected Egg and BW TMs). Resultingly when you choose your starting Pokemon and their attacks, please mark them down with an asterisk (*). Smeargle can Sketch any 10 of these moves from your starting Pokemon. Additionally, Smeargle starts with three (3) Permanent Sketch Slots. Any attacks Smeargle Sketches during the course of a battle can be used during that battle, and then Smeargle can permanently learn any of those moves by taking up a Permanent Sketch Slot. Smeargle can apply any of its Move Points to another Permanent Sketch Slot.
Shedinja's Wonder Guard ability currently has the effect of reducing any Pokemon that possesses it to a maximum of 60 HP in exchange for only being hit by super-effective and status/stat-down attacks. Shedinja also has other qualities because of in-game precedence. It can pull Level-Up Moves from the lists of both Nincada and Ninjask, in addition to its own Level-Up Movepool.
Rotom can be caught just like any other Pokemon, however its appliance forms are more difficult to access. The arena must be a junkyard or some similar space where such appliances can be found, and then Rotom can possess those appliances. Once Rotom has an appliance form it may discard it at any time and move to another appliance (if it is available) or to no appliance. Phasing into or out of an appliance in battle takes up an action.
CAP Pokemon:
This will be where information on all the CAP Pokemon goes. It will be updated each time a new CAP is released or a change in CAP data occurs.
Here are a few notes regarding the CAP Pokemon:
1. CAP ASB follows CAP canon.
While the 4th Generation CAP Pokemon were outfitted forward with new 5th Generation movepools and Dream World abilities, these moves and abilities are not canon. If there is ever an official change to CAP canon regarding pre-evolutions of 4th Generation CAPs, the CAP ASB will adhere to the canonical standard and remove any non-canonical element.
2. CAP Pokemon from any future projects will be implemented into the ASB and released only after their official release on the CAP 5th Generation Pokemon Online Server.
CAP ASB exists as a fun spin-off of the Create-A-Pokemon project. We actively encourage all participants to join in each project, but please do not attempt to alter any process of a CAP to in some way benefit the ASB League. As such, only after a new CAP is released on the battle server will we begin constructing anything left out of the CAP process like pre-volutions etc.
3. There are otherwise no limits on CAP Pokemon.
Please use and enjoy these project creatures as much or as little as you wish. I have strived to balance the game to the best of my ability and have tried to be considerate to everyone who submitted a concept for a CAP prevolution.
Without further delay, here is the information on each CAP Pokemon. It contains all their relevant battle data and includes a Height and Weight so you can get an idea of how powerfully the Pokemon experiences knockback, etc.
CAP Level-Up to 25 Moves:
A Consolidation of the CAP Level-up moves for easy pulling into a registration or claim post:
Rarity Listing:
The rarity points to start with CAP Pokemon and the names of their base forms.
Capture Rates for CAP Pokemon:
CAP Pokemon can also be captured in some RPs.
NOTE: This OP is Defunct and used for links, only the Unique Pokemon and CAP Data remains. Refer to the Registration Thread for any updates to this information.
Stat and Rarity List
Attack and Command List
Ability List
Type Bonus List
Item List
Stat Boosters, Status, Natures, Capture Mechanics, and Other Mechanics
Referee Training Grounds is the relocation area for all of the Stat Boosting and Status information.
Unique Pokemon:
Some Pokemon are special cases and must be handled seperately. They are Unown, Smeargle, Shedinja, and Rotom.
Unown can use all types of Hidden Power and Struggle. Each instance of Hidden Power is considered a separate move for the purposes of Disable and Imprison. Unown's Hidden Powers take on the elemental attributes of each element rather than just being a simple energy attack, so for example Hidden Power Water douses an opponent, Hidden Power Electric can shock them, etc. Unown only gets the STAB damage boost on Hidden Power Psychic, but it does have -1 Energy Cost for all Hidden Powers. Consider the following effects of Hidden Power to apply when Unown uses them:
Hidden Power Bug: 50% Drain Effect (Leech Life)
Hidden Power Dark: Taunt Effect (Taunt)
Hidden Power Dragon: Roar Effect (Dragon Tail)
Hidden Power Electric: 30% Paralyze (Discharge)
Hidden Power Fighting: Calculates Damage Using Defense (Mystery Sword)
Hidden Power Fire: 30% Burn (Lava Plume)
Hidden Power Flying: High Critical Hit Ratio (Aeroblast/Air Cutter)
Hidden Power Ghost: 10% Special Defense Lower (Shadow Ball)
Hidden Power Grass: 10% Sleep (Spore/Sleep Powder/Grasswhistle)
Hidden Power Ground: 10% Accuracy Lower (Mud Bomb/Mud Slap)
Hidden Power Ice: 10% Freeze (Ice Beam)
Hidden Power Poison: 30% Toxic (Poison Fang)
Hidden Power Psychic: 10% Confusion (Psybeam/Confusion)
Hidden Power Rock: 10% Flinch (Rock Slide)
Hidden Power Steel: 10% Special Attack Lower (Flash Cannon)
Hidden Power Water: 10% Speed Lower (Bubblebeam/Bubble)
Smeargle can only learn attacks through Sketch. Smeargle has a Rarity Rating of 3, however Smeargle cannot be selected as part of your starting Pokemon. Once you catch a Smeargle, it can Sketch any of your starting Pokemon's starting attacks (Level-up Moves up to Level 25 and your selected Egg and BW TMs). Resultingly when you choose your starting Pokemon and their attacks, please mark them down with an asterisk (*). Smeargle can Sketch any 10 of these moves from your starting Pokemon. Additionally, Smeargle starts with three (3) Permanent Sketch Slots. Any attacks Smeargle Sketches during the course of a battle can be used during that battle, and then Smeargle can permanently learn any of those moves by taking up a Permanent Sketch Slot. Smeargle can apply any of its Move Points to another Permanent Sketch Slot.
Paras(*) Joltik(*) Axew(*)
Scratch(*) String Shot(*) Scratch(*)
Stun Spore(*) Leech Life(*) Leer(*)
Poisonpowder(*) Spider Web(*) Assurance(*)
Leech Life(*) Thunder Wave(*) Dragon Rage(*)
Fury Cutter(*) Screech(*) Dual Chop(*)
Spore(*) Fury Cutter(*) Scary Face(*)
Slash(*) Electric Net(*) Slash(*)
Agility(*) Bug Bite(*) False Swipe(*)
Leech Seed(*) Gastro Acid(*) Counter(*)
Pursuit(*) Disable(*) Night Slash(*)
Swords Dance(*) Faint Attack(*) Reversal(*)
Brick Break(*) Pursuit(*) Hone Claws(*)
Dig(*) Thunderbolt(*) Rock Tomb(*)
Energy Ball(*) Incinerate(*)
Leech Seed
Swords Dance
Spider Web
Bug Bite
Gastro Acid
Faint Attack
Dual Chop
Dragon Rage
Hone Claws
Shedinja's Wonder Guard ability currently has the effect of reducing any Pokemon that possesses it to a maximum of 60 HP in exchange for only being hit by super-effective and status/stat-down attacks. Shedinja also has other qualities because of in-game precedence. It can pull Level-Up Moves from the lists of both Nincada and Ninjask, in addition to its own Level-Up Movepool.
Rotom can be caught just like any other Pokemon, however its appliance forms are more difficult to access. The arena must be a junkyard or some similar space where such appliances can be found, and then Rotom can possess those appliances. Once Rotom has an appliance form it may discard it at any time and move to another appliance (if it is available) or to no appliance. Phasing into or out of an appliance in battle takes up an action.
CAP Pokemon:
This will be where information on all the CAP Pokemon goes. It will be updated each time a new CAP is released or a change in CAP data occurs.
Here are a few notes regarding the CAP Pokemon:
1. CAP ASB follows CAP canon.
While the 4th Generation CAP Pokemon were outfitted forward with new 5th Generation movepools and Dream World abilities, these moves and abilities are not canon. If there is ever an official change to CAP canon regarding pre-evolutions of 4th Generation CAPs, the CAP ASB will adhere to the canonical standard and remove any non-canonical element.
2. CAP Pokemon from any future projects will be implemented into the ASB and released only after their official release on the CAP 5th Generation Pokemon Online Server.
CAP ASB exists as a fun spin-off of the Create-A-Pokemon project. We actively encourage all participants to join in each project, but please do not attempt to alter any process of a CAP to in some way benefit the ASB League. As such, only after a new CAP is released on the battle server will we begin constructing anything left out of the CAP process like pre-volutions etc.
3. There are otherwise no limits on CAP Pokemon.
Please use and enjoy these project creatures as much or as little as you wish. I have strived to balance the game to the best of my ability and have tried to be considerate to everyone who submitted a concept for a CAP prevolution.
Without further delay, here is the information on each CAP Pokemon. It contains all their relevant battle data and includes a Height and Weight so you can get an idea of how powerfully the Pokemon experiences knockback, etc.
Height: 1'7"
Weight: 44 lbs / 20 kg
Evolution: Syclar --> Level 40 --> Syclant
Type: Ice/Bug
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.
Bug: Bug STAB; More mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gain an extra guaranteed attack on multi-hit moves.
Compoundeyes: (Innate) This Pokemon’s complex eyes give it a comprehensive view of the field, making its attack 30% (x1.3) more accurate.
Mountaineer: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to scaling and avoiding rocks. It can avoid damage from Stealth Rock when it switches in, and one Rock-type attack per round.
Technician (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for mutli-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Stats: 40 / 76 / 35 / 74 / 34 / 91
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 91
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
5 Ice Shard
8 Focus Energy
14 Slash
18 Icy Wind
27 X-Scissor
30 Ice Beam
35 Hail
42 Bug Buzz
49 Avalanche
60 Sheer Cold
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
4 Scratch
9 Focus Energy
13 Ice Shard
17 Slash
21 Bug Bite
25 Icicle Spear
29 Hail
33 Icy Wind
37 X-Scissor
41 Avalanche
45 Icicle Crash
49 Bug Buzz
54 Sheer Cold
Egg Moves:
Earth Power
Pin Missile
String Shot
Tail Glow
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
String Shot
4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Silver Wind
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM54 False Swipe
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM79 Frost Breath
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 114.4 lbs / 52 kg
Evolution: Syclar --> Level 40 --> Syclant
Type: Ice/Bug
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.
Bug: Bug STAB; More mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gain an extra guaranteed attack on multi-hit moves.
Compoundeyes: (Innate) This Pokemon’s complex eyes give it a comprehensive view of the field, making its attack 30% (x1.3) more accurate.
Mountaineer: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to scaling and avoiding rocks. It can avoid damage from Stealth Rock when it switches in, and one Rock-type attack per round.
Technician (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for mutli-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Stats: 70 / 116 / 70 / 114 / 64 / 121
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 121
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
5 Ice Shard
8 Focus Energy
14 Slash
18 Icy Wind
27 X-Scissor
30 Ice Punch
35 Hail
42 Bug Buzz
49 Avalanche
60 Sheer Cold
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Punch
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
4 Scratch
9 Focus Energy
13 Ice Shard
17 Slash
21 Bug Bite
25 Icicle Spear
29 Hail
33 Icy Wind
37 X-Scissor
40 Ice Punch
41 Avalanche
45 Icicle Crash
49 Bug Buzz
54 Sheer Cold
Egg Moves:
Earth Power
Pin Missile
String Shot
Tail Glow
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
String Shot
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM62 Silver Wind
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM78 Bulldoze
TM79 Frost Breath
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength

Height: 1'7"
Weight: 44 lbs / 20 kg
Evolution: Syclar --> Level 40 --> Syclant
Type: Ice/Bug
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.
Bug: Bug STAB; More mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gain an extra guaranteed attack on multi-hit moves.
Compoundeyes: (Innate) This Pokemon’s complex eyes give it a comprehensive view of the field, making its attack 30% (x1.3) more accurate.
Mountaineer: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to scaling and avoiding rocks. It can avoid damage from Stealth Rock when it switches in, and one Rock-type attack per round.
Technician (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for mutli-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Stats: 40 / 76 / 35 / 74 / 34 / 91
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 91
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
5 Ice Shard
8 Focus Energy
14 Slash
18 Icy Wind
27 X-Scissor
30 Ice Beam
35 Hail
42 Bug Buzz
49 Avalanche
60 Sheer Cold
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
4 Scratch
9 Focus Energy
13 Ice Shard
17 Slash
21 Bug Bite
25 Icicle Spear
29 Hail
33 Icy Wind
37 X-Scissor
41 Avalanche
45 Icicle Crash
49 Bug Buzz
54 Sheer Cold
Egg Moves:
Earth Power
Pin Missile
String Shot
Tail Glow
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
String Shot
4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Silver Wind
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM54 False Swipe
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM79 Frost Breath
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 114.4 lbs / 52 kg
Evolution: Syclar --> Level 40 --> Syclant
Type: Ice/Bug
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.
Bug: Bug STAB; More mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gain an extra guaranteed attack on multi-hit moves.
Compoundeyes: (Innate) This Pokemon’s complex eyes give it a comprehensive view of the field, making its attack 30% (x1.3) more accurate.
Mountaineer: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to scaling and avoiding rocks. It can avoid damage from Stealth Rock when it switches in, and one Rock-type attack per round.
Technician (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for mutli-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Stats: 70 / 116 / 70 / 114 / 64 / 121
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 121
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
5 Ice Shard
8 Focus Energy
14 Slash
18 Icy Wind
27 X-Scissor
30 Ice Punch
35 Hail
42 Bug Buzz
49 Avalanche
60 Sheer Cold
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Punch
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
4 Scratch
9 Focus Energy
13 Ice Shard
17 Slash
21 Bug Bite
25 Icicle Spear
29 Hail
33 Icy Wind
37 X-Scissor
40 Ice Punch
41 Avalanche
45 Icicle Crash
49 Bug Buzz
54 Sheer Cold
Egg Moves:
Earth Power
Pin Missile
String Shot
Tail Glow
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
String Shot
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM62 Silver Wind
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM78 Bulldoze
TM79 Frost Breath
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 96.8 lbs / 44 kg
Evolution: Revenankh
Type: Ghost/Fighting
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Shed Skin: (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
Air Lock: (Innate) This Pokemon releases immense barometric pressure, clearing the weather in the arena and preventing the effect of weather moves and abilities from taking place.
Mummy (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's skin has a lasting curse on it. When strucky by an opponents contact move, the curse transfers, changing the opponent's ability(ies) to Mummy for the next six (6) actions.
Stats: 90 / 105 / 90 / 65 / 110 / 65
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 65
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wrap
0 Bide
5 Sand Tomb
9 Wring Out
13 Rock Tomb
18 Arm Thrust
23 Mean Look
26 Glare
29 Shadow Punch
33 Revenge
38 Power Whip
44 Hammer Arm
52 Punishment
62 Moonlight
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wrap
0 Bide
0 Sand Tomb
6 Wring Out
9 Rock Tomb
14 Arm Thrust
17 Mean Look
22 Glare
25 Shadow Punch
30 Revenge
33 Power Whip
38 Hammer Arm
41 Punishment
46 Moonlight
49 Superpower
Egg Moves:
Shadow Sneak
Mach Punch
Destiny Bond
Ominous Wind
Nasty Plot
Force Palm
Drain Punch
Wide Guard
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Sucker Punch
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM68 Giga Impact
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 96.8 lbs / 44 kg
Evolution: Revenankh
Type: Ghost/Fighting
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Shed Skin: (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
Air Lock: (Innate) This Pokemon releases immense barometric pressure, clearing the weather in the arena and preventing the effect of weather moves and abilities from taking place.
Mummy (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's skin has a lasting curse on it. When strucky by an opponents contact move, the curse transfers, changing the opponent's ability(ies) to Mummy for the next six (6) actions.
Stats: 90 / 105 / 90 / 65 / 110 / 65
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 65
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wrap
0 Bide
5 Sand Tomb
9 Wring Out
13 Rock Tomb
18 Arm Thrust
23 Mean Look
26 Glare
29 Shadow Punch
33 Revenge
38 Power Whip
44 Hammer Arm
52 Punishment
62 Moonlight
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wrap
0 Bide
0 Sand Tomb
6 Wring Out
9 Rock Tomb
14 Arm Thrust
17 Mean Look
22 Glare
25 Shadow Punch
30 Revenge
33 Power Whip
38 Hammer Arm
41 Punishment
46 Moonlight
49 Superpower
Egg Moves:
Shadow Sneak
Mach Punch
Destiny Bond
Ominous Wind
Nasty Plot
Force Palm
Drain Punch
Wide Guard
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Sucker Punch
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM68 Giga Impact
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength
Height: 3’ 3”
Weight: 61.6 lbs / 28 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 21 -> Flarelm -> Level 42 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming “powder” attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Leaf Guard: (Innate) In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Stats: 60 / 40 / 55 / 65 / 50 / 50
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Growth
9 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
25 Fire Spin
28 Petal Dance
34 Synthesis
37 Lava Plume
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Pound
0 Sweet Scent
7 Growth
10 Ember
16 Leech Seed
21 Bullet Seed
25 Flame Wheel
28 Energy Ball
34 Incinerate
37 Synthesis
43 Lave Plume
46 Flash Cannon
Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Sand Tomb
Water Sport
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Natural Gift
Sleep Talk
Earth Power
Seed Bomb
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
HM04 Strength
Height: 5’ 1”
Weight: 123.2 lbs / 56 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 21 -> Flarelm -> Level 42 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming “powder” attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Leaf Guard: (Innate) In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Stats: 90 / 55 / 85 / 80 / 70 / 55 Speed
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Growth
9 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
28 Fire Spin
32 Petal Dance
39 Synthesis
43 Lava Plume
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leaf Blade
0 Pound
0 Sweet Scent
0 Growth
0 Ember
7 Growth
10 Ember
16 Leech Seed
21 Giga Drain
28 Flame Wheel
32 Energy Ball
37 Incinerate
41 Synthesis
50 Lava Plume
54 Flash Cannon
Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Sand Tomb
Water Sport
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Natural Gift
Sleep Talk
Earth Power
Seed Bomb
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
HM04 Strength
Height: 6’ 9”
Weight: 369.6 lbs / 168 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 21 -> Flarelm -> Level 42 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming “powder” attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Rock Head: (Innate) This Pokemon’s hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Stats: 120 / 70 / 105 / 95 / 90 / 60
HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wood Hammer
0 Flare Blitz
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Growth
9 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
28 Fire Spin
36 Petal Dance
42 Iron Defense
42 Amnesia
48 Synthesis
54 Lava Plume
60 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wood Hammer
0 Flare Blitz
0 Heat Wave
0 Pound
0 Sweet Scent
0 Growth
0 Ember
7 Growth
10 Ember
16 Leech Seed
21 Bullet Seed
28 Flame Wheel
34 Energy Ball
37 Incinerate
41 Synthesis
42 Iron Defense
42 Amnesia
47 Lave Plume
56 Flash Cannon
62 Zap Cannon
71 Inferno
77 Petal Dance
Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Sand Tomb
Water Sport
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Natural Gift
Sleep Talk
Earth Power
Seed Bomb
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
HM04 Strength

