UU Galarian Slowbro [QC:3/3] [GP:2/2]

Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and Regenerator give it a very high-value defensive profile while making it deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding Toxic, while its wide-reaching coverage options like Scald and Flamethrower target Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion, and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with Scald and Sludge Bomb, potentially burning foes like Hippowdon and Excadrill or poisoning others like Hydreigon and Slowking. Its Calm Mind set easily sets up on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory, sweeping with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. This set's item versatility makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable, as it can use Colbur Berry to improve its matchup against Hydreigon and check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets can scout special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of Water-resistant Pokemon. While it has competition from Slowking as a Future Sight user, it can still support offensive Pokemon such as Zygarde, Thundurus-T, and Lycanroc. However, Galarian Slowbro is plagued with weaknesses to powerful Ground- and Dark-types like Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it's almost always the first to take a hit, even from slow Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This vulnerability is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting, which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into many special attackers, meaning it must be very careful to not switch into Knock Off.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to start boosting from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for poisoning Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against foes like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald complements Sludge Bomb brilliantly because it nails Poison-resistant Pokemon like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful, since it becomes setup fodder. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However, pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon, which dislikes Sludge Bomb. The combination of Sludge Bomb + Flamethrower is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but it sacrifices Galarian Slowbro's matchup against foes like Nidoqueen and Hippowdon while giving up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude and lets it offensively check Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% or Hippowdon. Safety Goggles lets it ignore Spore and Stun Spore from Amoonguss and use it as setup fodder. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip damage, but it forfeits some ability to overwhelm Galarian Slowbro's checks. Maximum Defense investment is used to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor; Calm Mind will boost Special Defense anyway.

Galarian Slowbro functions well on balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams, which appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory is also a solid Zarude answer and can be the primary Scizor answer if Galarian Slowbro lacks Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams, setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can set up on Galarian Slowbro checks, like Zarude and Hippowdon, while serving as revenge killers. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one-on-one but can't switch into them very safely, especially Nasty Plot variants of the latter if lacking Sludge Bomb. Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to Keldeo, Primarina, and Togekiss, preventing them from overwhelming Galarian Slowbro. Tangrowth also checks Zygarde-10%, (AC) while Rotom-W can remove entry hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth for easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with entry hazards over the course of a longer game; removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this, but also helps deal with Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option, completely stifling Hippowdon's and Skarmory's entry hazards while bleeding their PP with Pressure. Other special walls on defensive teams, like Chansey and Umbreon, help patch up Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also checks dangerous threats like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Shell Side Arm targets the Defense stat of Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina, severely damaging them, while retaining good odds to poison enemies. Future Sight amplifies the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, covering their switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team doesn't need Future Sight support, Scald is an alternative that prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from easily switching in. Ice Beam hits Pokemon like Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a STAB option that immediately threatens more foes, like Nihilego and Keldeo. Flamethrower threatens Scizor and Cobalion. Slack Off over Future Sight lets Galarian Slowbro check Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility and is useless before item removal. Assault Vest allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs, since the bulk from a Sassy nature and/or 12 more Special Defense EVs is overkill in practice, and the better long-term damage is more valuable. The bulk is still enough to avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Specs Keldeo's Scald and survive Hydreigon's Dark Pulse. Quiet is picked over Modest to not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage.

Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits on balance and bulky offense teams. These may heavily value a reliable pivot into special attackers like Salamence and Rotom-W that also doesn't give dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to set up, as well as scouting what move Keldeo will lock itself into. Entry hazards help build chip damage against checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and setters like Cobalion and Nihilego check Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support, as it punishes their switch-ins such as Hippowdon and opposing Cobalion, and both can repel Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo adore Future Sight heavily punishing their switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro crippling shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can also set entry hazards, Primarina counters Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having Water-resistant teammates like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They also benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great entry hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.

Other Options
Slack Off + Three Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. However, this sacrifices the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it can sometimes be difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's Defense, and the Grassy Terrain decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break through reliably. However, it is very committal to switch in and activate the boost, since preserving it means Galarian Slowbro can't escape checks or switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot, since it can move first in its priority bracket 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent, and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's late-game cleaning in exchange for early-game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, giving Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo an easier time overwhelming them.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. However, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% can break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently threaten opposing teams. However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn.

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon can blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses unless it has several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro one-on-one due to the risk it gets around them with Colbur Berry and/or status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro's dependence on multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Conkeldurr, which can weaken it to the point that it won't find adequate opportunities for setup.

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role, while Calm Mind sets can struggle to set up properly in the face of residual damage, making both incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip damage. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore, as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns, and sleep increases the already-substantial number of turns it needs to be a significant threat. Being burned while checking Slowking and Primarina also becomes an issue in conjunction with the other forms of residual damage, hindering Galarian Slowbro's ability to check them long-term.

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [Sage, 192277]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:
Amateur check - please defer to QC - hope this is helpful, you know I'm on discord if you have questions. FANTSTIC writing!!!!

