Hosted by Wubben and Mathy. Approved by circuit hosts
Welcome to the DS Classic Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Generations 4, 5, and 6 Random Battles in a single elimination best-of-3 series.
This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about the next one!
The winner of the DS Classic Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam. The winner of the Slam Playoffs Round will get a custom avatar and a Smogon banner for a full year, along with a month-long Room Prize Winner rank and joinphrase.
How does the tour work?
It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. If you cannot mutually decide which format to play first, use “!pick gen4, gen5, gen6” to decide.
3. Battle each other in the decided format. Loser picks the format in the next game, with NO REPEATS.
4. The first player to 2 wins advances to the next round.
Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts here on Smogon.
Round 1
Pumpkinoc vs TerminatorWW
deftinwolf vs Narth_02
Grabby vs Morgan&Sableye
blareposeidon vs LoogieBoogie
greywavesazura vs hunternoooob
1474Ax vs John Madden
Tuthur vs Gyarikkuho
Duskinater vs landorockz
Milkshook vs Cureja
Trefleuh vs RSB
Roginald vs Sylveon used calm mind
Red_Milk vs pokeblade101
foomoofarm vs OhHiMark493
MichaelderBeste2 vs Clouds
Snekneek731 vs shadowtime2000
VineVGC vs MTB
PlugDome vs 07aint
ETJX vs chuggachuggachooo
Caroline u-u vs Majorjetlag
RandomPopplio vs memedose46
Scientifreak5 vs Jordy004
Mr.Bossaru vs NoobHereWaddup
Nashe vs PokeBrodie
Felix-felines vs darkkeria
Celever vs Taka
sleid vs Fant'sy Beast
InkyGoBoo! vs Kaneki-san
gnadov vs mj
Kizaco vs Shiny_Raptorch
VertGreen vs Ron
sychillz vs NoTilt2023
Banana043 vs Career Ended
ihaverare vs Cheez_Wheels
77Yveltal55 vs snorlax142857
swag god vs Supered999
Celestia74 vs Psycho782
Danxsh17 vs Sparzza
Kenma vs soTsoT
Michielleus vs sparks bloom
Aqua Jet vs freebird88
tyrtle li vs drifttrick
duq7 vs Emboar02
Manan999 vs GoldenCyber
heliodrone vs bruised
Emerald Kat vs Lyppa
angela tarantula vs PrinceOfAllTacos
PikaPlayer vs SteelVenom88
Togkey vs Masterfinn
CronusVGC vs Amit_gamer 69
Dorron vs Boom4Life
Jonathan81 vs VroomVarun13
beubz vs Nine Iota
Trout In Space vs 13Max13
Think vs yyate888
CoolWinnerChicken vs BoingK
Axel_Pokemon vs BrunnoGreen
Vitoran vs Fragments
seroo vs ZSG-
Typhoonflame vs Zoyotte
Baz0mble vs nemoauditur
YBW vs Shinylmao
Patar136 vs Anthonyy23
TheBoyWithTheBugz vs Zeppeli00
MOHAMEDALL vs Hugh Jarce
Tiamokodubs vs gimwepaw
GymChalenges vs Add1subtract1
Zygarde12 vs silentg7972
Grandmaster7890 vs crow crumbs
Pupofdeath vs Kiryu Gaming
Raahel vs Steven Stone 007
roanba vs Memoriazero
gorex vs articoo
Ferenia vs Velociraptor09
Tarrembeau vs Cristian Jimenez
babymariofan563 vs 35Q71N
Blue YM vs teresbahji
MoltresEnjoyer vs Haruno
Baldurthegreatone vs Bodi 69
Irene-2002 vs alacksander