Height: 3’ 3”
Weight: 61.6 lbs / 28 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 21 -> Flarelm -> Level 42 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming “powder” attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Leaf Guard: (Innate) In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Stats: 60 / 40 / 55 / 65 / 50 / 50
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Growth
9 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
25 Fire Spin
28 Petal Dance
34 Synthesis
37 Lava Plume
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Pound
0 Sweet Scent
7 Growth
10 Ember
16 Leech Seed
21 Bullet Seed
25 Flame Wheel
28 Energy Ball
34 Incinerate
37 Synthesis
43 Lave Plume
46 Flash Cannon
Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Sand Tomb
Water Sport
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Natural Gift
Sleep Talk
Earth Power
Seed Bomb
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
HM04 Strength

Height: 5’ 1”
Weight: 123.2 lbs / 56 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 21 -> Flarelm -> Level 42 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming “powder” attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Leaf Guard: (Innate) In bright sunlight the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Stats: 90 / 55 / 85 / 80 / 70 / 55 Speed
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Growth
9 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
28 Fire Spin
32 Petal Dance
39 Synthesis
43 Lava Plume
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leaf Blade
0 Pound
0 Sweet Scent
0 Growth
0 Ember
7 Growth
10 Ember
16 Leech Seed
21 Giga Drain
28 Flame Wheel
32 Energy Ball
37 Incinerate
41 Synthesis
50 Lava Plume
54 Flash Cannon
Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Sand Tomb
Water Sport
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Natural Gift
Sleep Talk
Earth Power
Seed Bomb
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
HM04 Strength

Height: 6’ 9”
Weight: 369.6 lbs / 168 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 21 -> Flarelm -> Level 42 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire/Grass
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming “powder” attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Rock Head: (Innate) This Pokemon’s hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.
Battle Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.
Chlorophyll (DW): (Innate) During bright sunlight, this Pokemon’s cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.
Stats: 120 / 70 / 105 / 95 / 90 / 60
HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wood Hammer
0 Flare Blitz
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Growth
9 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
28 Fire Spin
36 Petal Dance
42 Iron Defense
42 Amnesia
48 Synthesis
54 Lava Plume
60 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Wood Hammer
0 Flare Blitz
0 Heat Wave
0 Pound
0 Sweet Scent
0 Growth
0 Ember
7 Growth
10 Ember
16 Leech Seed
21 Bullet Seed
28 Flame Wheel
34 Energy Ball
37 Incinerate
41 Synthesis
42 Iron Defense
42 Amnesia
47 Lave Plume
56 Flash Cannon
62 Zap Cannon
71 Inferno
77 Petal Dance
Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Focus Energy
Sand Tomb
Water Sport
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Natural Gift
Sleep Talk
Earth Power
Seed Bomb
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
HM04 Strength
Height: 1’0.
Weight: 6.6 lbs / 3 kg
Evolution: Breezi --> level up /w Iron Ball --> Fidgit
Type: Poison/Flying
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
Persistent: (Innate) This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.
Vital Spirit: (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Unburden(DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is incredibly possessive. If it uses or loses an item in battle its rage swells and its speed doubles (x2) until it receives another item.
Stats: 55 / 36 / 49 / 70 / 45 / 85
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Tailwind
5 Encore
9 Rapid Spin
14 Knock Off
19 Copycat
25 Whirlwind
30 Body Slam
35 Sludge Bomb
41 Toxic Spikes
49 Gravity
53 Heal Block
59 Me First
67 Lucky Chant
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Sand-Attack
0 Tailwind
4 Encore
8 Knock Off
11 Copycat
15 Heal Pulse
18 Whirlwind
22 Razor Wind
25 Entrainment
29 Acrobatics
32 Toxic Spikes
36 Sludge Bomb
39 Gravity
43 Heal Block
46 Air Slash
50 Me First
53 Lucky Chant
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Chip Away
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Quick Guard
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Skill Swap
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM53 Energy Ball
TM62 Acrobatics
TM67 Retaliate
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
Height: 3’ 1”
Weight: 116.6 lbs / 53 kg
Evolution: Breezi --> level up /w Iron Ball --> Fidgit
Type: Poison/Ground
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Persistent: (Innate) This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.
Vital Spirit: (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Prankster (DW): (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Stats: 95 / 76 / 109 / 90 / 80 / 105
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Tailwind
0 Comet Punch
0 Helping Hand
5 Encore
9 Rapid Spin
14 Knock Off
19 Copycat
25 Whirlwind
30 Body Slam
35 Sludge Bomb
41 Toxic Spikes
49 Gravity
53 Heal Block
59 Earth Power
67 Lucky Chant
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Magic Room
0 Wonder Room
0 Rapid Spin
0 Sand-Attack
0 Encore
0 Knock Off
4 Encore
8 Knock Off
11 Copycat
15 Heal Pulse
18 Helping Hand
22 Comet Punch
25 Entrainment
29 Body Slam
32 Toxic Spikes
36 Sludge Bomb
39 Gravity
43 Heal Block
46 Earth Power
50 Lucky Chant
53 Wide Guard
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Chip Away
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Quick Guard
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Skill Swap
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 1’0.
Weight: 6.6 lbs / 3 kg
Evolution: Breezi --> level up /w Iron Ball --> Fidgit
Type: Poison/Flying
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
Persistent: (Innate) This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.
Vital Spirit: (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Unburden(DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is incredibly possessive. If it uses or loses an item in battle its rage swells and its speed doubles (x2) until it receives another item.
Stats: 55 / 36 / 49 / 70 / 45 / 85
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Tailwind
5 Encore
9 Rapid Spin
14 Knock Off
19 Copycat
25 Whirlwind
30 Body Slam
35 Sludge Bomb
41 Toxic Spikes
49 Gravity
53 Heal Block
59 Me First
67 Lucky Chant
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Sand-Attack
0 Tailwind
4 Encore
8 Knock Off
11 Copycat
15 Heal Pulse
18 Whirlwind
22 Razor Wind
25 Entrainment
29 Acrobatics
32 Toxic Spikes
36 Sludge Bomb
39 Gravity
43 Heal Block
46 Air Slash
50 Me First
53 Lucky Chant
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Chip Away
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Quick Guard
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Skill Swap
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM53 Energy Ball
TM62 Acrobatics
TM67 Retaliate
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room

