Deck Knight vs. Dogfish44 (ref: Rediamond) [Battle Completed]

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Well, if you couldn't tell already, it's a battle between Deck Knight *cheers explode from audience* and Dogfish44.

Here are some rules governing the battle:

2vs2 Singles
DQ Time: 3 Days
Restricted Moves: 2 Direct Recovery Moves / 5 Chills per Pokemon.

Arena: The Bosses' Way

The arena is in a darkened, concrete indoor Gym with a large throne chair placed on top of a stone balcony with two flanking concrete brickwork stairwells on either side. In front of this lies a standard Gym floor pattern, with a twist. The arena is lined by 6 surrounding blue orbed poles that generate an electric field that keeps the Pokemon inside the 20 W x 40 L X 15 H (feet) arena. If any Pokemon other than an Electric or Ground type hits the barrier, they will suffer 4 HP damage. Resistance to electricity will reduce this damage by 2, while Weakness to electricity will increase it by 2.

Because it is enclosed, weather moves will not work in this arena. It has no water sources and the concrete is too thick and musty to be dug through. The arena has fairly low natural lighting, but most Pokemon can see just fine, and if the electric field is hit it will generate light.
No Items
All Abilities

I trust Deck knows the rules he created, but just to be sure:
Deck sends out his first 'mon.
Dogfish sends out his 'mon, gives commands.
Deck replies with his.
I ref.
About the last step, I can either give fanfic type updates, or very fast, standard updates. If either of you have a preference, say so.
Oh, and my computer hates images. I'll try to get up sprites in every update, but be aware it might not happen...

And now let the games begin.
AquaVelva, you're up!


Shellos(*) [AquaVelva] (F)
Nature: Quiet.
Boltair, my Female Emonga. Come on OUT!

Thunderbolt. Toxic, Thunderbolt!

If it yawns at you, quick attack out of the way and strike!
AquaVelva, what a grungy place this is. Dirty isn't bad though.

Start the match by spraying yourself with Mud Sport. Then Yawn at Boltair. Finish up with Ice Beam.

Mud Sport ~ Yawn ~ Ice Beam

Shellos (Aquavela, F)
100 HP
100 Energy

Emonga (Boltair, Female)
100 Energy

Welcome to the scenic, gym-style arena for the 'boss' of ASB, Deck Knight. Today he is battling Dogfish44.

Deck chooses to start off with a Shellos, while Dogfish leads with an Emogna. Emogna starts off on the offense, blasting a powerful Thunderbolt at Shellos, who quickly recovers and covers herself with mud (Mud Sport). After this, AquaVelva yawns loudly, in an attempt to get the opponent to settle down for a nap. However, Emogna hears none of it through the wind in her ears as she strikes Shellos with an extremely fast Quick Attack. Emogna flies back around, and strikes Shellos with yet another bolt of thunder, but the mud on Shellos reduces the damage she takes, and she strikes right back with a frozen Beam of Ice.

64 HP
81 Energy
Status: Covered in Mud Sport


70 HP
83 Energy
Status: None of consequence

Arena/Positioning: The combatants are at there starting positions, ten feet apart from each other in the center of the arena.

Deck orders.
Excellent work AquaVelva.

Since we're protected by Mud Sport for now, time to press our advantage. Fire off Ice Beam after Ice Beam, and try to freeze Emonga's mouth shut to avoid moves like Toxic.

If Emonga tries to evade with Double Team, eradicate the clones by sending out a blast of Clear Smog.

Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

Clear Smog to wipe out any DT clones.
Emonga - you see this cage of electricity? We're gonna use that!

Fly up to it, and Charge up!

Then, release a Thunderbolt - the mud sport might weaken it, but it'll still do a lot of damage.

Finish up with a Spark - try to knock it into the cage!

64 HP
81 Energy
Status: Covered in Mud Sport
Aqualelva (Shuckle, Female)


70 HP
83 Energy
Emonga (Boltair, Female)

The round began with both combatants staring each other down in the middle of the arena, in the exact same location that the match had begun. Emonga stole the initiative, and flew rapidly to the top of the cage encompassing the arena. Even with its electric typing, the cage still delivered a shock to the flying squirrel Pokemon, but it managed to latch onto the roof despite the pain, and tried to tap into the energy of the cage to supercharge its attacks. However, it vastly underestimated the power of the cage, and recieved quite the shock when thousands of amps of electricity flew into the tiny squirrel, overpowering its tiny body with an extreme charge. As Emonga struggled to control the current, Aquavelva shot a beam of Ice towards her. While the frozen pillar of Ice shot straight upwards from the Shellos' mouth, Aquavelva tried to move, only to get struck critically on her wing, and find herself frozen hopelessly to the cage. However, the extreme heat generated by the current running through her body managed to avoid the worst of the attack, almost making up for her weakness to the Ice Type.