add green
delete red
comments in purple
- Galarian Slowbro's typing, coverage moves, and access to Regenerator allow it to have a very high value defensive profile while being deceptively difficult to switch into. I added coverage moves because that's what make it difficult to switch into. Alternatively, you can take away the "diffuclt to switch into" comment and the coverage move. But I think if you want to keep this comment, you have to keep my coverage move addition because Regen/typing isn't what makes it hard to switch into
- It's coverage is very wide reaching with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for Pokemon like Hippowdon and Scizor.
- Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with the aforementioned Scald and Sludge Bomb, making Pokemon like Hippowdon and Zygarde Slowking less comfortable switching in. - I think Zygarde is a better mention because it can actually beat Galarian Slowbro. Slowking can't beat the common CM set so it often shouldn't switch in anyways. However, Slowking can switch in to pivot into something like Zygarde, so I get your point. Just not sure if the average reader understands.
- Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to setup on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory with ease, being able to sweep games with its solid bulk and multiple boosts.
- Assault Vest sets are capable of pivoting into powerful special attackers such as Nihilego and Choice Specs Keldeo.
- However Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses such as being weak to powerful Ground-types and Dark-types such as Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon.
- It's speed tier means it nearly always has to take a hit before it can react, even from slower foes like Hippowdon and Conkeldurr can be overwhelmed by more offensive teams, being forced out by problematic Pokemon such as Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Not sure about your point here - speed tier has nothing to do with Zygarde/Dig forcing you out, you already talk about them in the typing point. The issue with speed is that it lets slower attackers still hit you. Not sure it's worth a point here but if you do wanna talk about the speed, I'd frame it like this instead of talking about ground types again.
- Switching in with Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can be a huge momentum sink if it does not status the target or if the switch-in was something that can provide easy momentum like Chansey or Slowking. Personally I don't think this is really true - AV sets usually run Future Sight so it's rarely a momentum sink, it can always fire off an attack to help a teammate. I think if you want to talk about problems for AV, maybe talk about the reliance on AV (so Knock Off Nihilego and Tangrowth str an issue despite your superficial ability to counter them) and overall average stats.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Black Sludge / Safety Goggles
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Paragraph 1
- Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further .
- Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for its useful ability to spread poisons on Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz
- Psyshock can be used instead because of its ability to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr easier more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents like Hatterene and Togekiss. Maybe mention it OHKOs NIhilego, it is higher than Conk on VR I think.
- Scald compliments Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits Poison-resists like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon more as a setup opportunity.
- Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon.
-Combining Flamethrower and Sludge Bomb is another possibility, that leaves Galarian Slowbro more open to Nihilego and Hippowdon, but hits the majority of top threats like Scizor, Hydreigon, and Zarude very hard. Definitely double check with QC on this comment, but I do believe this move combination is very good and you should mention it in comments. As detailed in paragraph 2, Hippo is pretty easy to Toxic so you can beat it like that if you have Toxic Salamence or Cobalion for example. And Nihilego's utility set doesn't necessarily beat you since you can boost on it.
- Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro in situations like taking Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and offensively checking countering Knock Off Scizor with Flamethrower. Alternatively, Black Sludge makes Galarian Slowbro much more difficult to wear down thanks to passive recovery while Safety Goggles is useful in teams that don't have other good responses to Amoonguss's Spore. You can also mention Zarude for a good Colbur Berry reason if QC wants more examples.

Paragraph 2
- Galarian Slowbro functions well in balance and bulky offense where they appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity.
- Hazard supporters like Hippowdon and Skarmory help provide Galarian Slowbro more easily outlast problematic foes like Mamoswine, Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. and Nidoqueen. These teammates also help patch other matchups such as against Zygarde-10% and Excadrill. Hippo and Skarm (Especially skarm) don't really help with Nido, so I just combined the other ground types you mentioned.
- Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo helps deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps break through bulkier teams by setting up and wearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory Hippowdon. You don'treally set up on Hippo unless you get a lucky scald burn and you're running scald, so I put skarm instead.
- Galarian Slowbro can have issues dealing with Fairy-types like Primarina and Togekiss thanks to their secondary STAB options, so teammates like Amoonguss and Rotom-W help act as primary answers to them.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Scald / Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Paragraph 1
- Shell Side Arm is better for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina. Should we explain mechanics of this move here? Very few people understand it and bulbapedia/Smogon dex isn't that helpful. Basically, it factors in stat changes and looks at this:

1) your spa - opp spd,
2) your attk minus opp def,

if 1 is bigger than 2, then it's a special move. if 2 if bigger than 1, it's a contact physical move. if they are equal, it's a 50/50 chance. I'm sure you can find a way to word this in 1 or 2 sentences. Also, maybe mention here not to minimize attack IVs? I doubt it's worth mentioning, but FYA burn reduces physical shell side arm but is not calculated when deciding to be physical or special.

- Future Sight help setup for nasty teammates like Keldeo, covering switch-ins like Amoonguss, however Ice Beam can be useful for Hydreigon and Salamence.
- Psyshock is a more immediate STAB option that threatens Nihilego and Keldeo.
- Assault Vest helps Galarian Slowbro tank powerful attacks like Choice Specs Keldeo and Primarina's Hydro Pump to either scout on switch-in ro or to retaliate with its STAB moves. It also allows Galarian Slowbro to stay in on even super effective special moves like Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate for significant damage, while Galarian Slowbro can try to use Regenerator to regain health. I think this is a key usage point, maybe put it in pp2 if you don't think it fits here though.
- Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs because it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy and it helps provide better damage long term.

Paragraph 2
- Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits in balance and bulky offense teams that heavily value not giving dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to setup while being able to scout what move Keldeo will lock itself into.
- Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Moltres can deal with problematic Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Excadrill while giving Galarian Slowbro more comfortable switchins to Primarina with U-turn.
- Galarian Slowbro has issues repeatedly handling Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump so additional switch-ins like Salamence can help relieve the pressure. Maybe make clear you need water/type resistances? So mention mence resists fire, water, (immune) ground?
- Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela being crippled by status for them to overwhelm later.

Other Options
- Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with its ability to move first 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Maybe make clear this uses NP? Or decide if you want to mention Belly Drum here too.
- Trick can be effective on Galarian Slowbro because it is easy force switches with it ruin key defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Chansey with Black Sludge. Mention the cost here that you probably can't effectively CM sweep.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon is a very common Pokemon that threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks, however, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill and Zygarde-10% are able to break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat. Maybe mention Krook too? Idt you mentioned it at all in this whole analysis.

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without several boosts. Without Assault Vest, Galarian Slowbro loses much of it's special bulk and cannot effectively check Primarina and Keldeo. Without Colbur Berry, Galarian Slowbro is also vulnerable to Knock Off users such as Scizor and Azumarill. I mean not really, both of them can't really 2HKO Glowbro and he can still regen/kill them. I think if you want to mention something, maybe mention losing AV means you lose a LOT of your special bulk and can no longer pivot into Keldeo/Prim for example. Either that, or make clear you're saying that Glowbro with an item OTHER than Colbur Berry is vulnerable to Knock Off, since right now, it kind of sounds like you're saying itemless Glowbro is weak to Knock Off which it really isn't.

