Lynch SuluMax
Lynch SuluMax
Lynch SuluMax
Lynch SuluMax
Lynch SuluMax
Also, it seems that an odd explosion has occured...SuluMax said:Lynch BMax
Lynch DeviousMax
Lynch YMax
Dear BMax, you are the Dark Tallon Metroid.
You are an otherwise ordinary Tallon Metroid that has been possessed by the Ing. Though you were originally brought to this planet by the Space Pirates, you have discovered that the king of the Metroids, Metroid Prime, is also on this planet. As such, you will use all of your energy-sucking abilities to aid your master; abilities which, I might add, were greatly enhanced when the Ing possessed you.
Every night, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Latching on to <Alias>”. You will latch on to <Alias> like a parasite and absorb the details of their full role PM from their brain.
Additionally, every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Ramming into thieves around <Alias>”. You will charge full speed at anyone who attempts to steal from <Alias>, preventing him or her from stealing anything. You may Ram into thieves around yourself.
Finally, every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Draining the life force of <Alias>’s target”. You will begin to drain the life force out of <Alias>’s target, and if <Alias> plans to finish that target off, nothing will be able to stop <Alias> from doing so as long as <Alias> is not stopped from performing night actions by another role.
Your ability to navigate over rough terrain makes you difficult to track down. The first time you are targeted with an information role of any kind, it will fail. If you are double targeted while this protection is in place, all information roles will fail. After that, however, enemies will be more knowledgeable of the planet and will be able to track you down.
You know that Metroid Prime (known as Dark Samus now) is <snip>Max. If Dark Samus is ever about to die while you are still alive, you will latch on to Dark Samus and absorb Dark Samus’ alias, immediately dying in Dark Samus’ place afterwards. Dark Samus will assume the alias <snip>Max if this ever happens.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, BPV, Stolen.
Your team ability is that, once every two nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Sensing Phazon #<1-7>”. You will track down that chunk of phazon and discover who holds it at the end of the night.
Your team’s steal is currently successful every night. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will latch on to your target and drain the life force out of them. For the steal, you will charge headlong into your target, knocking loose and quickly grabbing any items on their person.
Your safe claim is the Blogg, allied with Light Aether. The Light Aether win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.
You are currently holding the Phazon #1. You do not know what it does, but you do know that you have no use for it.
You are allied with Dark Samus. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while the Torvus and Agon Temples are Restored.
There are less than 6 hours till deadline and more than half the actions are missing. Please send them asap if you don't want to be subbed out (don't forget to send a copy to Walrein and Quagsires to avoid discrepancies in our hosting sheet).
Re-fixed.There are less than 6 hours till deadline and more than half the actions are missing. Please send them asap if you don't want to be subbed out (don't forget to send a copy to Walreinand Accentto avoid discrepancies in our hosting sheet).
It looks like this man was vonFiedler.UncleSam said:Dear MMax, you are the Alpha Sandigger.
An oversized Sandigger, you are a massive burrowing worm with jaws to match who resides right outside of the Agon Waste’s Temple with other Sandiggers. Like all Sandiggers, you have no clearly defined posterior or anterior end; your head is wherever you were not recently shot at. Additionally, as the Alpha male, you control all of the regular Sandiggers in the area.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Send Sandiggers after <Alias>”. Your Sandiggers will follow <Alias> around all night, and return with Alias’ win condition, lynch affects, and information on any Temple Keys they may be holding.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, One-Time Robot Vote, One-Time Anonymous Message.
Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you rip into your target with your jaws, resulting in huge gash wounds. For the steal, you will ram into your target with your head, stunning him or her and making off with his or her items.
Your safe claim is Private E. Denys, allied with the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with the Galactic Federation. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Space Pirate, and Ing factions are eliminated while the Sky and Torvus Temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Open Fire on <Alias>”. You will open fire on <Alias> using your state-of-the-art weaponry, resulting in <Alias> being unable to perform any actions that night due to taking cover from your barrage.
You are holding the Agon Temple Key #1.
You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.
You hear a wise man say these aren't the moles you're looking for. It appears this was imperfectluck.UncleSam said:Dear GMax, you are the Alpha Splinter.
You are a dominant, oversized variant on the normal Splinter, and are significantly bigger, stronger, faster, and more dangerous. You reside in a cocoon in Aether’s Great Temple, where you appear only when your younger and smaller brethren need help hunting.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Stalk <Alias>”. You will follow <Alias> around all night, and if anyone attempts to steal from <Alias>, you will ram into the offender, causing the steal to fail. This action will not cause the thief to fail any other night actions he or she may be performing, however.
Additionally, you are continuously gathering more and more Splinters. For every death of a member of the factions Light Aether or Luminoth, all votes on your ballot will receive a +1/2 bonus. So, if one member of Light Aether and one member of the Luminoth die, your vote will count for 4/3/2 (first/second/third).
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, BPV, One-Time Hook.
Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will use your ramming attack to crush your target. For the steal, you will send some of your Splinter minions after your target, and they will ambush your target and make off with his or her items in the confusion.
