Doubles Viability Rankings (C- Votes if u care lol)

I'd be ok with A Rank for Kingdra. It's not as great, but I don't think it's lost its competitive edge completely yet. I'll TLDR my reasons though.

-Best rain Sweeper
-Dual STAB is largely unresisted by anything common in the current metagame
-Decent speed outside Rain (95 ain't terrible when most base 100's run neutral max speed)
-Has some variety in its sets
-Access to great spread moves
-Can easily run a Lategame sweep
-Rain, while being underused, is still a hugely dominating force in Gen 6, as Water has the natural advantage over Fire/Ground/Rock/Steel

-Needs Rain to be powerful
-Weather Nerf
-BP Nerfs
-Dragon Nerf (Fairy mainly)
-No Gems in Gen 6

Most of Kingdra's Cons come from overall nerfs to the metagame, not specific nerfs to it, which means it's just as potent as it was in Gen5, where it was an overpowering A Rank and was debated at one point for S Rank, as Rain was so powerful.

Its base speed is 85, not 95. You won't be outrunning neutral base 100s, and that's a very important speed tier.

Also not sure how Kingdra has variety. Every Kingdra I've seen is Muddy Water, either Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor, filler, and Protect, with the only exception of gimmicky Focus Energy Sniper sets. The filler slot can vary quite a bit, but deep down it's still the same Swift Swim set.

On the plus side, one could argue that the Gem loss works to Kingdra's advantage, as it can abuse Life Orb well to boost both its STABs whilst the loss of Gem means Pokemon have lost the chance to OHKO it like Hitmontop.

Otherwise I agree with your points. I still think B-rank, but a very high B-rank and as I said before, won't be surprised to see it in A-rank.
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Nominating Togekiss for S Rank

  • Makes a majority of teams better for having it.
  • Incredibly easy to put on a team, can usually just be slapped on.
  • 85/95/115 Bulk is very, very respectable.
  • Four useful resistances (two of which are quad resists)
  • Two fantastic immunties
  • While it has five weaknesses, only Rock and Electric are common, with Steel occasionally seeing use, Ice having fallen pretty hard off the map, and Posion being basically unherad of as a attacking type
  • Fantastic support movepool that gives it some of the most unparalleled utility in the game (Follow Me, Tailwind, Helping Hand, Encore, Magic Coat, Thunder Wave, Reflect/Light Screen, Morning Sun)
  • Spread attack option to chip opponents, or a 60% chance to BS out a flinch.
  • By far the best Follow Me user in the tier.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Reliable.
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Nominating Togekiss for S Rank
  • Makes practically every single team better for having it.
  • Incredibly easy to put on a team, can usually just be slapped on.
  • 85/95/115 Bulk is very, very respectable.
  • Four useful resistances (two of which are quad resists)
  • Two fantastic immunties
  • While it has five weaknesses, only Rock and Electric are common, with Steel occasionally seeing use, Ice having fallen pretty hard off the map, and Posion being basically unherad of as a attacking type
  • Fantastic support movepool that gives it some of the most unparalleled utility in the game (Follow Me, Tailwind, Helping Hand, Encore, Magic Coat, Thunder Wave, Reflect/Light Screen, Morning Sun)
  • Spread attack option to chip opponents, or a 60% chance to BS out a flinch.
  • By far the best Follow Me user in the tier.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Reliable.
Togekiss is not close to an S-Rank pokemon. Its weak to common Rock, Electric, Ice and Steel type moves, leaving it vulnerable to threats such as Bisharp, Lucario, Scizor, Tyranitar, Landorus-T Kyurem-B, Thundurus and Aegislash. Its bulk, while decent, is not really good enough to stand up to a large amount of powerful threats in S-Rank, such as Charizard Y and Kangaskhan. It does have an incredible support movepool, but its not as expansive as Cresselia's. Its four resistances and 2 immunities are also undermined by the fact that most Bug, Dragon, Ground, and Dark types carry a super effective move against it.

