OU Effective Combinations in the OU Metagame


the night
is a Team Rater Alumnus
Effective Combos in the B/W Metagame

Effective Offensive and Defensive combos are important for every team. Effective Offensive combos are necessary to be able to break through the opponent's defenses and sweep. You can't just bunch 6 sweepers together and call it a day. Whereas defensive combos are necessary to cover up type- weaknesses and / or being able to tank hits from threats with good defensive bulk from both ends of the spectrum (Physical and Special).


Defensive Combos:
2 Pokemon that use type resistances or general defensive stats (or both) to help switch into each other's threatening pokemon's attacks. Examples for type would be Scizor and Latios, as both resist all of the other's weaknesses. Note I specifically used two offensively inclined pokemon to demonstrate this has to do with switching into attacks; offensive pokemon can be partners in defensive combinations. Examples for general defensive stats would be Skarmory and Jellicent; while they don't cover each other's type weaknesses (they actually share the Electric- type weakness), 1 covers the physical spectrum very well while the other covers the special spectrum excellently.

Offensive Combos:
2 Pokemon whose attacks cover what the other cannot defeat. An example would be Choice Band Terrakion and Dragon Dance Scrafty; Terrakion lures in and weakens Physically Defensive threats with boosted Stone Edge / Close Combat so Scrafty can plow through said threats with ease, otherwise these threats would be able to take on Scrafty and prevent it from sweeping their team.

Both Offensive & Defensive Combos:
2 Pokemon that both cover each other's defenses well and beat what the other has difficulty with. An example would be Nasty Plot Thunderus and Swords Dance Excadrill; Nasty Plot Thunderus is a target for Choice Scarf Garchomp who can revenge it with Stone Edge, whereas Excadrill can use this as an opportunity to set-up. Likewise, Gliscor likes to switch in on Excadrill and deliver a swift KO with Earthquake, Thunderus can use its Ground- immunity to switch in and begin to wreck havoc. The two cover type-weaknesses well (defensive synergy) as well as hit hard from both sides of the spectrum (offensive synergy).

Strategic Combos:
2 Pokemon (or concepts) who work together, not necessarily through typing or offensively benefits, to accomplish some goal. Examples would be Toxic Spikes + Special Attacker, like Tentacruel and Volcarona. These 2 don't necessarily have optimal defensive typings for each other or possess attacks that cover each other well, but the Toxic Spikes that Tentacruel provides helps Volcarona against Pokemon like Blissey, Chansey, and Jellicent.


Here are a few examples to kick us off.

Defensive Combinations:


Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Relaxed - Iron Barbs
252 HP, 48 Def, 208 SDef

- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball / Power Whip
- Protect / Thunder Wave



Jellicent @ Leftovers
Calm - Water Absorb
252 HP / 172 Def / 84 Spe

- Boiling Water
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt / Ice Beam

Ferrothorn and Jellicent are great partners in defensive synergy. Ferrothorn sets up hazards that Jellicent can prevent from being spun, takes Dark, Ghost, and Electric-type attacks for it, and lures Fire- and Fighting-type attacks that Burungeru resists. Additionally Ferrothorn can take on strong super effective Physical attacks for Jellicent, like Tyranitar's Crunch, while Jellicent can take super effective Special attacks like Blaziken's Fire Blast. This can form a solid defensive core on stall teams, being able to take on the majority of threats in the current metagame, and causing frequent switches thanks to the good defensive synergy between the two, which will make the opponent eat up entry hazard damage.

Offensive Combinations:


Blaziken @ Life Orb
Rash - Speed Boost
80 Atk / 200 SpA / 228 Spe

- Hi Jump Kick
- Fire Blast
- Protect / Stone Edge
- Hidden Power Ice



Thunderus @ Life Orb
Timid - Mischievous Heart
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice / Taunt

Blaziken is a formidable attacker, having good type coverage and power in its moveset. However, he does run into trouble against certain bulky waters, such as Jellicent, Slowbro, Vaporeon, and Gyarados. Thunderus is able to scare all of them off with STAB Thunderbolt, and when it forces them out, it can use this opportunity to grab a Nasty Plot boost. Likewise, Blaziken is able to take on Specially bulky foes such as Blissey and Chansey which halt Thunderus's sweeping. With these two removed, Thunderus will be able to decimate the opponent's team with +2 Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, and Hidden Power Ice.