Your safe claim is the Dark Ingsmasher, allied with Dark Aether. The Dark Aether win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with Dark Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Space Pirate factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Dark Blast around <Alias>”. If <Alias> was going to be harmed from the lynch in any way, shape, or form apart from being lynched in the first position, <Alias> will not be affected.
You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #4.
You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.
This was the strongest user, Goldenknight.UncleSam said:Dear NMax, you are Captain Ace Exeter.
You are the Captain of the GFS Tyr and leader of the squadron of marines that landed on Aether while in pursuit of a Space Pirate vessel. Unfortunately, you didn’t count on the indigenous life being so hostile. As a Galactic Federation squad, you are well-equipped to deal with hostiles.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Ordering Squad to Aid <Alias>’s Secret Mission”. If <Alias> is on a *secret mission*, your squad will make sure that <Alias> will become very fast and very determined in his *secret mission*. For the purposes of this game, only kills count as *secret missions*. Also, although nothing will stop the *secret mission* itself, if something blocks <Alias> from performing actions in general, the *secret mission* will still fail. In other words, no Bodyguard will stop <Alias> if your squad is helping him, and <Alias>’s *secret mission* will rise to the highest priority among normal *secret missions*. Additionally, if you send your entire squadron out to help <Alias>, someone needs to stay in base, so you cannot use this action on yourself.
Being the leader of the Galactic Federation, your opinion carries quite a bit of weight. So much so that each of your votes gets a boost of one. So, your vote counts for 4/3/2 in the daily lynches.
Since you mainly stay in base, you know that the identity of the GFS Tyr, your dropship, is CMax.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, One-Time Hook, Vote Discounted.
Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Open Fire on <Alias>”. You will open fire on <Alias> using your state-of-the-art weaponry, resulting in <Alias> being unable to perform any actions that night due to taking cover from your barrage.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will execute an intricate plan involving your target getting ambushed and shot in the back by high-power laser rifles. For the steal, you will send a marine to jab your target with the butt end of his rifle, stunning your target long enough for you to grab his items and run.
Your safe claim is the War Wasp, allied with Light Aether. The Light Aether win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.
You are holding the Sky Temple Key #7.
You are allied with the Galactic Federation. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Space Pirate, and Ing factions are eliminated while the Sky and Torvus Temples are restored.
This was the 4x weak to grass type moves user, Quagsires.UncleSam said:Dear IMax, you are A-Kul.
Known as the Champion of Aether, you were one of the ten keybearers sent to collect the Sky Temple Keys during the Final Crusade. However, you were the only keybearer who was able to complete their mission and place their key in the Sky Temple Gate. Your spiritual link with your fellow Luminoth allowed you to record the places where the other nine keybearers fell in Dark Aether and leave clues for future Luminoth warriors.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Leaving Clues for <Alias>”. The assistance of your clues will ensure that <Alias> will be able to bypass any protective roles should he use a killing action that night. You cannot leave clues for yourself.
Additionally, every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Firing the Dark Beam at <Alias>”. The entrapment of the beam will render <Alias>’s vote useless in the next day’s lynch. <Alias> will not be informed of this, though <Alias> will also not appear in any post-day voting tallies.
At any time, you may submit a PM titled “N/DX-Leaving clues about <Key#>, <Key#>, and <Key#>”. In the event of your death, these three keys will be placed into their respective temple gates. In addition, the Sky Temple Key #10 will be used as well.
Your variety of advanced weaponry makes you tricky to obtain information on. The first time any information role targets you you will fight it off and that role will come up with nothing, including the case of a double-target on yourself. However, the second time (as in, first time after the initial cycle wherein you are targeted) you are targeted with an information role, the targeter will have come to expect your firepower and be able to obtain reliable information.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, One-Time Hook, Vote Discounted.
Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will fire a seeker missile at the target, blowing him to smithereens. For the steal, you will use your dark visor to search for any items on their person, then retrieve them by force.
You are currently holding the Sky Temple Key #10.
You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are restored.
This was once Agape.UncleSam said:Dear SMax, you are the Alpha Blogg.
You are an aquatic titan as ferocious as you are powerful. Armed with massive triple-jaws for close-range encounters, massive spikes are your mouth for ramming into prey, and the ability to create sonic blasts for combat at long distances, you are truly the king of the bog. Unfortunately, some bastard also locked you up in the Hydrodynamo Station, so you will be unable to hunt your enemies very effectively for the time being.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Sonic Blast <Alias>”. You will send a Sonic Blast at <Alias>, and <Alias> will drop any Temple Keys <Alias> may have in his or her possession for you to pick up.
Additionally, since you are at the very bottom of the Torvus Bog, you are incredibly difficult to find. The first time anyone attempts to check you with an information role, it will fail. This includes double targets while you retain this protection. If you are targeted again, however, you will not be immune to information roles.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, LPV, Vote Discounted.
Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will ram your target and take a huge bite with your triple jaws, resulting in a torso-and-head-less target. For the steal, you will simply ram into your target’s legs, crippling him or her and taking the opportunity to take whatever items he or she may have.
You are holding the Sky Temple Key #4.
You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.