Ferrothorn @ Assault Vest
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Knock Off
- Steel Roller
Assault Vest Ferrothorn is rain’s best friend, as it patches several holes for rain teams and appreciates rain’s ability to remove its counters. Ferrothorn is the perfect switch-in to Fairy-type attacks from Tapu Fini, Grass-type attacks from Rillaboom, and Dragon-type attacks from Naganadel and Dragapult that would otherwise threaten rain sweepers. Ferrothorn is also excellent into Trick Room, as it threatens common Trick Room setters like Porygon2, Diancie, and Cresselia. Furthermore, with its increased bulk from Assault Vest, Ferrothorn stalls out Trick Room turns in order to allow rain’s sweepers to take advantage of these slower teams outside of Trick Room. Even against faster opposing teams, Ferrothorn is still extremely useful, able to take a hit and then fire off a powerful Gyro Ball that threatens OHKOs on many of the tiers fast offensive threats such as Naganadel, Dragapult, and Kyurem-B. Lastly, Steel Roller allows Ferrothorn to remove Terrains that would otherwise impede rain. Without Grassy Terrain, Rillaboom loses its priority, and Ferrothorn is often rain’s best answer to Expanding Force by easily switching in on the move and removing the Psychic Terrain that boosts it.
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Knock Off
- Steel Roller
Assault Vest Ferrothorn is rain’s best friend, as it patches several holes for rain teams and appreciates rain’s ability to remove its counters. Ferrothorn is the perfect switch-in to Fairy-type attacks from Tapu Fini, Grass-type attacks from Rillaboom, and Dragon-type attacks from Naganadel and Dragapult that would otherwise threaten rain sweepers. Ferrothorn is also excellent into Trick Room, as it threatens common Trick Room setters like Porygon2, Diancie, and Cresselia. Furthermore, with its increased bulk from Assault Vest, Ferrothorn stalls out Trick Room turns in order to allow rain’s sweepers to take advantage of these slower teams outside of Trick Room. Even against faster opposing teams, Ferrothorn is still extremely useful, able to take a hit and then fire off a powerful Gyro Ball that threatens OHKOs on many of the tiers fast offensive threats such as Naganadel, Dragapult, and Kyurem-B. Lastly, Steel Roller allows Ferrothorn to remove Terrains that would otherwise impede rain. Without Grassy Terrain, Rillaboom loses its priority, and Ferrothorn is often rain’s best answer to Expanding Force by easily switching in on the move and removing the Psychic Terrain that boosts it.
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