Togekiss's utility brings it to A-Rank, but no higher. Its not even the closest Pokemon in A-Rank that can become an S-Rank mon, as I find Aegislash and Landorus-T to be generally more effective than Togekiss.
Togekiss is not close to an S-Rank pokemon. Its weak to common Rock, Electric, Ice and Steel type moves, leaving it vulnerable to threats such as Bisharp, Lucario, Scizor, Tyranitar, Landorus-T Kyurem-B, Thundurus and Aegislash. Its bulk, while decent, is not really good enough to stand up to a large amount of powerful threats in S-Rank, such as Charizard Y and Kangaskhan. It does have an incredible support movepool, but its not as expansive as Cresselia's. Its four resistances and 2 immunities are also undermined by the fact that most Bug, Dragon, Ground, and Dark types carry a super effective move against it.

Togekiss's utility brings it to A-Rank, but no higher. Its not even the closest Pokemon in A-Rank that can become an S-Rank mon, as I find Aegislash and Landorus-T to be generally more effective than Togekiss.

Holding for emphasis. While I agree that Lando is a better candidate for S than Togekiss, there is absolutely no way Aegislash is better than Togekiss.
Holding for emphasis. While I agree that Lando is a better candidate for S than Togekiss, there is absolutely no way Aegislash is better than Togekiss.
I have generally found aegislash to be more useful than Togekiss. It has two powerful STAB moves in Flash Cannon and Shadow Ball and doesn't really care about status apart from Sleep. It also checks a large majority of the metagame thanks to its strong STAB attacks, great typing and most importantly, Wide Guard, which also fixes its weakness to spread moves and allows it to check threats with super effective coverage moves like non-Knock Off Landorus-T and Garchomp. That's just my opinion, however.
Nominating Infernape for B Rank

  • Very large move pool on offensive and support use.
  • Fastest Heat Wave user without Boost.
  • Blaze + Focus Sash, Make his Heat Wave more powerful than Charizard Y in Sun.
  • One of two Heat wave user that not weak to rockslide.
  • Outclass by other pokemon on higher rank.
  • 4MMS.
  • Blaze + Focus Sash, Combo can killed with priority.
  • No bulk at all.
Nominating Infernape for B Rank

  • Very large move pool on offensive and support use.
  • Fastest Heat Wave user without Boost.
  • Blaze + Focus Sash, Make his Heat Wave more powerful than Charizard Y in Sun.
  • One of two Heat wave user that not weak to rockslide.
  • Outclass by other pokemon on higher rank.
  • 4MMS.
  • Blaze + Focus Sash, Combo can killed with priority.
  • No bulk at all.
Infernape is not all that good in doubles, actually. While it has some neat support options in Quick Guard, Feint, Encore and Helping Hand, it kinda lacks the power to outshine Pokemon like Terrakion, nor does it have the bulk to support the team as consistently as something like Hitmontop. Blaze Infernape does not have the strongest Heat Wave at all, and making sure that your sash isn't broken makes it kinda hard to pull off successfully anyway. Being a Geat Wave user that isn't weak to Rock Slide is hardly a true niche. Meanwhile, it is, like you said yourself, outclassed by other things, can't carry all these neat support options without offensive potential and it dies rather quickly. While it isn't exactly bad, it faces stiff competition from other Pokemon. I'd say it's more of a C rank Pokemon.
I wouldn't move Kingdra to A rank, solely because it is so weather dependent, and it's not clearly better than Ludicolo (STAB Grass-type move can be a godsend to rain teams). It's ironic that most successful rain teams that I have seen have Ludicolo instead of Kingdra x_X

Togekiss is indeed arguably the most used Follow Me user, and for good reason. Other than its Fairy-typing, I believe that not being weak to the two most common spread moves in the game (Earthquake and Heat Wave) helps its case. I am not sure if it warrants an S Rank though, since many teams are more prepared against Togekiss by packing mons that can O-2HKO it. Kinda split here, but leaning towards A rank.