tausifur vs ewsmith1
Dragonillis vs purple_011
Biofowl vs Xceloh
yogo896 vs SpaceSpeakers
Tenai vs livid washed
SwordIsBored vs Failbor
Banbadoro vs chpas
Himbrrboi vs giove97
Xalvadore vs Drifting
Pudimdelimao vs HaunterBoy28
Tyler409 vs Mannaggiamme
TimoV2003 vs Chains of Markov
Realblazing vs Art and Em
Critsomnia vs ArgentumSentinel
ewnellie vs Canned Furs
Prqk vs London13
Uta The Clown vs WiteFeng17
Brammi vs tipulipa
jmbrrk vs Thunder~BALLZ
Limprofit vs OmegAdal
Thonker vs kanonshiomi
maxhooij vs bharathraj240
Dummy vs Nlbig
Figbender vs TheBigWazowski
Lady Salamence vs O1V7O2X9O
royzin vs Don Bork
Wolfein vs El químico del pueblucho
The_cursed_noble vs davidelbello
Galaxy_5121 vs jsp12901
Autistic Soviet vs DkKoba
IcyHallsz vs Lialiabeast
Turfuuu vs NotThatDitto
jay7889 vs FritzThePancake
Lionyx vs flamelord505
AlphaIma vs velvet
Jaytron vs Bigwubben
Neteronin vs Rasmuth
Irpachuza vs Amaranth
Rex15808 vs Ninjawarrior7778
arsonist child vs Ubo
lukezilla vs relevartemit
skatt7000 vs Ahpel the applin water
rab03 vs breakfast enjoyer
Referrals vs RagnarokSS
lisp vs Poipole is so cute
Siddakid vs Vonols
cicepece11 vs Kinetic1000
Charwillusher vs Rival Andrew
LeCehlou vs R1C3M4N
Forsh vs Elkay
yakarimseni vs longschlong
pisxel vs Bye 1
Syrinix vs lolebruh
TheAura vs Bye 3
Ramzi65 vs Bye 4
MrSoup vs Bye 5
PlasmaEnergised vs Bye 6
Infinite Misery vs Bye 7
A-drago destroyer vs Bye 8
Yes or no my dude vs Bye 9
Vinsanity224 vs Bye 10
Akuu vs Bye 11
idiotclips vs Bye 12
Fluore vs Bye 13
JJ09LIE vs SM Larvitar
paolode99 vs Bye 15
Vertigo vs Bye 16
Zane(Bifloofendoofen) vs Bye 17
flameingpigey2 vs Bye 18
Casual dot exe vs Bye 19
Kilometer0042 vs Bye 20
hammy3581 vs Bye 21
frickEDmt vs Bye 22
VigilanteVigoroth vs Bye 23
McChicken221 vs Bye 24
RaJ.Shoot vs Bye 25
Joltoh vs Bye 26
jursharp vs Bye 27
dunoks vs Bye 28
drakonium vs Bye 29
flippy-chan vs Bye 30
Cowman25! vs Bye 31
satvik123 vs Bye 32
VanitasEcho vs Bye 33
Tyrlire123 vs Bye 34
LoSconosciuto vs Bye 35
Ghoulish Champ vs Bye 36
fish anemometer vs SparksBlade
-Mera- vs Bye 38
InvejaMata vs Bye 39
DukeOfKings vs Bye 40
Maus_Satoshi vs Bye 41
JacrispyMcrib vs Bye 42
handermander vs Bye 43
Trainer Z vs Bye 44
Piapia vs Bye 45
XXVI vs Bye 46
Giga-Chandélure vs Bye 47
Betathunder vs Bye 48
rizen1 vs Bye 49
Shing vs Bye 50
SpectralThief vs Bye 51
TentacleRatGf vs Bye 52
Swagata Mitra vs Shadows4
JacintoElGrande vs Bye 54
Limetree345 vs Bye 55
Lady Writer vs Bye 56
Dogebonk vs Bye 57
BigLaw vs Bye 58
Knele97 vs Bye 59
Frozoid vs Bye 60
TeamCharm vs Bye 61
iamnathan vs Bye 62
za vs Bye 63
PogRamsey vs Bye 64
Golden Warrior vs Bye 65
Elvinagrio vs Bye 66
sunsets vs Bye 67
EnchantedCrocs vs Bye 68
Murphy’s law996 vs Bye 69
Achyuth-kun vs Bye 70
Perish Song vs Bye 71
Cryometer vs Bye 72
Hakimi vs Bye 73
omnavious vs Bye 74
faygoes vs Bye 75
MelancholyBill vs Bye 76
ElectricityCat vs Bye 77
