[Expert] Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Mafia - Game Over (GFed/DSamus win) - Postgame Up!

Hello, WalreinMax here, back from the dead to inform you that nobody died last night!

Results are going out now. It is now Day 1. Day 1 ends 48 hours from this post unless UncleSam says otherwise.
Hi. This is your friendly Worm informing you that, since no one wants to get lynched d1 for no reason, we should be doing one of the following:

1) Vote in a way that more than three people will have three votes (one first place vote) (I have no idea if this means that all of them are lynched, it's way more likely that a no lynch happens though...), and this will give us useful (useless) info about aliases. It is recommended that ALL players will vote in a way that each alias gets voted for first place once (or none, since there are 34 aliases and 30 players).
2) Not vote. At all.

Any offender of both (as in, anyone who lynches someone for no reason) will be slapped brutally murdered shunned for the rest of the game.

This is pointless if someone has an actual non-rand target, which is unlikely.
Or we can all forego lynching for temples and allies...

But B_T's plan might not work due to mayors and the like, so it's probably best to no lynch or not lynch at all, since there is almost a guarantee of no solid evidence against anyone (and if there is, you have 1/2 the game probably willing to join you).

And whomever stealths will have the entire game wondering why and likely seeking some way to eradicate them.
Yeah, no lynching seems to be the best option here. I would still like to have a clarification on votes: what happens when there's a tie? who gets lynched, who sees their lynch affects activated? Are the aliases of people who voted still shown at the end of the day? Also, same question about voting for "no lynch".
In the case of a tie, both aliases will be evaluated as the lower of the two spots they tie for (i.e. if Alias1 and Alias2 tie for the most votes, they will both be evaluated second in the lynch). You may vote for no lynch (it has lynch affects none, none, none), and you may do so with all three of your votes. However, only your highest-value vote (i.e. your first place vote) will count for no lynch, and no lynch can only be be one of the three aliases evaluated. So, if I were to vote for:
1. No Lynch
2. No Lynch
3. No Lynch

No Lynch would receive 3 votes (assuming I have 3/2/1 votes, the standard vote distribution). If more than two tie in votes after that (i.e. if No Lynch receives, say, 15 votes and five other aliases all receive 3) then the aliases will be evaluated as not being in the top three and only those who voted for No Lynch will have their aliases revealed at the conclusion of the day.

I hope this clears up any confusion people have about voting.
UncleSam said:
Dear <snip>Max, you are the Alpha Blogg.

You are an aquatic titan as ferocious as you are powerful. Armed with massive triple-jaws for close-range encounters, massive spikes are your mouth for ramming into prey, and the ability to create sonic blasts for combat at long distances, you are truly the king of the bog. Unfortunately, some bastard also locked you up in the Hydrodynamo Station, so you will be unable to hunt your enemies very effectively for the time being.

Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Sonic Blast <Alias>”. You will send a Sonic Blast at <Alias>, and <Alias> will drop any Temple Keys <Alias> may have in his or her possession for you to pick up.

Additionally, since you are at the very bottom of the Torvus Bog, you are incredibly difficult to find. The first time anyone attempts to check you with an information role, it will fail. This includes double targets while you retain this protection. If you are targeted again, however, you will not be immune to information roles.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, LPV, Vote Discounted.

Your team ability is that, every night, you may submit a PM titled “Light of Aether shines down on <Alias>”. The Light of Aether will shine down on <Alias>, preventing <Alias> from performing any actions that night and giving you a chance to check what items <Alias> currently has.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will ram your target and take a huge bite with your triple jaws, resulting in a torso-and-head-less target. For the steal, you will simply ram into your target’s legs, crippling him or her and taking the opportunity to take whatever items he or she may have.

You are holding the Sky Temple Key #4.

You are allied with Light Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Dark Aether and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while at least three temples are restored.

Light aethers send me your role PM including aliases and you will receive my alias in return.

Pirates, luminoth and samus claim on IRC or in PM.

Preferrably not on IRC since I'm not that active in the American timezones.

Also I'll just collect claims, not gonna lead.

