Deck Knight versus Tortferngatr (Destiny Warrior subreffing)

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2vs2 Doubles
DQ: 2 Days
1 Recovery/3 Chills per Pokemon


Urban Hardcourt

Urban Hardcourt is the remains of an old tennis court that has been abandoned. The surface material is clay, which can be Dug through or Earthquaked. The Arena itself is outside. The area is fenced in by your standard indestructible metal chain-link.

Basic Battle Rules:
Pokemon must be able to Evolve
Pokemon may not evolve in battle.
Combined Rarity Cost of both Pokemon cannot exceed 5.
All Abilities
No Items

All right, teams and stuff:


Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)
Nature: Quiet (Adds One (1) Rank to Special Attack; Divides Base Speed by 1.15 and gives a flat 10 point decrease in evasion, effectively adding 10 accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 95) on an opponent’s attacks.

Type: Water
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.


HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3(+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 29 (34 / 1.15v = 29) (-)

EC: 2/6
MC: 0
DC: 1/5

Sticky Hold: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is covered in a sticky substance that prevents item theft or swapping.
Storm Drain: (Innate) This Pokemon lures all water attacks to itself, altering their course away from partner Pokemon. It absorbs the water and increases its Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Sand Strength (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in Sandstorm conditions, using the power of the swirling sand to augment its Rock, Ground, and Steel-typed attacks. Each of this Pokemon's Rock, Ground, and Steel-typed attacks will have two (2) added to their Base Attack Power. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.

Mud Sport(*)
Water Pulse(*)
Mud Bomb(*)
Hidden Power (Fire 7)(*)
Rain Dance(*)
Body Slam
Muddy Water

Clear Smog(*)

Ice Beam(*)


Turtwig [Rook] (M)

Nature: Brave (Adds One (1) Rank to Attack; Divides Base Speed by 1.15 and gives a flat 10 point decrease in evasion, effectively adding 10 accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 95) on an opponent’s attacks.

Type: Grass
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming "powder" attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.

Overgrow: (Innate) When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33% (flat), the Base Attack Power of any grass attack is increased by two (2). (eg Giga Drain goes from 8 to 10, Solarbeam from 12 to 14)
Shell Armor (DW): This Pokemon’s thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 26 (31 / 1.15v) (-)

EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Razor Leaf
Mega Drain

Sand Tomb
Worry Seed

Swords Dance

Tort, mons and actions. Then Deck orders, I fail at reffing, Deck orders, Tort orders, I fail at reffing, etc.

Sorry about the crapiness of the OP, but I literally did this in two minutes.
Pokemon Team:

Snover [Frostbite] Male
Nature: Relaxed (+1 Rank defense, a 15% decrease (rounded down) in Base Speed and a +10% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on an opponent's attacks.)
Type: Grass/Ice
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming "powder" attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.

Stats: 60/62/50+/62/60/40-

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 34 (-)

EC: 5/6
MC: 2
DC: 5/5-DW unlocked!


Ability 1: Snow Warning: (Innate) This Pokemon summons a massive hailstorm upon its entry into battle that does not end, expending 10% of its energy to do so.
Ability 2: Soundproof: (Innate) Pokemon with this ability emit their own powerful electrostatic or sound-dampening field, making them immune to sound-based moves other than an ally's or their own Heal Bell.. (Known sound moves: Ancient Song, Bark Out, Bug Buz, Chatter, Echo Voice, Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Screech, Sing, Round, Snore, Supersonic, Uproar.)

Powder Snow (*)
Leer (*)
Razor Leaf (*)
Icy Wind (*)
Grasswhistle (*)
Swagger (*)
Mist (*)
Wood Hammer
Ice Shard

Skull Bash (*)
Leech Seed (*)
Growth (*)

Blizzard (*)
Energy Ball (*)
Hidden Power [Fire, 7 power/5 energy] (*)

Snorunt Frigid (F)
Nature: Timid (A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +7% (58^2/500) flat increase in accuracy on this Pokemon's attacks; -1 Rank in Attack)

Type: Ice
Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.

Stats: 50/50-/50/50/50/50+

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 58 (50 x 1.15)

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Ability 1: Ice Body: (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in Icy conditions and can absorb energy from Hailstones to recover two (2) HP/action in Hail.
Ability 2: Inner Focus: (Innate) When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Ability 3: Moody (DW, not yet unlocked): (Innate) This Pokemon's traits are always fluctuating from one strength to another. At the end of each round, one of the Pokemon's stats (Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed, Accuracy, Evasion) will be boosted by two (2) stages and another will be reduced by one (1) stage. This stat change lasts until the end of that round, where Moody is re-applied, overwriting the boosted and dropped stats. This stat boost/drop occurs outside the normal boosts/drops.