BlazeOfVictory vs setset77
technobruh37 vs Bye 79
Cielo4980 vs Bye 80
Sae vs Bye 81
Ethan Kironus vs Bye 82
ShckSheep vs Bye 83
boris69 vs Bye 84
Wait2Seconds vs Bye 85
Javi vs Bye 86
BlazeMarc vs Bye 87
Luchik vs Bye 88
ademalawer vs Bye 89
Skrublax vs Bye 90
Coolbear489929 vs Bye 91
Clementine vs Bye 92
bellenguer2 vs Bye 93
Cam16 vs Bye 94
justdie69420 vs Bye 95
Daniel072004 vs Bye 96
Ninja Mob vs Bye 97
Micoy vs hidin
Soap (Camilla12) vs Bye 99
Blessed vs Bye 100
Amendxv vs Bye 101
GchisRTK vs Goro Yagami
johnkharkiv vs Bye 103
cubicalxd vs Bye 104
Xerzack987 vs Bye 105
apache71164 vs Bye 106
burnermf vs Fantos13
platinumCheesecake vs Bye 108
Lrogue vs Bye 109
hobo21 vs Bye 110
MushroomSoupii vs Bye 111
Landon vs Bye 112
Elgino vs Bye 113
WinterKnightVGC vs Bye 114
beymonboy13 vs Bye 115
ackquaria vs Bye 116
ShaingChaiSubbLe vs Bye 117
IceLoverFrostalicious vs Bye 118
Wubben vs Bye 119
Slowpoke Fan vs Bye 120
Medeia vs Bye 121
TMD 99 vs Bye 122
BandedCrizor vs Bye 123
Wigglytuff vs Bye 124
Missed signups but still want to join? Just say "in as sub" before Thursday, July 27 at 12:00 PM UTC-5 and you'll be matched with a bye.
The deadline for Round 1 is Sunday, July 30 at 11:59 PM UTC-5. Good luck to all!
Welcome to the DS Classic Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Generations 4, 5, and 6 Random Battles in a single elimination best-of-3 series.
This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about the next one!
The winner of the DS Classic Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam. The winner of the Slam Playoffs Round will get a custom avatar and a Smogon banner for a full year, along with a month-long Room Prize Winner rank and joinphrase.
How does the tour work?
It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. If you cannot mutually decide which format to play first, use “!pick gen4, gen5, gen6” to decide.
3. Battle each other in the decided format. Loser picks the format in the next game, with NO REPEATS.
4. The first player to 2 wins advances to the next round.
Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.
We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts here on Smogon.
What constitutes ghosting in a Random Battles game can be a particularly fine line. Before speaking in chat, always ask yourself: “Would my comment reveal information that hasn’t already been explicitly revealed in this battle?” Examples of ghosting include suggesting that an unexpectedly fast Pokemon must be holding a Choice Scarf, that a disguised Zoroark’s level proves it’s a Zoroark, etc.
Round 1
Pumpkinoc vs TerminatorWW
deftinwolf vs Narth_02
Grabby vs Morgan&Sableye
blareposeidon vs LoogieBoogie
greywavesazura vs hunternoooob
1474Ax vs John Madden
Tuthur vs Gyarikkuho
Duskinater vs landorockz
Milkshook vs Cureja
Trefleuh vs RSB
Roginald vs Sylveon used calm mind
Red_Milk vs pokeblade101