I agree with Magcargo 2 that Aegislash is an excellent Pokemon with an amazing sets of resistances and immunities (Dragon, Fairy, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Grass resistances; Fighting and Normal immunity). It cockblocks Hitmontop, Breloom, Terrakion, Latios, Togekiss, Cresselia, Gardevoir, Scizor, Metagross, Abomasnow, Kangaskhan, and Pinsir just to name some off the top of my head. Its not surprising to find Aegislash walling 1/3rd or even one half of the opposing team. Not only that it packs some amazing offensive punch with STAB Shadow Ball (arguably the best offensive type in XY) and STAB Flash Cannon / Iron Head (bye fairies / Tyranitar). Good use of King Shield is key to make the most of Aegislash's amazing offensive and defensive typing. It's common weakness to Fire- and Ground-type moves keeps it in check, though. Seeing how one of the top threats of XY are powerful Fire- and Ground-types (Charizard, Heatran, Landorus-T, and Garchomp) I hesitate to move Aegislash to S rank. Bisharp also eats most Aegislash for breakfast if it avoids the Sacred Sword (Bisharp also give 0 fucks about attacking on a King's Shield, thanks to Defiant).

No comment on Infernape, since I have no experience with it. Weakness to Earthquake and overall frailty certainly affects its viability in Doubles. It's worth noting that it has a faster Fake Out than Kangaskhan, and can check some top threats like Heatran, Kangaskhan, and Charizard Y with Close Combat and Stone Edge, though. It's Latios bait, so you would want to pair Infernape with proper offensive support.
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Nominating Arcanine for B rank.

This guy is an underrated threat. He's got respectable defenses and access to 3 awesome abilities. I personally run Intimidate, which when in tandem with Snarl, can cripple the opponent's side. Fire is a decent defensive typing letting it tank Fairy and Fire attacks with ease.
Nominating Arcanine for B rank.

This guy is an underrated threat. He's got respectable defenses and access to 3 awesome abilities. I personally run Intimidate, which when in tandem with Snarl, can cripple the opponent's side. Fire is a decent defensive typing letting it tank Fairy and Fire attacks with ease.

I like Arcanine for niche Intimidate+Snarl usage, but as a serious reliable option it is lacking :(
The biggest reason is mono-fire typing leaving you vulnerable compared to other Fire types. Rotom-H can hit Waters with STAB Electric and is immune to EQ, Heatran has much better stats and a much better typing, Charizard-Y has Drought+amazing movepool+immunity to EQ+ridiculous stats, Chandelure brings Fake Out/Fighting type immunity and high special attack to the table.

Also, that fire-typing+Intimidate combo is actually sort of lackluster. Unlike Hitmontop or Landorus-T, you can't switch in on prominent physical threats such as Tyranitar, Landorus-T, Terrakion, Excadrill, etc at all due yet again to the mono-fire typing.

110/100 offensive stats suck that they aren't specialized. Going physical makes you rely on debilitating moves such as Flare Blitz, Close Combat or Wild Charge while going special/mixed just leaves you really weak.

Arcanine's stats are arguable not much better than Ninetales(100 speed, 100 sDef, Wil o Wisp!) and Drought is a really good ability and Ninetales landed in D rank. I don't see Arcanine finding it's way above C rank unless someone shows otherwise.
To be fair, Entei is pretty much Arcanine with Sacred Fire, and it's in B rank. Ninetales is in D rank not because it has Drought, but because it lacks the offensive punch, which Arcanine actually packs. Ninetales gets shat on by Tyranitar and Heatran, while Arcanine can threaten them with Close Combat. ExtremeSpeed, Intimidate / Flash Fire, and I guess Snarl :| are all useful utility moves to set it apart from Ninetales.