**Utility techniques**: Unaware Quagsire and Haze Articuno can stop Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro from sweeping. Trick users like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Rotom-Wash can also ruin Galarian Slowbro's sweeping chances although you must be careful not to Knock Off the item you trick it later in the game. I think this is a nice point to add although definitely ask QC on this, especially as Haze isn't standard on Cuno

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited by a moderator:
- Galarian Slowbro's typing, coverage moves, its much less the coverage moves and more the vile sludge + scald combo more then anything, idk how you'd necessarily word this but half of this is stab anyway and its more just about having well rounded type coverage + punishing secondary effects on spammable moves if anything. probably just say "movepeool" instead since you go into detail about both its possible coverage moves and its nasty sludge scald combo in the next sentences? and access to Regenerator allow it to have a very high value defensive profile while being deceptively difficult to switch into.
- It's coverage is very wide reaching with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for Pokemon like Hippowdon and Scizor.
- Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with the aforementioned Scald and Sludge Bomb, making Pokemon like Hippowdon and Excadrill less comfortable switching in.
- Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to setup on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory with ease, being able to sweep games with its solid bulk and multiple boosts.
- Assault Vest sets are capable of pivoting into powerful special attackers such as Nihilego and Choice Specs Keldeo. honestly its more that its a decent option at scouting keldeo / prim than really being the best answer, this should probably be expanded on a little more as a weakness later since you mention the overreliance on AV but not the fact it has to be paired with more reliable water switch-ins that it can scout for.
- However Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses such as being weak to powerful Ground-types and Dark-types such as Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon.
pif nuked this comment fsr but its hugely relevant and needs to be something you comment on as a big downside of cm glowbro, it gets overwhelmed fairly easily into offensive mus between its low base spdef and needing to recover off lots of chip damage it inevitibly takes to get in meaning it can struggle to ever really get going aside from just clicking a few attacks. you just need to expand a bit more on the original point that pif removed imo since it was a bit llacking b4.
- Its speed tier means it will almost always be the first to take a hit, even from slower Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr.
- It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into Keldeo meaning it needs to avoid switching into Pokemon it normally handles like Tangrowth and Nihilego in fear of Knock Off.

something worth bringing up is its ability to run any number of potential move combos + item choices to very much pick and choose its counters or improve its ability to set up etc.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Black Sludge / Safety Goggles
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Paragraph 1
- Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further .
- Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for its useful ability to spread poisons on Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz
- Psyshock can be used instead because of its ability to KO Amoonguss and Nihilego more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents like Hatterene and Togekiss. put the conk mention back in its p relevant when combined with colbur, its fine to just have 3 mentions here i think but i disagree with the logic behin the nihi change since its more just a "you have the ability to threaten nihi when you are unboosted" situation since nihi isn't checking you when boosted anyway.
- Scald compliments Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits Poison-resists like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon more as a setup opportunity.
- Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon.
- Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower leaves Galarian Slowbro is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but it somewhat trades its matchup against Nihilego and Hippowdon. makes it much worse vs nidos too and loses the ability to threaten some checks like zog / chungus as easily.
- Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude, and offensively checking Scizor with Flamethrower. Alternatively, Black Sludge makes Galarian Slowbro much more difficult to wear down thanks to passive recovery worth mentioning easier set up + sand offset too while Safety Goggles is useful in teams that don't have other good responses to Amoonguss's Spore.

honestly id say shuca is worth a slash, it gives it nice breathing room against an unburnt hippo to give it chances to either heal off more easily or scald fish more easily, and stops it being checked by stuff like mamo / diggs.

Paragraph 2
- Galarian Slowbro functions well in balance and bulky offense would mention semi stall too where they appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity.
- Hazard supporters like Hippowdon and Skarmory help provide Galarian Slowbro more easily outlast problematic foes like Mamoswine, Zygarde-10%, and Excadrill. this sentence reads pretty weird honestly, would also focus on the fact that they can actually defensively check these mons too (with a potential reordering for the mamo / hippo bit), skarm's also a zarude answer and a nicer primary sciz cheeck if you aren't flame.
- Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps break through bulkier teams by setting up and wearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory.
- Galarian Slowbro can have issues dealing with Fairy-types like Primarina and Togekiss thanks to their secondary STAB options, so teammates like Amoonguss and Rotom-W help act as primary answers to them. wash kinda not it for being a prim main answer and i barely think togekiss is relevant here as a mention, if anything its keld + prim that you wanna be covering and thits would require a bit of a rewrite since they both waters and thats not instrincly a thing you'd necessarily wanna pair glowbro with but its mor that its a fighting/fairy check that doesn't check those. tang mention is good too esp since its a solid ground check.

bring up removal alongside glowbro, it gets fuckd by hazards a lot over a longer game. one place you could potentially comment on wash instead but obv bring up things like mence with better fighting checking and potential cuno on semi stall too with heal bell supp to cover it for burns over a longer game / sleep from amoong.

bring up some special walls that pair well with it to cover somee issus like nidos, and its inability to check things like mence/noiv very well at all. slowkings a good one to bring up for like water check alongside and can bring up some fatter examples like umb for balance / semi stall that can provide wish supp and a strong check to some threats like exca/zyg alongside.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Scald / Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Paragraph 1
- Shell Side Arm is better for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina.
- Future Sight help setup for nasty teammates like Keldeo, covering switch-ins like Amoonguss, however Ice Beam can be useful for Hydreigon and Salamence.
- Psyshock is a more immediate STAB option that threatens Nihilego and Keldeo.
- Assault Vest helps Galarian Slowbro tank powerful attacks like Choice Specs Keldeo and Primarina's Hydro Pump to either scout on switch-in ro to retaliate with its STAB moves. It also allows Galarian Slowbro survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate.
- Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs because it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy and it helps provide better damage long term.
explain moves you haven't already, could potentially comment on the option to run slack off over one move to give you more options when knocked by stuff like sciz/tang/nihi to keep yourself healthier.

Paragraph 2
- Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits in balance and bulky offense teams that heavily value not giving dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to setup while being able to scout what move Keldeo will lock itself into.
- Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Hydreigon and Moltres can deal with problematic Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Excadrill while giving Galarian Slowbro more comfortable switchins to Primarina with U-turn. weird mentions to me because neither switch into zog at all, i think you'd wanna bring up some actual switc-ins to ground types here if you aree going this route.
- Galarian Slowbro has issues repeatedly handling Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump so additional water-resists like Salamence can help relieve the pressure. Salamence also benefits Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Zarude. worth mentioning prim too in which case you'll need some other example than just mence.
- Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela being crippled by status for them to overwhelm later.
Talk about some offensive teammates who can make use of the future sight support to deny switcch ins like amoong / nihi / coba or whoever.

bring up removal support because of its limited hp regeneratin and desire to stay as healthy as possible. can tie this into mence if u wanted.

prhaps commnt on appropriate hazard setters alongside it? esp since hippo can potentially be a bit unsynergistic with sand an lack of reecovery. worth mentioning some secondary checks to stuff like nihi / thundy too because you are p unreliable into them if they have knock. can probably comment on stuff like mole / nihi for instance.

Other Options
- Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty plot thanks to its ability to move first 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match.
- Trick can be effective on Galarian Slowbro because it is easy force switches with it ruin key defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Chansey with Black Sludge. Would talk a little more about this sets role on a team, it acts similar to calm mind glowbro in that it provides defensive utility while being a threatenig to switch into pokemon in the early-mid game because of scald + sludge bomb comination, but this set trades the ability to clean late game for the ability to provide much more punishment early game, slowking and hippo especially are the two big ones you cripple with it and worth mentioning some teammates who can typically appreciate this sorta thing (eg. i've quite liked it alongside boots chandy since it can force status on them while making hippo a worse switch in in general).

