User name: termnal
Time Zone GMT-4
Discord Tag termnal
Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS
Availability Free most days of the week
Player Info Top 32 in Oras Circuit II, 5-3 in summer seasonal. Been playing for 5+ years at this point. I can support any tier including vgc, and am happy to play any tier although ORAS and SV are my best two tiers.
can provide replays in dms
Time Zone GMT-4
Discord Tag termnal
Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS
Availability Free most days of the week
Player Info Top 32 in Oras Circuit II, 5-3 in summer seasonal. Been playing for 5+ years at this point. I can support any tier including vgc, and am happy to play any tier although ORAS and SV are my best two tiers.
can provide replays in dms