I'm trustworthy.


1. No Lynch
2. No Lynch
3. No Lynch
I suggest that we vote for no lynch first, and then Agape 2nd and 3rd. If he says the truth, tomorrow we can lynch him again and he will not die - this will not prove that his role is entirely confirmed, but the odds will be higher.

Meanwhile, there is no reason to claim, particularly since he says he won't lead (what's the use of collecting claims if it's not to lead?)
I suggest that we all vote for no lynch first, then Agape 2nd and 3rd. If his claim is true, tomorrow we can lynch him and he will survive. If this happens it won't be a 100% confirmation that his claim is true but the odds will be higher.

Meanwhile, there is no reason to claim to him, particularly since he said he would lead - what's the use of collecting claims if it's not to lead?
as you might have noticed I am having trouble osting properly in this thread. I can't edit my previous posts (which is good since it's not allowed), and I can't delete them either. The hosts said it was ok to delete one of the 2 copies though, could a mod do it please?

Regarding the lynch, yeah, I forgot that we had to vote for aliases. So nvm.
Extremely irritating post-editing disallowing rule.

What I meant that I don't want to do a time-consuming leading process, but rather collect claims and then lead with the guys who have been cleaned or give info to someone who has been cleaned for him to lead.

I started this just to break the ice, because village factions' greatest reason to loss is always inactivity.

Many of you have tried to contact me over IRC but timezones don't really mix up. If you want you could leave me a snipped claim without aliases and try to get me on IRC when I'm online to drop aliases. I won't try to persuade anyone to claim to me nor will I provide any further proof of my light aetherness.

To repeat my firmest point: The reason you should claim to me is activity. If you don't care then whatever. At least I tried to care.
Night 1


No one post while I update.

RaRe555 is subbed in for reyscarface (inactivity)
General Spoon is subbed in for RBG (inactivity)

I highly doubt anyone wants to hear a story, so I'll just say that a lot of people gathered around and only one person seemed to do much of anything. In the end, No Lynch received the most votes, SMax received the second most, and no one else received any at all. The voting tallies were as follows:
No Lynch said:
SMax said:
Everyone Else said:

All results are out. If you did not get anything, you received no anonymous messages or items (and nothing else happened to you). Night 1 will end on Wednesday, December 21st, and 21:00 EST (almost 48 hours as of this post). I am considering moving day deadlines up a few hours for everyone's convenience, I would appreciate people's input on this.
UncleSam said:
Dear <Insert Alias>, you are U-Mos.

You are the Sentinel of the Luminoth and the protector of all surviving Luminoth in the Great Temple. You are the one who initially begged Samus Aran to save the Light of Aether, and you are the one who told her how to do it. You are large, adept at controlling energy with your mind, and can fly, all of which will serve you well.

Every day you may submit a PM titled either “DX-Absorb Energy for <Alias>” or “DX-Release Energy towards <Alias>”. If you absorb energy for an alias, you will deprioritize that alias’s lynch position by one that day (so, if <Alias> was going to be lynched first, he or she will instead be evaluated second). The opposite is true for releasing energy, but you may not release energy unless you have first acquired it. Additionally, you may not release more than 1 lynch position’s worth of energy ever, regardless of how much you have acquired.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, None.

Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will release a giant ball of energy, incinerating your target. For the steal, you will simply take advantage of the fact that you are about ten feet tall with giant wings and simply fly up behind your target, create a force field around your hand, and smack your target with your force field, throwing your target back and freeing any items he or she may be carrying for you to make off with.

You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #3.

You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are restored.
If you are Luminoth, please forward me your role PM and any results you have.

If you are one of the fifty factions that
the Luminoth can work with, I'd like to be contacted also.

These factions the Luminoth can work with I guess maybe?: Galactic Federation, Space Pirates, Light Aether, Samus, and more that I may have forgotten since there are so many.
Hello, I am a member of the Light Aether faction. To the other members of my faction, please do not use the team ability tonight, I intend to use it to clean someone, and multiple people using it would be very annoying :)