Deoxys-Defense @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
-Night Shade
- Taunt
- Recover
Deoxys-D is a recently discovered threat in National Dex. It uses its high bulk and solid Speed, which is notably higher than Heatran's, to act as a scary wincon. Cosmic Power gives it the defenses to beat foes like Weavile, Ash-Greninja, and Kartana one-on-one with Pressure. Combined with Taunt blocking moves like Toxic and Haze, it becomes very annoying to wear down once set up. Taunt is also one of Deoxys-D's primary offensive tools, as it beats recovery-reliant walls like Slowbro, Clefable, and Toxapex and stops setup sweepers like Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Gliscor. Rocky Helmet allows Deoxys-D to wear down foes like Weavile, Mega Tyranitar, and Mega Lopunny without having to waste turns attacking. Entry hazards make Deoxys-D's many forced switches much better, so Ferrothorn, Ash-Greninja, and Skarmory are potent teammates.
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
-Night Shade
- Taunt
- Recover
Deoxys-D is a recently discovered threat in National Dex. It uses its high bulk and solid Speed, which is notably higher than Heatran's, to act as a scary wincon. Cosmic Power gives it the defenses to beat foes like Weavile, Ash-Greninja, and Kartana one-on-one with Pressure. Combined with Taunt blocking moves like Toxic and Haze, it becomes very annoying to wear down once set up. Taunt is also one of Deoxys-D's primary offensive tools, as it beats recovery-reliant walls like Slowbro, Clefable, and Toxapex and stops setup sweepers like Mega Scizor, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Gliscor. Rocky Helmet allows Deoxys-D to wear down foes like Weavile, Mega Tyranitar, and Mega Lopunny without having to waste turns attacking. Entry hazards make Deoxys-D's many forced switches much better, so Ferrothorn, Ash-Greninja, and Skarmory are potent teammates.
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