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team name: help amogh has us locked up in his basement and is forcing us to play this tour
ou: AmoghOp (probably the captain) (also on his villain arc)
lower tier: udongirl
cap: DragonPhoenix333 (me)
old gen: Ian_Yo
challenge: TheIronPikachu
Welcome all to the Circus! Smogon has been my home away from home, and as a guy who loves hosting wacky tours and to show my love for Smogon's competitive community, I thought I would start what I hope to make a tradition: dex's Circus. The concept of this tour is functionally the same as z0mOG's Big Chungus tour in that it will be a team tournament with teams of 5 playing tiers that may or may not change week to week. It's my tournament, so I get to choose the tiers. The tier rules are simple:
There will be 3 stable, official tiers which will remain the same week to week with the exception of a rotating lower tier. These are announced later in this post.
There will be 1 old gen OU tier that will rotate throughout the tournament. This slot will be a Bo1 unless RBY is chosen, in which case it will be a Bo3.
There will be 1 challenge tier that radically changes each week. This tier will seek to challenge your team's ability as builders and players. I'll leave these as surprises.
The rules for the tournament itself are equally simple:
Sign up in teams of 5. I do not care about who you are, what community you come from, or your relation or lack thereof with me, only that you are here to play and to win.
Assign each player to a slot and pick out a captain for communication purposes. This tournament has a tier lock, so there will be no switching once Week 1 begins. The slots are named for your convenience later in this post.
Pick out a fun team name!
Absolutely NO ghosting will be allowed in this tournament. This tournament operates off of faith, so if I catch wind of the occurrence of ghosting, then you are out, and you will be reprimanded accordingly. The point of this tournament is to have fun with friends, so try your best to!
Team helpers, such as prep help, builders, etc. are allowed.
50$ will be awarded to each winning team member. This can be distributed via PayPal or Venmo, whichever is preferred. No other methods for payment will be done. I am not responsible for any transfer or exchange surcharges.
This tournament is single elimination. Teams will play each other through a randomized bracket.
Without further ado, here are the tiers for the tournament!
SV Lower Tier (rotating between Ubers, UU, RU, NU, PU, and LC) Bo1
OU Old Gen (rotating between SS, SM, ORAS, BW, DPP, ADV, GSC, and RBY). This slot will be a Bo1 unless RBY is chosen, in which case it will be a Bo3.
An example signup would look like this:
OU: player1
Lower Tier: player2
CAP: player3
Old Gen: player4
Challenge: player5
Signups will end on July 9th, 11:59 PM -7given we have a good number of signups by then. Best of luck!