Well, this happened today.
Some back story:
I got admission in a college, I was told to join the class whatsapp group through a link, I did what they instructed. As the online classes were yet to start, so there were only 10–15 people in the group.
Three were admins, and I didn't assume that they were professors. Well, I was trapped inside a message howl.
The message was
Me- hi bro I got ur no. From whatsapp group of class. Myself amelesh and you.
I thought I should talk to my future classmates cause it would be a good communication strategy for the later offline period.
Later, I saw 3 more people joined the group.
I messaged them too out of them, one replied well and talked, and other seemed to not reply and the last one was just asking questions.
I was like, okay, I thought that person doesn't want to talk so I went offline and planned to go out.
Then I reached home and checked the mails.
I got my timetable for the classes to attend and at the bottom of the page there was the name and number of the professor who was supposed to take the class.
When I saw that phone number, it looked amazingly familiar.
I just messaged my professor, thinking he's my classmate, I called him Bro!