Amoonguss rising to A rank.
Agreed, it's bulky af, it has Rage Powder, Regenerator and Spore without sleep clause is ridiculous. Basically, if you're unprepared for Amoonguss and you see it on team preview, there is a huge chance you will lose.
Breloom rising to A rank.
I have barely seen this thing around but I suppose powerful prio + Spore is pretty gr8 with a Sash. Based on theorymon I'd say yes though.
Vivillon being added to C rank.
The only thing it's got over Volcarona is access to an accurate sleep move, but considering how important that can be I am in favor of this. However, I feel like D-rank would be fine too, as it's really easy to kill off for faster teams.
Gardevoir dropping to B rank.
It's been a while since I used her, but I do know that she hits really hard with Hyper Voice and dies really quickly if you're not using bulkier sets with W-o-W like cool me

I'm in favor, it's still really scary but the metz is pretty hostile towards it atm imo
Weavile rising to B rank.
Fast Fake Out, Knock Off, pretty stronk, Ice Shard for more priority(?), it's got plenty of useful shit going on so yeah it's cool imo.
Azumarill rising to A rank.
Belly Drum shreds, no doubt. However, it's hard to set up without proper support (although shroom pairs extremely well with it typing-wise and gets Rage Powder so that sucks :<) and being a physical attacker is always annoying in a meta where burns and Intimidate are so common. On the fence on this one.
Staraptor being added to C rank.
Got plenty of things going for it: hits harder than talonbird with Reckless, provides more team support with Intimidate, can actually beat shit like Ttar and Washtom reliably, it's also the coolest bird. Of course Talonbird is usually the better choice but I support C rank.
Jumpluff being added to C rank.
D rank is good for it, considering it's a very niche mon, but it has enough things going for it to keep it out of E rank. A fast Encore is annoying as fuck.
Ninetales rising to D rank.