^ itt yeti screws gay prostitutes
Blue_Tornado has bitten the dust.UncleSam said:Dear AFKMax, you are Quadraxis.
You are a massive security drone originally built by the Luminoth that, like most of the other machines in Sanctuary Fortress, was possessed by Darklings, and in turn you were appointed to guard the Dark Sanctuary Temple. Apart from your four massive legs, you have a variety of missile, beam, and energy weapon systems.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Tornado Attack around <Alias>”, “NX-Missile Array around <Alias>”, or “NX-Stand guard over <Temple>”. Your Tornado Attack will draw in any killers attempting to harm <Alias> and discombobulate them enough to cause their intended kill to never happen. Unfortunately, non-killers are stealthy enough to avoid your Tornado Attack. Your Missle Array will protect <Alias> from the stealthier non-killers of the night, but will be unable to block determined murderers. You may also stand guard over a Temple, resulting in an inability to use any keys on that temple that night; beware, however, as this can be blocked by a Safeguard. You may use factional abilities while standing guard over the Temple, so this is a superior option to sending in a generic protect Temple PM. You may only use one of these powers each night, and the Tornado Attack and Missile Array may target yourself, but note that the Missile Array action will block all non-killing abilities, including beneficial ones.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Stolen, Stolen.
Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Dark Blast around <Alias>”. If <Alias> was going to be harmed from the lynch in any way, shape, or form apart from being lynched in the first position, <Alias> will not be affected.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will use your Matter-Antimatter Cannon to rescramble your target into a disgusting mess. For the steal, you will open fire on your target with your machine guns, and while your target flees the barrage he or she will drop any items he or she possesses.
Your safe claim is the Dark Pirate Trooper, allied with the Space Pirates. The Space Pirate win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with the Space Pirates. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Samus, and Dark Aether factions are eliminated while the Agon and Sanctuary Temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Rig Explosives around <Alias>, and stealth submit <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>”. Should <Alias> submit a ballot, it will be negated due to being blown up, and regardless <Alias>’s vote will count as having voted for <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>, in that order. <Alias>’s vote will show up as having voted for your submitted ballot rather than the original, but <Alias> will not be specifically informed what tampered with his or her vote. However, it will be announced publicly that there was an odd explosion in the Day update.
You are holding the Sky Temple Key #6.
You are allied with Dark Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Space Pirate factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
With the death of zorbees, it appears the Ing have been eliminated!UncleSam said:Dear XXXMax, you are the Boost Guardian.
You are a Warrior Ing with the ability to convert into an invincible version of Samus’ Boost Ball, but that’s not how most people remember you. Most people remember you as that bitch of a boss in an area of Dark Aether without safe areas that was fucking hard to beat, even on Normal difficulty. Either way, you are quite difficult to harm.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Boost around <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>”. You will morph into Boost Ball form and reflect any killers from any of the aliases you protect. You may not protect yourself, and due to the nature how you protect your targets any would-be assassins will receive your full Role PM, minus alias and current item data. Additionally, you have limited power to maintain in boost form, so if you stop a kill on Alias1 you will not proceed to protect Alias2, and so forth.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, One-Time Robot Vote.
Your team ability is that, once during the entire game, one of the Ing may submit a PM titled “NX-Calling the protection of the Ing Storm”. You will call the Ing Storm, and your lynch affects will be permanently changed to Lynched, None, None.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will trap your victim in a room in the poisonous atmosphere of Dark Aether without light crystals or safe areas, resulting in your target’s suffocation. For the steal, you will simply boost into your target, stunning him or her long enough to take his or her items.
Your safe claim is the Lightbringer, allied with the Luminoth. The Luminoth win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.
You are holding the Torvus Temple Key #1.
You are allied with the Ing. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
the_angry_scientist appears quite angry at this.UncleSam said:Dear 666Max, you are the Spider Guardian.
An insect-like creature that crawls along the walls of the Sanctuary Fortress normally, you grew to be physically larger than other Pillbugs when you were possessed by a Darkling, and were entrusted to protect the Spider Ball the Ing stole from Samus Aran. Apart from your ability to cling to walls, you maintain a protective energy shield around yourself that is difficult to penetrate by normal means.
Every night you must submit one of three actions: “NX-Red Aura”, “NX-Yellow Aura”, or “NX-Green Aura”. All of your auras protect you from different things: the Red Aura, your most powerful aura, will cause any killers attempting to murder you to have their killing action bounce back upon themselves. The Yellow Aura is weaker, but will still allow you to avoid any killers attempting to murder you, though it will simply block the kill rather than reflect it. The Green Aura is your weakest aura, which you put up while you recharge your other auras, and so will reflect any night actions performed on you apart from kills back to whoever targeted you. Note that you must use exactly one of these powers each night, you may only use one per night, and you may not use any of them more than once every three nights.
Additionally, your protective fields will block the first information role that would otherwise have succeeded in targeting you. If you are successfully targeted multiple times while you maintain these fields, they will block all information roles. However, after these fields have dissipated you will not be able to avoid other information roles, apart from your Green Aura action.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, One-Time Robot Vote.
Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Dark Blast around <Alias>”. If <Alias> was going to be harmed from the lynch in any way, shape, or form apart from being lynched in the first position, <Alias> will not be affected.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will ram into your target, causing them to be electrocuted by your protective electrical fields. For the steal, you will perform a similar ramming attack with your main protective fields down, resulting in the target being shoved by an energetic force and losing his or her items.
You are holding the Phazon #4. You do not know what it does, but you know that you have no use for it.
You are allied with Dark Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Space Pirate factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
Looks like askaninjask was right to freak out about this update.UncleSam said:Dear AMax, you are the Pirate Aerotrooper.
As the aerial forces of the Space Pirate brigade, you wield a variety of long-range weapons. Despite your deadly arsenal including your Galvanic Accelerator Cannons and homing missiles, it is your willingness to sacrifice yourself in a kamikaze-style attack that makes you truly feared.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Flying over <Alias>”. You will fly over <Alias> and observe everyone who <Alias> targets. Your skills at observation are so keen, in fact, that you will receive the full Role PM of every target of <Alias>. Note that “Target” includes the recipient of item passes as well as normal ability targeting.
You are well-known as a fearless individual, however. Once during the game, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Kamikaze <Alias>”. If you are lynched that cycle, you will kill <Alias> as well. This is completely unblockable, meaning that any second lives, LPVs or BPVs your target has will not avail them whatsoever.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, One-Time Steal.
Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Rig Explosives around <Alias>, and stealth submit <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>”. Should <Alias> submit a ballot, it will be negated due to being blown up, and regardless <Alias>’s vote will count as having voted for <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>, in that order. <Alias>’s vote will show up as having voted for your submitted ballot rather than the original, but <Alias> will not be specifically informed what tampered with his or her vote. However, it will be announced publicly that there was an odd explosion in the Day update.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will unleash your Galvanic Accelerator Cannon on your target, reducing your target to mush. For the steal, you will fire several homing missiles at your target, and he or she will be so busy dodging them that he or she will drop any items in his or her possession.
Your safe claim is the Dark Quad MB/CM, allied with Dark Aether. The Dark Aether win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with Dark Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Space Pirate factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Dark Blast around <Alias>”. If <Alias> was going to be harmed from the lynch in any way, shape, or form apart from being lynched in the first position, <Alias> will not be affected.
You are holding the Phazon #5. You do not know what it does, but you do know that you have no use for it.
You are allied with the Space Pirates. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Samus, and Dark Aether factions are eliminated while the Agon and Sanctuary Temples are restored.