[Expert] Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Mafia - Game Over (GFed/DSamus win) - Postgame Up!

Light aethers: Don't use the Light tonight to let Crux do some stuff.

Don't use the teamsteal for I'm using it to identify a potential temple.

You have to trust me and claim to have a marginal chance of victory. Otherwise we can't win. :/

And please do BG me.

Use mundane abilities on the alias one place up from your alias in the player list unless you got instructions from me.
UncleSam said:
Dear <snip>, you are Quadraxis.

You are a massive security drone originally built by the Luminoth that, like most of the other machines in Sanctuary Fortress, was possessed by Darklings, and in turn you were appointed to guard the Dark Sanctuary Temple. Apart from your four massive legs, you have a variety of missile, beam, and energy weapon systems.

Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Tornado Attack around <Alias>”, “NX-Missile Array around <Alias>”, or <snip>. <snip>.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, <snip>, <snip>.

Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Dark Blast around <Alias>”. If <Alias> was going to be harmed from the lynch in any way, shape, or form apart from being lynched in the first position, <Alias> will not be affected.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will use your Matter-Antimatter Cannon to rescramble your target into a disgusting mess. For the steal, you will open fire on your target with your machine guns, and while your target flees the barrage he or she will drop any items he or she possesses.


You are allied with Dark Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Space Pirate factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.

Hello residents of mafia town, I am The Worm, still the mighty Quadraxis, representative of the shady-colored Aethers.

If you are Dark Aether and I don't know of you, talk to me. Also: do not use any factional abilities, we have that covered.

If you are Galactic Fed or Ing and I don't know of you, talk to me. Dark Samus and Samus are to contact asap, as well. I've heard rumors of attempts at anon contact, and this is completely unnecessary - my team has absolutely zero reason or intention to share any and all info related to either of you to any outsider. This makes it easy for me to vow to not share anything about you in any way to any enemy of yours. I'm sure I'm speaking for my teammates when I say this, as well.

For those of you who wish to stupidly doubt me - I am a representative, as was said earlier. Which means that an already established core knows and approves of this act. If I'm lying, a Dark Aether in the know will just counteract. Since this isn't the case and will not happen, I expect any ally to contact with no doubts on their mind, as doubts would only slow the both of us down.
If I happen to be sleeping/offline and you are looking for me, just send a PM my way with the details. I should have a good amount of free time now so this shouldn't be a huge issue, however.

Also, as a general note, I remind everyone to be cautious with their aliases as conversions are more than possible. We already know one known alias that might be prone to this...
Most of you niggas should know by now, but I am Ing. Anyone who is Ing who has not contacted me please do so. Any allies that want to give me/my faction a target, please do so.
It is now less than 9 hours until deadline.

I have a decent number of actions, but am missing more than I should be (especially considering how many actions I got early). Get your PMs in.
Hello! I'm a fed please be nice to me

us said:
Dear <snip>Max, you are the GFS Tyr.

You are the large dropship that the Galactic Federation marines landed in. Though damaged in the descent through the turbulent atmosphere, you are still functional enough to be of use.

Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Flyby <Alias>”. You will fly (low) over <Alias> <snip>.

Additionally, every night you may submit a PM titled <snip>

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, <snip>, <snip>.

Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Open Fire on <Alias>”. You will open fire on <Alias> using your state-of-the-art weaponry, <snip>.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will fly right over your target and then crash into them from above, completely crushing them with your metallic mass. For the steal, you will unleash missiles to throw your target back, and your target will be separated from his or her items long enough for your crew members to grab them.

You are allied with the Galactic Federation. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Space Pirate, and Ing factions are eliminated while the Sky and Torvus Temples are restored.

talk to me other feds and people that like me!
Day 2

You all wake up to a sunny morning on Aether to find two smoking piles that used to be bodies.

The first belonged to the esteemed alias SopranoMax. His large, humble frame belied great strength in life...too bad that same frame has now been reduced to nothing but a small pile of ashes. There are strange blue Phazon particles all about the air, but apart from that there is no clue as to who the perpetrator was...
UncleSam said:
Dear SopranoMax, you are U-Mos.