Suddenly, Boltair started to glow, finally managing to master the charge surrounding her. Aquavelva shot one last panicked pillar of Ice at the rodent, which was glowing brighter and brighter by the second, the entire cage's electricity being channeled into her body. And then it stopped. Right as the Ice Beam collided, Boltair shot it all out, easily destroying the ice on her wing, and demolishing the pillars of ice as the Thunderbolt went, causing them to either melt or lie in shards on the ground below. While the mud on Shellos' body weakened the attack, it was so powerful as to shot off the electric fence surrounding the arena, but still leave it heated.

When the attack finally ended, Boltair dove straight down towards the ground, cackling with unnatural charge as she flew. At the last moment, Aqualevlva froze the air around her mouth, and fired a beam of frozen air towards the Flying Squirrel, who took substantial damage as she plowed through it and struck her foe dead on.


22 HP
51 Energy
Status: Covered in Mud Sport


11 HP
48 Energy
Emonga (Boltair, Female)
Status: Supercharged (+10 BP to all electric attacks, however five more energy cost per attack, and deals three damage to self with every action)

Arena: The fence's wiring was fried, but it is still very hot. A large pool of water and several broken pillars of Ice lie around the floor beneath the opponents. The opponents are only three feet apart, within range of almost every physical attack.

Dogfish orders
Ummmm.... oops? I hope the arena's insured

You OK Boltair? Good!

Thunderbolt! Quick Attack! Thunderbolt!

If it warns, dodge with Quick Attack and strike.

@Rediamond - Very good writing.
AquaVelva, give Boltair a stern warning! (Or if he meant Yawn, do that)

Then finish Boltair off with another Ice Beam. If it's still standing after that, use Water Pulse.

Warn/Yawn ~ Ice Beam ~ Water Pulse.

22 HP
51 Energy
Status: Covered in Mud Sport


11 HP
48 Energy
Emonga (Boltair, Female)
Status: Supercharged (+10 BP to all electric attacks, however five more energy cost per attack, and deals three damage to self with every action)

Angry at the damage done to her Master's arena, Aquavela gave Boltair a stern, warning look. Disliking the look, and still on a power-crazy rush, Boltair shot another bolt of electricity through the air, striking Aquavelva at point blank, and causing the mud surrounding her to fall off. In her arrogance, she failed to notice at this, and yawned just to demonstrate how little she cared. Further enraged, Boltair rammed straight into her at a blazingly fast speed. Aquavelva laughed, having easily withstood the attack. However, as she started to do a victory screech, she caused one remaining piece of ice on the roof to fall down and strike her on the head, knocking her out.


8 HP
33 Energy
Emonga (Boltair, Female)
Status: Supercharge has worn off, however, in four actions, Boltair will fall asleep.

Arena: Puddle of water remains, and the voltage is still off. The fence has cooled down a little, but it will still hurt to touch. Icicle shards are still on the ground.

Deck Knight, send out your next Pokemon and give its commands.
Time to come out, Hi Jack!


Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
Nature: Sassy.

Finish Boltair off with Dragon Pulse. Nowhere to hide now, not even the air is safe! AquaVelva did a good job weakening her.

Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Pulse
Good Job Boltair!

Now then, use your speed to Double Team (3 clones + Self).

Then Toxic, then finish up with an Iron Tail.

Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
90 HP
100 Energy
Status: None


Emonga [Boltair] (F)
8 HP
33 Energy
Status: Supercharge has worn off, however, in four actions, Boltair will fall asleep.

Exhausted from the repeated Ice Beams hitting it, and now feeling the full weight of the energy he had used settle in as the charge wore off, Emonga could barely lift herself off the ground. However, for Monohm this was not the case. Fresh from his Pokeball and ready to go, Hi Jack! eagerly awaited his chance to resume the battle. The moment that the flags were dropped and the battle reconvened, Emonga summoned what was left of her depleted strength to create three clones of herself, all of them surrounding Monohm. Monohm had been using this time to summon his inner strength, and quickly blasted out a shockwave from her mouth, striking the real Boltair and causing her to faint at long last.


Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
90 HP
93 Energy
Status: None

Arena: The wire has cooled down enough so that it may be safely touched. Most of the icicles have been melted, leading to a large puddle of water in the center of the arena.

Dogfish: send out your final Pokemon and give your commands.
GRUMPus! Let's go!

(Male Spoink)

Shadow Ball! Future Sight! Extrasensory!

Magic Coat anything Magic-Coatable.
Boltair gave me a pretty cool idea Hi Jack!

Head to a section of the cage close to GRUMPus and use Charge. In addition to building your own electricity, see if you can pull in some elctricity from the cage, and funnel it all into a big charginging Spark.

Get ret of any excess left over from the cage with a Thunderbolt.

Move near the cage close to GRUMPus and Charge ~ Spark ~ Thunderbolt.

Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
90 HP
93 Energy
Status: None


Spoink [GRUMPus] (Male) (*)
100 HP
100 Energy

Spoink burst out of its Pokeball, ready to finish what Boltair had started. Unfortunately, he soon realized that Boltair had accomplished very little against his current opponent. Both combatants knew that the battle that had just concluded meant almost nothing. They would decide the match.

The two stared each other down for several seconds, waiting for the other to make a move. Suddenly, Hi Jack! made a lunge for the ruined cage. Reacting out of pure instinct, the Spoink charged a ball of shadowy energy near his pearl, and shot it straight at Monohm. Suffering the direct hit, he flew backwards, colliding with the cage. In blind rage, the Monohm began to charge as much power as it possibly could to destroy his opponent. Then he heard a crackle behind him.

The influx of electricity caused by the Charge attack caused a current to once again reach the generator, but this one was differnet. The current was far less tame, and flowed in whatever direction it could through the remains of the fence, causing some areas of the fence to ignite into flames, while minature arcs of lighting flew of of others. In some areas, the current was far more intense than before, having lost all circuit-breakers and regulation. In others, the wire was so badly damaged that barely any charge flew. Monohm was in a sort of middle ground, recieving a decent charge, but one far less powerful or destructive than Boltair's.

Spoink, however, noticed none of this. While Hi Jack! turned the arena into a savage beast of destruction, Spoink saw something. He saw an event in the future, a great opportunity to swing the match if only he could survive until it happened. Unfortunately, he didn't see the present. Noticing the distracted Pig Pokemon, Monohm rushed across the field, cloaked in a wild cloud of static charge. Just as GRUMPus came back to his senses, he was hit by a wild tackle, with a huge current flowing into him. He managed to shake off most of it, however some current remained in his muscles. This slowed him down immensely, and created the possiblity that he wouldn't be able to move at all.

Enraged, GRUMPus' pearl began to glow. Aware of the possible dangers of the attack. The Dragon-type jumped back, and shot a massive Thunderbolt straight at Spoink. However, Spoink used his mind to partially disrupt the Thunderbolt and knock Monohm back a few feet, leaving both combatants about ten feet from the center and ten feet from the edge of the arena.


Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
70 HP
72 Energy
Status: Powerful Charge (+3 BP to electric attacks), impending Future Sight


Spoink [GRUMPus] (Male) (*)
71 HP
80 Energy
Status: 20% Paralysis

Arena: The cage is in chaos, with some areas having massive amounts of charge, while others have very little. Arcing electricity and small fires exist in some areas on the wire. The pool of water in the center of the arena remains, however neither combatant is standing in it.

Deck, you're up.
Alright Hi Jack! We have a bit of a speed advantage here now that GRUMPus is paralyzed. The wonderful thing about Spoinks are they love to bounce. Lets give Spoink a little lift, shall we?

Begin with Twister. Lift Spoink up towards the ceiling of the cage and then fire a Thunderbolt at it while its at its apex. Then knock it backward (hopefully into the cage again) with another Spark.

Twister ~ Thunderbolt ~ Spark
Alright then!

I want you to start off with a midair Confuse Ray. Then, when you land, use the extra force in the bounce to launch off a Zen Headbutt.

Finish up with an Extrasensory.

Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
70 HP
72 Energy
Status: Powerful Charge (+3 BP to electric attacks), impending Future Sight


Spoink [GRUMPus] (Male) (*)
71 HP
80 Energy
Status: 20% Paralysis

As the cage remains engulfs in chaos, Monohm somewhat reluctantly agrees to his trainer's orders to use a non-electric attack, but only on the promise that he could zap some stuff before his charge runs out. Concentrating on the powers within his ancestory, Hi Jack! summons a powerful wind of dragon-type energy, and creates a massive funnel that begins to lift GRUMPus towards the top of the arena. Remaining calm despite the twister around him, the Spoink shoots a beam of mental energy at his foe, aiming it so that it is fired right as the vortex spins him to the correct angle. Unfortunately for him, about a second later he hit the roof of the cage, which was still arcing with electricity from Boltair's earlier manuevers.