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon is a very common Pokemon that threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks, however, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill and Zygarde-10% are able to break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat.


**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without several boosts. Assault Vest sets must be weary of Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf as without it, Galarian Slowbro loses much of it's special bulk and cannot effectively check Primarina and Keldeo. more that it can't scout them very safely at all and cant check nihi / azelf in process.

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Would commend on how AV sets in particular hate chip from spikes/rocks/burns due to lack of reliable recovery, while this stuff can make cm sets still struggle to set up as reliably. can also bring up amoongs ability to spore cm glowbro here if you wanted. if there was any sensible way to make it fit sense in this section you could consider scarf trick from rachi / togekiss / rotom too but not sure how you would.

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[pokemonisfun, 56643], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

qc 1/3.
- Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and access to Regenerator allow it to have a very high value defensive profile while being deceptively difficult to switch into.
- It's coverage is very wide reaching with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for Pokemon like Hippowdon and Scizor.
- Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with the aforementioned Scald and Sludge Bomb, making Pokemon like Hippowdon and Excadrill less comfortable switching in.
- Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to setup on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory with ease, being able to sweep games with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. It's item versatility on this set makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable as it can use Colbur Berry to better lure in Hydreigon and better check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder.
- Assault Vest sets are capable of scouting special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of additional Water-resists, while providing a decent offensive presence and possible Future Sight support.
- However Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses such as being weak to powerful Ground-types and Dark-types such as Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon.
- Its speed tier means it will almost always be the first to take a hit, even from slower Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. add how this, coupled with its meh special bulk before boosting, means it can struggle to setup against more offensive teams that deny it the opportunities to do so
- It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into Keldeo meaning it needs to avoid switching into Pokemon it normally handles like Tangrowth and Nihilego in fear of Knock Off.

somewhere in here emphasize the pros of its typing and how it can take on top threats like cobalion and tangrowth as well as have an immunity to toxic

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Black Sludge / Shuca Berry I've like never seen this, I'd rather have it as a mention
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Paragraph 1
- Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further .
- Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for its useful ability to spread poisons on Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz
- Psyshock can be used instead because of its ability to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents like Hatterene and Togekiss.
- Scald compliments Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits Poison-resists like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon more as a setup opportunity.
- Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon.
- Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower leaves Galarian Slowbro is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but this combo sacrifices it sacrifices lot of its matchup against foes against Nidoqueen, Nihilego, Nidoking, and Hippowdon. It also gives up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby.
- Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro take a one-time hit from foes like Hydreigon and Zarude and hit them back hard while easing the Scizor matchup should it have Flamethrower. against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude, and offensively checking Scizor with Flamethrower. Alternatively, Black Sludge makes Galarian Slowbro much more difficult to wear down thanks to passive recovery, offsetting sand chip while making it more comfortable setting up. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% and Hippowdon.
- Safety Goggles is useful in teams that don't have other good responses to Amoonguss's Spore.
-say why max defense is beneficial

Paragraph 2
- Galarian Slowbro functions well in balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams where they appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity.
- Hazard supporters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory also acts as a solid Zarude answer and can act as a primary Scizor answer for Galarian Slowbro if it is not running Flamethrower.
- Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams by setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory.
- Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one on one but can't switch into them very safely, especially against Nasty Plot variants of the latter without Sludge Bomb. As such Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to them. Tangrowth also has the benefit of checking Zygarde-10% while Rotom-W can remove entry hazards for Galarian Slowbro and beat Hippowdon. Also add how rotom-w can lure in tangrowth for glowbro to set up on.
- Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with hazards over the course of a longer game so other removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this but also work to handle Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option that completely stops Hippowdon's and Skarmory's hazards while bleeding their PP.
- Other special walls on defensive teams like Chansey and Umbreon help patch Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Chansey has more reliable recovery of the two, but Umbreon also has the benefit of checking other dangerous Offensive Pokemon like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%.
-bring up physical wallbreakers like Swords Dance Cobalion here, before you get into the defensive teammates part

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Scald / Flamethrower swap this order walled by steels is a no-go, hell you should slash scald with move 2
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Paragraph 1
- Shell Side Arm is better for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina.
- Future Sight helps amplify the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates setup for nasty teammates like Keldeo, covering switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. However, Ice Beam is useful for super effective damage on Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence and is preffered on teams that don't require the support Future Sight brings. , however Ice Beam can be useful for Hydreigon and Salamence.
- Psyshock is a more immediate STAB option that threatens Nihilego and Keldeo.
- Scald prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from getting an easy switch-in with a potential burn, while Flamethrower threatens Skarmory, Scizor, and Cobalion more effectively. make sure to fix this section to account for new slashes
- Slack Off over Future Sight gives Galarian Slowbro a method of checking Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility as well as be useless as long as Galarian Slowbro has its Assault Vest.
- Assault Vest helps Galarian Slowbro scout powerful powerful breakers like Choice Specs Keldeo and Primarina. , either switching out of the next Hydro Pump for its team to capitalize on retaliate on its own. It also allows Galarian Slowbro survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate.
- Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs because it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy and it helps provide better damage long term. its also because it doesn't lower the damage of shell side arm, this should be the main reason in fact

Paragraph 2
- Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits in balance and bulky offense teams that heavily value not giving dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to setup while being able to scout what move Keldeo will lock itself into.
- Pokemon like Cobalion and Nihilego are excellent entry hazard setters for Galarian Slowbro as they help build chip damage for checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and they even act as additional checks to Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support as it punishes their switch-ins such as Amoonguss and opposing Cobalion while denying Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon and Mandibuzz.
-bring up other wallbreakers like Mamoswine and your own Keldeo who like the support
- Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. being crippled by status for them to overwhelm later.
- Pokemon such as Mandibuzz and Moltres can deal with problematic Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Excadrill while giving Galarian Slowbro more comfortable switchins to Primarina with U-turn. Mandibuzz also helps check Azelf, whose Knock Off would ruin Galarian Slowbro's Assault Vest otherwise
. I would rather have this be a Ground-type check section where its hippo + washer + zarude as mentions. Mandi and Molt just feel awkward, especially since knock from azelf also ruins mandi
- Galarian Slowbro has issues repeatedly handling Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump so additional Water-resists like Salamence and Amoonguss can help relieve the pressure. They benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Zarude, and the former acts as a great hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible. change amoonguss for another example double poison is not it, a prim of your own works.

