Game Over
She had a plan. A foolproof plan.
Yeti might've been the one running away from
billymills and
Spiffy, but she was the one feeling confident about the situation. Suddenly, she whirls around.
"I took majority by myself yesterday...why the fuck am I running?"
Without another word, she fires an annihilator beam at
Spiffy, who begins convulsing on the ground, unable to do anything.
billymills appears strangely unconcerned about this turn of events.
"Yo mills are you ready for my SCREW ATTACK, or maybe my SUPER MISSILE, or maybe my..." begins
Yeti, taunting.
"Actually, I had something a little different in mind."
With that,
billymills begins to aim his own arm cannon at
Yeti, who instinctively does the same back at him.
"You don't have anything, you haven't been using any day powers, I would know, I've been keeping tabs on you, I've..." begins
Yeti, panicking. She tries to fire her arm cannon, but nothing but exhaust comes out; she looks down and reads with a horrifying look the words "Out of Missiles" flash across her arm cannon's control screen.
"Well then take THIS!" screams
Yeti, becoming more and more desperate as
billymills slowly walks towards her, a grim smile on his face. She attempts to fire another Annihilator Beam at billymills to slow him down, but again watches as nothing but smoke and air emit from her once-mighty arm cannon. Knowing exactly what she would read but drawn to do it anyway, she looks down and sees "Out of Light and Dark Beam Ammunition".
billymills breaks the silence.
"So you only have one of those a day, eh? That's funny, because I have sort of the same thing..."
At this
billymills finally appears a little rattled, and he stops walking towards her for just a moment as his demeanor changes from toying to clearly and distinctly enraged.
"Then let me tell you a story you insignificant speck of indigenous waste. It's called "How I Collected Phazon Right Under Your Defeatist Noses", addressed to you as well as the recently departed
Da Letter El and
Nachos. It goes something like this."
UncleSam said:
Now that you have obtained six phazon, you have become a true monster. Every day AND night you may submit a PM titled “D/NX-Phazon Super Missile <Alias>”. <Alias>’s actions that cycle will fail, including anonymous messaging, item passing, or voting.
Realizing what was about to happen,
Yeti falls to ground, her knees buckling. There was nothing else to do. Even
McCoyMax couldn't save her now. Still, no point in not trying...
"McCoyMax, vote..." starts
Yeti, but that was where
billymills had had enough. He swiftly fired a Phazon Super Missile at
Yeti, who, much like
Spiffy, simply started convulsing on the ground, unable to do so much at bat an eye at her assailant.
billymills begins to walk away from his beaten opponent before suddenly seeming to remember something.
"Oh right, silly me..."
billymills said:
Lynch EMax
Lynch EMax
Lynch EMax
Yeti's eyes widened in terror at this, but there was nothing else she could do to stop it.
Giving his final opponent one last look,
billymills wheels around, picks up
Spiffy from where he lay helpless on the ground, and together the two of them walked off into the sunset as the thunderous voice from above took care of the dirty work.
UncleSam said:
Dear EMax, you are Samus.
You are famous space adventurer/bounty hunter Samus Aran. Your parents were killed by space pirates when you were a little girl, and you received training from an advanced race of superbeings called the Chozo. You have arrived on Aether at the request of the Galactic Federation to find a unit of missing soldiers on the planet, but there is much more happening on this deceptively treacherous planet than meets the eye...
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Light Beam <Alias>”. Your Light Beam will illuminate <Alias>, allowing you to check any and all items in <Alias>’s possession.
Additionally, every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Echo Visor <Alias>”. If <Alias> or anyone on <Alias>’s faction attempts to kill you or destroy your Gunship, you will see it coming and fire a Super Missile at your assailant, causing the action to fail.
Every day you may submit a PM titled “DX-Screw Attack off of <Alias1> into <Alias2>, <Alias3>, and <Alias4>. <Alias>’s vote will be destroyed, and will instead count for <Alias2>, <Alias3>, and <Alias4>, in that order. <Alias1>’s vote must follow all standard voting guidelines.
Once during the daytime, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Power Bomb <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>”. Regardless of who voted for who, those users will be lynched, in that order. No votes will show up as having voted for them unless some people actually did vote for them.
Finally, once during the nighttime, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Pretty Please, <Alias>?” If <Alias> is a member of the Dark Aether faction, <Alias> will have his or her win condition altered to match yours. <Alias> will retain only individual abilities, however, and will not be able to use team abilities from his or her original faction (<Alias> may use team abilties from your faction, however).
