Dogfish44 vs. Cartoons (Ref: Ice-eyes)

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Simper Fi
Dogfish44 vs. Cartoons

This somewhat epic battle between two trainers of transcendentally mediocre calibre takes place in an abandoned construction site.

It's clear that the construction site is abandoned, and hasn't been worked on for some time. The scaffold has rusted, parts of it have collapsed and tattered tarpaulins flutter forlornly in the breeze. Boards once meticulously stacked for use now lie rotten and discarded. Moss grows on the piles of bricks which have been dumped to one side. Deep trenches once dug for foundations are now filled with muddy puddles a foot deep, and weeds are beginning to approach, brambles encroaching from a wild area beyond the back fence.

The abandonment seems sudden; tools lie abandoned - a drill propped up against a half-built wall, a spirit level lying on a floor which, once flat, has developed a slant as the foundations collapse into the sticky mud surrounding the site.

It is cold now, the sun on the verge of dipping below the horizon. The biting wind only exacerbates the effect of the rapidly dropping temperature. Enter Dogfish and Cartoons.

  • 1v1 Singles
  • DQ Time: 3 Days
  • 3 Chills, No Recovery
  • All Unlocked Abilities
  • Items Allowed


Weedle [Trouser Snake] (Male) (*)
Nature: Jolly

Poison/Bug: Bug STAB; Anger Powder, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Solarbeam, Spore, Stun Spore, Roost have Energy Cost reduced by one (1), Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens uninhibited. Dasutodasu, Muk, and Weezing inflict Toxic Poisoning with Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Poison attacks (respectively), Wrap, Haze, and Glare have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: * (-)
SpD: *
Spe: 57 (+)

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Shield Dust: (Innate) This Pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Run Away (DW - NOT ACTIVATED): (Innate) This Pokemon is quick on its feet and can evade any traps in an arena. Run Away does not allow the Pokemon to escape from trapping moves or abilities, however it can escape other situational trapping strategies in battle.

String Shot (*)
Poison Sting (*)
Bug Bite (*)
@ Oran Berry


Breezi [Handsome] Male *
Nature: Serious

Type: Poison/Flying

Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens uninhibited. Dasutodasu, Muk, and Weezing inflict Toxic Poisoning with Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Poison attacks (respectively), Wrap, Haze, and Glare have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon, Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Silver Wind, Twister, Whirlwind have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 85

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5


Persistent (Innate):
This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.
Vital Spirit (Innate):
This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.
Unburden(DW) (Innate):
This Pokemon is incredibly possessive. If it uses or loses an item in battle its rage swells and its speed doubles (x2) until it receives another item.


Gust *
Sand Attack *
Tailwind *
Encore *
Knock Off *
Copycat *
Healing Beam *
Whirlwind *
Razor Wind *
Make Friends *

Disable *
Me First *
Metronome *

Attract *
Shadowball *
Light Screen *
@ Pecha Berry
(Cartoons to issue first)
Okay, let's get this sideshow of a match started!

Handsome, use the winds to stay high and lead off with three straight Gusts

If it attempts any String Shots, spin some right back with Copycat.

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 100
Boosts: None
Other: None


Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 90
Boosts: None
Other: None

Handsome seizes the initiative in making the first move, tapping the power of the wind and sending a vicious Gust down at Trouser Snake. As the maelstrom of swirling air connects, it knocks Trouser Snake flying through the air. While injured, the little bug has lost none of its opportunism and as it careers backwards it launches off a String Shot. The sticky string doesn't hit exactly on target, but gets tangled in Handsome's parachute, forcing it to make an emergency landing. Trouser Snake then lands painfully.

Despite the string, Handsome is the faster to react and, using Copycat, sends back a stream of the same string. Trouser Snake, closing if not rapidly then steadily, is slowed down, but Handsome's parachute is now more of a hindrance than a help and, encumbered by Trouser Snake's string, it is powerless to avoid the impending Bug Bite. Trouser Snake then settles down, happily munching its pilfered Pecha Berry.

Not much the worse for wear, and eager to have its revenge, Handsome sends another Gust arcing towards its insect nemesis. Trouser Snake, unable to stop itself from being hurled backwards, just has time to launch a Poison Sting. It connects, scratching Handsome, but does not manage to jettison its load of poison into the Breezi's bloodstream.

Handsome seizes the brief moment of respite to shake itself free of Weedle's string.

Round 1 End

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 66
Energy: 89
Boosts: -1 Speed
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 85
Energy: 89
Boosts: None
Other: None

Poison Sting *3

If it will gust, switch to String Shot on the floor, using the gust of wind to swing around that point and ram into Handsome!
Take the opportunity to Knock Off that Oran Berry.

Next, Disable that Poison Sting (feel free to chuckle at the results).

Finish the round by slapping it with another Gust.

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 66
Energy: 89
Boosts: -1 Speed
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 85
Energy: 89
Boosts: None
Other: None

While Trouser Snake is still struggling with the string bound tightly around its body, Handsome leaps in to deliver a swift Knock Off. Trouser Snake cries out as it is deprived of its Oran Berry, which arcs through the air to land several metres away. In retaliation, the Weedle lashes out to catch Handsome with its stinger. This time, the Poison Sting is driven deep into Handsome's body, but being Poison-type it is able to absorb the toxins.

Acting quickly, before Trouser Snake can strike again, Handsome focuses and manages to Disable Poison Sting. Looking confused, Trouser Snake stares around blankly, looking senile in an odd insect way.

Handsome summons another Gust to buffet Trouser Snake, but before the wind can strike, Trouser Snake latches onto a scaffolding pole with its String Shot and swings around, avoiding the lethal gale. It is slightly blown off course, however, and - while unhurt - flies past its intended target of Handsome to land a few feet away, shaking off the last of the Breezi's string.

Round 2 End

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 62
Energy: 82
Boosts: None
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 82
Energy: 78
Boosts: None
Other: None

Time to step up the offense.

Fire off a Shadow Ball first. Then Shadow Ball again. Finally, mix it up with a Shadow Ball!

If it tries to String Shot again, rip it apart with a Razor Wind.
Wait for the Shadow Ball, then use String Shot to grap it and throw it back!

Then, use String Shot after he fires that Shadow Ball, and throw it back again.

Finish up the round by taking advantage of Razor Wind's large charge up time by... wrapping Handsome's body up like a mummy in String Shot!

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 62
Energy: 82
Boosts: None
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 82
Energy: 78
Boosts: None
Other: None

Handsome quickly prepared a Shadow Ball and hurled it at Trouser Snake, who remained disciplined and waited patiently in the face of roiling, menacing shadows that whispered as they flew through the air. The hapless Weedle attempted to fire a String Shot, but the sticky string could not find any purchase on the barely tangible Shadow Ball and could not stop it from striking home.

Trouser Snake had no time to recover before another Shadow Ball arced towards it. Confused, it attempted to use Sling Shot again, with similar results. It was thrown back across the arena.

Tired of the seemingly endless string assaults, Handsome focused and prepared a Razor Wind The wind gradually began to swirl around it, forming sharp blades which were just visible, a slight distortion in the air with a razor-sharp edge. Confused by the lack of attacks, the battered Trouser Snake attempted another doomed Sling Shot, which was torn apart by the blades of wind which whirled around Handsome. Finally ready, the Breezi glared at Trouser Snake and sent the blades sweeping towards it. They bit deep. Very deep. [Critical Hit!]

Round 3 End

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 27
Energy: 67
Boosts: None
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 82
Energy: 61
Boosts: None
Other: None

You're up, Dogfish. Sorry, but this is a HORRIBLE matchup and there isn't a whole lot you can do to repair that. Disable runs out on the second action of the next round.
Heh, not long now. Evo counter here I come!

String Shot to swing around using the scaffolding and ram into him.

Then repeat the above Swing Shot manouvre.

Finish up with a Bug Bite!
Okay, well, let's put the poor thing out of its misery.

Blow it away with Gust. Then Gust it again. And then Gust it again.

Maybe aim it a pile of bricks or the drill or something.

Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 27
Energy: 67
Boosts: None
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 82
Energy: 61
Boosts: None
Other: None

Handsome narrowed its eyes, ready to end the contest. He whipped up the wind until it howled through the building site, sending Gusts that ripped at debris and flung the helpless Trouser Snake into the air, string trailing behind it. The wind picked up bricks and shards of wood, slamming them into the helpless Weedle. It collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Round 3 End
Cartoons wins!


Weedle [Trouser Snake] (M)

HP: 0
Energy: 57
Boosts: None
Other: None

Breezi [Handsome] (M)
HP: 82
Energy: 55
Boosts: None
Other: None
I was aiming for no loss of health whatsoever, so you done good, I think.

Considering this is the first completed match of Smogon's ASB, let's clarify the rewards?

Dogfish and I get 1 counter for



and I get an additional KO counter which I can apply to any of those?

Ice Eyes also gets 2 ref counters?
I was aiming for no loss of health whatsoever, so you done good, I think.

Considering this is the first completed match of Smogon's ASB, let's clarify the rewards?

Dogfish and I get 1 counter for



and I get an additional KO counter which I can apply to any of those?

Ice Eyes also gets 2 ref counters?

Both of you get:
2 Trainer Counters
1 Move Counter
1 Evolution Counter
1 Dream World Counter

Cartoons!, you get:
1 KO Counter

I get:
1 Ref Counter
I know I'm double posting, but this is to be formal.

For my prize, I am claiming:

A Move Counter, a Dream Counter and an Evo Counter for Weedle.

And I'm using the 2 earned trainer Counters to collect this as a prize:


Electrike [Sparky] (Male)
Nature: Lonely

Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.

HP: 90
Atk: *** (+)
Def: * (-)
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 65

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0

Static: [Innate] This Pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this Pokemon.
LightningRod: [Innate] These Pokemon naturally attract electricity to themselves and away from partners in double battles. When struck with an Electric attack, they tranfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Minus (DW - Not Active): [Innate] This Pokemon possesses a negative electrical charge, when a Pokemon with Plus is on the field, this Pokemon’s special attacks increase their base damage by two (2). If this Pokemon also has Plus, the damage does not stack.

Thunder Wave
Quick Attack

Ice Fang

Volt Change
Hidden Power (Psychic - Power 7)
Alas, Weedle must spawn more overlords before it can evolve into Kakuna and research Harden. A pity, as that might have been able to-ohwait Breezi has Gust, that wouldn't have worked.

Still, fun match.
I admire Dogfish's ingenuity during the match, but String Shotting Shadowball was a bad play. Note: try a spiderman like dodge, i.e. String shot a rock and zipline Weedle to the rock, like a grapping hook except horizontal.
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