Other Options
-bring up that 3 attacks set with fsight, sludge, flame, and slack off here
-grassy seed on B*lu teams

- Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty plot thanks to its ability to move first 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match.
- Trick over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's ability to be a late game threat in exchange for early game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, letting Pokemon like Chandelure and Keldeo have an easier time overwhelming them.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon is a very common Pokemon that threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks, however, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% are able to break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat. add how shuca can let it take a hit and retaliate with a potential scald burn

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without several boosts. bring up zarude and crawdaunt as well here since both are still fine rn, acknowledge how they can't reliably win the 1v1 since it hinders them with status + colbur berry stuff Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily to scout other threats like Choice Specs Keldeo and Primarina.

maybe add a section on powerful wallbreakers like Azelf and Keldeo that can break past Calm Mind Glowbro before it can set up. We can discuss this more in QC

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role while Calm Mind sets can struggle to setup properly in the face of residual damage, making it incredibly vulnerable to Spikes and Stealth Rock. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns on top of needing to setup to be a significant threat. might as well bring up burn here that can force it into slack off more often

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
good work. implement this check for now since there's a lot and I can finish it off over PMs, lmk when you have finished

Edit: never mind make it 2/3
Last edited:
amqc check implement what u want
add remove comment
Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and access to Regenerator allow it to have a very high value defensive profile while being deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding status from opponents like Tangrowth and Toxic, while its coverage is very wide reaching with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with the aforementioned Scald and Sludge Bomb, making Pokemon like Hippowdon and Excadrill less comfortable switching in. Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to setup on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory with ease, being able to sweep games with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. It's item versatility on this set makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable as it can use Colbur Berry to better lure (hydreigon isn't lured even w/o colbur initially, naturally its going to come in anyways) in Hydreigon and better check (this implies that you already check sd knock sciz and i wouldn't say that's true really) Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets are capable of scouting special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of additional Water-resistant Pokemon. Water-resists. However Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses such as being weak to powerful Ground-types and Dark-types such as Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it will almost always be the first to take a hit, even from slower Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into Keldeo meaning it needs to avoid switching into Pokemon it normally handles like Tangrowth and Nihilego in fear of Knock Off.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for its useful ability to spread poison poisons on Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead because of Sludge Bomb for its ability to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald compliments Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits Poison-resistant Pokemon Poison-resists like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon more as a setup opportunity. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon. Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower leaves Galarian Slowbro is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but this combo sacrifices its matchup against foes like against Nidoqueen and Hippowdon. It also gives up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude, and offensively checking Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% and Hippowdon. Safety Goggles is useful in teams that don't have other good responses to Amoonguss's Spore. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip, but forfeits Galarian Slowbro's ability to overwhelm its checks as reliably. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro uses maximum Defense investment to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor.

Galarian Slowbro functions well in balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams where they appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Hazard supporters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory also acts as a solid Zarude answer and can act as a primary Scizor answer for Galarian Slowbro if it is not running Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern (idk if draco is more common but if it isn't id remove noivern here; it doesn't revenge any of these reliably imo) and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams by setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can setup on Pokemon like Zarude and Hippowdon. They can also revenge kill dangerous opponents like Hydreigon and Mamoswine for Galarian Slowbro. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one on one but can't switch into them very safely, especially against Nasty Plot variants of the latter without Sludge Bomb. As such Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to them. Tangrowth also has the benefit of checking Zygarde-10% while Rotom-W can remove hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth f or easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with hazards over the course of a longer game so other removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this but also work to handle Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby (this is shaky bc bslam does a lot even at -1 and with bulk, and risking para sucks for it). On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option that completely stops Hippowdon's and Skarmory's hazards while bleeding their PP. Other special walls on defensive teams like Chansey and Umbreon help patch Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also has the benefit of checking other dangerous Offensive Pokemon like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Shell Side Arm is better for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina. Future Sight helps amplify the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, covering switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team does not require the Future Sight support, Scald prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from getting an easy switch-in with a potential burn. Ice Beam is useful for super effective damage on Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a more immediate STAB option that threatens Nihilego and Keldeo. (added period) Flamethrower threatens Skarmory (honestly idt most skarm users are staying in and risking something like that, they do nothing to glowbro anyways to be staying in like that), Scizor, and Cobalion more effectively. Slack Off over Future Sight gives Galarian Slowbro a method of checking Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility as well as be useless as long as Galarian Slowbro has its Assault Vest. Assault Vest helps Galarian Slowbro scout powerful powerful breakers like Choice Specs Keldeo and Primarina. (fluff imo) Assault Vest It also allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs because unlike Modest it does not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage, it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy, and it helps provide better damage long term.

Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits in balance and bulky offense teams that heavily value not giving dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to setup while being able to scout what move Keldeo will lock itself into. mention how its a valuable pivot into strong special attackers like moltres and salamence, who aren't choiced mons; this takes pressure off of mons like washer and stuff. Pokemon like Cobalion and Nihilego are excellent entry hazard setters for Galarian Slowbro as they help build chip damage for checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and they even act as additional checks to Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support as it punishes their switch-ins such as Amoonguss (i dont agree w amoong being a nihi switchin, id change this example to better accomodate both mons u mentioned as partners. maybe smth like hippo) and opposing Cobalion while denying Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo pair fantastically with the Future Sight support as they enjoy switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss being heavily punished. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude are helpful to deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can set hazards, Primarina is also reliable for countering Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having additional Water-resistant Pokemon Water-resists like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.

Other Options
Slack Off + 3 Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. However this trades the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it is difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's defense and decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break reliably. maybe mention how bulu handles some ground types like hippowdon and swampert so scald isn't mandated on it. However, it is very committal to maintain the boost and Galarian Slowbro benefits more from being able to switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot thanks to its ability to move first 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's ability to be a late game threat in exchange for early game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, letting Pokemon like Chandelure (honestly chandy already kinda breaks both so i'd use another example like moltres) and Keldeo have an easier time overwhelming them.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon is threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. (added period) However, however, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% are able to break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat. However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn in return.

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro by attacking with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro in a one on one scenario due to Colbur Berry and status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily to scout other threats like Choice Specs Keldeo and Primarina. (this was mentioned multiple times i think the reader knows it scouts out these threats)

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Galarian Slowbro's dependence on attaining multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Azelf (azelf usually isn't doing enough if its at +1 spdef, so its forced out and glowbro regens the damage off) as they can leave Galarian Slowbro weakened to the point of not being able to find additional opportunities for setup.