Note that Arcanine is still quite terrible for being vulnerable to QuakeSlide, but worse than Ninetales just because it lacks Drought? I am not too sure about that.
also just asking why is Houndoom B it should be C or something. it's frailish, lacks heat wave, has a pretty awful (for the meta) defensive typing, and has a really super lacking movepool.

i could see b rank if it wasn't for the fact that sun's saving grace, mega charizard y, can't be run with mega houndoom. that just damns it straight out of the gate to c rank.
backing houndoom for C. Its mega could definitely be a good option on sun teams, with solar power boosted fire blast and dark pulse, with nice speed as well. Only problem is, you practically need Charizard y for sun, so you can't use mega houndoom, which flat out ruins it. It is still a decent Pokemon with good dual stabs (though not a good defensive typing), and strong priority in sucker punch. Like nyttyn said though, the lack of heat wave really sucks for houndoom, as that is an attack that would be much appreciated.

also disagreeing with togekiss for s rank. While it is a solid pokemon, its not quite at the level of Pokemon like mega manga and cresselia. Togekiss will always be carrying a similar set, with follow me, protect, helping hand, air slash, roost or thunder wave (I might have missed something). Therefore its fairly predictable, so can be played around. This can work to togekiss's advantage though, as it can make the opponent predictable in turn. However, togekiss deserves to keep its spot in a rank, even if that is a high spot. The fact that every single well made team will have at least a couple of mons that OHKO-2hko togekiss stops it from going to s rank, as that limits its usefulness as a follow me user.

edit: forgot tailwind as a togekiss move
I dont think you guys are giving Houndoom enough credit. Its Mega form possesses 140 base SpA and 115 base Speed, which is a legit good offensive spread! It's not the fastest mon in the world, but it does beat the genies and latis. Fire- and Dark-type is an excellent typing that would break through most teams, regardless of sun being up or not. Dark-typing also bestows it a precious resistance to Sucker Punch and Shadow Ball, allowing it to revenge kill / check some tough critters, such as Kangaskhan, Bisharp, and Aegislash. Unlike Manectric, a Pokemon comparable to Houndoom imo, it can rely on a reliable and powerful spread move in Heat Wave and a strong target move in Fire Blast (as opposed to Thunderbolt). It can also serve as a decent check to Charizard Y without Focus Blast / Ancient Power and Chandelure, especially in its regular form. Sun is common right now, so it's not hard for Houndoom to abuse the opponent's sun. Charizard Y isn't the only way to set up sun either - you can always pack some Sunny Day users on your own team to unleash the hell hound's Solar Power.

I am not necessarily opposed to Houndoom being placed in C rank, since I have no actual play experience with it. The dog also uses up the valuable mega slot. However, there are some hidden potential within Houndoom that hasn't been tapped into yet; I can't help but think that you guys are drawing premature conclusions, simply because it cannot be used alongside Charizard Y.
I dont think you guys are giving Houndoom enough credit. Its Mega form possesses 140 base SpA and 115 base Speed, which is a legit good offensive spread! It's not the fastest mon in the world, but it does beat the genies and latis. Fire- and Dark-type is an excellent typing that would break through most teams, regardless of sun being up or not. Dark-typing also bestows it a precious resistance to Sucker Punch and Shadow Ball, allowing it to revenge kill / check some tough critters, such as Kangaskhan, Bisharp, and Aegislash. Unlike Manectric, a Pokemon comparable to Houndoom imo, it can rely on a reliable and powerful spread move in Heat Wave and a strong target move in Fire Blast (as opposed to Thunderbolt). It can also serve as a decent check to Charizard Y without Focus Blast / Ancient Power and Chandelure, especially in its regular form. Sun is common right now, so it's not hard for Houndoom to abuse the opponent's sun. Charizard Y isn't the only way to set up sun either - you can always pack some Sunny Day users on your own team to unleash the hell hound's Solar Power.
Although fire/dark is decent offensively it does have a crippling weakness to water/rock/ground/fight. All major omnipresent attacking types and 75/90/90 defenses aren't exactly good either so although it might resist fire/dark/steel, powerful resisted hits still threaten to 2hko it without any bulk investment which is a pretty notable point. You're mistaken about houndoom having a reliable spread move because it does not have access to heat wave which forces it to run single target moves which isn't a problem.... Until you realize that it's special movepool is absolute garbage having absolute no coverage moves besides shadow ball and lol sludge bomb. Which means no earth power, no focus blast which means bulky waters you to death as well. As for solar power, relying on your opponents sun is hardly ever a reliable way of thinking since in all likelyhood, your opp most likely will not have a sun inducer themselves which leads to the second point of using multiple sunny day users. My question would be, what users are you talking about? Ninetales is your best option for sun but that would already be forcing you to waste a team slot for a subpar mon in ninetales just to buff up a mon that isn't that good. Why waste all this effort when you instead can use megazard Y who possesses better bulk, a better ability and offensive capabilities that is stronger than mega houndoom even in the sun.