Both Offensive & Defensive Combos:


Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Bold - Magic Guard
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Recover
- Focus Blast / Shadow Ball



Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Brave - Guts
120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SDef
IVs: 0 Spe
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Payback

Conkeldurr and Reuniclus are an excellent example of this type of combination because, firstly they are able to cover almost all of each other's weaknesses. Conkeldurr is able to taken Dark- and Bug- type attacks with ease, whereas Reuniclus can take on Psychic type attacks for Conkeldurr. In the same vein, Reuniclus is able to take Special hits real well after Calm Mind, whereas Conkeldurr is able to take on Physical hits after a Bulk Up, so the combination can take hits from either attacking spectrum. On the offensive side of things, Conkeldurr is able to use Tyranitar as an excellent opportunity to gain some boosts, as Tyranitar is one of Reuniclus's top checks. Conkeldurr is also able to take down Blissey and Chansey faster, instead of trying to outstall them with Reuniclus. Reuniclus can also dent Physical walls like Skarmory very hard with boosted Focus Blast. If carrying Shadow Ball, Reuniclus can also handle Lati@s for Conkeldurr who like to pop in every now and then to halt Conkeldurr's rampage with powerful Psychic- type attacks

Strategic Combinations:


Virizion @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Timid - Justified
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

- Calm Mind
- Giga Drain
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice / Taunt



Tyranitar @ Chople Berry
Brave - Sand Stream
252 HP / 188 Atk / 68 SAtk

- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Fire Blast

If basing a team around Virizion, one should know Virizion's main counters are Latios, Latias, and Reuniclus; they can come in, set up Calm Minds alongside Virizion, while laughing at its STAB moves and meagre Hidden Power Ice, and then OHKO it with STAB Psyshock. A Pokemon that can eliminate these threats is therefore a good partner for Virizion. Tyranitar is one of the best because it can use Pursuit and Crunch to eliminate the Psychic-type counters. Chople Berry allows it to take on Reuniclus easier and 2HKO it, and also providing Stealth Rock to help Virizion better achieve its KOs. Tyranitar can also soften up things like Nattorei with Fire Blast.

Your turn!

So now it's your turn to post some effective combinations you've been using in the metagame. Please don't just post "Salmence and Magzone is vair gud". If you can, give the movesets, and briefly outline the pros and cons of your combination, and which category it fits under.

Also, I used these threads for reference, here and here.
Here's one I've been using a lot:

Offensive combo:


Flygon @ Choice Scarf/Choice Band
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
-Stone Edge



Genesect @ Choice Scarf
252 SpA/4 Atk/252 Spe
-Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Bug Buzz/Thunderbolt
-Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Bug Buzz/Thunderbolt
-Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Bug Buzz/Thunderbolt

this combo works great together, with Flygon handling Genesect's sole Fire Weakness while Genesect takes Ice and Dragon hits well, although it isn't advised to eat too many as they can each only handle one (or if you're lucky, two) powerful STAB even at normal effectiveness. They make a great U-turn core as well, frustrating your opponents greatly as you switch out near endlessly coming off Genesect's STAB 120 base attack and Flygon's band. If ever you come in on something which can be one-shot by your attacks, or you think your opponent is growing wise and going to predict you, you can switch it up a little and hit incredibly hard with your move of choice. Not much can take anything from this combo.

NOTE: This gets more fun when you add in Rotom-Wash's Volt Switch.

Great thread, BTW
I prefer Scizor + Virizion instead of TTar + Virizon because Scizor is much better against Reuniclus, even if the synergy isnt quite as good...

