NFE Duosion


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insert :duosion:

Duosion @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Future Sight
- Psychic
- Recover
- Toxic / Thunder

Duosion's excellent ability in Regenerator makes it one of the most reliable pivots in the metagame. Future Sight pressures opposing teams, limits Duosion's switch-ins, and increases its teammates's wallbreaking potential. Psychic is more reliable than Future Sight and lets Duosion threaten foes such as Golbat, Gurdurr, and Tangela. Toxic cripples Dark-types that try to switch on Future Sight, as well as Galarian Corsola, while Thunder immediately pressures Pokemon like Vullaby and Galarian Linoone. Teammates that can take advantage of Duosion's Future Sight to wallbreak are ideal. Physical attackers such as Gurdurr, Machoke, and Raboot are all good options that threaten Pokemon that would otherwise be able to switch into Future Sight such as Galarian Linoone, Klang, and Ferroseed.
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Duosion @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Future Sight
- Psychic
- Recover
- Toxic / Thunder

Duosion’s excellent ability in Regenerator and high Special Attack stat (high special attack is what makes it a solid Future Sight user, not a reliable pivot) make it one of the most reliable pivots in the metagame. Future Sight pressures opposing teams and limits switch-ins as well as increasing its teammates’ wallbreaking potential and force progress. Psychic is more reliable than Future Sight and let it threaten opposing foes such as Golbat, Gurdurr, and Tangela. Toxic cripples Dark-type opponents which try to switch-in on Future Sight as well as hitting Galarian Corsola while Thunder immediately pressures Pokemon like Vullaby and Galarian Linoone. Teammates that can take advantage of Duosion’s Future Sight to wallbreak are ideal. Physical attackers such as Gurdurr, Thwackey (rarely runs Drain Punch to beat the Pokemon you later list, it benefits from Future Sight stopping Poison-types from switching in instead) Machoke, and Raboot are all options that threaten Pokemon that would be able to switch into Duosion’s Future Sight such as Galarian Linoone, Klang, and Ferroseed.

Good work, qc 1/1 once implemented!!

Duosion @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Future Sight
- Psychic
- Recover
- Toxic / Thunder

Duosion’s Duosion's excellent ability in Regenerator makes it one of the most reliable pivots in the metagame. Future Sight pressures opposing teams and limits switch-ins as well as increasing its teammates’ wallbreaking potential and force progress. Future Sight pressures opposing teams, limits Duosion's switch-ins, and increases its teammates's wallbreaking potential. Psychic is more reliable than Future Sight and lets it Duosion threaten opposing foes such as Golbat, Gurdurr, and Tangela. Toxic cripples Dark-types opponents which that try to switch-in switch in (when describing the act of switching in, "switch in" isn't hyphenated.) on Future Sight, (AC) as well as hitting Galarian Corsola, (AC) while Thunder immediately pressures Pokemon like Vullaby and Galarian Linoone. Teammates that can take advantage of Duosion’s Duosion's Future Sight to wallbreak are ideal. Physical attackers such as Gurdurr, Machoke, and Raboot are all good options that threaten Pokemon that would otherwise be able to switch into Duosion’s Future Sight such as Galarian Linoone, Klang, and Ferroseed.
1/1 :)

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