Because you are the Hunter and thus a master of stealth, your alias will never show up in the post-day voting records, even if you post a vote. Also, obviously no thief can sneak up on a master of stealth, and so no one can steal anything from you, ever.
Also, because of your incredible agility, the first time any information role targets you, that role will receive no result. If double-targeted while this protection is in place, all information roles will fail.
Your Gunship is also in this fight to aid you. In fact, should you ever be killed or lynched, your Gunship will take the hit for you and you will assume your Gunship’s alias, which is ToTheMax. Note that you will lose any items you have to your killer if this happens, however, and that your Gunship will lose any items to that same killer as well. If you die via a lynch, your items follow standard lynching procedure.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, BPV, None.
Your team ability is that, once every two nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Recruit a Luminoth”. You will ask U-Mos for help, and he will give you an Alias-less NPC for you to name that you may have vote for whoever you wish at any time. However, you may only use each NPC once.
Your team’s steal is currently successful every night. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. For the kill, you will fire a Super Missile at your target. For the steal, you will unleash your Grapple Beam, lassoing any items your target may have and bringing them back to yourself.
Your safe claim is the Bomb Guardian, allied with the Ing. However, unlike normal safe claims, the vast reconnaissance network of the Galactic Federation has enabled you to fabricate a very convincing fake.
UncleSam said:
Dear EMax, you are the Bomb Guardian.
You are a gigantic Alpha Sandigger that has been possessed by an Ing. Additionally, the Ing entrusted you with Samus’ stolen Morph Ball Bombs, which will aid you greatly in this fight.
Every night, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Morph Ball Bomb <Alias>”. Though your Morph Ball Bombs aren’t strong enough to do any real damage, they will throw <Alias> back and give you a chance to glance at whatever items <Alias> is carrying.
Additionally, once during the day you may submit a PM titled “DX-Spray Bombs towards <Alias1>, <Alias2>, and <Alias3>”. Though one Morph Ball Bomb won’t do much damage, a whole bunch of them will; so much damage, in fact, that instead of whoever else was going to be lynched that day, your targets will, in that order.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, BPV, None.
Your team ability is that, once during the entire game, one of you may submit a PM titled “NX-Calling the protection of the Ing Storm”. You will call the Ing Storm, and your lynch affects will be permanently changed to Lynched, None, None.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will burrow under the ground and come up from underneath your target, swallowing him or her whole. For the steal, you will you will ram into your target head-on, forcing your target to drop any items he or she was carrying and giving you a chance to swallow them instead.
You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #1.
You are allied with the Ing. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #1.
You are allied with Samus. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Space Pirate, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.
It wasn't hard to figure out who voted for her:
With the death of Yeti, McCoyMax broke down into an unusable junk heap. And, more importantly, the Samus Faction has been eliminated from the game.
And finally, with nothing else left to stop them, billymills and Spiffy, the remaining members of the Dark Samus Faction, joined the Galactic Federation as the victors of this conflict. They did leave two notes behind, though.
UncleSam said:
Dear MegaloMax, you are the Caretaker Class Drone.
The largest stationary mechanoid in the entire Sanctuary Fortress, you protect the chamber that tests the Spider Ball’s boost ability. In addition to large mechanic arms, you have a variety of electrical shocking devices with which to attack trespassers. As if this weren’t enough, being a massive metal block makes you very difficult to destroy while you pummel whatever comes within reach.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Protect <Alias> in the Spider Ball chamber”. You will take <Alias> into the Spider Ball chamber and protect <Alias> from any killers or thieves that target <Alias>. However, the electrical shocks will leave <Alias> a little dizzy the next day, disabling him or her from successfully casting a ballot. Note that <Alias> will still be able to post lynch votes in the thread; the only difference is that they will not count.
Due to your large metal body, you will survive the first night kill targeted at you. This extends to multiple kills that target you in the same night while you have this protection. You will not survive any more kills after someone penetrates your outer framework, however.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, BPV, None.
Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will pound your target with your entire mass, crushing him or her to a flattened pulp. For the steal, you will shock your target, causing him or her to drop anything he or she was carrying.
You are holding the Sanctuary Temple Key #3.
You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.