Strategic Combination from me (might also qualify as Offensive):


Mienshao @ Leftovers
Jolly / Regenerator
4 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed

-Baton Pass
-Hi Jump Kick
-Stone Edge / Payback



Salamence @ Life Orb
Rash / Intimidate
80 Attack / 252 Special Attack / 176 Spe

-Draco Meteor
-Fire Blast
-Brick Break

Substitute Mienshao plus anything could qualify really, but I've been loving passing Substitutes from Mienshao to MixMence. Due to Regenerator, Mienshao is no worse after passing the sub, so you can pull this trick more than once a match usually. With 125 Attack, a nasty STAB attack, and 105 speed, forcing switches and grabbing Substitutes is easy. Because one of Mienshao's most common switch ins is Gliscor, Salamence is a great recipient of the pass because it will usually keep the sub up. MixMence behind a sub is an absolute terror, because you aren't forced to Draco Meteor instantly. Instead, you can scout around with Fire Blasts and Brick Breaks until you finally need to unleash Draco Meteor. Substitute makes using Roost easier as well, so Salamence can stick around a while as well. As an offensive combination, Salamence wrecks Physical Walls (like Gliscor) with Draco Meteor, leaving Mienshao free to spam Hi Jump Kicks.
Sash-Counter lead Pichu, Balloonist Raichu, and Scarf Emolga come to mind? They all carry Volt Switch, Emolga has HP Ice for Garchomp, Raichu has Brick Break for Tyranitar, Pichu has Sash-Counter for Excadrill. Emolga just has to be careful about Chomp's potential Stone Edge, while Raichu has to be careful not to have its balloon popped. Pichu can just swap out to Raichu to take Earthquake, but if it sees Stealth Rock, Pichu cannot switch in. (Just an example, against a Sandstorm team, assuming Tyranitar summoned the Sandstorm. This is also assuming there are no spinners on the team to get rid of those rocks in case T-tar or someone else gets them off.)
Strategic combination

Ferrothorn @ leftovers
Evs: 252 HP, 68 Atk 188 SDef
Nature: Relaxed (0 Ivs)

-Leech Seed
-Gyro Ball/Power Whip

Shandera @ balloon/life orb
Evs: 248 HP, 252 SpA, 8 Def
Nature: Quiet (0 Ivs in speed)

-Trick Room
-Fire Blast
-Shadow ball
-Momento/Hidden Power fighting

You're probably thinking, well now, why wouldn't I just use Jellicient and Ferrothorn? Well, this combo isn't as defensive as that one, nor is it beaten by the likes of breloom, virizion, and mixvire. This strategic setup works just as well as it would with jellicient since with a balloon, every single one of chandelure's weaknesses are covered by Ferrothorn, and all of Ferro's weaknesses are covered perfectly by chandelure. Since chandelure isn't tremendously quick to begin with, abusing trick room goes a long way in letting both it and ferrothorn go first. Chandelure can easily punch holes in walls and can finally momento to another dangerous sweeper when its job is finished. If need be, it can trick room and momento immeadiately if running a full on trick room team. Though this may be a waste of chandy's potential as its trick room sets are even more powerful than that of reuniclus.
Kingdra @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 80 Atk / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Rash Nature

-Rain Dance
-Draco Meteor
-Hydro Pump


Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe
Timid Nature

-Volt Change
-Hidden Power [Fire]
-Flash Cannon

An offensive core. Absolutely destroys drizzle teams. RD Kingdra is a monster, but however finds itself walled by some bulky bulky waters and Nattorei(oh and Shedinja). All of these are handled by Magnezone. With Specs he murders both Nattorei and pretty much all bulky waters excluding maybe Rotom-W, and leaves some major holes in the opposing team allowing Kingdra to clean up.

This is not invincible though, things like Garchomp/Mence will easily break this core if it is not raining. Both LO Mamoswine and LO/CB Weavile do a good job of dealing with those things. Bulky Waters like Slowbro are notable for their ability to deal with Blaziken in addition to the above.