Height: 3’ 1”
Weight: 116.6 lbs / 53 kg
Evolution: Breezi --> level up /w Iron Ball --> Fidgit
Type: Poison/Ground
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Persistent: (Innate) This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.
Vital Spirit: (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Prankster (DW): (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Stats: 95 / 76 / 109 / 90 / 80 / 105
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Tailwind
0 Comet Punch
0 Helping Hand
5 Encore
9 Rapid Spin
14 Knock Off
19 Copycat
25 Whirlwind
30 Body Slam
35 Sludge Bomb
41 Toxic Spikes
49 Gravity
53 Heal Block
59 Earth Power
67 Lucky Chant
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Magic Room
0 Wonder Room
0 Rapid Spin
0 Sand-Attack
0 Encore
0 Knock Off
4 Encore
8 Knock Off
11 Copycat
15 Heal Pulse
18 Helping Hand
22 Comet Punch
25 Entrainment
29 Body Slam
32 Toxic Spikes
36 Sludge Bomb
39 Gravity
43 Heal Block
46 Earth Power
50 Lucky Chant
53 Wide Guard
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Chip Away
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Quick Guard
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Ominous Wind
4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Skill Swap
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM53 Energy Ball
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength
Height: 1’0”
Weight: 33 lbs / 15 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level –Up at Electric Rock Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Stats: 30 / 40 / 35 / 80 / 40 / 90
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
25 Power Gem
29 Double-Edge
32 Metal Sound
36 Paleo Wave
39 Head Smash
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
25 Power Gem
29 Double-Edge
32 Metal Sound
36 Paleo Wave
39 Rock Polish
43 Ancientpower
46 Earth Power
50 Head Smash
Egg Moves:
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
Height: 1’6”
Weight: 66 lbs / 30 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level –Up at Electric Rock Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Stats: 60 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 55 / 110
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 110
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Head Smash
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Vacuum Wave
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
0 Rock Blast
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Rock Polish
53 Ancientpower
58 Earth Power
64 Head Smash
Egg Moves:
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
Height: 2’ 11”
Weight: 99 lbs / 45 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level–Up at Electric Rock Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Stats: 90 / 60 / 65 / 120 / 70 / 130
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Weather Ball
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
5 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
15 Rock Blast
17 Disable
20 Acupressure
25 Mud Shot
29 Power Gem
32 Double-Edge
37 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
50 Head Smash
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Giga Drain
0 Weather Ball
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
0 Rock Blast
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Magnet Rise
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Rock Polish
53 Ancientpower
58 Earth Power
64 Head Smash
69 Electro Ball
Egg Moves:
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut

Height: 1’0”
Weight: 33 lbs / 15 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level –Up at Electric Rock Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Stats: 30 / 40 / 35 / 80 / 40 / 90
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
25 Power Gem
29 Double-Edge
32 Metal Sound
36 Paleo Wave
39 Head Smash
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
25 Power Gem
29 Double-Edge
32 Metal Sound
36 Paleo Wave
39 Rock Polish
43 Ancientpower
46 Earth Power
50 Head Smash
Egg Moves:
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut

Height: 1’6”
Weight: 66 lbs / 30 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level –Up at Electric Rock Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Stats: 60 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 55 / 110
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 110
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Head Smash
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Vacuum Wave
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
0 Rock Blast
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Rock Polish
53 Ancientpower
58 Earth Power
64 Head Smash
Egg Moves:
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut

Height: 2’ 11”
Weight: 99 lbs / 45 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level–Up at Electric Rock Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Stats: 90 / 60 / 65 / 120 / 70 / 130
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Weather Ball
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
5 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
15 Rock Blast
17 Disable
20 Acupressure
25 Mud Shot
29 Power Gem
32 Double-Edge
37 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
50 Head Smash
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Giga Drain
0 Weather Ball
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
0 Rock Blast
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Magnet Rise
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Rock Polish
53 Ancientpower
58 Earth Power
64 Head Smash
69 Electro Ball
Egg Moves:
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
Height: 3’ 6”
Weight: 121 lbs / 55 kg
Evolution: Privatke -> Level 32 -> Arghonaut
Type: Water/Fighting
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Unaware: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.
Klutz (DW): (Can be Disabled) The Pokemon moves in a rare style of battling that uses an unpredictable, clumsy looking manner. The accuracy of its attacks are increased by 10% (flat). While engaging in this style it cannot use a hold item, however an item is necessary to pull it off.
Stats: 90 / 70 / 75 / 30 / 50 / 35
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 Aqua Jet
32 Mach Punch
36 Taunt
41 Revenge
47 Thief
55 Submission
60 Punishment
67 Focus Punch
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 BubbleBeam
32 Slash
36 Brine
41 Helping Hand
47 Hydro Pump
55 Wring Out
60 Overhead Throw
67 Focus Punch
Egg Moves:
Bulk Up
Cross Chop
Scary Face
Wide Guard
Quick Guard
Sand Attack
Ice Punch
Drain Punch
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM 12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Brine
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Whirlpool
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Dive
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 332.2 lbs / 151 kg
Evolution: Pryvatke -> Level 32 -> Arghonaut
Type: Water/Fighting
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Unaware: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.
Iron Fist (DW): (Innate) The Base Attack Power of this Pokemon’s “Punch” attacks is increased by two (2). (Known attacks effected: Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, Dynamicpunch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, Thunderpunch)
Stats: 105 / 110 / 95 / 70 / 100 / 75
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 75
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Yawn
0 Wrap
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 Aqua Jet
32 Mach Punch
36 Taunt
41 Revenge
47 Thief
55 Submission
60 Punishment
67 Focus Punch
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Cross Chop
0 Yawn
0 Bubble
0 Smokescreen
0 Constrict
7 Smokescreen
10 Constrict
16 Aqua Jet
21 Wrap
27 BubbleBeam
32 Revenge
37 Taunt
44 Submission
48 Thief
55 Brine
60 Punishment
67 Wring Out
Egg Moves:
Bulk Up
Cross Chop
Scary Face
Wide Guard
Quick Guard
Sand Attack
Ice Punch
Drain Punch
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Brine
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Whirlpool
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01: Cut
HM03: Surf
HM04: Strength
HM05: Waterfall
HM06: Dive

