Tournament DFL I - Player Signups [Auction 22nd @ 1 PM -4]

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User name: termnal

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag termnal

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Free most days of the week

Player Info Top 32 in Oras Circuit II, 5-3 in summer seasonal. Been playing for 5+ years at this point. I can support any tier including vgc, and am happy to play any tier although ORAS and SV are my best two tiers.
can provide replays in dms
User name: Ace98121212

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Discord Tag ace981212

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, ORAS

Availability Pretty much available after 4-5 pm my time . No major availablity issues

Player Info It's been close to a year of me playing in draft . I was 3-3 in winter seasonal which isn't a good score but I have improved since then . I was in the playoffs of draftarig season 5.5 and lost there due to a flinch . Currently in summer ssnl I'm 5-1 . I'm not good in old gen drafts but I'm a good gen 9 player
User name: Comedier

Time Zone GMT+8

Discord Tag comedier

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability Have work but pretty open especially on weekends

Player Info Won OPL S3, Top 8 SV VGC Draft S2, Top 8 Smogon VGC Draft II.
Big fan of draft since I get a lot of time to flowchart the entire matchup, and have good experience sniping together a good team.
User name: Steven Stone 007

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Discord Tag xhiku.

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Free All Day

Player Info 6-3 Score In SSL Against Good Opponent
Draft Experience 1 yrs
SD Experience 4 yrs
User name: TRowePrice667

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag troweprice

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, ORAS, SV VGC

Availability Usually busy Fridays and Saturdays but am available most Sunday evenings and throughout the week as I work from home.

Player Info Made 2023 Smogon draft tour circuit (2/3 of my points were LC), one of the very few players to be drafted in DPL and be undefeated (0-0 baby!!!!!), once met and shook hands with L5 and Darkrai at a VGC tournament
User name: Vholtninja

Time Zone GMT+7

Discord Tag vholtninja

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, USUM

Availability Pretty available, I got college but still pretty free whenever Im awake for the most part, from 8am-1am

Player Info Reached play ins for winter seasonal, reached round top 32 of usum will be willing to do alot of mocks, be active, am willing and asking for tryouts for minbid
User name: IMCOOKiNG

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag imhoo

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea

Availability Will be available throughout. I have classes but can always schedule around.

Player Info Currently top cut summer seasonal and made quarter finals in Teal Mask Trios but went undefeated there. Have a lot of experience with other smaller draft leagues where I have accumulated over a dozen chips within the last year or so. This includes paldex showdown mostly and some natdex. I have also played in wifi leagues over the year where I have never not made finals in the 5 or so I've participated in and those are all up on my YouTube. I have some experience in team tours in smaller servers too. Will be very active and always down to help out with mocks and teambuilding! If you want to see replays, pastes, or whatever DMs are always open!
User name: ReaDynn

Time Zone GMT+2

Discord Tag readynn

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability I will only be occupied by university.

Player Info I went 8-0 in smogon vgc draft, unfortunately I lost in the finals. Otherwise I didn't play any other vgc tournament (I started playing in tournaments not a long time ago)
User name: OhioGengar

Time Zone GMT+4

Discord Tag lucarioman20

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea

Availability Available in evenings of weekdays and fully free on weekends

Player Info - A new player in the draft metagame
- Passionate and hard working
- Have good knowledge of draft meta and drafting skills
- Flexible battler
User name: Alonsiviri

Time Zone GMT+2

Discord Tag alonsiviri

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability Plenty, I wil prioritize DFL if chosen above any other tournaments

Player Info VGC player dwelling in the draft leagues since last year. Resourceful and competitive, I will try my best to drive my team to victory. If you are looking for a budget doubles player, consider picking me
User name: BadassFroslass

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag badassfroslass

Tiers Preferred SS Galar, USUM, SV VGC

Availability Evenings EST, almost all day on weekends

Player Info Qualified for the Pokémon VGC world championships this year but my background is in Galar draft. Finished as the runner up of the DLNLWC if anyone remembers that. I’m best at Galar and VGC but I have experience with USUM and SV.
User name: StarMaiden ;W;

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag starmaidenw_2080

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar

Availability Everyday afternoon est (except Monday usually)

Player Info I don’t call myself draft league lebron James for no reason (delusion)
User name: mclagno

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag mclagno

Tiers Preferred SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability full availability

Player Info mains are ORAS and USUM, been playing those since release
User name: AaronTheBaron

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag aaronthebaron

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Weekdays 6pm - 10pm
Weekends 10am - 10pm

Player Info Several years of draft league experience.
Competed strongly in SmogTours, reaching top 8 in SV NatDex. Current streak of 7-0 in PGP (a team tour for draft leagues). Helpful with mocks and team building.
Owner of The Colosseum, one of the largest draft league servers.
User name: ACExDiscostu93

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag acexdiscostu93

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Tuesday 7-11 pm
Thursday - Friday 9-11 pm
Saturday 1-4 pm, 7 pm-12 am
Sunday 7-11 pm

Player Info Fairly new to draft, started this February, have a decent record of reaching playoffs in low to mid skill divisions. I may still be improving, but I can still pull some important upsets when the chips are down.
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