foomoofarm vs OhHiMark493
MichaelderBeste2 vs Clouds
Snekneek731 vs shadowtime2000
VineVGC vs MTB
PlugDome vs 07aint
ETJX vs chuggachuggachooo
Caroline u-u vs Majorjetlag
RandomPopplio vs memedose46
Scientifreak5 vs Jordy004
Mr.Bossaru vs NoobHereWaddup
Nashe vs PokeBrodie
Felix-felines vs darkkeria
Celever vs Taka
sleid vs Fant'sy Beast
InkyGoBoo! vs Kaneki-san
gnadov vs mj
Kizaco vs Shiny_Raptorch
VertGreen vs Ron
sychillz vs NoTilt2023
Banana043 vs Career Ended
ihaverare vs Cheez_Wheels
77Yveltal55 vs snorlax142857
swag god vs Supered999
Celestia74 vs Psycho782
Danxsh17 vs Sparzza
Kenma vs soTsoT
Michielleus vs sparks bloom
Aqua Jet vs freebird88
tyrtle li vs drifttrick
duq7 vs Emboar02
Manan999 vs GoldenCyber
heliodrone vs bruised
Emerald Kat vs Lyppa
angela tarantula vs PrinceOfAllTacos
PikaPlayer vs SteelVenom88
Togkey vs Masterfinn
CronusVGC vs Amit_gamer 69
Dorron vs Boom4Life
Jonathan81 vs VroomVarun13
beubz vs Nine Iota
Trout In Space vs 13Max13
Think vs yyate888
CoolWinnerChicken vs BoingK
Axel_Pokemon vs BrunnoGreen
Vitoran vs Fragments
seroo vs ZSG-
Typhoonflame vs Zoyotte
Baz0mble vs nemoauditur
YBW vs Shinylmao
Patar136 vs Anthonyy23
TheBoyWithTheBugz vs Zeppeli00
MOHAMEDALL vs Hugh Jarce
Tiamokodubs vs gimwepaw
GymChalenges vs Add1subtract1
Zygarde12 vs silentg7972
Grandmaster7890 vs crow crumbs
Pupofdeath vs Kiryu Gaming
Raahel vs Steven Stone 007
roanba vs Memoriazero
gorex vs articoo
Ferenia vs Velociraptor09
Tarrembeau vs Cristian Jimenez
babymariofan563 vs 35Q71N
Blue YM vs teresbahji
MoltresEnjoyer vs Haruno
Baldurthegreatone vs Bodi 69
Irene-2002 vs alacksander
tausifur vs ewsmith1
Dragonillis vs purple_011
Biofowl vs Xceloh
yogo896 vs SpaceSpeakers
Tenai vs livid washed
SwordIsBored vs Failbor
Banbadoro vs chpas
Himbrrboi vs giove97
Xalvadore vs Drifting
Pudimdelimao vs HaunterBoy28
Tyler409 vs Mannaggiamme
TimoV2003 vs Chains of Markov
Realblazing vs Art and Em
Critsomnia vs ArgentumSentinel
ewnellie vs Canned Furs
Prqk vs London13
Uta The Clown vs WiteFeng17
Brammi vs tipulipa
jmbrrk vs Thunder~BALLZ
Limprofit vs OmegAdal
Thonker vs kanonshiomi
maxhooij vs bharathraj240
Dummy vs Nlbig
Figbender vs TheBigWazowski
Lady Salamence vs O1V7O2X9O
royzin vs Don Bork
Wolfein vs El químico del pueblucho
The_cursed_noble vs davidelbello
Galaxy_5121 vs jsp12901
Autistic Soviet vs DkKoba
IcyHallsz vs Lialiabeast
Turfuuu vs NotThatDitto
jay7889 vs FritzThePancake
Lionyx vs flamelord505
AlphaIma vs velvet
Jaytron vs Bigwubben
Neteronin vs Rasmuth
Irpachuza vs Amaranth
Rex15808 vs Ninjawarrior7778
arsonist child vs Ubo
lukezilla vs relevartemit
skatt7000 vs Ahpel the applin water
rab03 vs breakfast enjoyer
Referrals vs RagnarokSS
lisp vs Poipole is so cute
Siddakid vs Vonols
cicepece11 vs Kinetic1000
Charwillusher vs Rival Andrew
LeCehlou vs R1C3M4N
Forsh vs Elkay
yakarimseni vs longschlong
pisxel vs Bye 1
