How about an adamant 31/31/31/XX/31/31 charmander with ddance and outrage?I'll take the magnemite for either the snorlax or vullaby, your choice.
Sorry, I have riolu as well.
How about an adamant 31/31/31/XX/31/31 charmander with ddance and outrage?I'll take the magnemite for either the snorlax or vullaby, your choice.
Sorry, I have riolu as well.
I'll take the magnemite for either the snorlax or vullaby, your choice.
Sorry, I have riolu as well.
If you had a thread I could check to see what you have, that would be preferred. There is nothing I'm currently truly looking for.Hey Eli if you decide that you are not interested in the trade for my charmander, I completely understand. I really want one of your 5 iv timid male ghastly in a dusk ball so is there anyway you could tell me what pokemon you are looking for, so I can try and get it for us to trade. I would really appreciate it. :)
PM with what ability you want.Vullaby sounds good
Pass.Quiet Solosis 31/x/31/31/31/0 magic guard for a hp fire froakie female preffered
interested in female poliwag and staryu.Hi, Eli, CMT for a female quiet honedge and female Own Tempo espurr please :)
Sorry, not interested.CMT for HP Fire Froakie?(Can do multiples)
Ok, can I get Bold Chansey?Interested in a female Horsea.
Are you interested in the charmander?If you had a thread I could check to see what you have, that would be preferred. There is nothing I'm currently truly looking for.
PM with what ability you want.
interested in female poliwag and staryu.
Sorry, not interested.
Look, i appreciate the effort, but in my rules I state that I don't really like doing multiple pokemon for 1 and vice versa, not to mention I have many of those pokemon listed.offering marill adamant huge power 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with aquajet bellydrum and superpower or
shroomish jolly quick feet 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with bullet seed or
Snorunt timid moody female 31/xx/31/31/31/31 with spikes
snubbul adamant intimidate 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with close combat
zubat jolly infiltrator 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with whirlwind defog hypnosis and pursuit
ghastly timid 31/xx/31/31/31/31 with disable
kanghaskan jolly scrappy 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with comet punch
drillbur adamant mold breaker 31/31/31/xx/31/31
vulpix timid drought 31/xx/31/31/31/31
croagunk jolly dry skin 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with drain punch and sucker punch
riolu timid 31/xx/31/31/31/31 with vacuum wave
phantump careful harvest/natural cure 31/31/31/xx/31/31
gothita timid shadow stag 31/xx/30/31/31/31 (hp ice)
for the hp fire froakie
Yeah, pm me. I gotta breed it so 1 sec.Ok, can I get Bold Chansey?
I am not.Are you interested in the charmander?
Alright. This is what I got: marill drilbur ghastly froakie riolu clauncher. I could also throw in a masterballLook, i appreciate the effort, but in my rules I state that I don't really like doing multiple pokemon for 1 and vice versa, not to mention I have many of those pokemon listed.
Yeah, pm me. I gotta breed it so 1 sec.
I am not.
interested in female poliwag and staryu.
Sorry, I'm not interested.Alright. This is what I got: marill drilbur ghastly froakie riolu clauncher. I could also throw in a masterball
Bold preferred, PM when ready.Any preferred nature on the Poliwag (Bold or Modest)? And I'll let you know when they're done then.
how about an aron?Sorry, I'm not interested.
Bold preferred, PM when ready.
Nature/Pokeball? I'd like a female Impish in a Premier/Timer about an aron?
It is a male adamant in an ultra ball 31/31/31/XX/31/31Nature/Pokeball? I'd like a female Impish in a Premier/Timer ball.
Sorry, I think I'm all set with BP.Would you consider trading pokemon for BP items?
I'll have to pass again.It is a male adamant in an ultra ball 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Depends on the IVs/nature, if its just a randomly caught one then no.Would you trade for a Zygarde?