Steam Buns
DPP CAP Revival Tournament
Round 1 Matchups
Steam Buns vs CallMeDrippyT
innovamania vs SunMYSER
Gekokeso vs Rage.Spam.Quit.
Lady Salamence vs Brambane
DetroitLolcat vs Binacle Pinnacle
reachzero vs Danny7
Paulluxx vs Mr.Bossaru
BasedWhat? vs Blui
Round 1 Matchups
Steam Buns vs CallMeDrippyT
innovamania vs SunMYSER
Gekokeso vs Rage.Spam.Quit.
Lady Salamence vs Brambane
DetroitLolcat vs Binacle Pinnacle
reachzero vs Danny7
Paulluxx vs Mr.Bossaru
BasedWhat? vs Blui
- The format is single elimination, best of three.
- Changing teams in between matches is allowed.
- You are required to post your replays.
- All Smogon tournament rules apply.
- Any change in tiering will not take effect until the following round.
- Matches must be played on Pokemon Showdown or Smogtours.
- Please use this guide while scheduling with your opponent.
/challenge gen4ou@@@+Arghonaut, +Breezi, +Colossoil, +Cyclohm, +Embirch, +Fidgit, +Flarelm, +Kitsunoh, +Krilowatt, +Mountaineer, +Paleo Wave, +Persistent, +Privatyke, +Pyroak, +Rebble, +Rebound, +Revenankh, +Shadow Strike, +Stratagem, +Syclant, +Syclar, +Tactite, +Voodoll, +Voodoom
Round 1 will last until May 15th at 11:59 pm -4.
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