Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and Regenerator give it a very high-value defensive profile while making it deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding Toxic, while its wide-reaching coverage options like Scald and Flamethrower target Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion, and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with Scald and Sludge Bomb, potentially burning foes like Hippowdon and Excadrill or poisoning others like Hydreigon and Slowking. Its Calm Mind set easily sets up on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory, sweeping with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. This set's item versatility makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable, as it can use Colbur Berry to improve its matchup against Hydreigon and check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets can scout special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of Water-resistant Pokemon. While it has competition from Slowking as a Future Sight user, it can still support offensive Pokemon such as Zygarde, Thundurus-T, and Lycanroc. However, Galarian Slowbro is plagued with weaknesses to powerful Ground- and Dark-types like Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it's almost always the first to take a hit, even from slow Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This vulnerability is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting, which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into many special attackers, meaning it must be very careful to not switch into Knock Off.
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to start boosting from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for poisoning Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against foes like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald complements Sludge Bomb brilliantly because it nails Poison-resistant Pokemon like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful, since it becomes setup fodder. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However, pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon, which dislikes Sludge Bomb. The combination of Sludge Bomb + Flamethrower is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but it sacrifices Galarian Slowbro's matchup against foes like Nidoqueen and Hippowdon while giving up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude and lets it offensively check Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% or Hippowdon. Safety Goggles lets it ignore Spore and Stun Spore from Amoonguss and use it as setup fodder. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip damage, but it forfeits some ability to overwhelm Galarian Slowbro's checks. Maximum Defense investment is used to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor; Calm Mind will boost Special Defense anyway.
Galarian Slowbro functions well on balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams, which appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory is also a solid Zarude answer and can be the primary Scizor answer if Galarian Slowbro lacks Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams, setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can set up on Galarian Slowbro checks, like Zarude and Hippowdon, while serving as revenge killers. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one-on-one but can't switch into them very safely, especially Nasty Plot variants of the latter if lacking Sludge Bomb. Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to Keldeo, Primarina, and Togekiss, preventing them from overwhelming Galarian Slowbro. Tangrowth also checks Zygarde-10%, (AC) while Rotom-W can remove entry hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth for easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with entry hazards over the course of a longer game; removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this, but also helps deal with Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option, completely stifling Hippowdon's and Skarmory's entry hazards while bleeding their PP with Pressure. Other special walls on defensive teams, like Chansey and Umbreon, help patch up Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also checks dangerous threats like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD
Shell Side Arm targets the Defense stat of Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina, severely damaging them, while retaining good odds to poison enemies. Future Sight amplifies the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, covering their switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team doesn't need Future Sight support, Scald is an alternative that prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from easily switching in. Ice Beam hits Pokemon like Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a STAB option that immediately threatens more foes, like Nihilego and Keldeo. Flamethrower threatens Scizor and Cobalion. Slack Off over Future Sight lets Galarian Slowbro check Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility and is useless before item removal. Assault Vest allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs, since the bulk from a Sassy nature and/or 12 more Special Defense EVs is overkill in practice, and the better long-term damage is more valuable. The bulk is still enough to avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Specs Keldeo's Scald and survive Hydreigon's Dark Pulse. Quiet is picked over Modest to not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage.
Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits on balance and bulky offense teams. These may heavily value a reliable pivot into special attackers like Salamence and Rotom-W that also doesn't give dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to set up, as well as scouting what move Keldeo will lock itself into. Entry hazards help build chip damage against checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and setters like Cobalion and Nihilego check Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support, as it punishes their switch-ins such as Hippowdon and opposing Cobalion, and both can repel Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo adore Future Sight heavily punishing their switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro crippling shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can also set entry hazards, Primarina counters Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having Water-resistant teammates like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They also benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great entry hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.
Other Options
Slack Off + Three Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. However, this sacrifices the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it can sometimes be difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's Defense, and the Grassy Terrain decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break through reliably. However, it is very committal to switch in and activate the boost, since preserving it means Galarian Slowbro can't escape checks or switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot, since it can move first in its priority bracket 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent, and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's late-game cleaning in exchange for early-game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, giving Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo an easier time overwhelming them.
Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Hippowdon threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. However, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% can break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently threaten opposing teams. However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn.
**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon can blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses unless it has several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro one-on-one due to the risk it gets around them with Colbur Berry and/or status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily.
**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro's dependence on multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Conkeldurr, which can weaken it to the point that it won't find adequate opportunities for setup.
**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role, while Calm Mind sets can struggle to set up properly in the face of residual damage, making both incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip damage. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore, as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns, and sleep increases the already-substantial number of turns it needs to be a significant threat. Being burned while checking Slowking and Primarina also becomes an issue in conjunction with the other forms of residual damage, hindering Galarian Slowbro's ability to check them long-term.
- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [Sage, 192277]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
Galarian Slowbro's typing, movepool, and Regenerator give it a very high-value defensive profile while making it deceptively difficult to switch into. Its Poison typing is very useful for avoiding Toxic, while its wide-reaching coverage options like Scald and Flamethrower target Pokemon like Hippowdon, Cobalion, and Scizor. Galarian Slowbro is also very effective at spreading status with Scald and Sludge Bomb, potentially burning foes like Hippowdon and Excadrill or poisoning others like Hydreigon and Slowking. Its Calm Mind set easily sets up on stalwarts like Chansey and Skarmory, sweeping with its solid bulk and multiple boosts. This set's item versatility makes Galarian Slowbro more malleable, as it can use Colbur Berry to improve its matchup against Hydreigon and check Scizor with Flamethrower, Shuca Berry with Scald to lure in threats like Diggersby, and even Safety Goggles to make Amoonguss into setup fodder. Assault Vest sets can scout special attackers such as Primarina and Choice Specs Keldeo, fully stopping them with the help of Water-resistant Pokemon. While it has competition from Slowking as a Future Sight user, it can still support offensive Pokemon such as Zygarde, Thundurus-T, and Lycanroc. However, Galarian Slowbro is plagued with weaknesses to powerful Ground- and Dark-types like Zygarde-10%, Diggersby, and Hydreigon. Its Speed tier means it's almost always the first to take a hit, even from slow Pokemon such as Hippowdon and Conkeldurr. This vulnerability is compounded by its mediocre Special Defense before boosting, which leaves it more open to threats like Choice Specs Primarina and Keldeo. It often relies on its Assault Vest to comfortably pivot into many special attackers, meaning it must be very careful to not switch into Knock Off.
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
move 3: Scald / Flamethrower
move 4: Slack Off
item: Colbur Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Galarian Slowbro gains opportunities to start boosting from forcing out foes like Tangrowth and Skarmory. Sludge Bomb is Galarian Slowbro's usual STAB move for poisoning Pokemon like Slowking and Mandibuzz. Psyshock can be used instead to KO Amoonguss and Conkeldurr more easily, though it forgoes pressure against foes like Hatterene and Togekiss. Scald complements Sludge Bomb brilliantly because it nails Poison-resistant Pokemon like Hippowdon and Nihilego while threatening to hinder their longevity with burns. Burning Hippowdon is particularly useful, since it becomes setup fodder. Flamethrower complements Psyshock by KOing Scizor and dealing significant damage to Zarude. However, pairing these moves does leave Galarian Slowbro much more open to Hydreigon, which dislikes Sludge Bomb. The combination of Sludge Bomb + Flamethrower is effective at hitting Hydreigon and Hatterene while maintaining coverage against Scizor and Cobalion, but it sacrifices Galarian Slowbro's matchup against foes like Nidoqueen and Hippowdon while giving up a lot of pressure against checks like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby. Colbur Berry helps Galarian Slowbro against foes like Hydreigon and Zarude and lets it offensively check Scizor with Flamethrower. Shuca Berry helps Galarian Slowbro deal with Diggersby with Scald and potentially get a crucial burn against Zygarde-10% or Hippowdon. Safety Goggles lets it ignore Spore and Stun Spore from Amoonguss and use it as setup fodder. Black Sludge can be useful for easier setup and offsetting sand chip damage, but it forfeits some ability to overwhelm Galarian Slowbro's checks. Maximum Defense investment is used to better handle Pokemon like Cobalion and Scizor; Calm Mind will boost Special Defense anyway.
