Old Gens DPP Roserade

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Point
EVs: 248 HP / 144 SpD / 116 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Throughout SPL XII, balanced teams featuring Roserade have cemented themselves as a very powerful playstyle in DPP! Roserade's access to both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, good matchup against the best spinner in Starmie, and ability to exploit many notable Pokemon like defensive Latias, Swampert, Rotom-A, Empoleon, and Milotic make it an extremely potent hazard setter. Roserade is not trapped by Magnezone, which sets it apart from Skarmory. Defensively, Roserade also brings to the table a nice check to prominent threats like Breloom, Suicune, and Starmie. Physically bulky Water- and Steel-types such as Suicune, Swampert, Metagross, and Jirachi form sturdy backbones alongside Roserade, protecting it from many physical attackers. Heatran is a perfect fit on teams featuring Roserade, since it synergizes amazingly with both Spikes and Toxic Spikes while also forming a Fire / Water / Grass core with Roserade and a Water-type. Choice Scarf Flygon can well support such a core by providing it both a revenge killer and security against Dragon Dance sweepers, namely Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite. Other great teammates include those that can take advantage of Roserade's entry hazards, such as Gengar, Calm Mind Jirachi, Suicune, and Latias.
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- Mention that what makes this set really good in the current metagame (in addition in being a hazard setter threatening Starmie) is that it is a Spikes setter that doesn't get trapped by Magnezone, unlike Skarmory.

- Definitely mention some of the important Pokemon Rose can set up hazards/switch on (besides Starmie): Swampert, Defensive Latias, Rotom, Breloom, Empoleon, Milotic, and Magnezone. (also remove the mention of Facade Breloom, not worth mentioning.)

- I would add Gengar to one of the Pokemons that abuses the hazards the best. I would also change the order and talk about Roserade's defensive utility/what Pokemon it abuses before talking about its best hazards abusers partners.

- I think you're missing on a quite important teammate; mention Heatran as a near mandatory partner of the Rose archetype (huge synergy, abuse hazards extremely well) and mention the FWG core Roserade and Heatran forms alongside the Water-type (Swampert or Suicune).

- Mention Scarf Flygon as a great all around partner and how it supports the FWG core by providing speed control and safety against all the scary Dragon Dance users (namely Gyarados, Dragonite and Tyranitar). Maybe mention how Scarf Flygon can deny/pressure Starmie's spin by using U-turn on it.

should be good to go after those changes unless Excal has something important to add.
- Mention Scarf Flygon as a great all around partner and how it supports the FWG core by providing speed control and safety against all the scary Dragon Dance users (namely Gyarados, Dragonite and Tyranitar). Maybe mention how Scarf Flygon can deny/pressure Starmie's spin by using U-turn on it.
got absolutely no place for this, im currently at 998 characters after working in your other points. also had to cut the spinblockers mention

e: ty estarossa, fitted in the flygon mention
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I would rephrase "Heatran is one of the best Spikes abusers in the tier" into something like: "Heatran synergizes really well with both Toxic Spikes and Spikes, and moreover forms a sturdy FWG core..."

consider it QC 1/1 afterwards

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Point
EVs: 248 HP / 144 SpD / 116 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Fire] (remove brackets.)

Throughout the SPL XII, (AC) balanced teams featuring Roserade have cemented themselves as a very powerful teamstyle playstyle in DPP! Roserade's access (uncapitalize the A.) to both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, invulnerability to Magnezone setting it apart from Skarmory, good matchup against the best spinner in Starmie, and ability to abuse exploit many notable Pokemon like defensive Latias, Swampert, Rotom-A, Empoleon, and Milotic - all these traits make Roserade it an extremely potent hazard setter. Roserade is not trapped by Magnezone, which sets it apart from Skarmory. On a defensive side Defensively, Roserade also brings to the table a nice check to prominent threats like Breloom, Suicune, and Starmie. Physically bulky Water- and Steel-types such as Suicune, Swampert, Metagross, and Jirachi form sturdy backbones alongside Roserade, protecting it from many physical attackers. Heatran synergizes amazingly with both Spikes and Toxic Spikes while also forming a FWG core with Roserade and a Water-type, thus being a perfect fit to Roserade teams; other great hazards abusers include Gengar, Calm Mind Jirachi, Suicune, and Latias. Choice Scarf Flygon supports the aforementioned FWG core well by providing speed control and security against Dragon Dance sweepers, namely Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite. Heatran is a perfect fit on teams featuring Roserade, since it synergizes amazingly with both Spikes and Toxic Spikes while also forming a Fire / Water / Grass core with Roserade and a Water-type. Choice Scarf Flygon can well support such a core by providing it both a revenge killer and security against Dragon Dance sweepers, namely Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite. Other great teammates include those that can take advantage of Roserade's entry hazards, such as Gengar, Calm Mind Jirachi, Suicune, and Latias. (this might seem like a lot of changes, but i really just switched around what you said to help the end flow better.)
i don't think my changes towards the end altered the content of this spotlight, but please lmk if they did. with that said, gp 1/1 :)
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