QC Checks: Pocket, Lolk, Audiosurfer
GP Checks: horyzhnz, Calm Pokemaster
Dusclops is one of the most durable Trick Room setters due to a number of factors. The first is its great bulk when equipped with Eviolite, which allows it to take almost any two hits and set up Trick Room. Its base 20 Speed compliments this nicely, as it makes Dusclops extremely fast under Trick Room as well. Dusclops also has a nice support movepool that includes gems such as Will-O-Wisp, Helping Hand, Taunt, and Disable, which allows it to support its team with ease. Its Ghost typing also gives it the added benefit of being able to take on top-tier threats such as Mega Kangaskhan with relative ease. However, Dusclops has a long list of shortcomings that stop it from being a common sight in the Doubles metagame. It has extremely low offensive presence and must rely on Night Shade for damage, often making it a sitting duck during different points in the match. While other Trick Room setters can run Mental Herb and Safety Goggles to help ensure that Trick Room gets set up, Dusclops is helpless against common anti-Trick Room tactics such as Taunt, Spore, and Sleep Powder, which can prevent it from doing its job. The large rise in the use of Knock Off has also hurt Dusclops a ton, as it is now much more vulnerable to losing its previous Eviolite. Finally, Dusclops's lack of reliable recovery outside of Pain Split means it can find itself getting worn down quite easily throughout the course of the match.
Defensive Trick Room
name: Defensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Night Shade
move 4: Helping Hand / Taunt / Disable
ability: Pressure / Frisk
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD
ivs: 0 Speed
nature: Sassy
Trick Room is the most important move on this set, as it allows Dusclops to make slower teammates much faster. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers such as Mega Kangaskhan, Terrakion, and Garchomp. Night Shade is Dusclops's only real way to do direct damage to the opponent and is preferred over Seismic Toss due to its ability to hit Ghost-types. Helping Hand is used in the last spot in order to boost the power of a partner's next move. Taunt can be used in the last slot as well, as Dusclops can Taunt quickly when under Trick Room, stopping support moves such as Spore, Protect, opposing Taunt, and opposing Trick Room. It should be noted, however, that Taunt is only really effective under Trick Room, as Dusclops is much too slow otherwise. Finally, Disable can also be used in the last slot to stop your opponent from using a move which can take Dusclops's partner out.
Set Details
Eviolite is the best item for Dusclops, boosting its defensive stats to sky-high levels and ensuring that Dusclops is not outclassed by its evolution, Dusknoir. Pressure is used on Dusclops as it is the only ability legal with Helping Hand. If Helping Hand is not being used, however, then Frisk is the preferred ability in order to scout your opponent's item. The EVs give Dusclops balanced defenses, allowing it to take both physical and special hits. A Sassy nature further helps balance Dusclops's stats while also speeding it up under Trick Room. 0 Speed IVs are used to further speed up Dusclops under Trick Room. Pain Split is another option for the fourth slot, as it gives Dusclops a way to heal its HP; it is unreliable, however, and means that Dusclops must forgo a support move.
Usage Tips
Only lead with Dusclops if you have a quick Taunt, Fake Out, or Safeguard user, as Trick Room leads can be quite obvious. It is usually best to pivot Dusclops into the battle to maximize your momentum. Taunt users such as Thundurus, Terrakion, and Gyarados completely shut Dusclops down. As such, if you see one of these Pokemon in Team Preview, it is best to either send Dusclops in when these Pokemon have been eliminated or wait until you know it can set up Trick Room safely. Dusclops is best paired with either a support Pokemon to help guarantee that Trick Room goes up, or an offensive Pokemon that can make up for its terrible offensive presence. Night Shade is best used to sufficiently weaken your opponent's Pokemon so that other Pokemon can KO them.
Team Options
Pokemon that appreciate Trick Room are almost necessary partners for Dusclops, as they can take advantage of the move it's meant to set up. Notable Trick Room attackers include Heatran, Aegislash, Conkeldurr, and Mega Mawile. A second Pokemon to set up Trick Room, such as Cresselia, Aromatisse, and Jellicent, can be helpful for when Dusclops has been taken out. Fake Out users such as Hitmontop and Scrafty are very helpful, as they can immobilize one of your opponent's Pokemon and almost guarantee Trick Room is set up. Rage Powder and Follow Me users such Amoonguss and Togekiss can also help make sure Dusclops sets Trick Room up. Safeguard users, such as Cresselia and Meowstic, can help Dusclops avoid Spore, meaning that it can set up Trick Room more easily. Dark-type Pokemon make great partners for Dusclops, as they resist the two types that it is weak to. Scrafty has Fake Out and can beat both Dark- and Ghost-types with its dual STABs, while Bisharp receives a Defiant boost from Scrafty's Intimidate and has priority Sucker Punch. Fast Taunt users such as Terrakion and Prankster Thundurus, are also helpful due to their ability to Taunt slower Taunt users before Dusclops gets Taunted.