Height: 3’ 6”
Weight: 121 lbs / 55 kg
Evolution: Privatke -> Level 32 -> Arghonaut
Type: Water/Fighting
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Unaware: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.
Klutz (DW): (Can be Disabled) The Pokemon moves in a rare style of battling that uses an unpredictable, clumsy looking manner. The accuracy of its attacks are increased by 10% (flat). While engaging in this style it cannot use a hold item, however an item is necessary to pull it off.
Stats: 90 / 70 / 75 / 30 / 50 / 35
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 Aqua Jet
32 Mach Punch
36 Taunt
41 Revenge
47 Thief
55 Submission
60 Punishment
67 Focus Punch
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 BubbleBeam
32 Slash
36 Brine
41 Helping Hand
47 Hydro Pump
55 Wring Out
60 Overhead Throw
67 Focus Punch
Egg Moves:
Bulk Up
Cross Chop
Scary Face
Wide Guard
Quick Guard
Sand Attack
Ice Punch
Drain Punch
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM 12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Brine
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Whirlpool
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Dive

Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 332.2 lbs / 151 kg
Evolution: Pryvatke -> Level 32 -> Arghonaut
Type: Water/Fighting
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Unaware: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.
Iron Fist (DW): (Innate) The Base Attack Power of this Pokemon’s “Punch” attacks is increased by two (2). (Known attacks effected: Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, Dynamicpunch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, Thunderpunch)
Stats: 105 / 110 / 95 / 70 / 100 / 75
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 75
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Yawn
0 Wrap
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 Aqua Jet
32 Mach Punch
36 Taunt
41 Revenge
47 Thief
55 Submission
60 Punishment
67 Focus Punch
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Cross Chop
0 Yawn
0 Bubble
0 Smokescreen
0 Constrict
7 Smokescreen
10 Constrict
16 Aqua Jet
21 Wrap
27 BubbleBeam
32 Revenge
37 Taunt
44 Submission
48 Thief
55 Brine
60 Punishment
67 Wring Out
Egg Moves:
Bulk Up
Cross Chop
Scary Face
Wide Guard
Quick Guard
Sand Attack
Ice Punch
Drain Punch
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Brine
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Whirlpool
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01: Cut
HM03: Surf
HM04: Strength
HM05: Waterfall
HM06: Dive
Height: 1’4”
Weight: 66 lbs / 30 kg
Evolution: Nohface -> Level-Up with Curse -> Kitsunoh
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Levitate (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Stats: 80 / 53 / 85 / 25 / 80 / 10
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 10
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Scratch
0 Iron Defense
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Memento
35 Fake Out
40 Iron Head
44 Revenge
49 ShadowStrike
55 Perish Song
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Iron Defense
6 Lick
10 Leer
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Metal Burst
35 Memento
40 Scary Face
44 Fake Out
49 Iron Head
55 Revenge
61 ShadowStrike
67 Perish Song
Egg Moves:
Metal Sound
Psycho Shift
Meteor Mash
Foul Play
Iron Tail
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Magic Coat
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Role Play
Super Fang
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM70 Flash
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM77 Psych Up
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM01 Cut
HM05 Defog
Height: 3’7”
Weight: 112.2 lbs / 51 kg
Evolution: Nohface -> Level-Up with Curse -> Kitsunoh
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Frisk: (Can be Activated) The Pokemon charges the opponent with the intent to knock off their item. If Frisk is successful and the Pokemon with Frisk is not holding an item, they will pick that item up.
Limber: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is well trained and immune to paralysis.
Cursed Body (DW): (Innate) When this Pokemon is struck by an opponent's attack that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that attack will be disabled. Only one of the opponent's attacks can be disabled at a time due to Cursed Body.
Stats: 80 / 103 / 85 / 55 / 80 / 110
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Scratch
0 Tail Whip
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Copycat
27 Metal Claw
31 Memento
35 Fake Out
40 Shadow Claw
44 Revenge
49 ShadowStrike
55 Perish Song
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Fang
0 Thunder Fang
0 Tail Whip
0 Scratch
0 Iron Defense
0 Lick
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Metal Claw
35 Memento
40 Fake Out
44 Shadow Claw
49 Iron Head
55 Revenge
61 ShadowStrike
67 Perish Song
Egg Moves:
Metal Sound
Psycho Shift
Meteor Mash
Foul Play
Iron Tail
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Fury Cutter
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Sucker Punch
Super Fang
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
HM01 Cut
HM05 Defog
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM77 Psych Up
TM80 Rock Slide
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength

Height: 1’4”
Weight: 66 lbs / 30 kg
Evolution: Nohface -> Level-Up with Curse -> Kitsunoh
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Levitate (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Stats: 80 / 53 / 85 / 25 / 80 / 10
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 10
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Scratch
0 Iron Defense
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Memento
35 Fake Out
40 Iron Head
44 Revenge
49 ShadowStrike
55 Perish Song
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Iron Defense
6 Lick
10 Leer
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Metal Burst
35 Memento
40 Scary Face
44 Fake Out
49 Iron Head
55 Revenge
61 ShadowStrike
67 Perish Song
Egg Moves:
Metal Sound
Psycho Shift
Meteor Mash
Foul Play
Iron Tail
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Magic Coat
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Role Play
Super Fang
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM70 Flash
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM77 Psych Up
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM01 Cut
HM05 Defog

Height: 3’7”
Weight: 112.2 lbs / 51 kg
Evolution: Nohface -> Level-Up with Curse -> Kitsunoh
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Frisk: (Can be Activated) The Pokemon charges the opponent with the intent to knock off their item. If Frisk is successful and the Pokemon with Frisk is not holding an item, they will pick that item up.
Limber: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is well trained and immune to paralysis.
Cursed Body (DW): (Innate) When this Pokemon is struck by an opponent's attack that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that attack will be disabled. Only one of the opponent's attacks can be disabled at a time due to Cursed Body.
Stats: 80 / 103 / 85 / 55 / 80 / 110
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Scratch
0 Tail Whip
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Copycat
27 Metal Claw
31 Memento
35 Fake Out
40 Shadow Claw
44 Revenge
49 ShadowStrike
55 Perish Song
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Fang
0 Thunder Fang
0 Tail Whip
0 Scratch
0 Iron Defense
0 Lick
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Metal Claw
35 Memento
40 Fake Out
44 Shadow Claw
49 Iron Head
55 Revenge
61 ShadowStrike
67 Perish Song
Egg Moves:
Metal Sound
Psycho Shift
Meteor Mash
Foul Play
Iron Tail
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Fury Cutter
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Sucker Punch
Super Fang
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
HM01 Cut
HM05 Defog
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM77 Psych Up
TM80 Rock Slide
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
Height: 2' 4"
Weight: 41.8 lbs / 19 kg
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.
Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
Stats: 48 / 50 / 68 / 62 / 40 / 60
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
25 Sonicboom
29 Discharge
33 Slack Off
37 Thrash
42 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Leer
9 Thundershock
13 Charge
17 Rain Dance
21 Twister
25 Spark
29 Discharge
33 Sonicboom
37 Slack Off
41 Hyper Beam
50 Zap Cannon
59 Hurricane
Egg Moves:
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Shock Wave
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
Height: 3'4"
Weight: 86.8 lbs / 39 kg
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.
Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
Stats: 78 / 55 / 88 / 82 / 55 / 60
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
22 Double Hit
29 Sonicboom
35 Discharge
39 Slack Off
44 Thrash
53 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Double Hit
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Leer
9 Thundershock
13 Charge
17 Rain Dance
21 Twister
22 Double Hit
26 Spark
30 Discharge
34 Sonicboom
38 Slack Off
43 Hyper Beam
51 Zap Cannon
60 Hurricane
Egg Moves:
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Shock Wave
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 129.8 kbs / 59 kg.
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfact accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.
Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
Stats: 108 / 60 / 118 / 112 / 70 / 80
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
4th Gen Level-Up Moves
0 Whirlwind
0 Bide
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
22 Double Hit
29 Sonicboom
33 Tri Attack
37 Discharge
42 Slack Off
50 Thrash
59 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Weather Ball
0 Whirlwind
0 Bide
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Leer
9 Thundershock
13 Charge
17 Rain Dance
21 Twister
26 Spark
30 Discharge
33 Tri Attack
36 Sonicboom
40 Slack Off
45 Hyper Beam
53 Zap Cannon
62 Hurricane
Egg Moves:
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Shock Wave
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Bulldoze
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall

