Moving out of the workshop since this is technically six slots. Team itself is a fairly straightforward, fast-and-brutal offensive team I've been working on as a side project, since I'm sure everyone is sick of my Char-Y teams and dank puns. Behold the splendor now that I have decided not to use Arbok in this team!
Metagross @ Metagrossite
Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Clear Body (Tough Claws)
- Iron Head
- Protect
- Ice Punch
- Zen Headbutt
The Giant Flying Battering Ram itself, Mega Metagross loves to spam Iron Head and watch as foes either explode or flinch. I started the team with Metagross since it gave me a lot of flexibility: it can function with or without its Mega Stone, has only a small handful of weaknesses, and excels against Mega Salamence and Mega Gardevoir; two things I always seem to have issues with. The set is extremely simple, right out of the Smogdex (something I basically never do). Max Speed and Atk for pain, Jolly to outrun the massive list of mons Adamant falls short of, STABs + Protect because we're playing Doubles, and Ice Punch because Mega Metagross has the best damn non-STAB Ice Punch in the game to smack down Lando-T, Mence, Garchomp, Zapdos, Thundurus, and the ever famous list of things weak to Ice.
Sub Metagross is nice but basically requires Togekiss as a team mate and while I have no issue with that, that's not the choice I made for the team.
Hydreigon @ Choice Scarf
Modest, 4 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Levitate
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Dark Pulse
Hydreigon perfectly covers all of Metagross' weaknesses, and offensively they pair pretty well. Metagross utterly decimates Fairy and Fighting types, while Hydreigon spams Dark Pulse at everything for even more flinchspam while the opponent is hard-pressed to stop it from doing so. Hydreigon can also eliminate pesky Heatran, Rotom formes, opposing Steel types, and also acts as a second check to Landorus and other Dragons if Metagross is unable to smite them. Cresselia, Aegislash, Gengar, and other bothers are also kept in check, along with Char-Y to some extent. Moveset is the bread and butter Scarf set that shouldn't need much explaination. Spam Dark Pulse, if you REALLY need something to die then hit Draco Meteor, and if you need Terrakion or a Fire mon dead hit Earth Power and switch out before you're walled. Fire Blast is there in case of Ferrothorn, and is actually rather comical to spam against a Sun team. But mostly its there because it used to be on a Sun team. /shockamazement
Azumarill @ Mystic Water
Adamant, 204 HP, 252 Atk, 52 Speed.
Ability: Huge Power
- Waterfall
- Protect
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
Azumarill is something I found that has utterly absurd synergy with Metagross and Hydreigon, not only completing a Dragon/Steel/Fairy core, but also adding even more anti-Dragon hatred just in case someone is running Timid Specs Hydra against me. Powerful STAB boosted Waterfall and Aqua Jet mow down Fire types all day, while the 1-2 punch of Waterfall + AJ racks a lot of useful KOs. I never liked the Belly Drum set, so I tried this instead and it has been fantastic. Azumarill hits just about everything very hard just with STAB coverage, and the things it misses (Empoleon, Tentacruel, Ferrothorn, Amoonguss) are mercilessly crushed by Metagross or Hydreigon. EVs are a faster Belly Drum set, outruns neutral 100's like Kangaskhan with Tailwind up if you're really curious, but mostly it's just a speedcreep.
Oh and Lando-T really has no hope at this stage, I could run Electivire + Charizard + Scyther at this point and still not give a fuck lol.
Virizion @ Life Orb
Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Justified
- Leaf Blade
- Protect
- Stone Edge / Swords Dance / etc
- Close Combat
Now, if you've had your gears spinning, you'll have notice the huge gaping hole I have against Kangaskhan and Suicune. Rain would also be an issue, as Hydreigon can't eat Ice Beams forever.
Virizion, with Life Orb and STAB, just barely manages to OHKO Kangaskhan while outrunning it, and while it miserably fails to OHKO most bulky Waters (Suicune, Milotic, Azumarill...), it does still exert huge pressure tanks to not really caring about Ice Beam with that stupidly good Sp. def. Physical set was chosen since Focus Blast is absolute fucking garbage, if Virizion had remotely good special Fighting STAB I'd be running CM in a heartbeat. Even then, I'm tempted to run it anyway.
Set is standard; jolly and max Speed to outrun as much as I can, Khan especially, with Stone Edge being our only Rock coverage to hit Char-Y and Gyarados with. LO is absolutely required to OHKO even the frailest Kangaskhan. STABs + Protect because Doubles.
Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Timid, 252 HP, 120 Def, 108 Sp. Def, 28 Speed
Ability: Prankster
Item: Sitrus Berry
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Protect
- HP Ice
Now what do we need? Oh yes, the team is fast as all hell so it needs Speed support since it's utterly destroyed by opposing Tailwind and Icy Wind. Virizion gives us a giant and largely uncovered Flying issue (Talonflame doesn't care about Metagross at all), and we still need some extra cushion against opposing Water mons, Gyarados especially. Oh, and we definetly need something that isn't utterly destroyed by Thunder Wave. So what's the answer to all the above? T-Wave Rotom-W, you're right!