In the meantime, Monohm believes he has actually been hired to make a musical innacurately portraying the drama of high school life where no one ever gets a detention for singing in the hallways. Singing around in a state of delirious confusion, he decides the show isn't interesting enough, and fires a Thunderbolt straight at the ceiling, where it just happened to hit GRUMPus, and send him crashing into the ceiling again. Enraged, and wanting the singing to stop, the Spoink times a Zen Headbutt, and uses the power generated by his collision with the ground to strike the Monohm into the arena fence. Unfortunately for GRUMPus, that particular part contained almost no voltage.

Believing that the director is trying to get him off of the stage, Hi Jack! goes for one last appeal, generating a massive sparking cloud of electricity that slams right into Spoink. Undaunted, Spoink creates a wave of telekinetic energy behind the head of the confused Dragon-type causing him to whirl around blindly in pain, and the singing to get even worse. With horro, Spoink realizes that his vision of the future somehow came true, and that singing can get even worse than he had imagined. However, he decides to capitalize on the weakness he forewsaw, and he slams the Dragon straight into the cage, where a huge shower of sparks and fire goes up, inflicting serious damage on Hi Jack!.


Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
32 HP
60 Energy
Status: Confused (3 actions remaining)


Spoink [GRUMPus] (Male) (*)
28 HP
65 Energy
Status: 20% Paralysis

Arena: The arena continues to be in chaos, with varying voltages and small fires. The pool of water remains intact, although some of it has evaporated.

Dogfish, you're up.

Oh, and if this lasts much longer, I may be unable to finish until Tuesday due to a campout.
Alright Hi Jack, time to finish this. All I need is for you to get a Charge off, then finish with Thunderbolts. If you hit yourself with confusion the first action, let it clear your head and use Charge then.

Charge ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunderbolt

If Hi Jack! hits itself with confusion the first action, use Charge as the second action.

Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
32 HP
60 Energy
Status: Confused (3 actions remaining)


Spoink [GRUMPus] (Male) (*)
28 HP
65 Energy
Status: 20% Paralysis

Furious at the apparent rage of his director, Hi Jack began to channel his rage into electrical energy to prepare for the grand finale. Seeing his chance, GRUMPus slammed a wall of telekinetic energy, which was somewhat reduced in power by the cloud of electricity flying around the Monohm.

In a blind fury, Hi Jack unleashed all of his electricity at the foe he believed was behind him, but he only wound up hitting himself as a ball of shadowy energy slammed hard into the Electric-type, leaving him severely injured.

Coming to his senses, Hi Jack! realized that he was actually in the middle of a battle, and he had never actually come close to stardom. Enraged by this revelation, he began to charge the largest Thunderbolt of his life, aided by his blind fury and the charge he had build up either. GRUMPus realized he had to do something, and tried to intercept the massive bolt of electricity flying towards him with an extrasensory attack. The resulting explosion rocked the room as huge shockwaves collided with both Pokemon, and stirred up a cloud of smoke that hid the outcome of the match. When the dust finally began to clear, one Pokemon was down on the ground, while the other could barely stand.


Monohm(*) [Hi Jack!] (M)
0 HP
45 Energy
Status: Confused (3 actions remaining)


Spoink [GRUMPus] (Male) (*)
13 HP
49 Energy
Status: 20% Paralysis

Congratulations to Dogfish44 for being favored by the RNG and pulling off the win!

I have to leave in literally less than an hour, so let's make this quck:

Boltair, Hi Jack!, GRUMPus, and Aquavelva get 1 Evolution Counter, 1 Dream Counter, and 1 move counter, while the first three listed get a KO counter as well.

Deck Knight and Dogfish44 get two trainer counters, while I get two ref counters that I will record upon my return to society.

Good game, and may the HAX be with you. (P.S. Sorry about your arena, Deck).
Damned Confusion. What a train wreck.

GG dogfish. Close to the bitter end.

Don't forget to claim your ref tokens Rediamond.

I'll use my KO Counter to get Hi Jack! Another Move Counter.

I'll then use my two Move Counters on Slack Off and Gale.

With my Shellos MC I'll be getting Recover for Aqua Velva.

I'll be keeping my 2 Trainer Counters in reserve.
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