[FOR THE GALS] thread for thread


Banned deucer.
Not liking the implication that boys can't use thread. I use it very often to make dreamcatchers and rid my house of bad spirits. Black thread is famously used to keep bad energy contained so I have strands hanging from my windows, with the exception of one which I've created as a makeshift "trap." The dark energy can come through this window but is then stuck there because the door to the next room is covered in thread. This then allows me to experiment with my powers in a relatively harmless way.


bellibolt saleswoman
is a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
Not liking the implication that boys can't use thread. I use it very often to make dreamcatchers and rid my house of bad spirits. Black thread is famously used to keep bad energy contained so I have strands hanging from my windows, with the exception of one which I've created as a makeshift "trap." The dark energy can come through this window but is then stuck there because the door to the next room is covered in thread. This then allows me to experiment with my powers in a relatively harmless way.
Boys can use thread. In fact, historically men were typically the "Threadwinners" of the house. However, I only talk to women unless absolutely necessary therefore I tag my posts with "For the Gals". Hope that clears up the misunderstanding.

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