You are the Sentinel of the Luminoth and the protector of all surviving Luminoth in the Great Temple. You are the one who initially begged Samus Aran to save the Light of Aether, and you are the one who told her how to do it. You are large, adept at controlling energy with your mind, and can fly, all of which will serve you well.

Every day you may submit a PM titled either “DX-Absorb Energy for <Alias>” or “DX-Release Energy towards <Alias>”. If you absorb energy for an alias, you will deprioritize that alias’s lynch position by one that day (so, if <Alias> was going to be lynched first, he or she will instead be evaluated second). The opposite is true for releasing energy, but you may not release energy unless you have first acquired it. Additionally, you may not release more than 1 lynch position’s worth of energy ever, regardless of how much you have acquired.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, None.

Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will release a giant ball of energy, incinerating your target. For the steal, you will simply take advantage of the fact that you are about ten feet tall with giant wings and simply fly up behind your target, create a force field around your hand, and smack your target with your force field, throwing your target back and freeing any items he or she may be carrying for you to make off with.

You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #3.

You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are restored.

This being was originally RBG, though later it appears he changed into the appearance of one General Spoon.

The second body was much...darker. LMax was annihilated this past night.
UncleSam said:
Dear LMax, you are the Dark Alpha Splinter.

The result of a fusion between an Alpha Splinter and dark energy, you are bigger, stronger, and faster than other Splinters. Dangerous from all ranges based on your ramming attacks and dark energy blasts, you are particularly potent at close range, from which you rarely miss a target once you jump.

Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX - Ram <Alias1> in the direction of <Alias2>”. <Alias1> will be so stunned that his most vulnerable item will be knocked away towards <Alias2>. However, because <Alias1> will be able to see you coming (after all, your ramming attacks always come from the front), it will be up to <Alias1> which item is his or her “most vulnerable”. The item will be sent the next day cycle.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, Stolen.

Your team ability is that, once during the entire game, one of the Ing may submit a PM titled “NX-Calling the protection of the Ing Storm”. You will call the Ing Storm, and your lynch affects will be permanently changed to Lynched, None, None.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will sneak up beyond your target and ram him or her, leaving a giant dent in his or her back. For the steal, you will attack your target with dark energy, stunning him or her long enough for you to make off with his or her items.

Your safe claim is Private M. Veroni, allied with the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with the Galactic Federation. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Space Pirate, and Ing factions are eliminated while the Sky and Torvus Temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Open Fire on <Alias>”. You will open fire on <Alias> using your state-of-the-art weaponry, resulting in <Alias> being unable to perform any actions that night due to taking cover from your barrage.

You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #2.

You are allied with the Ing. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
This creature was once known as ;/ (or Paperblade).

Additionally, one more has joined your ranks. It seems that SpockMax has joined the alias list.

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will have a shorter deadline than usually at slightly less than 45 hours as of this time, or at 18:00 EST on December 23rd.
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to remind you that these fine gentlemen who are asking for your roles are not yet garanteed to be trustworthy. I would recommend that you work with whoever claims to be your ally, while keeping as much info as you can. If you are an inspector, don't share your results until you know for sure that whoever you're talking to deserves to get them!

To would-be leaders: I know working in these conditions can be a pain. Here's a good option: you can give people who are asking for orders a set of 3 aliases, among who they will choose. That way, you can continue collaborating without revealing your own alias.

This might sound obvious to some. I am just saying it because I plan to act similarly myself, and I wouldn't want to see another faction win or lose stupidly because someone couldn't detect a mole! :)
Since GS Died, I'm stepping up as leader for the Luminoths, since if we don't unite we're fucked.
Dear <snip>Max, you are O-Lir.

Original creator of Quad robots and the Quadraxis, you were one of the members of the Luminoth to act as Guardian of Sanctuary Temple. However, your own creations eventually turned on you, forcing you to leave only a hologram of yourself behind.

During the day you may submit a PM titled "DX-Have Quads surround <Alias>". <snip>

Additionally, since you can distract killers with a hologram of yourself, you can survive one kill at night. A lynch will destroy your hologram generator, however, resulting in your death.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, <snniiiiiiippp>

Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will use a Quadraxis to stomp your target until he or she is reduced to nothing. For the steal, you will distract your target with a hologram while your Quads make off with his or her items.