Powder Snow
Double Team
Icy Wind

Weather Ball
Fake tears

Shadow Ball
Hidden Power (Fire, base 7)

"Frostbite-start the match off right with a Blizzard! Hit Shellos with Energy Ball right afterwards, then Leech Seed whichever one looks more vulnerable!

Frigid-start abusing that superior speed of yours and use 17 HP Substitute before the other team can do anything! After that, use some Fake Tears on Shellos-then Shadow Ball!"
Alright AquaVelva and Rook, it's go time.

AquaVelva, begin by smashing Snover with Hidden Power Fire. Rook, begin by bashing Snover with a Superpower.

After that AquaVelva, prepare another Hidden Power Fire It'll cost you some energy, but it will put that Runt (err, that's the other one) in its place.. Rook, stand firm and recover some power for yourself with Curse.

Finally AquaVelva, finish up with Rain Dance. Get this Hail off the field, it's a disgrace! Rook, finish up with another Superpower on Snover. He'll be reeling after this.

If Turtwig or yourself is Frozen by Blizzard on the first action, use Scald to heat your way out of it or free your ally, AquaVelva. Try to position yourself facing Turtwig initially so you can free both of you if some miracle of hax occurs. Since you're faster Turtwig should still be able to pull off its action.

AquaVelva: Hidden Power Fire (Snover) ~ Hidden Power Fire (Snover) ~ Rain Dance

If either is frozen by initial Blizzard, use Scald over the first Hidden Power to free the team.

Rook: Superpower (Snover) ~ Curse ~ Superpower (Snover)
Subreffing as requested by Deck Knight. Will edit reffing into this post.


Shellos(*) [AquaVelva]
HP: 100
Energy: 100%


Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 90
Energy: 100%


Snover [Frostbite]
HP: 90
Energy: 90%


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 90
Energy: 100%

The first Pokemon off the mark is Frigid, who sets up a Substitute worth 17 HP! Next, Frostbite uses Blizzard to turn on the ice in thie hail! (Un)fortunately, it does not get a freeze, and Deck Knight's Pokemon follow up with a Hidden Power Fire from AquaVelva and a Superpower from Rook!

Frigid suddenly appears and begins to cry. The Fake Tears deceive AquaVelva, whose Special Defense is halved as it waddles over to see what happened. Frostbite then uses Energy Ball, but due to the urban surroundings, it is weaker than usual! AquaVelva responds with a Hidden Power Fire, while Rook uses Curse!

Frigid takes advantage of AquaVelva's lowered guard with a Shadow Ball. Frostbite follows up with a Leech Seed targeting AquaVelva! AquaVelva, singualrly unconcerned, begins to move around in weird patterns. Whatever it was, that dance certainly provoked the rain! Rook takes the chance to use Superpower on Frostbite.


Shellos(*) [AquaVelva]
HP: 63
Energy: 77%
-2 SpD
Leech Seeded(5 actions)


Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 71
Energy: 78%
-1 Atk, -1 Def, -1 Spe


Snover [Frostbite]
HP: 15
Energy: 78%


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 73
Energy: 74%
Substitute(17 HP)

Rain will last for 5 more rounds.
Alright Rook, finish Frostbite off with another Superpower. Frostbite's KO should remove the effect of Leech Seed, it's host being Knocked Out. After that, Swords Dance, and hit Frigid with a Superpower.

AquaVelva, begin by attacking Frigid with Muddy Water. These Urban hardcourts always have some grunge on them, and the clay mixed with the water should be enough to generate it. That should be enough to burst our little Frigid friend's Substitute. Follow up with Scald to give him a burning sensation, and Water Pulse.

If Rook is frozen on the first action by one of your opponent's attacks, Scald Rook to break through the Ice and free him, and change your second action to Muddy Water on Frigid.

Rook: Superpower (Snover) ~ Swords Dance ~ Superpower (Snorunt)

AquaVelva: Muddy Water (Snorunt) ~ Scald (Snorunt) ~ Water Pulse (Snorunt)

If Rook is frozen the first action, Scald Turtwig to remove the ice, Muddy Water (Snorunt) ~ Water Pulse (Snorunt)
"Funny you rely on that so much-Frigid, DISABLE TURTWIG's SUPERPOWER! After that, use Fake Tears against Shellos twice!
Frostbite-let's finish off Shellos ASAP! SPAM ENERGY BALL!"

Snorunt: Disable (Turtwig, thusly disabling superpower), Fake Tears*2 (Shellos)
Snover: Energy Ball*3 (Shellos)

Shellos(*) [AquaVelva]
HP: 63
Energy: 77%
-2 SpD
Leech Seeded(5 actions)


Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 71
Energy: 78%
-1 Atk, -1 Def, -1 Spe


Snover [Frostbite]
HP: 15
Energy: 78%


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 73
Energy: 74%
Substitute(17 HP)

Comfortable behing the Substitute, Frigid uses Disable on Rook, targeting Superpower - Rook cannot use this attack for 6 actions. Frostbite then follows up with an Energy Ball on AquaVelva. AquaVelva responds with a Muddy Water targetting Snorunt, which breaks the Substitute! Rook attempts to use Superpower, but is disabled.

