Tournament DLWC II - Player Signups

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Draft League World Cup

Welcome to the second edition of Draft League World Cup! This edition will be hosted by goldmason , adorluigi , olivia , and Freya !

This year's format will be: 8x SV Draft. Each team will be composed of 8 starters and 3 or 4 substitutes giving a total of 12 players maximum per team. Each team is required to have at least one manager, but may choose to have a second if desired (managers are not required to play for their team, but can do so if they wish). Each Country/Continental/Region team will create their Pokemon teams from one draft board (independent of other teams) with no overlaps amongst team members. The teams and the regions will be chosen depending of the volume of signups and teams available. Managers are permitted to combine multiple Countries to form a Region team if each of the included Countries are unable to field a complete team independently. These Region teams are encouraged to be from the relatively same geographical area.

How to Join:
Sign up with the below format before the deadline, which will be Sunday, December 15th, at 1700 GMT-5. Captains and eligible teams will be announced a week from today on Sunday, December 8th at around 1700 GMT-5. Obviously, if you are tourbanned then you cannot sign up. Once a player has posted a sign up in manner listed below, tournament hosts will verify each player's eligibility and publicly display the approved eligibility in this spreadsheet. Prospective managers should feel encouraged to reach out to eligible players for their Country/Team/Region to form additional teams.
There will be two types of player eligibility discussed in this outline: first-time players, and returning players. For the purpose of clarity, all players will be treated as first-time players until they have competed for a Draft League World Cup Team (either National such as Team Brazil, or Continental such as Team Europe). Player eligibility and team obligations do not carry over from one subforum to the next; for example, if a player is locked into playing for Team Germany in WCoP, they are not necessarily locked to play for Team Germany in DLWC. Hosts will not consider any other means of identification for regional eligibility. Please do not submit real-world identifying documents such as passports or birth certificates. DLWC hosts and TDs reserve the right to determine the extent to which any below method of eligibility is accepted or denied.

Players who have not participated in a DLWC season have open eligibility. This means that the only determining factor for which country/continental they want to compete in is the IP history on their Smogon profile. Hosts will primarily use a range of dates in-between IP address logins, however the number of logins will also be used in determining eligibility claims. IP addresses determined to be derived from VPNs or other obfuscation methods will be disregarded when determining eligibility. Once a player decides to play for a region/country/continent in their first DLWC, they are locked to that team for future seasons. Players have three ways of determining which country/continental they wish to play for:
  • Having a consistent IP history in a country for no shorter than 90 days. This period of time may be cumulative over the course of 12 months, however, the more sparse and infrequent the logins show up on your Smogon profile, the harder it will be to determine your eligibility for that country. The intent is to qualify based on actually residing in that country for a prolonged period of time.

  • Showing frequent and routine passage between multiple regions (US) or countries. Players who show patterns of routinely logging in from multiple countries will be able to play for any of their eligible countries (or the continental in which their country resides). Common examples of this would be living in one country, and attending university in another. A second example may be living in one Country, and having dual/multiple citizenship in others because of variable living conditions or unaccompanied family members.

  • The player's Smogon profile may show past IP addresses from a different country in which they reside at the time they choose to participate in DLWC for the first time. Based on the same consistency baseline mentioned earlier (at least 90 days of consistent residency), players are eligible to claim a country in which they have lived previously. So long as IP addresses are on a player's Smogon profile and are not determined to be fabricated, they are able to be considered by the hosts.
Returning players are those who have participated in a DLWC in a previous year. Once a player decides to play for a region/country/continent in their first DLWC, they are locked to that team for future seasons. The only criteria that may allow a player to change the team they are aligned with are:
  • If a player's life circumstances change and they no longer meet eligibility requirements of their old team (example: moved residence). If a player utilizes this method of transferring their eligibility, their previously used eligibility is permanently forfeited.

  • If a player chooses to transfer eligibility from a Continental to a Country Team. In the event that a Country Team forms that a player is eligible for, they have the option of transferring eligibility to that Country Team.
    • In the event that a Country Team participates in a second DLWC, players are forced to play for that Country Team instead of their respective Continental Team.
    • In the event that an established Country Team dissolves, that player is allowed to return to the Continental Team. If that Country Team reforms in the future, that player is forced to return to their Country Team.
    • In the event that a Country Team would have the requisite number of players to form, those players must either play for their Country Team or abstain from playing in that season of DLWC. This removes the ability of player(s) from prohibiting their Country Teams from forming, so that they can play for a Continental Team.
    • If a new player has not participated in DLWC, and has multiple citizenship options, their choice for eligibility is only between the Country Teams they qualify for.
All instances of returning players attempting to change their region must be communicated to the DLWC hosts prior to signing up with the new potential eligibility in mind for IP validation. "Cultural eligibility" is not an accepted form of eligibility in DLWC.

The reason that Continental Teams exist are to give a venue for players who are unable to form a full team within their native Country Team. "Continental" team in this instance refers to any combination of two or more countries into a Region, not just specifically the likes of Europe or Asia. An example of a Region Team would be LATAM (Latin America). It is the opinion of the DLWC hosts that the spirit of the competition is to support your Country Team first, Continental Team second, and your friend group last. It is in that spirit that competitors who wish to only play for a Continental Team, but not any of the other countries they may have eligibility for, will be unable to do so.

The tiers for DLWC II are in this document.
The player eligibility document is
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Discord Tag slopcat

Primary Eligibility US North East

Secondary Eligibility (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Significant time missed -
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