PS: OP is excellent, good job.


iron barbs
0 speed ivs
228 hp/24 atk/56 def/196 sp.def
leech seed
power whip
gyro ball

96 hp/156 sp.atk/196 def./56 sp.def
calm mind
dragon pulse
hp fire

i have used this core in a sandstorm team i used to run and i can say it can be pretty effective...
ferrothorn and latias cover each others weaknesses nicely as well as both of them cause many switches so they provide me with great opportunities to set up a sub and maybe leech seed the switch in with ferrothorn or pull off a calm mind with latias...
this is a variation i have tried on the classic ferrothorn/jellicent core in order to try something different and i have to say it served much better...
i have also tried wish over recover on latias with a supporting ferrothorn but even though it was not that difficult to pass the wishes to other members latias usually struggled to take advantage of the wishes so i opted for leech seed on ferrothorn and recover on latias...
right now i have been using the same ferrothorn in conjuction with offensive latios and i have found it much effective because latios' meteors are just unbeatable...and even though latios has no defense investments it can shrug off most nve or even neutral attacks with ease...
Ive been using this offensive pair-

Salamence @ Life Orb
Intimidate, Rash
176 atk, 252 spA, 80 spe (speed and attack evs can be switched)
-Draco Meteor
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Dance

Twin 350 attack stats, an absolute monster. Salamence is very hard to switch into when you don't initially know what set its running- Mix or DD. This set can act like a normal MixMence and bomb stuff with Draco Meteor. You can also DD early, depends on what you see in team preview. Counters to the Mixset like Jellicent are destroyed by a boosted Outrage, while counters to the DD set like Slowbro, Hippowdon and Quagsire are mauled by Draco Meteor. Very potent wallbreaker, even more so with Spikes on the field. There is one pokemon who becomes especially lethal after Mence has done its job-

Lucario @ Life Orb
Adamant/Jolly, Justice Heart/Inner Focus
252 atk, 4 def, 252 spe
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch
-Swords Dance

All of the pokemon listed above the Mence loves to bring in and weaken would've normally stopped this guy right in his tracks. Not anymore. Lucario and Salamence cover all of each others weaknesses, and on a team with Spikes+Stealth Rock this is a very difficult pair to keep at bay.
Sorry for the late response guys.

Updated OP with Offensive+Defensive combo.

@ Pwnemon: Interesting, although Flygon's uses in the metagame in general are limited. Also, can we try to stick with combinations in standard B/W OU, as that is the official standard tier.

@ Friar: Amazing combo. I tried it when I looked at it, and it's simply amazing. Also works well with DD Salamence, getting 2 boosts even.

@ UnhandledException: Kingdra + Magnezone was a great combo last gen, and it still is this gen, although Magnezone got hampered, with all those Fighting- and Ground- type attacks being thrown around. Rain teams also usually carry things faster than Magnezone (Tornadus, Specs Politoed, Specs Kingdra), so it will be hit really hard.

@ ironman: Yeah, that is a tried and true combination, though it's usually CM / Dragon Pulse / Psycho Shock / Recover 252/252 to take on Reuniclus better, who otherwise is troublesome. Though your combination takes the offensive approach with Latias to take on Scizor better.

@ yee: That could also be considered a Strategic Combination, since you are luring in Lucario's checks (Physically bulky 'mons) expecting a DD set, to be KOed by Draco Meteor. Always go with 252 Spe, you're getting outsped by some > 100 base Speed stat 'mons like Hydreigon, Haxorus, Darmanitan.

I will update the OP with some of these combos.
LK said:
@ UnhandledException: Kingdra + Magnezone was a great combo last gen, and it still is this gen, although Magnezone got hampered, with all those Fighting- and Ground- type attacks being thrown around. Rain teams also usually carry things faster than Magnezone (Tornadus, Specs Politoed, Specs Kingdra), so it will be hit really hard.

