Eli and DeidaraC5's Gen6 Trade Thread

No problem Elie,
I have seen in other thread that you are looking for Brave Honedge.
I also has 31/31/31/0/31/0 brave one.
my fc is 4270-1187-9754 my ign is Vaiz :D

Thanks for the trade enjoy your eevee :)
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Got a male Modest Squirtle with 31/6/31/31/30/31 with Aqua Jet and Aura Sphere. You still interested for your male adamant larvitar?
Got a male Modest Squirtle with 31/6/31/31/30/31 with Aqua Jet and Aura Sphere. You still interested for your male adamant larvitar?
Since it's male and it'll be very difficult for me to breed, aren't water spout or other egg moves available this gen? and I also kind of want all (except att) to be 31, for breeding purposes anyway. I'm gonna look into his egg moveset.

Also, Dotteh ( I don't know how to tag), I bred a female marill.
Since it's male and it'll be very difficult for me to breed, aren't water spout or other egg moves available this gen? and I also kind of want all (except att) to be 31, for breeding purposes anyway. I'm gonna look into his egg moveset.

I do have the female Relaxed squirtle with 31/x/31/31/30/31 if you wanted to do a 2 for 1 in which I give you the Relaxed to go along with the Modest. Not sure on the egg moves this gen though but I find it hard to believe Blastoise would Water Spout, although that'd be absolutely awesome lol
I do have the female Relaxed squirtle with 31/x/31/31/30/31 if you wanted to do a 2 for 1 in which I give you the Relaxed to go along with the Modest. Not sure on the egg moves this gen though but I find it hard to believe Blastoise would Water Spout, although that'd be absolutely awesome lol
Yeah, I think you breed wailmer/octillery to get a remoraid with it, and then breed remoraid with blastoise and it gets it. Out of curiosity, how do you know that the SpD stat is 30? Oh and I believe he can learn dragon pulse as an egg move as well.