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role while Calm Mind sets can struggle to setup properly in the face of residual damage, making it incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns on top of needing to setup to be a significant threat. Even being burned by Pokemon like Slowking and Primarina can force Galarian Slowbro into scenarios where it needs to Slack Off to remain healthy.

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
avoid using "Type-resists", ik this is qc but this just makes gps job easier in the future.

Nice work overall, think we maybe could have gone for Slack + 3 attacks SpD set over AV but it's not a huge deal / something that can be added to the analysis when its an old gen if necessary. 3/3 when implemented

Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and access to Regenerator allow it to have a very high value defensive profile while being deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding status from opponents like Tangrowth and Toxic, while its coverage is very wide reaching with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with the aforementioned Scald and Sludge Bomb, making Pokemon like Hippowdon and Excadrill less comfortable switching in. I would clarify these mentions by specifying with ones that hate scald (Exca, Hippo) and ones that hate poison (Hydreigon, Slowking). Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to setup on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory with ease, being able to sweep games with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. It's item versatility on this set makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable as it can use Colbur Berry to improve its matchup against Hydreigon and check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to turn Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets are capable of scouting special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of additional Water-resistant Pokemon. mention that while it is not as prolific of a user of the move as Slowking, it can get lots of breaking done with Future Sight helping X offensive mons you go for (any of Zygarde, Diggersby, Thundurus, Keldeo, Lycanroc would work here.) However Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses such as being weak to powerful Ground-types and Dark-types such as like Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it will almost always be the first to take a hit, even from slower Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into Keldeo many special attackers meaning it needs to be very careful of switching into Knock Off. avoid switching into Pokemon it normally handles like Tangrowth and Nihilego in fear of Knock Off. This is a bit too specific of a situation for an analysis and widely saying it shouldnt switch into Tang / Nihi would be malpractice for newer players

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for its useful ability to spread poison on Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead because of Sludge Bomb for its ability to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald compliments Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits Poison-resistant Pokemon like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon more as a setup opportunity. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon. Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower leaves Galarian Slowbro is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but this combo sacrifices its matchup against foes like Nidoqueen and Hippowdon. It ,while also giving up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude, and offensively checking Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby using Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% and Hippowdon. Safety Goggles is useful in teams that don't have other good responses to Amoonguss's Spore. mention also that blocking Stun Spore from both regen Grasses can increase reliability of setup. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip, but forfeits Galarian Slowbro's ability to overwhelm its checks as reliably. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro uses maximum Defense investment to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor.

Galarian Slowbro functions well in balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams where they appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Hazard supporters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory also acts as a solid Zarude answer and can act as a primary Scizor answer for Galarian Slowbro if it is not running Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams by setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can setup on Pokemon like Zarude and Hippowdon, while also serving as revenge killers. They can also revenge kill dangerous opponents like Hydreigon and Mamoswine for Galarian Slowbro. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one on one but can't switch into them very safely, especially against Nasty Plot variants of the latter without Sludge Bomb. not relevant for this section As such Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to Water-types like Primarina and Keldeo that Galarian Slowbro might struggle to handle single-handedly. Tangrowth also has the benefit of checking Zygarde-10% while Rotom-W can remove hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth for easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with hazards over the course of a longer game so other removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this but also work to deal with Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option that completely stops Hippowdon's and Skarmory's hazards while bleeding their PP. Other special walls on defensive teams like Chansey and Umbreon help patch Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also has the benefit of checking other dangerous Offensive Pokemon like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.

good job on the CM section only a couple repetitive wording tweaks and one or two mention additions

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Shell Side Arm is better a more useful Poison-type STAB option for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina, and it still retains a solid chance to poison foes. Future Sight helps amplify the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, add more mentions from the list in the previous section here too, and feel free to add to the list of pivots Future Sight helps with. covering switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team does not require the Future Sight support, Scald prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from getting an easy switch-in with a potential burn. Ice Beam is useful for super effective damage on Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a more immediate STAB option that threatens Nihilego and Keldeo. Flamethrower threatens Scizor, and Cobalion more effectively. Slack Off over Future Sight gives Galarian Slowbro a method of checking Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility as well as be useless as long as Galarian Slowbro has its Assault Vest. Assault Vest allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs because unlike Modest it does not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage, it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy, and it helps provide better damage long term.

Running AV without Future Sight sounds absolutely terrible in most cases, do not think we should be advising it. I would slash Scald with Flamethrower and drop Ice Beam all together, that can be relegated to Other Options.

Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits in balance and bulky offense teams that heavily value a reliable pivot into special attackers like Salamence and Rotom-W, doesn't give dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to setup, and scouts what move Keldeo will lock itself into. Pokemon like Cobalion and Nihilego are excellent entry hazard setters for Galarian Slowbro as they help build chip damage for checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and they even act as additional checks to Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support as it punishes their switch-ins such as Hippowdon and opposing Cobalion while denying Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo pair fantastically with the Future Sight support as they enjoy switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss being heavily punished. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude are helpful to deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can set hazards, Primarina is also reliable for countering Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having additional Water-resistant Pokemon like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.

Other Options
Slack Off + 3 Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. Reword this to better emphasize that Slack Off can allow it scout attackers on both sides of the spectrum better as the main selling point of dropping Assault Vest. However this trades the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it can sometimes difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's defense and decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break reliably. However, it is very committal to maintain the boost and Galarian Slowbro benefits more from being able to switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot thanks to its ability to move first 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's ability to be a late game threat in exchange for early game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, letting Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo have an easier time overwhelming them. Add a quick mention about Ice Beam surprising Hydreigon and Zygarde-10%, but usually not being worth the moveslot.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. However, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% are able to break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat. However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn in return.

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro by attacking with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro in a one on one scenario due to Colbur Berry and status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Galarian Slowbro's dependence on attaining multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Conkeldurr as they can leave Galarian Slowbro weakened to the point of not being able to find additional opportunities for setup.

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role while Calm Mind sets can struggle to setup properly in the face of residual damage, making it incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns on top of needing to setup to be a significant threat. Even being burned by Pokemon like Slowking and Primarina can force Galarian Slowbro into scenarios where it needs to Slack Off to remain healthy. Reword this that burn compounds with the previous forms of residual damage, its usually not going to swing the tide by itself and Glowbro performing its job while burned is relatively common

Nice Work on the threats section, minimal changes needed

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
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ac = add comma, rc = remove comma
Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and access to Regenerator give it allow it to have a very high value defensive profile while being deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding Toxic, while its coverage is very wide-reaching (added hyphen) with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with the aforementioned (removing this bc it makes it sound like you mentioned sludge bomb before) Scald and Sludge Bomb, potentially burning foes like Hippowdon and Excadrill while poisoning others like Hydreigon and Slowking. Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to set up setup on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory, (ac) with ease, being able to sweep games with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. Its (removed apostrophe) item versatility on this set makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable, (ac) as it can use Colbur Berry to improve its matchup against Hydreigon and check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets are capable of scouting special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of additional Water-resistant Pokemon. While it has competition from Slowking as a Future Sight user, it can still support offensive Pokemon such as Zygarde, Thundurus-T, and Lycanroc. However, (ac) Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses, (ac) such as being weak to powerful Ground-types and Dark-types like such as Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it will almost always be the first to take a hit, even from slower Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting, (ac) which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into many special attackers, (ac) meaning it needs to be very careful of switching into Knock Off.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for poison-spreading ability against its useful ability to spread poison on Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead because of Sludge Bomb for its ability to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald complements compliments Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits Poison-resistant Pokemon like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful, (ac) as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon as setup fodder. more as a setup opportunity. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However, (ac) pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon. The combination of Sludge Bomb + Flamethrower Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower leaves Galarian Slowbro is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but this combo sacrifices Galarian Slowbro's its matchup against foes like Nidoqueen and Hippowdon while giving up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude and lets it offensively check , and offensively checking Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% and Hippowdon. Safety Goggles lets Galarian Slowbro ignore Spore and Stun Spore from Amoonguss and use it as setup fodder. is useful as a response to Spore or Stun Spore from Amoonguss and helps Galarian Slowbro get easier setup against it. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip, but forfeits Galarian Slowbro's ability to overwhelm its checks as reliably. Maximum Defense investment is used to Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro uses maximum Defense investment to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor.

Galarian Slowbro functions well on in balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams, (ac) which where they appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Pokemon that can provide entry hazard support Hazard supporters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory also acts as a solid Zarude answer and can act as a primary Scizor answer for Galarian Slowbro if it is not running Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams by setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can set up setup on Pokemon like Zarude and Hippowdon while serving as revenge killers. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one-on-one (added hyphens) but can't switch into them very safely, especially against Nasty Plot variants of the latter without Sludge Bomb. Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to Keldeo, Primarina, and Togekiss, (ac) preventing so Galarian Slowbro from being does not get overwhelmed by them. Tangrowth also checks also has the benefit of checking Zygarde-10% while Rotom-W can remove entry hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth for easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with entry hazards over the course of a longer game, (ac) so other removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this but also work to deal with Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option that completely stops Hippowdon's and Skarmory's entry hazards while bleeding their PP with Pressure. Other special walls on defensive teams like Chansey and Umbreon help patch Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also has the benefit of checking other dangerous offensive Offensive Pokemon like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Shell Side Arm is more useful option for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina while retaining good odds to poison enemies. Future Sight helps amplify the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, covering switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team doesn't need Future Sight support, Scald is an alternative that prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from getting an easy switch in (removed hyphen) with a potential burn. Ice Beam hits Pokemon like is useful for super effective damage on Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a more immediately threatening immediate STAB option that hits threatens Nihilego and Keldeo. Flamethrower threatens Scizor (rc) and Cobalion more effectively. Slack Off over Future Sight gives Galarian Slowbro a method of checking Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility and is useless as well as be useless as long as Galarian Slowbro has its Assault Vest. Assault Vest allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs, (ac) because unlike Modest it does not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage, it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy, and it helps provide better damage long-term. (added hyphen)

Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits on in balance and bulky offense teams that heavily value a reliable pivot into special attackers like Salamence and Rotom-W (rc) that also doesn't give dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to set up setup, and scouts what move Keldeo will lock itself into. Pokemon like Cobalion and Nihilego are excellent entry hazard setters for Galarian Slowbro, (ac) as they help build chip damage against for checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and they even act as additional checks to Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support, (ac) as it punishes their switch-ins such as Hippowdon and opposing Cobalion and both can deny while denying Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon, (ac) and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo pair fantastically with the Future Sight support, (ac) as they enjoy switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss being heavily punished. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude are helpful to deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can set entry hazards, Primarina counters is also reliable for countering Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having additional Water-resistant Pokemon like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great entry hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.

Other Options
Slack Off + 3 Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. However, (ac) this trades the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it can be sometimes difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's Defense, and the Grassy Terrain defense and decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break reliably. However, it is very committal to maintain the boost and Galarian Slowbro benefits more from being able to switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot thanks to its ability to move first 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's ability to be a late-game (added hyphen) threat in exchange for early-game (added hyphen) punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, letting Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo have an easier time overwhelming them.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. However, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% are able to break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat. However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn in return.

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro by attacking with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro in a one-on-one (added hyphens) scenario due to Colbur Berry and status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Galarian Slowbro's dependence on attaining multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Conkeldurr, (ac) as they can leave Galarian Slowbro weakened to the point of not being able to find additional opportunities for setup.

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role while Calm Mind sets can struggle to set up setup properly in the face of residual damage, making it incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore, (ac) as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns, (ac) on top of needing to set up setup to be a significant threat. Being burned while performing its role against Slowking and Primarina also becomes an issue in conjunction with the other forms of residual damage, (ac) which hinders can hinder Galarian Slowbro's ability to check them long-term. (added hyphen)

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [Sage, 192277]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [username2, userid2]]

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(AC): Add Comma
Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and Regenerator give it a very high-value (added hyphen) defensive profile while being making it deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding Toxic, while its coverage is very wide-reaching with options such as Scald and Flamethrower for wide-reaching coverage options like Scald and Flamethrower target Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion, (AC) and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with Scald and Sludge Bomb, potentially burning foes like Hippowdon and Excadrill while or poisoning others like Hydreigon and Slowking. Galarian Slowbro's Calm Mind set is easily able to set up Its Calm Mind set easily sets up on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory, being able to sweep sweeping with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. Its item versatility on this set This set's item versatility makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable, as it can use Colbur Berry to improve its matchup against Hydreigon and check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets are capable of scouting can scout special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of additional Water-resistant Pokemon. While it has competition from Slowking as a Future Sight user, it can still support offensive Pokemon such as Zygarde, Thundurus-T, and Lycanroc. However, Galarian Slowbro's typing is also plagued with a few notable weaknesses, such as Slowbro is plagued with weaknesses to powerful Ground- and Dark-types like Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it will almost always be it's almost always the first to take a hit, even from slower slow Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This vulnerability is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting, which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into many special attackers, meaning it needs to be very careful of switching must be very careful to not switch (I imagine? change if needed) into Knock Off.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to boost start boosting from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory and is able to setup further. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for poison-spreading ability against poisoning Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead of Sludge Bomb for its ability to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against opponents foes like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald complements Sludge Bomb sets brilliantly because it hits nails Poison-resistant Pokemon like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful, as it allows Galarian Slowbro to use Hippowdon as since it becomes setup fodder. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However, pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon, which dislikes Scald burns. (I imagine this makes sense? if hydreigon doesnt really fear scald, any psyshock set will struggle against hydreigon–that isn't flamethrower's fault–and this should be mentioned when you talk about psyshock earlier.) The combination of Sludge Bomb + Flamethrower is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but this combo it sacrifices Galarian Slowbro's matchup against foes like Nidoqueen and Hippowdon while giving up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude and lets it offensively check Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% and or Hippowdon. Safety Goggles lets Galarian Slowbro it ignore Spore and Stun Spore from Amoonguss and use it as setup fodder. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip damage, but forfeits Galarian Slowbro's ability to overwhelm its checks as reliably. it forfeits some ability to overwhelm Galarian Slowbro's checks. Maximum Defense investment is used to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor—Calm Mind will boost Special Defense anyway. (I imagine this makes sense? optional, though)

Galarian Slowbro functions well on balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams, which appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Pokemon that can provide entry hazard support Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory also acts as is also a solid Zarude answer and can act as a be the primary Scizor answer for Galarian Slowbro if it is not running if Galarian Slowbro lacks Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams by teams, setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can set up on Pokemon like Zarude and Hippowdon Galarian Slowbro checks, like Zarude and Hippowdon, (I imagine this makes sense?) while serving as revenge killers. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one-on-one but can't switch into them very safely, especially against Nasty Plot variants of the latter without if lacking Sludge Bomb. Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to Keldeo, Primarina, and Togekiss, preventing Galarian Slowbro from being overwhelmed by them. them from overwhelming Galarian Slowbro. Tangrowth also checks Zygarde-10%, (AC) while Rotom-W can remove entry hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth for easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with entry hazards over the course of a longer game, so other game; removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this, (AC) but also work to (optional: "help") deal with Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option that completely stops option, completely stifling Hippowdon's and Skarmory's entry hazards while bleeding their PP with Pressure. Other special walls on defensive teams, (AC) like Chansey and Umbreon, (AC) help patch up Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also has the benefit of checking other dangerous offensive Pokemon checks dangerous physical and mixed attackers (or just "physical attackers", or "physical attackers and Psyshock users", or whatever is best) like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD


Shell Side Arm is more useful option for Galarian Slowbro to severely damage targets the Defense stat of Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina, severely damaging them, while retaining good odds to poison enemies. Future Sight helps amplify amplifies the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, covering their switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team doesn't need Future Sight support, Scald is an alternative that prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from getting an easy switch in with a potential burn. easily switching in. Ice Beam hits Pokemon like Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a more immediately threatening STAB option that hits a STAB option that immediately threatens more foes, like (I imagine this makes sense?) Nihilego and Keldeo. Flamethrower threatens Scizor and Cobalion more effectively. Slack Off over Future Sight gives Galarian Slowbro a method of checking lets Galarian Slowbro check Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility and is useless as long as Galarian Slowbro has its Assault Vest. before item removal. Assault Vest allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs, because unlike Modest it does not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage, it does not need the additional bulk from Sassy, and it helps provide better damage long-term. since the bulk from a Sassy nature and/or 12 more Special Defense EVs is overkill in practice, and the better long-term damage is more valuable. (ideally say somewhere what 240 spd evs in specific let you accomplish) Quiet is picked over Modest to not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage. (I imagine these sentences makes sense? change if desired)

Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits on balance and bulky offense teams that teams. These may heavily value a reliable pivot into special attackers like Salamence and Rotom-W that also doesn't give dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to set up, (AC) and scouts as well as scouting what move Keldeo will lock itself into. Pokemon like Cobalion and Nihilego are excellent entry hazard setters for Galarian Slowbro, as they help build chip damage against checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and they even act as additional checks to Entry hazards help build chip damage against checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and setters like Cobalion and Nihilego check Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support, as it punishes their switch-ins such as Hippowdon and opposing Cobalion, (AC) and both can deny repel Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo pair fantastically with the Future Sight support, as they enjoy switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss being heavily punished. adore Future Sight heavily punishing their switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro's ability to cripple Slowbro crippling shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can also set entry hazards, Primarina counters Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having additional Water-resistant Pokemon Water-resistant teammates like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They also benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great entry hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.

Other Options
Slack Off + 3 Three Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. However, this trades sacrifices the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it can be sometimes be difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's Defense, and the Grassy Terrain decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break through reliably. However, it is very committal to maintain the boost and Galarian Slowbro benefits more from being able to switch in and activate the boost, since preserving it means Galarian Slowbro can't escape checks or (I imagine this makes sense? change if desired/needed) switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw, otherwise known as QCQD, can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot thanks to its ability to Plot, since it can move first in its priority bracket 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent, (AC) and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's ability to be a late-game threat late-game cleaning in exchange for early-game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, letting giving Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo have an easier time overwhelming them.

Checks and Counters

**Ground-types**: Hippowdon threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. However, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% are able to can break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently act as a threat. threaten opposing teams. (I imagine? change if desired) However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn in return.

**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon are able to can blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses without unless it has several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro by attacking with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro in a one-on-one scenario one-on-one due to the risk it gets around them with Colbur Berry and/or (I imagine?) status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily.

**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro's dependence on attaining multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Conkeldurr, as they can leave Galarian Slowbro weakened to the point of not being able to which can weaken it to the point that it won't find additional adequate (I imagine this works?) opportunities for setup.

**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role, (AC) while Calm Mind sets can struggle to set up properly in the face of residual damage, making it both incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip damage. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore, as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns, on top of needing to set up and sleep increases the already-substantial number of turns it needs (feel free to change like "substantial" etc if you want) to be a significant threat. Being burned while performing its role against checking Slowking and Primarina also becomes an issue in conjunction with the other forms of residual damage, which hinders hindering Galarian Slowbro's ability to check them long-term.

- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [Sage, 192277]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
GP Team done