Other Options
Dusclops has a few other options at its disposal. The first are Rain Dance and Sunny Day, which can be used on dedicated weather teams looking for weather support. However, Dusclops can't hold Damp Rock or Heat Rock due to its dependence on Eviolite, making these sets outclassed by other weather setters. Gravity is an interesting move that Dusclops has access to, and it can be used by teams looking to take advantage of inaccurate moves. Imprison + Protect can be helpful to prevent the opponent's from stalling Trick Room turns with Protect, but it usually isn't worth the moveslots. Skill Swap can be used to cripple Pokemon reliant on their abilities, such as Talonflame and Mega Kangaskhan. Swagger can also be used in tandem with Lum Berry to give your teammate an Attack boost. Finally, Haze can be used to stop your opponent from setting up as well as neutralize Intimidate on your side of the field.
Checks & Counters:
**Utility Moves**: Taunt, Spore, Sleep Powder, and Knock Off greatly hinder Dusclops's ability to support its team. Taunt users, such as Thundurus, Terrakion, and Gyarados, all force Dusclops to resort to Night Shade, making it practically useless. Sleep-inducers such as Breloom and Venusaur can also put Dusclops to sleep, stopping it from being able to set up Trick Room. Knock Off users such as Scrafty, Bisharp, Landorus-T, and Conkeldurr can not only hit Dusclops for super effective damage, but also remove its Eviolite, making it a lot easier to take out.
**Offensive Type Advantage**: While Dusclops is almost never taken out in one hit, the combination of super effective moves from both opponents can eliminate Dusclops before it can set up Trick Room. Even if they don't outright KO, they can still do quite a lot of damage. Some notable powerful attackers include Tyranitar, Aegislash, Bisharp, Chandelure, Weavile, (Mega) Gengar, Greninja, and Darkrai.
**Special Attackers**: Special attackers such as Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, Shaymin-S, and Latios don't mind Will-O-Wisp and can retaliate back with a powerful STAB attack. Special attackers with access to reliable recovery can also effectively stall Dusclops out.
GP Checks: horyzhnz, Calm Pokemaster

Dusclops is one of the most durable Trick Room setters due to a number of factors. The first is its great bulk when equipped with Eviolite, which allows it to take almost any two hits and set up Trick Room. Its base 20 Speed compliments this nicely, as it makes Dusclops extremely fast under Trick Room as well. Dusclops also has a nice support movepool that includes gems such as Will-O-Wisp, Helping Hand, Taunt, and Disable, which allows it to support its team with ease. Its Ghost typing also gives it the added benefit of being able to take on top-tier threats such as Mega Kangaskhan with relative ease. However, Dusclops has a long list of shortcomings that stop it from being a common sight in the Doubles metagame. It has extremely low offensive presence and must rely on Night Shade for damage, often making it a sitting duck during different points in the match. While other Trick Room setters can run Mental Herb and Safety Goggles to help ensure that Trick Room gets set up, Dusclops is helpless against common anti-Trick Room tactics such as Taunt, Spore, and Sleep Powder, which can prevent it from doing its job. The large rise in the use of Knock Off has also hurt Dusclops a ton, as it is now much more vulnerable to losing its previous Eviolite. Finally, Dusclops's lack of reliable recovery outside of Pain Split means it can find itself getting worn down quite easily throughout the course of the match.
Defensive Trick Room
name: Defensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Night Shade
move 4: Helping Hand / Taunt / Disable
ability: Pressure / Frisk
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD
ivs: 0 Speed
nature: Sassy
Trick Room is the most important move on this set, as it allows Dusclops to make slower teammates much faster. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers such as Mega Kangaskhan, Terrakion, and Garchomp. Night Shade is Dusclops's only real way to do direct damage to the opponent and is preferred over Seismic Toss due to its ability to hit Ghost-types. Helping Hand is used in the last spot in order to boost the power of a partner's next move. Taunt can be used in the last slot as well, as Dusclops can Taunt quickly when under Trick Room, stopping support moves such as Spore, Protect, opposing Taunt, and opposing Trick Room. It should be noted, however, that Taunt is only really effective under Trick Room, as Dusclops is much too slow otherwise. Finally, Disable can also be used in the last slot to stop your opponent from using a move which can take Dusclops's partner out.
