Tournament DPP DOU Swiss Kickoff Tournament [WON BY FARFROMANI]

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ryo yamada2001

ryo yamada2001
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Welcome to Doubles' inaugural DPP DOU tournament!
This is our kickoff tournament for DPP DOU aka Gen 4 Doubles OU! We hope to introduce everyone to a fun new old generation of Doubles. Because DPP is so new we have chosen to host this in a Swiss format: everyone gets the opportunity to play and explore the metagame! More information can be found in the DPP Doubles thread, which also includes Sample Teams and Viability Rankings (coming soon).

We are also hosting weekly live double elimination tournaments (at Monday 1am GMT+2) in the Doubles room on PS! The Doubles Discord also has a role (
) to get tagged when there are DPP DOU room tournaments, and you can find matches and metagame discussion in the #oldgens channel. If you have any questions, you can reach me on Smogon or on Discord at May#3456.

Tournament Rules:
- This is a standard DPP DOU [Gen 4 Doubles OU] tournament
- This tournament will be Swiss format with No Top Cut!
- The number of rounds and therefore weeks will be determined by the number of signups. We will have enough rounds to determine a winner.
- There will be no elimination of players, unless they lose two activity calls.
- Rounds will be best of three. Players may change teams in between battles of the same round.
- Matches are to played on Pokémon Showdown!
- Replays are required for all matches!
- Activity calls will be made by me, with the possible assistance of DOU Forum Moderators & the DPP Council. Coin flips will be done publicly in the Doubles room on PS!
- In the event something gets banned in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect the next round.
- General tournament rules & regulations can be found here.

To join reply with "in" or "the boys"!
Signups close @ Sunday April 2, 22:00 GMT+2.

Welcome to Doubles' inaugural DPP DOU tournament!
This is our kickoff tournament for DPP DOU aka Gen 4 Doubles OU! We hope to introduce everyone to a fun new old generation of Doubles. Because DPP is so new we have chosen to host this in a Swiss format: everyone gets the opportunity to play and explore the metagame! More information can be found in the DPP Doubles thread, which also includes Sample Teams and Viability Rankings (coming soon).

We are also hosting weekly live double elimination tournaments (at Monday 1am GMT+2) in the Doubles room on PS! The Doubles Discord also has a role (
) to get tagged when there are DPP DOU room tournaments, and you can find matches and metagame discussion in the #oldgens channel. If you have any questions, you can reach me on Smogon or on Discord at May#3456.

Tournament Rules:
- This is a standard DPP DOU [Gen 4 Doubles OU] tournament
- This tournament will be Swiss format with No Top Cut!
- The number of rounds and therefore weeks will be determined by the number of signups. We will have enough rounds to determine a winner.
- There will be no elimination of players, unless they lose two activity calls.
- Rounds will be best of three. Players may change teams in between battles of the same round.
- Matches are to played on Pokémon Showdown!
- Replays are required for all matches!
- Activity calls will be made by me, with the possible assistance of DOU Forum Moderators & the DPP Council. Coin flips will be done publicly in the Doubles room on PS!
- In the event something gets banned in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect the next round.
- General tournament rules & regulations can be found here.

To join reply with "in" or "the boys"!
Signups close @ Sunday April 2, 22:00 GMT+2.
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