Syrinix vs lolebruh
TheAura vs Bye 3
Ramzi65 vs Bye 4
MrSoup vs Bye 5
PlasmaEnergised vs Bye 6
Infinite Misery vs Bye 7
A-drago destroyer vs Bye 8
Yes or no my dude vs Bye 9
Vinsanity224 vs Bye 10
Akuu vs Bye 11
idiotclips vs Bye 12
Fluore vs Bye 13
JJ09LIE vs SM Larvitar
paolode99 vs Bye 15
Vertigo vs Bye 16
Zane(Bifloofendoofen) vs Bye 17
flameingpigey2 vs Bye 18
Casual dot exe vs Bye 19
Kilometer0042 vs Bye 20
hammy3581 vs Bye 21
frickEDmt vs Bye 22
VigilanteVigoroth vs Bye 23
McChicken221 vs Bye 24
RaJ.Shoot vs Bye 25
Joltoh vs Bye 26
jursharp vs Bye 27
dunoks vs Bye 28
drakonium vs Bye 29
flippy-chan vs Bye 30
Cowman25! vs Bye 31
satvik123 vs Bye 32
VanitasEcho vs Bye 33
Tyrlire123 vs Bye 34
LoSconosciuto vs Bye 35
Ghoulish Champ vs Bye 36
fish anemometer vs SparksBlade
-Mera- vs Bye 38
InvejaMata vs Bye 39
DukeOfKings vs Bye 40
Maus_Satoshi vs Bye 41
JacrispyMcrib vs Bye 42
handermander vs Bye 43
Trainer Z vs Bye 44
Piapia vs Bye 45
XXVI vs Bye 46
Giga-Chandélure vs Bye 47
Betathunder vs Bye 48
rizen1 vs Bye 49
Shing vs Bye 50
SpectralThief vs Bye 51
TentacleRatGf vs Bye 52
Swagata Mitra vs Shadows4
JacintoElGrande vs Bye 54
Limetree345 vs Bye 55
Lady Writer vs Bye 56
Dogebonk vs Bye 57
BigLaw vs Bye 58
Knele97 vs Bye 59
Frozoid vs Bye 60
TeamCharm vs Bye 61
iamnathan vs Bye 62
za vs Bye 63
PogRamsey vs Bye 64
Golden Warrior vs Bye 65
Elvinagrio vs Bye 66
sunsets vs Bye 67
EnchantedCrocs vs Bye 68
Murphy’s law996 vs Bye 69
Achyuth-kun vs Bye 70
Perish Song vs Bye 71
Cryometer vs Bye 72
Hakimi vs Bye 73
omnavious vs Bye 74
faygoes vs Bye 75
MelancholyBill vs Bye 76
ElectricityCat vs Bye 77
BlazeOfVictory vs setset77
technobruh37 vs Bye 79
Cielo4980 vs Bye 80
Sae vs Bye 81
Ethan Kironus vs Bye 82
ShckSheep vs Bye 83
boris69 vs Bye 84
Wait2Seconds vs Bye 85
Javi vs Bye 86
BlazeMarc vs Bye 87
Luchik vs Bye 88
ademalawer vs Bye 89
Skrublax vs Bye 90
Coolbear489929 vs Bye 91
Clementine vs Bye 92
bellenguer2 vs Bye 93
Cam16 vs Bye 94
justdie69420 vs Bye 95
Daniel072004 vs Bye 96
Ninja Mob vs Bye 97
Micoy vs hidin
Soap (Camilla12) vs Bye 99
Blessed vs Bye 100
Amendxv vs Bye 101
GchisRTK vs Goro Yagami
johnkharkiv vs Bye 103
cubicalxd vs Bye 104
Xerzack987 vs Bye 105
apache71164 vs Bye 106
burnermf vs Fantos13
platinumCheesecake vs Bye 108
Lrogue vs Bye 109
hobo21 vs Bye 110
MushroomSoupii vs Bye 111
Landon vs Bye 112
Elgino vs Bye 113
WinterKnightVGC vs Bye 114
beymonboy13 vs Bye 115
ackquaria vs Bye 116
ShaingChaiSubbLe vs Bye 117
IceLoverFrostalicious vs Bye 118
Wubben vs Bye 119
Slowpoke Fan vs Bye 120
Medeia vs Bye 121
TMD 99 vs Bye 122
BandedCrizor vs Bye 123
Wigglytuff vs Bye 124
Missed signups but still want to join? Just say "in as sub" before Thursday, July 27 at 12:00 PM UTC-5 and you'll be matched with a bye.
The deadline for Round 1 is Sunday, July 30 at 11:59 PM UTC-5. Good luck to all!
Last edited by a moderator: