Effective Combos in the B/W Metagame
Effective Offensive and Defensive combos are important for every team. Effective Offensive combos are necessary to be able to break through the opponent's defenses and sweep. You can't just bunch 6 sweepers together and call it a day. Whereas defensive combos are necessary to cover up type- weaknesses and / or being able to tank hits from threats with good defensive bulk from both ends of the spectrum (Physical and Special).
Defensive Combos:
2 Pokemon that use type resistances or general defensive stats (or both) to help switch into each other's threatening pokemon's attacks. Examples for type would be Scizor and Latios, as both resist all of the other's weaknesses. Note I specifically used two offensively inclined pokemon to demonstrate this has to do with switching into attacks; offensive pokemon can be partners in defensive combinations. Examples for general defensive stats would be Skarmory and Jellicent; while they don't cover each other's type weaknesses (they actually share the Electric- type weakness), 1 covers the physical spectrum very well while the other covers the special spectrum excellently.
Offensive Combos:
2 Pokemon whose attacks cover what the other cannot defeat. An example would be Choice Band Terrakion and Dragon Dance Scrafty; Terrakion lures in and weakens Physically Defensive threats with boosted Stone Edge / Close Combat so Scrafty can plow through said threats with ease, otherwise these threats would be able to take on Scrafty and prevent it from sweeping their team.
Both Offensive & Defensive Combos:
2 Pokemon that both cover each other's defenses well and beat what the other has difficulty with. An example would be Nasty Plot Thunderus and Swords Dance Excadrill; Nasty Plot Thunderus is a target for Choice Scarf Garchomp who can revenge it with Stone Edge, whereas Excadrill can use this as an opportunity to set-up. Likewise, Gliscor likes to switch in on Excadrill and deliver a swift KO with Earthquake, Thunderus can use its Ground- immunity to switch in and begin to wreck havoc. The two cover type-weaknesses well (defensive synergy) as well as hit hard from both sides of the spectrum (offensive synergy).
Strategic Combos:
2 Pokemon (or concepts) who work together, not necessarily through typing or offensively benefits, to accomplish some goal. Examples would be Toxic Spikes + Special Attacker, like Tentacruel and Volcarona. These 2 don't necessarily have optimal defensive typings for each other or possess attacks that cover each other well, but the Toxic Spikes that Tentacruel provides helps Volcarona against Pokemon like Blissey, Chansey, and Jellicent.
Here are a few examples to kick us off.
Defensive Combinations:

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Relaxed - Iron Barbs
252 HP, 48 Def, 208 SDef
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball / Power Whip
- Protect / Thunder Wave

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Calm - Water Absorb
252 HP / 172 Def / 84 Spe
- Boiling Water
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt / Ice Beam
Ferrothorn and Jellicent are great partners in defensive synergy. Ferrothorn sets up hazards that Jellicent can prevent from being spun, takes Dark, Ghost, and Electric-type attacks for it, and lures Fire- and Fighting-type attacks that Burungeru resists. Additionally Ferrothorn can take on strong super effective Physical attacks for Jellicent, like Tyranitar's Crunch, while Jellicent can take super effective Special attacks like Blaziken's Fire Blast. This can form a solid defensive core on stall teams, being able to take on the majority of threats in the current metagame, and causing frequent switches thanks to the good defensive synergy between the two, which will make the opponent eat up entry hazard damage.
Offensive Combinations:

Blaziken @ Life Orb
Rash - Speed Boost
80 Atk / 200 SpA / 228 Spe
- Hi Jump Kick
- Fire Blast
- Protect / Stone Edge
- Hidden Power Ice

Thunderus @ Life Orb
Timid - Mischievous Heart
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice / Taunt
Blaziken is a formidable attacker, having good type coverage and power in its moveset. However, he does run into trouble against certain bulky waters, such as Jellicent, Slowbro, Vaporeon, and Gyarados. Thunderus is able to scare all of them off with STAB Thunderbolt, and when it forces them out, it can use this opportunity to grab a Nasty Plot boost. Likewise, Blaziken is able to take on Specially bulky foes such as Blissey and Chansey which halt Thunderus's sweeping. With these two removed, Thunderus will be able to decimate the opponent's team with +2 Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, and Hidden Power Ice.
Both Offensive & Defensive Combos:

Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Bold - Magic Guard
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Recover
- Focus Blast / Shadow Ball

Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Brave - Guts
120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SDef
IVs: 0 Spe
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Payback
Conkeldurr and Reuniclus are an excellent example of this type of combination because, firstly they are able to cover almost all of each other's weaknesses. Conkeldurr is able to taken Dark- and Bug- type attacks with ease, whereas Reuniclus can take on Psychic type attacks for Conkeldurr. In the same vein, Reuniclus is able to take Special hits real well after Calm Mind, whereas Conkeldurr is able to take on Physical hits after a Bulk Up, so the combination can take hits from either attacking spectrum. On the offensive side of things, Conkeldurr is able to use Tyranitar as an excellent opportunity to gain some boosts, as Tyranitar is one of Reuniclus's top checks. Conkeldurr is also able to take down Blissey and Chansey faster, instead of trying to outstall them with Reuniclus. Reuniclus can also dent Physical walls like Skarmory very hard with boosted Focus Blast. If carrying Shadow Ball, Reuniclus can also handle Lati@s for Conkeldurr who like to pop in every now and then to halt Conkeldurr's rampage with powerful Psychic- type attacks
Strategic Combinations:

Virizion @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Timid - Justified
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Giga Drain
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice / Taunt

Tyranitar @ Chople Berry
Brave - Sand Stream
252 HP / 188 Atk / 68 SAtk
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Fire Blast
If basing a team around Virizion, one should know Virizion's main counters are Latios, Latias, and Reuniclus; they can come in, set up Calm Minds alongside Virizion, while laughing at its STAB moves and meagre Hidden Power Ice, and then OHKO it with STAB Psyshock. A Pokemon that can eliminate these threats is therefore a good partner for Virizion. Tyranitar is one of the best because it can use Pursuit and Crunch to eliminate the Psychic-type counters. Chople Berry allows it to take on Reuniclus easier and 2HKO it, and also providing Stealth Rock to help Virizion better achieve its KOs. Tyranitar can also soften up things like Nattorei with Fire Blast.
Your turn!
So now it's your turn to post some effective combinations you've been using in the metagame. Please don't just post "Salmence and Magzone is vair gud". If you can, give the movesets, and briefly outline the pros and cons of your combination, and which category it fits under.
Also, I used these threads for reference, here and here.