Hey EliMoore. Would you be interested in a Bold Male Quint-Flawless Eevee with Wish for your Bold/Calm Togepi?
Sounds good, I will PM you.I bred my own Max IVs HPFire Male Protean Froakie. It is Japanese, so if you are willing, I'd like to trade you for yours straight up, so I can start shooting for a Shiny one.
Please PM me when you get the chance.
Sorry, not interested in spitbacks and I have Riolu.wants: drilbur (spitback | 31 ATK and SPD ivs) | adamant | female | mold breaker
offering: shellder (flawed | 31/31/31/31/31/x) | naive | female | skill link | rock blast
additional trade proposal:
wants: swinub | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | jolly | male | thick fat | stealth rock
offering: riolu | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | jolly OR riolu | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | timid | male | inner focus | bullet punch, vacuum wave (on both)
Sorry, I have Bold and Timid Eevees.Hey EliMoore. Would you be interested in a Bold Male Quint-Flawless Eevee with Wish for your Bold/Calm Togepi?
What pokeball is your Deino in?CMT for Infiltrator Crobat.
Not interested in Zorua, or the others, sorry. Depending on the pokeball of your Eevee's, I'd give a 6 IV male of either requested (Pressure or Overgrowth) for a hidden ability female.Hello. I'm interested in your 6 IV'd Bulbasaur or 6 IV'd Absol.
I can offer 6 IV'd male Zorua Hasty/Illusion with Counter and Sucker Punch in Pokeball.
My pokemons are Korean version!
Also I have other 6 IV'd pokemons. CMT!
A regular pokéball D:What pokeball is your Deino in?
:( darn, there's so many I'd be ok with (Dive, Great, Luxury) on that poke, but a pokeball isn't one of them haha.A regular pokéball D:
I actually just got the 5 IV female from someone else, so I don't have any spitbacks :(Aww okiedokey. Would you happen to have any Female Spitback Bold Togepi that I could use to breed with for myself?
I don't, I usually just breed spitbacks on request as I don't like clogging up my boxes, but females aren't particularly easy and I no longer really need any maison items.Aww it's alright dude. Would you happen to have any Spitback Female Timid Protean Froakie then?
What balls are your pawniard or lapras in?CMT for female naive Justified Absol.
I think at this point I'm only interested in leftovers, and just maybe 1-2 at most.Hey there i'm willing to grind for leftovers and bp items. Are you interested?
What balls are your pawniard or lapras in?
I think at this point I'm only interested in leftovers, and just maybe 1-2 at most.
Sorry, not very interested with other people's shinies since the SV thing. I mean, I was never really interested with them to begin with, and now they're basically as easy to get as possible lol. I also do not have females of Snorlax or eevee yet, I'm currently using 4 IV females for them, but I'm working on upgrading them.Hey, just three questions. 1. Would you like a 31/X/31/31/31/31 Protean Dive Ball Shiny Toxic Spikes Froakie? 2. Do you have females of these monsters? 3. What/how much, would you trade for said froakie? Let me know. These are the ones I was looking at:
Species: Eevee | Ability: Anticipation/Adaptability/Run Away | Nature: Bold
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Wish
Notes: I can get other natures, but I will likely keep them all in Dive Balls.
Species: Snorlax | Ability: Thick Fat | Nature: Adamant (Others on Request)
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves: Pursuit / Curse
Species: Swinub | Ability: Thick Fat | Nature: Adamant/Jolly
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves: Ice Shard / Icicle Crash / Stealth Rock
Species: Absol | Ability: Justified | Nature: Naive
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Play Rough / (Sucker Punch)
Species: Fennekin | Ability: Magician | Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Heat Wave
Sorry, not very interested with other people's shinies since the SV thing. I mean, I was never really interested with them to begin with, and now they're basically as easy to get as possible lol. I also do not have females of Snorlax or eevee yet, I'm currently using 4 IV females for them, but I'm working on upgrading them.
Sorry, I'll have to pass.I know the HP Fire Froakie's are mostly Not For Trade until Pokebank, but I've still gotta take a shot at one atleast. I'm offering two Pokemon at the same time for one, an Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Skiddo Male, and a Female Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 Venonat, Female with Rage Powder, Baton Pass, Toxic Spikes, and Giga Drain bred on. I can also give you a 4 IV Male for breeding purposes with that if you want one.