Height: 2' 4"
Weight: 41.8 lbs / 19 kg
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.
Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
Stats: 48 / 50 / 68 / 62 / 40 / 60
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
25 Sonicboom
29 Discharge
33 Slack Off
37 Thrash
42 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Leer
9 Thundershock
13 Charge
17 Rain Dance
21 Twister
25 Spark
29 Discharge
33 Sonicboom
37 Slack Off
41 Hyper Beam
50 Zap Cannon
59 Hurricane
Egg Moves:
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Shock Wave
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall

Height: 3'4"
Weight: 86.8 lbs / 39 kg
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.
Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
Stats: 78 / 55 / 88 / 82 / 55 / 60
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
22 Double Hit
29 Sonicboom
35 Discharge
39 Slack Off
44 Thrash
53 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Double Hit
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Leer
9 Thundershock
13 Charge
17 Rain Dance
21 Twister
22 Double Hit
26 Spark
30 Discharge
34 Sonicboom
38 Slack Off
43 Hyper Beam
51 Zap Cannon
60 Hurricane
Egg Moves:
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Shock Wave
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 129.8 kbs / 59 kg.
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfact accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.
Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
Stats: 108 / 60 / 118 / 112 / 70 / 80
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
4th Gen Level-Up Moves
0 Whirlwind
0 Bide
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
22 Double Hit
29 Sonicboom
33 Tri Attack
37 Discharge
42 Slack Off
50 Thrash
59 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Weather Ball
0 Whirlwind
0 Bide
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Leer
9 Thundershock
13 Charge
17 Rain Dance
21 Twister
26 Spark
30 Discharge
33 Tri Attack
36 Sonicboom
40 Slack Off
45 Hyper Beam
53 Zap Cannon
62 Hurricane
Egg Moves:
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Shock Wave
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Water Pulse
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Bulldoze
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 1205.6 lbs / 548 kg
Evolution: Colosshale -> Level-Up with Dig -> Colossoil
Type: Dark/Water
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Rebound: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released into battle, it senses the hazards the opponent has laid on the field and thrusts them to the other side of the arena where they will affect the opponent's Pokemon. The Pokemon does not suffer the effects of these hazards when it switches in.
Storm Drain: (Innate) This Pokemon lures all water attacks to itself, altering their course away from partner Pokemon. It absorbs the water and increases its Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Flare Boost (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's Body can harness the heat from a burn into internal energy, fueling its mental capabilities. When Burned, the Pokemon's special attacks do two (2) more damage.
Stats: 83 / 42 / 52 / 71 / 62 / 85
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Tackle
6 Mud Shot
11 Bubblebeam
17 Rapid Spin
22 Mud Bomb
29 Pursuit
35 Dark Pulse
41 Dig
45 Body Slam
48 Stockpile
48 Swallow
48 Spit Up
55 Muddy Water
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Tackle
4 Mud Shot
9 Rapid Spin
13 Bubblebeam
21 Mud Bomb
25 Pursuit
29 Body Slam
33 Dark Pulse
37 Stockpile
37 Swallow
37 Spit Up
41 Dig
45 Crunch
49 Muddy Water
Egg Moves:
Fake Out
Fire Fang
Horn Drill
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Water Spout
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Knock Off
Sucker Punch
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM49 Snatch
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM04 Strength
Height: 8' 8"
Weight: 1504.8 lbs / 684 kg
Evolution: Colosshale -> Level-Up with Dig -> Colossoil
Type: Dark/Ground
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Rebound: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released into battle, it senses the hazards the opponent has laid on the field and thrusts them to the other side of the arena where they will affect the opponent's Pokemon. The Pokemon does not suffer the effects of these hazards when it switches in.
Guts: (Innate) This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the base attack power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.
Pressure (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon’s presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.
Stats: 133 / 122 / 72 / 71 / 72 / 95
HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Peck
6 Horn Attack
11 Bite
17 Rapid Spin
22 Body Slam
29 Pursuit
35 Bounce
42 Magnitude
48 Stockpile
48 Swallow
48 Spit Up
55 Crunch
63 Megahorn
70 Horn Drill
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Peck
4 Horn Attack
9 Bite
13 Rapid Spin
21 Magnitude
25 Pursuit
29 Body Slam
33 Bounce
37 Stockpile
37 Swallow
37 Spit Up
41 Horn Drill
45 Crunch
49 Megahorn
Egg Moves:
Fake Out
Fire Fang
Horn Drill
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Water Spout
4th Gen Tutors:
Aqua Tail
Body Slam
Earth Power
Knock Off
Sucker Punch
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM49 Snatch
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM04 Strength

Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 1205.6 lbs / 548 kg
Evolution: Colosshale -> Level-Up with Dig -> Colossoil
Type: Dark/Water
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Rebound: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released into battle, it senses the hazards the opponent has laid on the field and thrusts them to the other side of the arena where they will affect the opponent's Pokemon. The Pokemon does not suffer the effects of these hazards when it switches in.
Storm Drain: (Innate) This Pokemon lures all water attacks to itself, altering their course away from partner Pokemon. It absorbs the water and increases its Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Flare Boost (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's Body can harness the heat from a burn into internal energy, fueling its mental capabilities. When Burned, the Pokemon's special attacks do two (2) more damage.
Stats: 83 / 42 / 52 / 71 / 62 / 85
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Tackle
6 Mud Shot
11 Bubblebeam
17 Rapid Spin
22 Mud Bomb
29 Pursuit
35 Dark Pulse
41 Dig
45 Body Slam
48 Stockpile
48 Swallow
48 Spit Up
55 Muddy Water
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Tackle
4 Mud Shot
9 Rapid Spin
13 Bubblebeam
21 Mud Bomb
25 Pursuit
29 Body Slam
33 Dark Pulse
37 Stockpile
37 Swallow
37 Spit Up
41 Dig
45 Crunch
49 Muddy Water
Egg Moves:
Fake Out
Fire Fang
Horn Drill
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Water Spout
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Knock Off
Sucker Punch
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM49 Snatch
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM04 Strength

Height: 8' 8"
Weight: 1504.8 lbs / 684 kg
Evolution: Colosshale -> Level-Up with Dig -> Colossoil
Type: Dark/Ground
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Rebound: (Innate) When this Pokemon is released into battle, it senses the hazards the opponent has laid on the field and thrusts them to the other side of the arena where they will affect the opponent's Pokemon. The Pokemon does not suffer the effects of these hazards when it switches in.
Guts: (Innate) This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the base attack power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.
Pressure (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon’s presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.
Stats: 133 / 122 / 72 / 71 / 72 / 95
HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Peck
6 Horn Attack
11 Bite
17 Rapid Spin
22 Body Slam
29 Pursuit
35 Bounce
42 Magnitude
48 Stockpile
48 Swallow
48 Spit Up
55 Crunch
63 Megahorn
70 Horn Drill
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Peck
4 Horn Attack
9 Bite
13 Rapid Spin
21 Magnitude
25 Pursuit
29 Body Slam
33 Bounce
37 Stockpile
37 Swallow
37 Spit Up
41 Horn Drill
45 Crunch
49 Megahorn
Egg Moves:
Fake Out
Fire Fang
Horn Drill
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Water Spout
4th Gen Tutors:
Aqua Tail
Body Slam
Earth Power
Knock Off
Sucker Punch
4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM49 Snatch
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Knock Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM71 Stone Edge
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM04 Strength
Height: 0’ 3”
Weight: 0.22 lbs / 0.1 kg
Evolution: Plicowatt -> Level-Up at Sazanami Bay at Night -> Krillowatt
Type: Electric / Water
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Magic Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Hail, Sandstorm, and damage from Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not absorb any damage from it.
Shed Skin (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
Stats: 21 / 29 / 13 / 28 / 14 / 95
HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 95
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Tackle
10 Thundershock
25 Detect
50 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Tackle
10 Thundershock
25 Detect
50 Zap Cannon
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat
Sheer Cold
Muddy Water
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM58 Endure
TM67 Recycle
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM05 Whirlpool
5th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM55 Scald
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM73 Volt Switch
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
HM06 Dive
Height: 2’ 4”
Weight: 23.4 lbs / 10.6 kg
Evolution: Plicowatt -> Level-Up at Sazanami Bay at Night -> Krillowatt
Type: Electric/Water
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Magic Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Hail, Sandstorm, and damage from Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not absorb any damage from it.
Shell Armor (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.
Stats: 151 / 84 / 73 / 83 / 74 / 105
HP: 125
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Shard
0 Bubble
0 Charge
5 Thundershock
11 Confuse Ray
17 Imprison
24 Mirror Coat
28 BubbleBeam
33 Counter
39 Copycat
46 Heart Swap
51 Discharge
57 Guillotine
63 Thunder
68 Muddy Water
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Shard
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Thundershock
5 Thundershock
11 Confuse Ray
17 Aqua Jet
20 Mirror Coat
20 Counter
25 Imprison
28 Bubblebeam
33 Volt Switch
39 Copycat
46 Heart Swap
51 Discharge
57 Guillotine
63 Thunder
68 Hydro Pump
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat
Sheer Cold
Muddy Water
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Low Kick
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM66 Payback
TM67 Recycle
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM73 Volt Switch
TM78 Bulldoze
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Dive