You have been blasted by phazon from Dark Samus, and so have been corrupted to the point that you are basically its slave. You lose all of your previous factional abilities, but you gain the ability to use Dark Samus’ factional abilities, which are:
Your team ability is that, once every two nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Sensing Phazon #<1-7>”. You will track down that chunk of phazon and discover who holds it at the end of the night.
Your team’s steal is currently successful every night. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. Your flavor for this is the same as it was previously.
Your new win condition is: You are allied with Dark Samus. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while the Torvus and Agon Temples are Restored.
Finally, since you are Dark Samus’ slave, if Dark Samus is ever about to die, you will take the hit and die in his stead. In that case, Dark Samus would assume your alias. You will not take the hit before the Dark Tallon Metroid, however.
This was
And finally, the one who brought it all together...
UncleSam said:
Dear RMax, you are Dark Samus.
Or should I say Metroid Prime? There’s a reason these games are named after you and not that puny Bounty Hunter Samus Aran: unlike her pitiful biological flesh, you are composed of pure phazon. Indestructible, baby. As long as you have phazon around your power levels are immense, allowing you to do basically anything. However, all you really want to do is to destroy Samus Aran for what she did to you on Tallon IV; of course, seizing control of Aether and it’s abundant phazon supply is a decent secondary goal.
Every night and day, you may submit a PM titled “N/DX-Disrupting <Alias1>’s communications and re-scrambling to target <Alias2>”. In the body of the PM, state what you would like sent anonymously by <Alias1> to <Alias2> that cycle, and your message will replace whatever <Alias1> was originally going to send. To boot, you will receive <Alias1>’s original message, as well as <Alias1>’s original target for that message. <Alias1> will not be notified.
Once during the day, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Morph into <Alias>”. You will take on the perfect form of <Alias>, and force <Alias> to assume your alias, RMax. Note that this has higher priority than the lynch.
Once during the night, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Phazon Blast <Alias>”. If <Alias> is a member of the Light Aether faction, you will blast him or her with a chunk of phazon, corrupting him or her and causing his or her win condition to be altered to match yours. <Alias> will retain only individual abilities, however, and will not be able to use team abilities from his or her original faction (<Alias> may use team abilities from your faction, however).
Because your attacks have such force of energy behind them, roles attempting to stop you from performing actions will fail.
Additionally, your phazon body will stop the first kill attempt targeted at you, as well cause enough interference to force the first information role that targets you to receive nothing. These protections extend to double targets.
Further, because you garner more and more power as you gather more and more phazon, for each chunk of phazon you hold, each of your votes will be increased by ½. So, if you are holding two chunks of phazon, your vote will be worth 4/3/2.
Finally, a Dark Tallon Metroid followed you from Tallon IV (you are the king of the Metroids, after all) to help you in your quest here. You know that the Dark Tallon Metroid is BMax. Also, should you ever die, your helper will take the hit for you and assume your alias while you assume his. Note that both of you will lose any items you have at that time to whoever would have killed you. If you were going to be lynched, your items and your helper’s items will go to whoever would have normally received them had you been lynched.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, One-Time Robot Vote, None.
Your team ability is that, once every two nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Sensing Phazon #<1-7>”. You will track down that chunk of phazon and discover who holds it at the end of the night.
Your team’s steal is currently successful every night. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. For the kill, you will transform into a massive ball of pure energy, destroying your target and leaving behind little bits of phazon residue. For the steal, you will convert into a gigantic phazon morph ball much the way Samus does, and will bounce into your target with enough force to cause him or her to drop his or her items, which you will promptly scoop up and make off with.
Your safe claim is S-Jrs, allied with the Luminoth. The Luminoth win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are Restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.
You are holding the Sanctuary Temple Key #2.
You are allied with Dark Samus. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while the Torvus and Agon Temples are Restored.
This champion was
And with that, the curtain falls forever on the battleground of Aether.
Congratulations to the Galactic Federation and Dark Samus Factions for winning Metroid Prime 2 Mafia!
Main Role and Design Sheet
Role PMs Document (Including all Upgrade PMs)
Night and Day Actions/Items/Voting Tallies
I really have no clue when postgame will be done, but I am considering working through today and posting something that is not nearly up to par with what this game deserves late tonight, since I really do not have the time at school to work on it apart from weekends and postgames that come out months after the game ends are kinda useless.
Good game everyone, thanks for playing, and hope this was an enjoyable experience.