Dear LMax, you are the Dark Alpha Splinter.
The result of a fusion between an Alpha Splinter and dark energy, you are bigger, stronger, and faster than other Splinters. Dangerous from all ranges based on your ramming attacks and dark energy blasts, you are particularly potent at close range, from which you rarely miss a target once you jump.
Every night you may submit a PM titled “NX - Ram <Alias1> in the direction of <Alias2>”. <Alias1> will be so stunned that his most vulnerable item will be knocked away towards <Alias2>. However, because <Alias1> will be able to see you coming (after all, your ramming attacks always come from the front), it will be up to <Alias1> which item is his or her “most vulnerable”. The item will be sent the next day cycle.
Your lynch affects are: Lynched, Hooked, Stolen.
Your team ability is that, once during the entire game, one of the Ing may submit a PM titled “NX-Calling the protection of the Ing Storm”. You will call the Ing Storm, and your lynch affects will be permanently changed to Lynched, None, None.
Your team’s steal is currently successful a maximum of twice every three nights. Your team’s kill is currently successful a maximum of once every three nights. For the kill, you will sneak up beyond your target and ram him or her, leaving a giant dent in his or her back. For the steal, you will attack your target with dark energy, stunning him or her long enough for you to make off with his or her items.
Your safe claim is Private M. Veroni, allied with the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation win condition and team ability are as follows:
-Win condition: You are allied with the Galactic Federation. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Light Aether, Space Pirate, and Ing factions are eliminated while the Sky and Torvus Temples are restored.
-Team ability: Your team ability is that, once every three nights, you may submit a PM titled “NX-Open Fire on <Alias>”. You will open fire on <Alias> using your state-of-the-art weaponry, resulting in <Alias> being unable to perform any actions that night due to taking cover from your barrage.
You are holding the Energy Transfer Module #2.
You are allied with the Ing. You win if a member of your faction is alive when the Galactic Federation, Luminoth, and Samus factions are eliminated while there is at least one temple unrestored.