None of those fast mons can face Kingdra in the rain. SpecsKingdra isn't a concern because Drizzle+SwSw is banned. Magnezone's only real use against opposing rain teams is to eliminate the bulky waters for kingdra along with weakening stuff like Jirachi and Nattorei so Kingdra can sweep.
Offensive combinations:

Lucario @ Life Orb
Inner Focus - Modest/Timid
- Nasty Plot
- Aura Sphere
- Shadow Ball
- Vacuum Wave



Gengar @ Life Orb
Levitate - Timid
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute
- Pain Split/Disable

Lucario has trouble getting past faster foes with ground/fighting moves. Gengar is immune to those and outspeeds Gliscor, Garchomp, Terrakion and Landorus. With the same unresisted coverage from the same spectrum, they help to break down each other's counters while covering each other's weaknesses.
Offensive combinations:

Lucario @ Life Orb
Inner Focus - Modest/Timid
- Nasty Plot
- Aura Sphere
- Shadow Ball
- Vacuum Wave



Gengar @ Life Orb
Levitate - Timid
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute
- Pain Split/Disable

Lucario has trouble getting past faster foes with ground/fighting moves. Gengar is immune to those and outspeeds Gliscor, Garchomp, Terrakion and Landorus. With the same unresisted coverage from the same spectrum, they help to break down each other's counters while covering each other's weaknesses.
If you're using these to cover weaknesses, why not use an attacking set with HP Ice rather than a SubDisable Gengar that doesn't hit any of those Pokemon listed especially well?
If you're using these to cover weaknesses, why not use an attacking set with HP Ice rather than a SubDisable Gengar that doesn't hit any of those Pokemon listed especially well?

SubDisable outspeeds things that use a stab move that Gengar is immune to (aka Fighting/Ground) as well as one other coverage move. The idea of pairing it with Lucario is that things like Conkeldurr that otherwise maul Luke are completely shut down by Gengar. Yeah, you'll have to run something to cover Garchomp or whatever but nothing's perfect. :/
SubDisable outspeeds things that use a stab move that Gengar is immune to (aka Fighting/Ground) as well as one other coverage move. The idea of pairing it with Lucario is that things like Conkeldurr that otherwise maul Luke are completely shut down by Gengar. Yeah, you'll have to run something to cover Garchomp or whatever but nothing's perfect. :/

i'm well aware of the function of a SubDisable Gengar. my point is, if this is an effective combination, then why does it not cover the specific pokemon he mentioned that give Lucario a hard time? so you're saying to disable a move that would hit gengar, making it likely for them to switch out? then what, you put in lucario and they switch it right back in? wut
Strategic Combos:

@ Life Orb
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly (+Spe, - Atk)
Arena Trap

Hone Claws
Stone Edge

Level 2
@ Leftovers
0 EVs ; 0 IVs
Brave (+Atk, -Spe)

Pain Split
Magic Coat

Have Dugtrio trap a grounded Steel or Poison type that is Immune to Sandstorm and Toxic Spikes (Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Magnezone, Heatran etc.) and finish them off, this way Probopass can be used for some effective TSS stalling. Additionally, Dugtrio can gain some useful boosts against Choiced Magnezone if it switches into an electric move, thanks to Hone Claws and Substitute. Probopass can then stall VS foes that threaten teams such as Terrakon thanks to Toxic Spikes taking effect. Probopass can also combine Torment and Protect to force Choiced foes to Struggle, this causes more switches and more Spikes damage.

(When Dreamworld becomes released for all Pokemon, Chandelure can also be used especially against even Balloon wielding Steel types like Excadrill, neutral grounded types like Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Forretress, or Skarmary whom don't fear Dugtrio's EQ. Chandelure can also deal with Breloom whom can bypass Sturdy with Bullet Seed, and easily switch into his attacks since Chandelure is immune or resistant to all of Breloom's STAB).
Hey LK

First of props to you for making this thread. I know I used these kind of threads when learning the basics of Pokemon. My only question is why not include cores of 3 Pokemon? They could work very well.

