Flamestrike vs Shadowbone66 (1v1 Singles)

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1v1 singles
3 day DQ
2 recovers/5 chills
Arena: A golf course!
The Pokemon will be on the fairway, with the water hazard nearby so Surf can be used. Dig isn't allowed, nor are any fire moves that risk scorching the grass (basically any of the damaging ones, Will-O-Wisp is ok for example), but Earthquake can be used.

No Items
One Ability


Durant (*) Flik (Male)
Nature: Adamant (+Att, -SpAtt)
Bug: Bug STAB; More mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gain an extra guaranteed attack on multi-hit moves.

Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.

Ability 1: Swarm(Innate)
When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33% (flat), the Base Attack Power of any Bug-typed attack is increased by 2. (eg Silver Wind goes from 6 to 8, Scissor Cross from 8 to 10)

Ability 2: Hustle(Can be Enabled)
This Pokemon puts immense force and speed in its physical attacks, increasing the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by three (3), but the haste used lowers their accuracy to 80% of normal.

Ability 3: Truant(Innate, DW)
This Pokemon is naturally lazy, and only attacks twice every round, forsaking a middle action. It recovers 3% energy during each Truant turn.


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 5 (boosted by nature)
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 (lowered by nature)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 109

MC: 0
DC: 0

Fury Cutter(*)
Metal Claw(*)

Thunder Fang(*)
Baton Pass(*)

Claw Sharpen(*)
Thunder Wave(*)


Duclohm - Shockstrike (M)
Nature: Modest (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * from Attack)
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.

Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60

EC: 5/9
MC: 0
DC: 5/5

Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Double Hit
Slack Off

Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Magnet Rise

Dragon Pulse
Volt Change

Shadowbone66, you give your orders first.
Okay then, let's start this show. I choose Hustle as my ability, to be activated when specified.

Flik, let's use your first round to set up. Use Claw Sharpen on those leg/pincer/thingies, then give a nice, ear piercing Screech. Then, let's try an X Scissor.

to conclude:

Claw Sharpen > Screech > X Scissor

No going easy on me just because it's my first fight!
Okay then, let's start this show. I choose Hustle as my ability, to be activated when specified.

Flik, let's use your first round to set up. Use Claw Sharpen on those leg/pincer/thingies, then give a nice, ear piercing Screech. Then, let's try an X Scissor.

to conclude:

Claw Sharpen > Screech > X Scissor

No going easy on me just because it's my first fight!
Brandon walked onto the golf course, hoping that the battle wouldn't do any damage to the course after the owner had so graciously let them battle here. Seeing his opponent with his Durant ready to fight, he sent out his own Pokemon. "Let's go Shockstrike, use your Sheer Force to batter that Durant! Start off with a Rain Dance to get the weather in our favour, then show him some real power by activating Sheer Force and using it to hit him with two Thunders!"

Rain Dance -> Sheer Force Thunder -> Sheer Force Thunder
Before Round 1:
Flik the Durant [Shadowbone66]

HP: 90
Energy: 100
Atk: *****
Def: ****
SAtk: *
SDef: **
Spd: 109
Boosts/Drops: None
Status Conditions: None

Shockstrike the Duoclohm [Flamestrike]

HP: 100
Energy: 100
Atk: *
Def: ***
SAtk: ****
SDef: **
Spd: 60
Boosts/Drops: None
Status Conditions: None

Skimping on flavor because of my reffing workload tonight - I've still got two, maybe three matches to do tonight.

After Round 1:
Flik the Durant [Shadowbone66]

HP: 48
Energy: 83
Atk: *****
Def: ****
SAtk: *
SDef: **
Spd: 109
Boosts/Drops: +1 Atk, +1 Acc (deteriorates after Round 3)
Status Conditions: None

Shockstrike the Duoclohm [Flamestrike]

HP: 81
Energy: 78
Atk: *
Def: ***
SAtk: ****
SDef: **
Spd: 60
Boosts/Drops: -2 Defense (deteriorating)
Status Conditions: None

- Flik uses Hone Claws (success). 6 Energy
- Shockstrike uses Rain Dance (success). 10 Energy
- Flik uses Screech (success). 6 Energy
- Shockstrike uses Thunder (hit). 21 DMG, 7 Energy
- Flik uses X-Scissor (hit). 19 DMG, 5 Energy
- Shockstrike uses Thunder (hit). 21 DMG, 11 Energy
"Alright Shockstrike, turn this rainstorm into a thunderstorm! Hit it with Thunder until it falls! Backed by Sheer Force it can't take them for very long!"

Sheer Force Thunder -> Sheer Force Thunder -> Sheer Force Thunder
*kicks self for not Hustling X/Scissor last turn*

Well, we can still make it up, Flik! You outspeed, and you should be able to survive two of those Thunders with a bit of luck! So just keep hitting him with Hustle-boosted X-Scissors until he falls! Either way, you did great!


Hustle X-Scissor x3
Before Round 2:
Flik the Durant

HP: 48
Energy: 83
Atk: *****
Def: ****
SAtk: *
SDef: **
Spd: 109
Boosts/Drops: +1 Atk, +1 Acc (deteriorates after Round 3)
Status Conditions: None

Shockstrike the Duoclohm [Flamestrike]

HP: 81
Energy: 78
Atk: *
Def: ***
SAtk: ****
SDef: **
Spd: 60
Boosts/Drops: -2 Defense (deteriorating)
Status Conditions: None

The massive slugfest between dragon and ant continued, and, admittedly, it ended in a somewhat predictable manner. Shockstrike launched Sheer Force Thunders and Flik unleashed a blitz of Hustle X-Scissors, but in the end, Shockstrike was the only one standing - he had a mere 24 HP and 21 Energy left at the end of the brawl. Upon the defeat of the restless ant, the referee stopped the action."
"All right, battlers! It's clear that Flik is unable to battle, making Flamestrike the victor! Here are the prizes: Flik and Shockstrike both get 1 EC, 2 MC, and 1 DC; in addition, Shockstrike gets 1 KOC. Both Trainers get 2 TC, and I get 2 RC. Happy battling in the future!"

The flavor was the relevant status update. DERP.

- Flik uses Hustle X-Scissor (hit). 19 DMG, 9 Energy
- Shockstrike uses Sheer Force Thunder (hit). 21 DMG, 15 Energy
- Flik uses Hustle X-Scissor (hit). 19 DMG, 13 Energy
- Shockstrike uses Sheer Force Thunder (hit). 21 DMG, 19 Energy
- Flik uses Hustle X-Scissor (hit). 19 DMG, 17 Energy
- Shockstrike uses Sheer Force Thunder (hit). 21 DMG, 23 Energy
GG, not much of a chance with no way to stop me from spamming Thunder though :( You seem like a smart guy though so keep at it and you'll get better!
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