Tournaments DPP Slam - Ubers Open [Won by TyCarter]

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Calling act, have notified my opponent both on Smogon and on Discord privately and they have not showed up 35 minutes past said start time.
First 2 replays are the same. Could you post the missing replay please?


Lialiabeast vs CringeLord!
Chris Chien Pao vs jking55
vs rarh2
Meowlodyscarada vs Lasen
vs CyberOdin✝
nicolsafr1yy vs Loneling
agentkeval vs Milkshook
Fresh_Milkdud vs MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Marshall.Law vs Falancies
Pokesci vs brookeisagurl

Lightniong vs roxie
Laurel vs GoTELuckyCharms
LillianOfficial vs SM Larvitar
vs el poeta
VTMagno vs IoSonoNeon
IDaHAN vs Theycallmephil
Deathbringer7 vs A Welcome Guest
Thiago Nunes
vs Evil


Fc vs Incognition
Calmmind75 vs Heysup
Tournament Rules
  • General tournament rules and regulations are in effect and can be found here. A scheduling guide can be found here.
  • This is a standard single elimination DPP Ubers tournament.
  • Rounds will be best-of-3. Players may switch teams in between rounds and battles of the same set.
  • Replays are mandatory. Any match win reported without replays will not be counted. This is your only warning.
  • Matches are to be played on Smogtours, unless both parties agree to play on Main PS! server.
  • Do not make baseless activity posts -- get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.
  • See the DPP Ubers thread for more information and resources, such as sample teams and viability rankings.

Round 3
Replays are mandatory

Queenzz  vs  VTMagno
Yelou  vs  OhHiMark493
8truc  vs  Dry Defender
Highlord  vs  Dawn Dreams
Laurel  vs  TyCarter
Heysup  vs  Churielix
susciety  vs  Stories
Sheik :  vs  Falancies
Inspirited  vs  Milkshook
shrang  vs  LpZ
The Warthog  vs  Lightniong
Sheilwood  vs  Theycallmephil
Nielson243  vs  Lasen
OreoSpeedruns  vs  HydreigonTheChild
SM Larvitar  vs  therealcptn
Loneling  vs  Django
Scizornite  vs  AM
Thiago Nunes  vs  aurora
bydy  vs  Athena's Myth
Lialiabeast  vs  Miraculous Gold
brookeisagurl  vs  mien
A Welcome Wakuarori  vs  Jane Creek
MakeAmericaGreatAgain  vs  Fc
jking55  vs  WeesKind333

Extension Deadline: Wednesday, December 11th
Deadline: Sunday, December 15th
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