Height: 0’ 3”
Weight: 0.22 lbs / 0.1 kg
Evolution: Plicowatt -> Level-Up at Sazanami Bay at Night -> Krillowatt
Type: Electric / Water
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Magic Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Hail, Sandstorm, and damage from Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not absorb any damage from it.
Shed Skin (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
Stats: 21 / 29 / 13 / 28 / 14 / 95
HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 95
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Tackle
10 Thundershock
25 Detect
50 Zap Cannon
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Tackle
10 Thundershock
25 Detect
50 Zap Cannon
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat
Sheer Cold
Muddy Water
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM58 Endure
TM67 Recycle
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM05 Whirlpool
5th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM55 Scald
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM73 Volt Switch
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
HM06 Dive

Height: 2’ 4”
Weight: 23.4 lbs / 10.6 kg
Evolution: Plicowatt -> Level-Up at Sazanami Bay at Night -> Krillowatt
Type: Electric/Water
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Magic Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Hail, Sandstorm, and damage from Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not absorb any damage from it.
Shell Armor (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.
Stats: 151 / 84 / 73 / 83 / 74 / 105
HP: 125
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Shard
0 Bubble
0 Charge
5 Thundershock
11 Confuse Ray
17 Imprison
24 Mirror Coat
28 BubbleBeam
33 Counter
39 Copycat
46 Heart Swap
51 Discharge
57 Guillotine
63 Thunder
68 Muddy Water
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Ice Shard
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Thundershock
5 Thundershock
11 Confuse Ray
17 Aqua Jet
20 Mirror Coat
20 Counter
25 Imprison
28 Bubblebeam
33 Volt Switch
39 Copycat
46 Heart Swap
51 Discharge
57 Guillotine
63 Thunder
68 Hydro Pump
Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat
Sheer Cold
Muddy Water
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Low Kick
Signal Beam
4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM66 Payback
TM67 Recycle
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM73 Volt Switch
TM78 Bulldoze
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Dive
Height: 3’3”
Weight: 55 lbs / 25 kg
Evolution: Voodoll -> Level-Up with Charge -> Voodoom
Type: Normal/Dark
Normal: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Insomnia: (Innate) This Pokemon is immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. It's normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Normalize: (Can be Disabled) This Pokemon has mastered Normal-type attacks and can change any attack type to have a Normal energy signature. All attacks used by the Pokemon are considered Normal-type attacks, although they retain the same status-enducing and other properties. The Pokemon's Normal-type attacks have four (4) more Base Attack Power.
Cursed Body (DW): (Innate) When This Pokemon is struck by an opponents attack that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that attack will be disabled. Only one of the opponent's attacks can be disabled at a time due to Cursed Body.
Stats: 60 / 55 / 50 / 65 / 50 / 70
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Frustration
40 Acupressure
45 Dark Pulse
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
0 Mimic
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Frustration
40 Acupressure
45 Dark Pulse
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Mach Punch
Perish Song
Psycho Cut
Focus Punch
Shock Wave
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength
Height: 6’ 6”
Weight: 166.1 lbs 75.5 kg
Evolution: Voodoll --> Level Up w/ Charge --> Voodoom
Type: Fighting / Dark
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Volt Absorb: (Innate) This Pokemon absorbs all electrical attacks and instead of taking damage, recover HP. Thunder Wave has no effect on the Pokemon.
Lightning Rod: (Innate) These Pokemon naturally attract electricity to themselves and away from partners in double battles. When struck with an Electric attack, they tranfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Motor Drive (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon nullifies any electrical attack damage and converts the energy from any electrical attack (inc. Thunder Wave) into an energy source that allows it to boost its speed by one (1) level. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Stats: 90 / 85 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 110
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Night Slash
0 Revenge
0 Wrap
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Close Combat
40 Acupressure
45 Aura Sphere
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Revenge
0 Night Slash
0 Wrap
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
0 Mimic
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Close Combat
40 Acupressure
45 Aura Sphere
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Mach Punch
Perish Song
Psycho Cut
Focus Punch
Shock Wave
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM75 Stone Edge
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 3’3”
Weight: 55 lbs / 25 kg
Evolution: Voodoll -> Level-Up with Charge -> Voodoom
Type: Normal/Dark
Normal: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Insomnia: (Innate) This Pokemon is immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. It's normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Normalize: (Can be Disabled) This Pokemon has mastered Normal-type attacks and can change any attack type to have a Normal energy signature. All attacks used by the Pokemon are considered Normal-type attacks, although they retain the same status-enducing and other properties. The Pokemon's Normal-type attacks have four (4) more Base Attack Power.
Cursed Body (DW): (Innate) When This Pokemon is struck by an opponents attack that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that attack will be disabled. Only one of the opponent's attacks can be disabled at a time due to Cursed Body.
Stats: 60 / 55 / 50 / 65 / 50 / 70
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Frustration
40 Acupressure
45 Dark Pulse
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
0 Mimic
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Frustration
40 Acupressure
45 Dark Pulse
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Mach Punch
Perish Song
Psycho Cut
Focus Punch
Shock Wave
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 6’ 6”
Weight: 166.1 lbs 75.5 kg
Evolution: Voodoll --> Level Up w/ Charge --> Voodoom
Type: Fighting / Dark
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.
Volt Absorb: (Innate) This Pokemon absorbs all electrical attacks and instead of taking damage, recover HP. Thunder Wave has no effect on the Pokemon.
Lightning Rod: (Innate) These Pokemon naturally attract electricity to themselves and away from partners in double battles. When struck with an Electric attack, they tranfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Motor Drive (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon nullifies any electrical attack damage and converts the energy from any electrical attack (inc. Thunder Wave) into an energy source that allows it to boost its speed by one (1) level. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Stats: 90 / 85 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 110
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Night Slash
0 Revenge
0 Wrap
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Close Combat
40 Acupressure
45 Aura Sphere
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Revenge
0 Night Slash
0 Wrap
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
0 Mimic
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Close Combat
40 Acupressure
45 Aura Sphere
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Mach Punch
Perish Song
Psycho Cut
Focus Punch
Shock Wave
4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Vacuum Wave
4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM75 Stone Edge
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength
Height: 1' 08" / 0.5m
Weight: 44.0lbs / 20.0kg
Evolution: Scratchet -> Level 23 -> Tomohawk
Type: Normal/Fighting
Normal: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Scrappy: (Innate) This Pokemon’s Normal and Fighting attacks carry a special signature that can damage Ghosts, even if they have phased out.
Prankster: (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Vital Spirit (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Stats: 55 HP / 85 Atk / 80 Def / 20 SpA / 70 SpD / 40 Spe
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
00 Fury Swipes
09 Harden
13 Focus Energy
18 Rock Smash
23 Roar
27 Work Up
32 Submission
36 Hyper Voice
40 Bulk Up
45 Superpower
49 Taunt
53 Rest
57 Retaliate
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Confuse Ray
Focus Energy
Nature Power
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength
Height: 4' 2'' / 1.27 m
Weight: 82 lbs / 37.2 kg
Evolution: Scratchet -> Level 23 -> Tomohawk
Type: Flying/Fighting
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Intimidate: (Can be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing thier Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again.
Prankster: (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Justified (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokemon's attack will increase one (1) stage. A boost gained this way by an opponent's attack will be maintained at the end of each round. Self-targeted attacks do not maintain boosts.
Stats: 105 HP/60 Atk/90 Def/115 SpA/80 SpD/85 Spe
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
00 Sunny Day
00 Aura Sphere
00 Fury Swipes
00 Harden
08 Fury Swipes
13 Harden
17 Aerial Ace
20 Morning Sun
23 Whirlwind
29 Rain Dance
33 Earth Power
37 Air Slash
42 Submission
45 Heat Wave
49 Hyper Voice
50 Sky Drop
51 Superpower
53 Rest
55 Hurricane
60 Healing Wish
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Confuse Ray
Focus Energy
Nature Power
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
5th Gen TMs:
05 Roar
06 Toxic
08 Bulk Up
10 Hidden Power
11 Sunny Day
12 Taunt
15 Hyper Beam
17 Protect
18 Rain Dance
20 Safeguard
21 Frustration
22 SolarBeam
26 Earthquake
27 Return
31 Brick Break
32 Double Team
33 Reflect
39 Rock Tomb
40 Aerial Ace
42 Facade
44 Rest
45 Attract
46 Thief
48 Round
49 Echoed Voice
52 Focus Blast
54 False Swipe
56 Fling
58 Sky Drop
59 Incinerate
60 Quash
62 Acrobatics
67 Retaliate
68 Giga Impact
70 Flash
78 Bulldoze
80 Rock Slide
83 Work Up
86 Grass Knot
87 Swagger
90 Substitute
94 Rock Smash
H2 Fly
H4 Strength