But, Thundy is the next best spot, and doesn't have to coinflip a 50/50 hit with Hydro Pump every time it sees Landog.
Evs are something I conjured myself with a Timid Thundy I had laying around, it outruns max Speed Gyarados (+81) and neutral 95's like Arcanine. And pretty much every other bulky Thundy / Zapdos on the market. Rest is dumped into bulk, not entirely sure what it does but it stomach's Kangaskhan just fine. Protect is odd on Thundy, but honestly Taunt was utter trash for me and Protect has been great to extend Thundy's torment past its usual 2-turn lifespan. HP Ice because I got sick of sitting in front of Landog and Amoonguss and doing nothing.
I am 100% open to running Zapdos though, I like them both. Could probably use some extra Heat Wave coverage or something.
Oh, and T-Wave adds to the flinch-spam misery of Dark Pulse, Waterfall, and Iron Head.
Arcanine @ Rocky Helmet
Bold, 252 HP, 148 Def, 36 Sp. Atk, 12 Sp. Def, 60 Speed.
Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower
- Morning Sun
- Will-o-Wisp
- Snarl
Now what do we want on finishing touches? Well, I could use some extra support against Khan, and we currently have a Water and Grass mon, so why not finish an elemental core? We're also kinda lacking in the support and bulk departments, and could use an extra Fairy resist. Can't have Gardevoir sweep me after a cheap potshot on Metagross. So we have... Arcanine!
Bulky with tons of supports to maim both physical and special attackers, and can even heal himself.
Spread is the Smogdex spread. Outruns Adamant Bisharp, OHKOs 4/0 Bisharp with Flamethrower, bulk allows you to dodge a 2HKO from Terrakion and Jolly Kanga if you're running Sitrus; Thundy already has that consumed so I went with Rocky Helmet instead; Leftovers could be used as well. Morning Sun was added just to keep up HP. Rocky Helmet, WoW, and Intimidate is probably enough to discourage Khan, imo.
Basically posting this up to ask:
- Zapdos or Thundy? Zapdos I can run a Roost + Rocky set with, Expert Belt, idk. Thundy could be changed to be more offensive with Expert Belt. Both of these would allow Sitrus on Arcanine.
- Arcanine set look ok?
- Am I missing something obvious that I lack an answer to?

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Clear Body (Tough Claws)
- Iron Head
- Protect
- Ice Punch
- Zen Headbutt
The Giant Flying Battering Ram itself, Mega Metagross loves to spam Iron Head and watch as foes either explode or flinch. I started the team with Metagross since it gave me a lot of flexibility: it can function with or without its Mega Stone, has only a small handful of weaknesses, and excels against Mega Salamence and Mega Gardevoir; two things I always seem to have issues with. The set is extremely simple, right out of the Smogdex (something I basically never do). Max Speed and Atk for pain, Jolly to outrun the massive list of mons Adamant falls short of, STABs + Protect because we're playing Doubles, and Ice Punch because Mega Metagross has the best damn non-STAB Ice Punch in the game to smack down Lando-T, Mence, Garchomp, Zapdos, Thundurus, and the ever famous list of things weak to Ice.
Sub Metagross is nice but basically requires Togekiss as a team mate and while I have no issue with that, that's not the choice I made for the team.
Hydreigon @ Choice Scarf
Modest, 4 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Levitate
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Dark Pulse
Hydreigon perfectly covers all of Metagross' weaknesses, and offensively they pair pretty well. Metagross utterly decimates Fairy and Fighting types, while Hydreigon spams Dark Pulse at everything for even more flinchspam while the opponent is hard-pressed to stop it from doing so. Hydreigon can also eliminate pesky Heatran, Rotom formes, opposing Steel types, and also acts as a second check to Landorus and other Dragons if Metagross is unable to smite them. Cresselia, Aegislash, Gengar, and other bothers are also kept in check, along with Char-Y to some extent. Moveset is the bread and butter Scarf set that shouldn't need much explaination. Spam Dark Pulse, if you REALLY need something to die then hit Draco Meteor, and if you need Terrakion or a Fire mon dead hit Earth Power and switch out before you're walled. Fire Blast is there in case of Ferrothorn, and is actually rather comical to spam against a Sun team. But mostly its there because it used to be on a Sun team. /shockamazement
Azumarill @ Mystic Water
Adamant, 204 HP, 252 Atk, 52 Speed.