Galarian Slowbro functions well on balance, bulky offense, and semi-stall teams, which appreciate its potential to sweep teams while providing solid defensive utility and longevity. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Skarmory handle dangerous offensive Pokemon like Zygarde-10%, Excadrill, and Mamoswine. Skarmory is also a solid Zarude answer and can be the primary Scizor answer if Galarian Slowbro lacks Flamethrower. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Keldeo help deal with offensive teams for Galarian Slowbro, revenge killing wallbreakers like Hydreigon and Nidoqueen. Galarian Slowbro helps them out by breaking through bulkier teams, setting up and tearing down walls like Chansey and Skarmory. Other offensive Pokemon like Swords Dance Cobalion and Scizor can set up on Galarian Slowbro checks, like Zarude and Hippowdon, while serving as revenge killers. Galarian Slowbro can deal with Pokemon like Primarina and Togekiss one-on-one but can't switch into them very safely, especially Nasty Plot variants of the latter if lacking Sludge Bomb. Amoonguss, Assault Vest Tangrowth, and Rotom-W make for good primary answers to Keldeo, Primarina, and Togekiss, preventing them from overwhelming Galarian Slowbro. Tangrowth also checks Zygarde-10%, (AC) while Rotom-W can remove entry hazards for Galarian Slowbro, lure in Pokemon like Tangrowth for easy Calm Mind setup, and beat Hippowdon. Galarian Slowbro has problems dealing with entry hazards over the course of a longer game; removal options like Salamence work well to not only alleviate this, but also helps deal with Pokemon like Excadrill and Diggersby. On semi-stall teams, Articuno is also a very good option, completely stifling Hippowdon's and Skarmory's entry hazards while bleeding their PP with Pressure. Other special walls on defensive teams, like Chansey and Umbreon, help patch up Galarian Slowbro's matchup against wallbreakers like Nidoking, Noivern, and Salamence. Umbreon also checks dangerous threats like Excadrill, Zygarde-10%, and Azelf.
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Shell Side Arm
move 2: Future Sight / Ice Beam / Scald
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Flamethrower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 252 HP / 16 SpA / 240 SpD
Shell Side Arm targets the Defense stat of Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Primarina, severely damaging them, while retaining good odds to poison enemies. Future Sight amplifies the wallbreaking capabilities of teammates like Keldeo, covering their switch-ins like Amoonguss and Salamence. If the team doesn't need Future Sight support, Scald is an alternative that prevents Pokemon like Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Nidoqueen from easily switching in. Ice Beam hits Pokemon like Thundurus-T, Hydreigon, and Salamence. Psyshock is a STAB option that immediately threatens more foes, like Nihilego and Keldeo. Flamethrower threatens Scizor and Cobalion. Slack Off over Future Sight lets Galarian Slowbro check Nihilego and Tangrowth more reliably after getting its item removed, but this sacrifices a large portion of its offensive utility and is useless before item removal. Assault Vest allows Galarian Slowbro to survive powerful attacks such Nidoking's Earth Power and Hydreigon's Dark Pulse and retaliate. Galarian Slowbro uses a Quiet nature with 16 Special Attack EVs, since the bulk from a Sassy nature and/or 12 more Special Defense EVs is overkill in practice, and the better long-term damage is more valuable. The bulk is still enough to avoid being 2HKOed by Choice Specs Keldeo's Scald and survive Hydreigon's Dark Pulse. Quiet is picked over Modest to not interfere with Shell Side Arm's damage.
Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro fits on balance and bulky offense teams. These may heavily value a reliable pivot into special attackers like Salamence and Rotom-W that also doesn't give dangerous Pokemon like Calm Mind Primarina room to set up, as well as scouting what move Keldeo will lock itself into. Entry hazards help build chip damage against checks like Chansey and Hippowdon, and setters like Cobalion and Nihilego check Knock Off users like opposing Nihilego and Thundurus-T. They also greatly appreciate Future Sight support, as it punishes their switch-ins such as Hippowdon and opposing Cobalion, and both can repel Future Sight switch-ins such as Zarude, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz. Wallbreakers like Mamoswine and Keldeo adore Future Sight heavily punishing their switch-ins like Skarmory and Amoonguss. They also prevent Future Sight switch-ins like Hydreigon and Mandibuzz from entering safely. Cleaners like Zygarde-10% and Diggersby appreciate Galarian Slowbro crippling shared checks like Hippowdon and Celesteela with status, letting them overwhelm them. Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Primarina, and Zarude deal with Ground-types like Zygarde-10%, Mamoswine, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon can also set entry hazards, Primarina counters Hydreigon and provides a safety net for Keldeo's Hydro Pump, and Zarude provides momentum with U-turn for easy Future Sight setups on Amoonguss. Galarian Slowbro enjoys having Water-resistant teammates like Salamence and Primarina because it has issues repeatedly handling opposing Choice Specs Keldeo's and Primarina's Hydro Pump. They also benefit Galarian Slowbro by checking Excadrill and Hydreigon, and the former acts as a great entry hazard remover to keep Galarian Slowbro as healthy as possible.
Other Options
Slack Off + Three Attacks with Colbur Berry is an option to keep Future Sight support while still allowing Galarian Slowbro to check Scizor with Flamethrower. However, this sacrifices the Calm Mind set's ability to clean teams, so it can sometimes be difficult to justify. Grassy Seed on Tapu Bulu teams boosts Galarian Slowbro's Defense, and the Grassy Terrain decreases Earthquake's damage, which makes Galarian Slowbro incredibly difficult to break through reliably. However, it is very committal to switch in and activate the boost, since preserving it means Galarian Slowbro can't escape checks or switch around for Regenerator recovery. Quick Claw alongside Quick Draw can turn Galarian Slowbro into a very dangerous setup sweeper with Nasty Plot, since it can move first in its priority bracket 44 percent of the time. However, this is very inconsistent, and Galarian Slowbro can just as easily provide nothing of value in the match. Trick + Black Sludge over Calm Mind trades Galarian Slowbro's late-game cleaning in exchange for early-game punishment against Pokemon like Hippowdon and Slowking, giving Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo an easier time overwhelming them.
Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Hippowdon threatens to 2HKO Galarian Slowbro and can comfortably tank its attacks. However, it hates status and can even become setup fodder instead if it gets burned. Pokemon such as Excadrill, Diggersby, Mamoswine, and Zygarde-10% can break through Galarian Slowbro even after it sets up, making it difficult to consistently threaten opposing teams. However, Shuca Berry variants can turn the tables on them with a potential Scald burn.
**Dark-types and Dark-type Coverage**: Threats such as Choice Specs Hydreigon can blast through Galarian Slowbro's defenses unless it has several boosts. Zarude and Crawdaunt similarly threaten Galarian Slowbro with their physical STAB moves. However, none of them can reliably beat Galarian Slowbro one-on-one due to the risk it gets around them with Colbur Berry and/or status. Assault Vest sets also cannot scout Knock Off users like Nihilego and Azelf, as it values its item heavily.
**Powerful Wallbreakers**: Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro's dependence on multiple boosts to be a threat leaves it open to Pokemon such as Choice Specs Keldeo and Conkeldurr, which can weaken it to the point that it won't find adequate opportunities for setup.
**Entry Hazards and Status**: Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro often needs to be at high health to fulfill its role, while Calm Mind sets can struggle to set up properly in the face of residual damage, making both incredibly vulnerable to Spikes, Stealth Rock, and sand chip damage. Calm Mind Galarian Slowbro also heavily dislikes Amoonguss's Spore, as it can struggle even more to find opportunities to burn sleep turns, and sleep increases the already-substantial number of turns it needs to be a significant threat. Being burned while checking Slowking and Primarina also becomes an issue in conjunction with the other forms of residual damage, hindering Galarian Slowbro's ability to check them long-term.
- Written by: [[Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Monky25, 515132], [Sage, 192277]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited: