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Acrobatics x3 IF Counter THEN Heat Wave IF Torment AND You Outspeed AND Revenankh not Taunted THEN Taunt IF Taunt AND You Outspeed AND Revenankh not Taunted THEN Taunt
Field Effects: The spinning turbines in the arena cause a lot of static electricity buildup in the area, boosting the damage output of all Electric-type moves by two (2) damage flat. Additionally, any Pokemon attempting to remain on the treadmill running laterally across the stage must spend three (3) energy per turn to stay in place or to move across the stage, but being on the treadmill doubles the static electricity buildup, boosting the chance of paralysis for all Electricity-based paralyzing moves by 10% flat. Furthermore, the ground is made of Metal and cannot be dug through with an attack stat lower than rank five (5).
Round 10: Priority Strikes!
Dogfish proved that defeatist is not too bad and Rawk did a massive amount of damage before going down to priority. With DF on his last mon, has Frosty turned the game around? It seems so, but if folks can come back from here, DF will be one of them for sure.
Stupid me sending out two fighting types and no hazard remover...
Phantom Force - Phantom Force - Poison Jab
IF Fairy Typed Damaging Combination is ordered THEN Ignore both substitutions below A1, A2 and A3 AND use protect on the action the combination is used IF Fairy Typed Damaging Move AND this sub wasn't activated on the action prior AND Trick Room is up THEN Protect AND push back IF Fairy Typed Damaging Move AND this sub wasn't activated on the action prior THEN Phantom Force
Field Effects: Stealth Rock on Frosty's side of the field! Normal Field 1 Round!
Round 11: Pant 'em Force!
So Dogfish sensing that the end of Pixie is near, desides to setup for next round while letting King Igos du Ikana pant for breath, while using Phantom Force consecutively.
Pixie seems to be at the end of her strength, will her wish come to naught? Or will she be able to get the two fighting types out? Decisions! Decisions!
"I appear to have thrown this one. That's unfortunate."
Protect ~ Draining Kiss ~ Dazzling Gleam
IF Revenankh uses Double Team A1 THEN Dazzling Gleam A1 IF Revenankh Chills A1 THEN replace actions with Draining Kiss ~ Dazzling Gleam ~ Fairy Wind IF Revenankh uses Endure A1 THEN Toxic A1
This should do the trick I think. Wish only kicks in at the end of the action and Phantom Force passes protect, so it should hit. Also, even if you consider rev paying up en cost half on the evasive part and half on the damaging part it has enough en to use the move, I think.