Ability: Huge Power
- Waterfall
- Protect
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
Azumarill is something I found that has utterly absurd synergy with Metagross and Hydreigon, not only completing a Dragon/Steel/Fairy core, but also adding even more anti-Dragon hatred just in case someone is running Timid Specs Hydra against me. Powerful STAB boosted Waterfall and Aqua Jet mow down Fire types all day, while the 1-2 punch of Waterfall + AJ racks a lot of useful KOs. I never liked the Belly Drum set, so I tried this instead and it has been fantastic. Azumarill hits just about everything very hard just with STAB coverage, and the things it misses (Empoleon, Tentacruel, Ferrothorn, Amoonguss) are mercilessly crushed by Metagross or Hydreigon. EVs are a faster Belly Drum set, outruns neutral 100's like Kangaskhan with Tailwind up if you're really curious, but mostly it's just a speedcreep.
Oh and Lando-T really has no hope at this stage, I could run Electivire + Charizard + Scyther at this point and still not give a fuck lol.
Virizion @ Life Orb
Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed
Ability: Justified
- Leaf Blade
- Protect
- Stone Edge / Swords Dance / etc
- Close Combat
Now, if you've had your gears spinning, you'll have notice the huge gaping hole I have against Kangaskhan and Suicune. Rain would also be an issue, as Hydreigon can't eat Ice Beams forever.
Virizion, with Life Orb and STAB, just barely manages to OHKO Kangaskhan while outrunning it, and while it miserably fails to OHKO most bulky Waters (Suicune, Milotic, Azumarill...), it does still exert huge pressure tanks to not really caring about Ice Beam with that stupidly good Sp. def. Physical set was chosen since Focus Blast is absolute fucking garbage, if Virizion had remotely good special Fighting STAB I'd be running CM in a heartbeat. Even then, I'm tempted to run it anyway.
Set is standard; jolly and max Speed to outrun as much as I can, Khan especially, with Stone Edge being our only Rock coverage to hit Char-Y and Gyarados with. LO is absolutely required to OHKO even the frailest Kangaskhan. STABs + Protect because Doubles.
Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Timid, 252 HP, 120 Def, 108 Sp. Def, 28 Speed
Ability: Prankster
Item: Sitrus Berry
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Protect
- HP Ice
Now what do we need? Oh yes, the team is fast as all hell so it needs Speed support since it's utterly destroyed by opposing Tailwind and Icy Wind. Virizion gives us a giant and largely uncovered Flying issue (Talonflame doesn't care about Metagross at all), and we still need some extra cushion against opposing Water mons, Gyarados especially. Oh, and we definetly need something that isn't utterly destroyed by Thunder Wave. So what's the answer to all the above? T-Wave Rotom-W, you're right!
But, Thundy is the next best spot, and doesn't have to coinflip a 50/50 hit with Hydro Pump every time it sees Landog.
Evs are something I conjured myself with a Timid Thundy I had laying around, it outruns max Speed Gyarados (+81) and neutral 95's like Arcanine. And pretty much every other bulky Thundy / Zapdos on the market. Rest is dumped into bulk, not entirely sure what it does but it stomach's Kangaskhan just fine. Protect is odd on Thundy, but honestly Taunt was utter trash for me and Protect has been great to extend Thundy's torment past its usual 2-turn lifespan. HP Ice because I got sick of sitting in front of Landog and Amoonguss and doing nothing.
I am 100% open to running Zapdos though, I like them both. Could probably use some extra Heat Wave coverage or something.
Oh, and T-Wave adds to the flinch-spam misery of Dark Pulse, Waterfall, and Iron Head.
Arcanine @ Rocky Helmet
Bold, 252 HP, 148 Def, 36 Sp. Atk, 12 Sp. Def, 60 Speed.
Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower
- Morning Sun
- Will-o-Wisp
- Snarl
Now what do we want on finishing touches? Well, I could use some extra support against Khan, and we currently have a Water and Grass mon, so why not finish an elemental core? We're also kinda lacking in the support and bulk departments, and could use an extra Fairy resist. Can't have Gardevoir sweep me after a cheap potshot on Metagross. So we have... Arcanine!
Bulky with tons of supports to maim both physical and special attackers, and can even heal himself.
Spread is the Smogdex spread. Outruns Adamant Bisharp, OHKOs 4/0 Bisharp with Flamethrower, bulk allows you to dodge a 2HKO from Terrakion and Jolly Kanga if you're running Sitrus; Thundy already has that consumed so I went with Rocky Helmet instead; Leftovers could be used as well. Morning Sun was added just to keep up HP. Rocky Helmet, WoW, and Intimidate is probably enough to discourage Khan, imo.
Basically posting this up to ask:
- Zapdos or Thundy? Zapdos I can run a Roost + Rocky set with, Expert Belt, idk. Thundy could be changed to be more offensive with Expert Belt. Both of these would allow Sitrus on Arcanine.
- Arcanine set look ok?
- Am I missing something obvious that I lack an answer to?