Doubles DOU Genesect


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RBTT Champion
Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower / Thunderbolt

Genesect is one of DOU's biggest threats, notorious for its hit-and-run antics and ability to keep the momentum at its team's side. It basically has the perfect arsenal for quickly threatening to KO foes and punishing any foes that may come in, with its 120 / 120 base offensive stats, handful of strong coverage moves, STAB-boosted U-turn, and fitting ability in Download to make some of its attacks hit harder situationally. With a Choice Scarf making up for its average base 99 Speed, Genesect outruns the entire unboosted metagame outside of Regieleki; meanwhile, the Attack EVs are maximize U-turn's damage. Genesect essentially dominates the board by being able to check nearly any threat with its strength, Speed, and coverage, with Ice Beam being a staple coverage move for picking off Zygarde and Dragapult; Flamethrower is handy as its last move for beating opposing Genesect, Metagross, and Kartana, though Thunderbolt is a fine alternative for Volcanion.
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Not sure if "outguns" is correct since there are plenty of things stronger than an unboosted Genesect, otherwise looks good. Maybe mention why you pump EVs into attack and not special attack but probably not necessary if space needs to be convserved

QC 1/1
GP 1/1
Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower / Thunderbolt

Genesect is one of DOU's biggest threats, notorious for its hit-and-run antics and ability to keep the momentum at its team's side. It basically has the perfect arsenal for quickly threatening to KO foes and punishing any switches foe that may come by in, with its 120 / 120 base offensive stats, handful of strong coverage moves, STAB-boosted U-turn, and fitting ability in Download to make some of its attacks hit harder situationally. With a Choice Scarf masking making up for its average base 99 Speed, Genesect outruns the entire unboosted metagame outside of Regieleki; meanwhile, the Attack EVs are emphasized to maximize U-turn's damage. Genesect essentially dominates the board by being able to check nearly any threat with its strength, Speed, and coverage, with Ice Beam being a staple coverage move for picking off Zygarde and Dragapult; Flamethrower is handy as its last move for beating opposing Genesect, Metagross, and Kartana, though Thunderbolt is a fine alternative for Volcanion.