I'd be fine leaving houndoom in C since it really has nothing going for it. It has lackluster bulk. It has absolutely no spread moves. It can't be used alongside zard Y. It uses up a mega slot. It has a nice speed tier admittedly but it lacks the coverage nor the movepool to abuse it. I'm really struggling to see why you would use mega houndoom + sun support as opposed to just using mega zard which is stronger than houndoom in sun and it provides it's own sun. So mega zard itself is better than doom + sun support. So it might not be the fact that houndoom is bad, it's just heavily outclassed and requires huge amounts of support to function properly and even with said support, it still isn't that good.

Houndoom actually does learn Heat Wave (move tutor from BW2). It also learns another spread moves in Snarl :O. It can use SolarBeam. Houndoom not getting Focus Blast certainly came as a surprise, but Fire + Dark + Grass is by no means shabby offensively.

It also has some nifty moves in Feint, Sucker Punch, and Taunt. It also learns Destiny Bond, but it's incompatible with Heat Wave.

You don't need Ninetales for sun support, lol. Pokemon like Hitmontop, Cresselia, Rotom-W, Klefki, etc can set up the sun for Houndoom.

252 SpA Solar Power Mega Houndoom Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tyranitar in Sun: 412-486 (101.9 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO :afrostar:
Just as a side note (not that I'm taking sides or anything), Houndoom also gets another spread move in the form of Incinerate, which can burn up a held berry or gem, the latter item being currently unavailable except for the Normal Gem (unfortunately).

Not that it's bad or anything, but does anyone really use this move at all? Just curious.
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Just as a side note (not that I'm taking sides or anything), Houndoom also gets another spread move in the form of Incinerate, which can burn up a held berry or gem, the latter item being currently unavailable except for the Normal Gem (unfortunately). Not that it's bad or anything, but does anyone really use this move at all? Just curious.
60 bp is pitiful. Factoring in spread damage reduction and stab, you're left with a 67.5bp move with a nifty secondary ability admittedly but houndoom will get ko'd if it doesn't ko with incinerate. Not to mention that zard gets incinerate as well but you don't see anyone running that =/ doesn't really change how houndoom has next to no niche.

Houndoom actually does learn Heat Wave (move tutor from BW2). It also learns another spread moves in Snarl :O. It can use SolarBeam. Houndoom not getting Focus Blast certainly came as a surprise, but Fire + Dark + Grass is by no means shabby offensively.

It also has some nifty moves in Feint, Sucker Punch, and Taunt. It also learns Destiny Bond, but it's incompatible with Heat Wave.

You don't need Ninetales for sun support, lol. Pokemon like Hitmontop, Cresselia, Rotom-W, Klefki, etc can set up the sun for Houndoom.

252 SpA Solar Power Mega Houndoom Solar Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tyranitar in Sun: 412-486 (101.9 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO :afrostar:
Ah my mistake, apparently I was only looking at dooms gen 6 movepool. Fire + dark + grass isn't too shabby, if only the grass move wasn't solarbeam which is unreliable for obvious reasons. Snarl is best used on mons that can afford to take hits since even after the SpA drop, doom is still threatened to get 2hkod by most threats. Although the solarbeam calc on tytar is interesting, so what? It is incredibly hard for doom to actually nail tytar with a solarbeam. Overall I still don't see any real point running doom wih sun support over just running zard Y.

