I'd be ok with A Rank for Kingdra. It's not as great, but I don't think it's lost its competitive edge completely yet. I'll TLDR my reasons though.
-Best rain Sweeper
-Dual STAB is largely unresisted by anything common in the current metagame
-Decent speed outside Rain (95 ain't terrible when most base 100's run neutral max speed)
-Has some variety in its sets
-Access to great spread moves
-Can easily run a Lategame sweep
-Rain, while being underused, is still a hugely dominating force in Gen 6, as Water has the natural advantage over Fire/Ground/Rock/Steel
-Needs Rain to be powerful
-Weather Nerf
-BP Nerfs
-Dragon Nerf (Fairy mainly)
-No Gems in Gen 6
Most of Kingdra's Cons come from overall nerfs to the metagame, not specific nerfs to it, which means it's just as potent as it was in Gen5, where it was an overpowering A Rank and was debated at one point for S Rank, as Rain was so powerful.
Its base speed is 85, not 95. You won't be outrunning neutral base 100s, and that's a very important speed tier.
Also not sure how Kingdra has variety. Every Kingdra I've seen is Muddy Water, either Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor, filler, and Protect, with the only exception of gimmicky Focus Energy Sniper sets. The filler slot can vary quite a bit, but deep down it's still the same Swift Swim set.
On the plus side, one could argue that the Gem loss works to Kingdra's advantage, as it can abuse Life Orb well to boost both its STABs whilst the loss of Gem means Pokemon have lost the chance to OHKO it like Hitmontop.
Otherwise I agree with your points. I still think B-rank, but a very high B-rank and as I said before, won't be surprised to see it in A-rank.
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