You are holding the <snip>.

You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are restored.

First of all, NO ONE CLAIM TO KOK. I have logs stating his former self is a Dark Aether and alluding to him being a mole see:
[08:48] <quagsires> Yes i was away
[08:48] <quagsires> You wanted to talk?
[13:46] <Quagsires> Still wanting to talk, or...?
[13:46] <Daenym> Nuzlocking @_@
[13:46] <Daenym> but here’s the long and short of it
[13:46] <Quagsires> k
[13:46] <Daenym> you’re Dark Aether, so am I
[13:46] <Daenym> when I lied about my third “to kill” target
[13:47] <Daenym> it was because I hadn’t realized you had said you needed to kill Light Aether
[13:48] <Quagsires> ic
[13:50] <Quagsires> Just wondering, but do you know any others?
[13:50] <Daenym> not so far
[13:50] <Daenym> I’ve gone through maybe 1/4 of the players or so
[13:50] <Daenym> and aska the space pirate
[13:51] <Daenym> thinks I’m luminoth
[13:51] <Daenym> which is good times
[13:51] <Daenym> he’ll hopefully be sending Luminoth people my way
[13:51] <Quagsires> Ah, you're that person
[13:51] <Daenym> but anyway, if you don’t trust me, I totally understand
[13:51] <Daenym> if you do trust me, tho
[13:52] <Daenym> then we should consider doing an anon message or somesuch
[13:52] <Daenym> tho midou makes a point :O
[13:53] <Quagsires> What was his point?
[13:53] <Daenym> if you rand an alias looking for a temple
[13:54] <Daenym> since the person would have to “waste” their reply to send you the fake yes back
[13:55] <Quagsires> True, and I like being careful with things like aliases
[13:57] <Daenym> well, i’ll let it be your call
[13:57] <Daenym> if you want to do an alias swap and exchange anon messages
[13:57] <Daenym> then I’m down
[13:57] <Daenym> otherwise, I’m just gonna templehunt
[14:01] <Quagsires> I think I'll hunt
[14:01] <Daenym> kk

This is assuming there is one mole per everyone who a faction needs dead, which is very likely and explains why not everyone has a fakeclaim. With that out of the way, I might as well say why I claimed DA to him and some others
UncleSam said:
Dear WHY IS THERE NO SAM AND MAX?, you are A-Voq.

You were the Guardian of the Torvus Temple during the Luminoth-Ing war. You were a well-educated scribe, very good in the complicated Luminoth language, and a creature of incredible stamina and psychic durability who died while fending off numerous Ing possession attempts of your temple.

Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX-Sensing the possessions of <Alias>”. You will use your psychic powers to determine if <Alias> has any keys to the Sky or Sanctuary Temples.

Your intricate knowledge of temple passageways makes you difficult to hunt down. The first time any information role targets you that role will come up with nothing, including the case of a double-target on yourself. However, the second time (as in, first time after the initial cycle wherein you are targeted) you are targeted with an information role, the targeter will be more learned in the temple’s layout and will be able to find you.

Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, One-Time Steal.

Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Going into stasis chamber”. You will retreat to the safety of the stasis chambers and be protected from all killers that night. You may still perform any other actions you may be able to do.

Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will fire your Annihilator Beam at the target, which will, well, annihilate him. For the steal, you will telepathically remove any items on their person and bring them to youself.

Your safe claim is the Dark Grenchler, allied with Dark Aether. The Dark Aether win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with Dark Aether. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Luminoth, and Space Pirate factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three days, you may submit a PM titled “DX-Dark Blast around <Alias>”. If <Alias> was going to be harmed from the lynch in any way, shape, or form apart from being lynched in the first position, <Alias> will not be affected.


You are allied with the Luminoth. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Ing, Dark Aether, and Dark Samus factions are eliminated while the Sky and Sanctuary Temples are Restored.
Notice the kill flavor matches Paperblade's death; he died at my hand after GS asked me to.