Edit: you're really grasping for straws if you're trying to advocate sucker punch on a mon with base 90 atk that will almost certainly be running a -atk nature. Though feint is pretty cool.
60 bp is pitiful. Factoring in spread damage reduction and stab, you're left with a 67.5bp move with a nifty secondary ability admittedly but houndoom will get ko'd if it doesn't ko with incinerate. Not to mention that zard gets incinerate as well but you don't see anyone running that =/ doesn't really change how houndoom has next to no niche.
I know, I just felt that should note out that Incinerate was a spread move. I really don't use it because of that 60 bp, and I'm sure it's a turn-off to a whole lot of people.

Still, you've got to admit that the secondary effect of Incinerate is pretty cool. It's too bad that it's too weak to be used effectively.
Nominating Sylveon for C rank.

Sylveon's Specs Hyper Voice set does wonders to unresisting teams, and it is easy to partner with to take care of its checks. It hits 10% harder than Mega Gardevoir and has better special bulk, allowing it to switch in on stuff like Rotom-W and Togekiss. The downsides are it's slow, has terrible physical bulk, and it cannot switch moves like Gardevoir. It requires support to be devastating, which is a solid C rank mon. It's honestly better than most B rank pokemon, but i do plan on cleaning that out soon.

And with that Nominations are Locked.

Here are the discussions for this round:

Kingdra placement.

Togekiss placement (rising to S rank?)

Infernape placement.

Arcanine placement (rising to B rank?)

Houndoom placement (falling to C rank?)

Sylveon placement.
Kingdra placement.

A Rank
for sure on this guy, but I've already posted why. B Rank feels like too far of a fall for this monster, considering how good it was in the last gen. Rain may have fallen behind this gen in popularity since it didn't get any new toys, but anyone who has played with it knows it is still just as strong.

Togekiss placement (rising to S rank?)

A Rank
is fine for the eggburd.

Infernape placement.

C Rank
seems ok for it. Super fast Fake Out support in Sun, good Mixed Attacking potential means it's not cockblocked by Intimidate, and can't be burned anyhow. Not weak to Rock slide Spam and can kill all the users of said tactic barring major flinch hax. Super frail though. Definite Glass Cannon.

Arcanine placement (rising to B rank?)

No clue
but C Rank feels ok for it. Initmidate is ok, but there are so many better users of the ability, including Gyarados, Landoge, Top, Scrafty, etc. Cool movepool, but nothing that screams "USE ME FOR THIS". Still a shame GF didn't give it Drought instead of Ninefails.

Houndoom placement (falling to C rank?)

C Rank
is cool, but I could see B Rank with enough arguments. It's powerful as hell, but means you forgo running CharY for your sun, leaving you with Ninefails or a Manual Setter (always the better option). Good STAB combo too, but not the best Mega by far.

Sylveon placement.

Having run into quite a few just today and in the last week, I'll vote B Rank. Given TR Supprt, this thing is such a monster, and hardly anything popular resists Fairy Stab reliably enough to check it (Heatran and CharY are about it as far as popular mons are concerned) and with Specs, it's even more powerful. the speed and Physical Bulk thing aren;t that big a deal with so much Initmidate, Speed control, and Status being thrown around, making this little pixie perfect for a mid-late game sweep.
I've ran into the occasional Sylveon and I'd agree that its worth the B-Rank. Mega Gardevoir is more threatening, but Sylveon packs a comparable punch when it has Choice Specs. More importantly, however, Sylveon doesn't take up that Mega Slot like Gardevoir does, and its special defense is really valuable since there are plenty of special attackers to tank and Intimidate to help take physical hits. But really, a Pixilated Hyper Voice just does so much damage no matter what and can take on quite a few Pokemon, even though its coverage is a huge problem since Fire resists Fairy and Fire is everywhere. Regardless, with a partner to wear down Heatran or Char-Y, under Trick Room, or in many other scenarios Sylveon is scary in doubles.

I believe Houndoom is C-Rank rather strongly... I almost feel is D-worthy, personally. It is completely not worth using without its Mega Forme which is completely unusable with Mega Charizard-Y anyway, meaning to unlock its full potential you have to use it on a sun team without any other Mega Pokemon. By doing this, you are giving up what is by far the most reliable setter in order to support one Pokemon your team, which in turn can hinder everything else. If one of your bad alternatives dies and Tyranitar shows up to ruin your day, Houndoom is in a tight spot. Its fraility also does not allow it to set up sun for itself. Not allowing yourself to use an arguably more consistently threatening Mega Pokemon and also limiting yourself for running a sun team in my opinion makes Mega Houndoom one of the most underwhelming Mega Pokemon out there, so C or even D would be fitting.