Height: 1' 08" / 0.5m
Weight: 44.0lbs / 20.0kg
Evolution: Scratchet -> Level 23 -> Tomohawk
Type: Normal/Fighting
Normal: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Scrappy: (Innate) This Pokemon’s Normal and Fighting attacks carry a special signature that can damage Ghosts, even if they have phased out.
Prankster: (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Vital Spirit (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Stats: 55 HP / 85 Atk / 80 Def / 20 SpA / 70 SpD / 40 Spe
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
00 Fury Swipes
09 Harden
13 Focus Energy
18 Rock Smash
23 Roar
27 Work Up
32 Submission
36 Hyper Voice
40 Bulk Up
45 Superpower
49 Taunt
53 Rest
57 Retaliate
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Confuse Ray
Focus Energy
Nature Power
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 4' 2'' / 1.27 m
Weight: 82 lbs / 37.2 kg
Evolution: Scratchet -> Level 23 -> Tomohawk
Type: Flying/Fighting
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.
Intimidate: (Can be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing thier Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again.
Prankster: (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.
Justified (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokemon's attack will increase one (1) stage. A boost gained this way by an opponent's attack will be maintained at the end of each round. Self-targeted attacks do not maintain boosts.
Stats: 105 HP/60 Atk/90 Def/115 SpA/80 SpD/85 Spe
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
00 Sunny Day
00 Aura Sphere
00 Fury Swipes
00 Harden
08 Fury Swipes
13 Harden
17 Aerial Ace
20 Morning Sun
23 Whirlwind
29 Rain Dance
33 Earth Power
37 Air Slash
42 Submission
45 Heat Wave
49 Hyper Voice
50 Sky Drop
51 Superpower
53 Rest
55 Hurricane
60 Healing Wish
Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Confuse Ray
Focus Energy
Nature Power
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
5th Gen TMs:
05 Roar
06 Toxic
08 Bulk Up
10 Hidden Power
11 Sunny Day
12 Taunt
15 Hyper Beam
17 Protect
18 Rain Dance
20 Safeguard
21 Frustration
22 SolarBeam
26 Earthquake
27 Return
31 Brick Break
32 Double Team
33 Reflect
39 Rock Tomb
40 Aerial Ace
42 Facade
44 Rest
45 Attract
46 Thief
48 Round
49 Echoed Voice
52 Focus Blast
54 False Swipe
56 Fling
58 Sky Drop
59 Incinerate
60 Quash
62 Acrobatics
67 Retaliate
68 Giga Impact
70 Flash
78 Bulldoze
80 Rock Slide
83 Work Up
86 Grass Knot
87 Swagger
90 Substitute
94 Rock Smash
H2 Fly
H4 Strength
A Consolidation of the CAP Level-up moves for easy pulling into a registration or claim post:
Leech Life
Focus Energy
Ice Shard
Icy Wind
Bug Bite
Icicle Spear
Leech Life
Focus Energy
Ice Shard
Icy Wind
Bug Bite
Icicle Spear
Sand Tomb
Wring Out
Rock Tomb
Arm Thrust
Mean Look
Shadow Punch
Sand Tomb
Wring Out
Rock Tomb
Arm Thrust
Mean Look
Shadow Punch
Bullet Seed
Sweet Scent
Leech Seed
Flame Wheel
Giga Drain
Fire Spin
Bullet Seed
Sweet Scent
Leech Seed
Flame Wheel
Giga Drain
Fire Spin
Sand Attack
Rapid Spin
Knock Off
Heal Pulse
Razor Wind
Sand Attack
Rapid Spin
Knock Off
Heal Pulse
Razor Wind
Defense Curl
Rock Blast
Mud Shot
Power Gem
Defense Curl
Rock Blast
Mud Shot
Power Gem
Arm Thrust
Arm Thrust
Iron Defense
Odor Sleuth
Faint Attack
Shadow Sneak
Iron Defense
Odor Sleuth
Faint Attack
Shadow Sneak
Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Mud Shot
Rapid Spin
Mud Bomb
Mud Shot
Rapid Spin
Mud Bomb
Pain Split
Follow Me
Pin Missile
Pain Split
Follow Me
Pin Missile
Fury Swipes
Focus Energy
Rock Smash
Fury Swipes
Focus Energy
Rock Smash
Rarity Listing:
The rarity points to start with CAP Pokemon and the names of their base forms.
Syclar: 2
Revenankh: 4
Embirch: 2
Breezi: 2
Rebble: 2
Privatyke: 2
Nohface: 2
Monohm: 2
Colosshale: 2
Plicowatt: 2
Voodoll: 2
Scratchet: 2
Revenankh: 4
Embirch: 2
Breezi: 2
Rebble: 2
Privatyke: 2
Nohface: 2
Monohm: 2
Colosshale: 2
Plicowatt: 2
Voodoll: 2
Scratchet: 2
Capture Rates for CAP Pokemon:
CAP Pokemon can also be captured in some RPs.
Syclar: 90
Syclant: 45
Revenankh: 45
Embirch: 120
Flarelm: 90
Pyroak: 45
Breezi: 120
Fidgit: 45
Rebble: 120
Bolderdash: 90
Stratagem: 45
Privatyke: 90
Arghonaut: 45
Nohface: 60
Kitsunoh: 45
Monohm: 45
Duclohm: 45
Cyclohm: 45
Colosshale: 60
Colossoil: 45
Plicowatt: 45
Krillowatt: 25
Voodoll: 120
Voodoom: 45
Scratchet: 120
Tomohawk: 45
Syclant: 45
Revenankh: 45
Embirch: 120
Flarelm: 90
Pyroak: 45
Breezi: 120
Fidgit: 45
Rebble: 120
Bolderdash: 90
Stratagem: 45
Privatyke: 90
Arghonaut: 45
Nohface: 60
Kitsunoh: 45
Monohm: 45
Duclohm: 45
Cyclohm: 45
Colosshale: 60
Colossoil: 45
Plicowatt: 45
Krillowatt: 25
Voodoll: 120
Voodoom: 45
Scratchet: 120
Tomohawk: 45