Now exposed, Frigid uses Fake Tears on AquaVelva, and the sea slug is taken in again, dropping its Special Defensly sharply. Frostbite follows up with another Energy Ball, considerably weakening AquaVelva. AquaVelva follows up with a Scald targeting Snorunt, and as a small revenge, it causes a 2nd degree burn! Rook uses Swords Dance whiel all this is going on, preparing for the future.

Frigid continues playing a supportive role, with another Fake Tears targeting AquaVelva! Frostbite uses this to its advantage, with another Energy Ball, which leaves it on 1 HP! AquaVelva uses its last moment of consciousness to fire off a Water Pulse at Snorunt, weakening it at the order of its master. Rook tries to use Superpower, but fails! The Leech Seed, which was taking its toll along, finally pushes AquaVelva beyond the brink of consciousness!

Frostbite has gained a KO counter!


Shellos(*) [AquaVelva]
Energy: KO


Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 71
Energy: 71%
+1 Atk
Superpower Disabled for 3 actions


Snover [Frostbite]
HP: 22
Energy: 51%


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 35
Energy: 62%
2nd degree burn
WEWOOWEWOOWEWOO! [Snover's cry in-game.]

Alas, Snover, you aren't going to be evolving into FRIGGING YETI this match, but you're still winning. Great job, Frigid-that Disable saved us.

"Frigid, use Icy Wind and recover your tear ducts, then use Fake Tears twice to make him vulnerable to Snover! (man is that move awesome in Doubles)

Frostbite, use Blizzard, Icy Wind, Blizzard! All that ice can't be good for a pure Grass-type: and besides, he's too brave to try dodging!
Well, that was a n error in judgement.

But the show isn't over yet Rook. Use Toxic on yourself, Then finish Frostbite with Tackle + Facade. The combined power of your fury will overwhelm the Christmas Tree Shop wannabe.

Your opponent is quite overconfident. This isn't over yet.

Toxic (self) ~ Tackle + Facade (Snover)

Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 71
Energy: 71%
+1 Atk
Superpower Disabled for 3 actions


Snover [Frostbite]
HP: 22
Energy: 51%


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 35
Energy: 62%
2nd degree burn

The round begins with an Icy Wind from Frigid, who decides to use the type advantage to good effect. This is followed by a Blizzard from Frostbite! All Rook does is to use Toxic on itself! Maybe it has a plan.....

The next turn, Frigid goes back to its old ways, with a Fake Tears! Frostbite follows up with an Icy Wind! Rook patiently sits through this, and retaliates with a powerful combo targeting Frostbite! The moves strung together appear to be Tackle and Facade, but boy, do they pack a punch! Enough to induce unconsciousness!

Rook has gained a KO Counter!

Finally, while Rook rests, Frigid uses another Fake Tears. The odds seem stacked against Deck Knight, but anything could happen here!


Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 10
Energy: 51%
-4 SpD, -1 Spe
Toxic 3


Snover [Frostbite]
Energy: KO


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 29
Energy: 42%
2nd degree burn
Well Rook, I made a big mistake, looks like its the end of the line.

Finish this up with Superpower, then Facade, then Superpower.

If Snorunt uses Disable on Facade, switch to Superpower.

Superpower ~ Facade ~ Superpower

If Snorunt Disables Facade, use Superpower as your second action.

Turtwig [Rook]
HP: 10
Energy: 51%
-4 SpD, -1 Spe
Toxic 3


Snorunt [Frigid]
HP: 29
Energy: 42%
2nd degree burn

Frigid starts off this round with a swift Icy Wind, doing more than the required 10 damage! Rook has fainted!

Frigid has gained a KO Counter!

Tortferngatr wins!

Deck Knight: 2 TC
AquaVelva: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Rook: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC, 1 KOC
Tortferngatr: 2 TC
Frostbite: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC, 1 KOC
Frigid: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC, 1 KOC
Me: 3 RC(as approved by Deck Knight)
gg Tort. Should have payed more attention to Disable ugh.

And since I claimed a prize earlier, That EC gives Rook his fourth, allowing me to evolve it to Grotle.


HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 31 (36/1.15v) (-)

EC: 4/9
MC: 0
DC: 2/5

With the two MC, I'll learn Crunch and Synthesis from levelup.

AquaVelva already maxed out her Level Movepool, So I'll use the MC on a BW TM, Toxic.
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