Togekiss should stay A-Rank in my opinion but I don't really have much justification outside of what has already been stated.
Kingdra placement.
Uhhh A rank sounds ok I guess, it hits really hard although it's kinda cockblocked by Wide Guard users unless you Draco Meteor them (which brings a SpA drop). Still, being cockblocked by Wide Guard isn't much of a reason to drop a rank as too much is cockblocked by Wide Guard as it is anyway. And yea, stornk, so A.

Togekiss placement (rising to S rank?)
S rank imo, tons and tons of team support options, superb defensive typing, hits pretty hard still, it's like a swiss army knife. There's just really nothing exactly wrong with Togekiss aside from a rock weakness, but with its bulk it can still tank weakass Rock Slides regardless

Infernape placement.
C rank is fine, I already explained why. Can support for a bit, hit quite hard, but it fucking dies when you sneeze.

Arcanine placement (rising to B rank?)
I've been annoyed to death by one once so I'm inclined to say B rank. Meh typing, but Intimidate is always great, as is the ability to hit hard, as is Extremespeed, as is Snarl (defensive Arcanine is a thing, as it turns out)

Houndoom placement (falling to C rank?)

Sylveon placement.
Hits harder than Mega Gardevoir and has the bulk to pull through. With appropriate speed control this thing wrecks, although being walled by Heatran kinda sucks. B rank sounds fine for now imo.

A Pokemon almost completely reliant of Rain should not probably be in A. Ludicolo is very similar as a sweeper with just a few different options: Grass-type with Giga and Fake Out vs Dragon-type with Dragon Pulse and Muddy Water. Ludi's in B, I don't see why Kingdra shouldn't be.


I personally can see Togekiss rising to S rank. It has very nice bulk and a sweet defensive typing. The only things checking it are Rock- and Steel-types which Togekiss can handle with Aura Sphere or a serene Grace Heat Wave. Base 120 Special Attack is really good and Togekiss can easily go offensive. To add on to that, Togekiss is the most reliable Follow Me user because of it's mixed bulk and access to Roost. To add on even more to that. Togekiss has access to Tailwind and Encore, both devastating moves (especially when paired together ;)). To add on even moooooore, Serene Grace Air Slash is a safe alternative for a reliable flinch, and when paired with Tailwind, everything is stoppable bar Bullet Punch. Even though it's typing has its holes. The only things that stop Togekiss from doing its job, protecting it's teammate, is spread moves, and only a few of them actually threaten Togekiss itself.


I like how it beats the Base 100 Speed tier, but it is frail af. Fake Out and Encore are both cool moves, but Infernape can't fit enough utility and offense into one set to make it worth using even with its bulk. C rank is probably the best place for it.


Weakness to EdgeQuake really sucks, meaning most of the Pokemon that it would switch Intimidate into can still really hurt it. I do like how it cockblocks a few key threats, but aside from that, the other B rank Pokemon have much more utility. Arcanine's niches are cool enough for C rank, tho, i guess.


Yea i think C rank is probably better for this guy. Being frail as it is, a lot of stuff can easily just sponge a hit. Since Dark Pulse is its strongest Dark-type STAB really anything that prepares for Zard has already prepared for it, so using Houndoom isn't very surprising. It also needs the opponent's sun to reach its full potential, unless you want to use ninetales lol. If enough arguments are placed for it to remain in B rank I probably can change my mind, seeing as its stats and movepool are wicked, but as for now I see it in C rank.


Yea i can see this in B rank, despite how crowded it's getting. It's essentially a mega Garde sacrificing speed and the ability to switch moves for bulk and more power. Fairy-types are also really easy to partner to take out their threats and Sylveon is more than capable of a nice, late-game sweep. B rank works.