Anyway one of my favourite cores right now is Genosect + Latios

Offensive + Defensive Cores


Genosect @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- U-Turn
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt


Latios @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Psycho Shock
- Trick

Genosect + Latios offer the same great core that you listed in Scizor + Latios, however more Offensively orientated. They cover each others butts perfectly and work together in a core superbly. They act as a 'Pressure Core' forcing switches like there's no tomorrow. The moves are self explanitory, as I see it redundant to have a Fire move on both Pokemon, and the items and EVs are pretty standard aswell. The Steel Pokemon that Latios can't handle get dominated by Genosect. The walls that Genosect can't handle get crippled by Latios' Trick.
genesect and latios

Have you considered Sazzy over Latios? Dual U-turn really helps, and lack of Pursuit weakness is similarly useful.

Offensive and defensive combo


Slowbro @ Choice Specs
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spa

-Fire Blast
-Ice Beam


Breloom @ Toxic Orb
12 HP / 252 Atk / 244 Spe
Poison Heal

-Mach Punch/Superpower
-Bullet Seed
-Stone Edge


Heatran @ Leftovers / Balloon / Passho Berry / Shuca Berry / Life Orb
4 HP / 252 Spa / 252 Spe
Flash Fire

-Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-Dragon Pulse

Breloom resists Electric and Dark for Slowbro and Ground and Water for Heatran. Slowbro resists Fire, Ice, and Psychic for Breloom and Water and Fighting for Heatran. Heatran resists Fire, Ice, Psychic, Poison, Flying, and Bug for Breloom and Ghost, Dark, Grass, and Bug for Slowbro. They all last a long time, and with Spore and sheer power, they can break down defensive cores like nobody's business while staying alive. Slowbro and Heatran have trouble dealing with bulky waters, which is where Breloom's STAB grass comes in handy. Breloom has trouble with taking strong hits, and Slowbro's bulk and Regenerator helps, as does Heatran's many resistances. Heatran has problems with Blissey and dragons, which Slowbro removes with Psycho Shock and Ice Beam, and Breloom with STAB Fighting and/or Spore.

There's also two handy Iron Pringles beater-uppers, which is nice.

Can we do three pokemon because I just did.
Can we do three pokemon because I just did.

I think that'd be fine. Combinations imply two or more, so I think you're fine.


Kingdra @Leftovers
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Adamant
~ Substitute
~ Dragon Dance
~ Waterfall
~ Outrage


Heatran @Leftovers
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
~ Substitute
~ Fire Blast
~ Dragon Pulse / Earth Power
~ Toxic

Combined, these two resist all but Fighting, Ground, and Rock. Everything else is resisted or nulled between these two, making them an excellent defensive combo. I've seen someone use this to great effect, so thanks whoever did it. Both also can abuse Rain and Sun respectively.
Combined, these two resist all but Fighting, Ground, and Rock. Everything else is resisted or nulled between these two, making them an excellent defensive combo. I've seen someone use this to great effect, so thanks whoever did it. Both also can abuse Rain and Sun respectively.

j/s, Electric.

Breloom resists Electric, Ground, and Rock. Celebi resists Electric, Ground, and Fighting. And F/W/G cores are now cool once more in gen 5. As opposed to overused and overdone in gen 4.
I don't understand why the combos are limited to two. There are six pokemon on a team and cores are usually three deep.

Defensive/Offensive combination

Fire Blast
Stealth Rock
Earth Power

Hits like a truck and has what seems like seven thousand resistances. Reliably causes switches so I stealth rock first and then act accordingly on the second. Will-O-Wisp wrecks most dragons that try to switch in. Covers Vaporeon's grass weakness and all of erufuun's weaknesses.


Ice Beam

Covers Heatran's water weakness and erufuun's fire weakness and passes wish around to heatran and erufuun (who both resist grass, while the latter resists lightning as well).


Leech Seed

Covers all of Vaporeon's weaknesses and all of Heatran's weaknesses save fighting, but it can beat fighters handily thanks to charm and leech seed (although i'm still torn on whether to use charm or cotton guard). Is extremely annoying with encore and u-turn, allowing me to guarantee a safe switch to either of the other two while racking up hazard and leech seed damage.

Rotom is an unofficial member of this trio. Regular ghost rotom, that is. The fighting and ground immunities along with stab volt change and trickscarfing (for reuniclus) are very beneficial to this core.