1v1 Singles
DQ: 1 Days
No recovers
Only one mon is sent to the ref, it's more fun that way :)
I'll let the challenger choose the arena in return for the right to go second.
I''ll take you, elDino. Although I should warn you that I will be updating my profile in a few hours, so you may want to wait to send in a team until then.
One Ability
No Items
Switch = Banana
ARENA: The Lake of Rage
There are no real restrictions on moves, but there will be rain on every day except Wednesdays (determined by what day the ref refs) unless the players choose something different, and there are Gyarados in the lake. If the players disturb the Red Gyarados in the middle he will use Dragon Rage against everyone. It is also surrounded by trees, which Pokemon can hide in or use for whatever they want. You could even set them on fire.

Gyarados (M), "Jormungandr"
Rash - Special Attack increased by *. Special Defense decreased by *
Water - Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Flying - Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
Intimidate - Can be Activated - When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing thier Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again
Moxie - Innate - This Pokemon gets psyched after it earns a KO on an opposing Pokemon, increasing its attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.
HP: 100
Atk: *****
Def: ***
SpA: *** (+)
SpD: *** (-)
Spe: 81
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 0
DC: Unlocked
-Dragon Rage
-Ice Beam
-Stone Edge
-Aqua Tail

Magnemite Dynamite (Genderless)
Nature: Modest (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * from Attack)
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.
Magnet Pull: This Pokemon has the ability to generate a magnetic field that can attract or repulse Steel-type Pokemon. When attracted by Magnet Pull, Steel-types cannot move out of the immediate proximity without great difficulty, and can be pulled along by the Magnet Pull Pokemon. When repulsed, the Steel type is thrust violently away and contact attacks have immense difficulty striking the Magnet Pull Pokemon. The effect of both commands lasts for the following three (3) actions.
Sturdy: This Pokemon’s body is solidly constructed, reducing the Base Attack Power from an opponents incoming attacks by one (1). The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) Base Attack Power.
Analytic: (DW) If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power.
HP: 80
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
EC 0/6
MC 0
DW 0/5
Metal Sound*
Thunder Wave*
Magnet Rise*
Flash Cannon*
Okay, Atheno orders and chooses ability and then elDINO orders and choose ability!