Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
Swampert's amazing typing, solid bulk, and high Attack make it a great Stealth Rock setter and bulky attacker in DPP OU. It can come in on Pokemon such as Tyranitar, Jirachi, Bronzong, Metagross, and Zapdos and use Stealth Rock or start dishing out powerful attacks. Its bulk and power also allow it to keep Stealth Rock up against Starmie, the tier's most common spinner. Swampert can also act as an effective lead, since it can defeat common leads like Hippowdon, Jirachi, and Nidoqueen. Earthquake destroys the common Steel-types of the tier like Metagross, Jirachi, and Empoleon, while Waterfall hits Rotom-A, Gengar, and Skarmory. Ice Punch rounds out the set, making it harder for Latias, Breloom, and Dragonite to switch in safely. Jirachi is a great partner, since it can handle Latias while keeping Swampert healthy with Wish. Checks to Grass-types, especially Breloom, are also mandatory. Latias and Roserade make for good teammates because of this, and they can also pressure the bulky Water-types that wall Swampert. This set also struggles against Steel-types that are immune to Earthquake, such Skarmory and Bronzong; thus, Magnezone is a good option for its ability to trap them.
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