Set Details
Eviolite is the best item for Dusclops, boosting its defensive stats to sky-high levels and ensuring that Dusclops is not outclassed by its evolution, Dusknoir. Pressure is used on Dusclops as it is the only ability legal with Helping Hand. If Helping Hand is not being used, however, then Frisk is the preferred ability in order to scout your opponent's item. The EVs give Dusclops balanced defenses, allowing it to take both physical and special hits. A Sassy nature further helps balance Dusclops's stats while also speeding it up under Trick Room. 0 Speed IVs are used to further speed up Dusclops under Trick Room. Pain Split is another option for the fourth slot, as it gives Dusclops a way to heal its HP; it is unreliable, however, and means that Dusclops must forgo a support move.
Usage Tips
Only lead with Dusclops if you have a quick Taunt, Fake Out, or Safeguard user, as Trick Room leads can be quite obvious. It is usually best to pivot Dusclops into the battle to maximize your momentum. Taunt users such as Thundurus, Terrakion, and Gyarados completely shut Dusclops down. As such, if you see one of these Pokemon in Team Preview, it is best to either send Dusclops in when these Pokemon have been eliminated or wait until you know it can set up Trick Room safely. Dusclops is best paired with either a support Pokemon to help guarantee that Trick Room goes up, or an offensive Pokemon that can make up for its terrible offensive presence. Night Shade is best used to sufficiently weaken your opponent's Pokemon so that other Pokemon can KO them.
Team Options
Pokemon that appreciate Trick Room are almost necessary partners for Dusclops, as they can take advantage of the move it's meant to set up. Notable Trick Room attackers include Heatran, Aegislash, Conkeldurr, and Mega Mawile. A second Pokemon to set up Trick Room, such as Cresselia, Aromatisse, and Jellicent, can be helpful for when Dusclops has been taken out. Fake Out users such as Hitmontop and Scrafty are very helpful, as they can immobilize one of your opponent's Pokemon and almost guarantee Trick Room is set up. Rage Powder and Follow Me users such Amoonguss and Togekiss can also help make sure Dusclops sets Trick Room up. Safeguard users, such as Cresselia and Meowstic, can help Dusclops avoid Spore, meaning that it can set up Trick Room more easily. Dark-type Pokemon make great partners for Dusclops, as they resist the two types that it is weak to. Scrafty has Fake Out and can beat both Dark- and Ghost-types with its dual STABs, while Bisharp receives a Defiant boost from Scrafty's Intimidate and has priority Sucker Punch. Fast Taunt users such as Terrakion and Prankster Thundurus, are also helpful due to their ability to Taunt slower Taunt users before Dusclops gets Taunted.
Other Options
Dusclops has a few other options at its disposal. The first are Rain Dance and Sunny Day, which can be used on dedicated weather teams looking for weather support. However, Dusclops can't hold Damp Rock or Heat Rock due to its dependence on Eviolite, making these sets outclassed by other weather setters. Gravity is an interesting move that Dusclops has access to, and it can be used by teams looking to take advantage of inaccurate moves. Imprison + Protect can be helpful to prevent the opponent's from stalling Trick Room turns with Protect, but it usually isn't worth the moveslots. Skill Swap can be used to cripple Pokemon reliant on their abilities, such as Talonflame and Mega Kangaskhan. Swagger can also be used in tandem with Lum Berry to give your teammate an Attack boost. Finally, Haze can be used to stop your opponent from setting up as well as neutralize Intimidate on your side of the field.
Checks & Counters:
**Utility Moves**: Taunt, Spore, Sleep Powder, and Knock Off greatly hinder Dusclops's ability to support its team. Taunt users, such as Thundurus, Terrakion, and Gyarados, all force Dusclops to resort to Night Shade, making it practically useless. Sleep-inducers such as Breloom and Venusaur can also put Dusclops to sleep, stopping it from being able to set up Trick Room. Knock Off users such as Scrafty, Bisharp, Landorus-T, and Conkeldurr can not only hit Dusclops for super effective damage, but also remove its Eviolite, making it a lot easier to take out.
**Offensive Type Advantage**: While Dusclops is almost never taken out in one hit, the combination of super effective moves from both opponents can eliminate Dusclops before it can set up Trick Room. Even if they don't outright KO, they can still do quite a lot of damage. Some notable powerful attackers include Tyranitar, Aegislash, Bisharp, Chandelure, Weavile, (Mega) Gengar, Greninja, and Darkrai.
**Special Attackers**: Special attackers such as Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, Shaymin-S, and Latios don't mind Will-O-Wisp and can retaliate back with a powerful STAB attack. Special attackers with access to reliable recovery can also effectively stall Dusclops out.
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