“Witless Tarnished… Why covert Destined Death? To kill what?”
You are Maliketh, the Black Blade and Marika’s shadow. A shadow is a wolf being sent by the Greater Will to act as a champion of an Empyrean. When Marika ascended to godhood and remade the Elden Ring to remove destined death, preventing true death to any in the Lands Between, it was you who was entrusted with destined death to safekeep it. However, on the Night of the Black Knives, a fragment was stolen from you and used to slay Godwynn the Golden, Marika’s favoured son. The guilt from this nearly drove you to madness, and now you spend your days consuming the deathroot that has grown from his corpse, attempt to make up for your mistake.
Destined death: You hold destined death in your hands, the force allowing you to fully erase souls from this world.
Target x, any protective or supportive roles targeting them tonight will fail.
Phase Shift: The first time in the game you would die, you will instead shift into your second phase. A public phase shift will be announced with the following flavour: “Death has become a blade once more”. You gain the following after phase shifting:
(Second Phase) Maliketh, The Black Blade:
Black Flame: With the power of destined death, the black flames can be unleashed.
Target x, they will be marked with Black Flame Deathmark.
A person who is inflicted by a deathmark will be told: “You have been marked for death”. Anyone who receives two deathmarks of different types will take damage. A player will be informed if they are marked for death passively, but they will not know what deathmark type they possess.
Great Enemy: As a Great Enemy, you have access to unique information on npcs. You will be sent a result pregame, which will detail the flavour and alias of an npc. No other “Great Enemy” players will receive a pregame result on the same npc as you. If you are aligned with The Golden Order you will receive information on 1-2 npcs. If you are aligned with The Crucible, it could be any number.
The Crucible: You are aligned with The Crucible (Mafia). You win when only players of your faction remain in the game.
Your alias is Sorbet.