Slowbro-Galar @ Colbur Berry / Safety Goggles
slash shuca imo
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Sludge Bomb / Psyshock
- Scald / Flamethrower
- Slack Off
This bro might be slow, but it has quickly reached dominance in UU! Galarian Slowbro has been seeing high level usage as a potent sweeper with its Calm Mind set, using its bulk, typing, and Regenerator to outlast checks like Excadrill throughout a game. Galarian Slowbro is able to operate with a variety of coverage combinations; Sludge Bomb + Scald is commonly used to be the ultimate status spreader, crippling Slowking with poison and Hippowdon and Scizor with a burn. Psyshock + Flamethrower is the other common move combo, with Flamethrower removing pesky Dark- and Steel-types like Zarude, Scizor, and Skarmory that don't mind Psyshock. Even Sludge Bomb + Flamethrower is an option to hit Hydreigon and Slowking while wiping out Scizor, though this move combo struggles against Nihilego and Hippowdon.
flame does same amount as psyshock does to it anyway and your always gonna lose this 1v1 without burning it somehow either way. Galarian Slowbro also has item versatility; Colbur Berry lets it absorb Knock Off and take on Scizor better, Shuca Berry lets it take a hit from Hippowdon
maybe change this example to mamo instead because the hippo stuff is more nuanced and wouln't rly fit here with the word limit, considering you take eq's anyway but shuca in the hippo ground mu is more about being able to scald more in more positions / potentially double scald to aid in getting the burn earlier to turn it into a non issue. and Diggersby and retaliate with Scald, and Safety Goggles allows it to absorb Spore from Amoonguss.
tbf its kinda also stopping amoonguss from breaking your sweeps with spore but dno if you could fit that in, ", and stopping it shutting down Galarian Slowbro mid sweep" is kinda wordy given already over character limit. Galarian Slowbro best fits on bulky offense and balance teams that pave a way for it to sweep.
not sure this sentence really actually says anythiing honestly, but to an extent its also about it providing defensive utility into stuff and making a fair amount of early-mid game progrss with sludge/scald, the way this is worded with them paving its way to sweep makes it sound like a late game mon only to me (also viable on semistall/full stall honestly too), maybe something more along the lines of saying that Galarian Slowbro fits on a range of teams from bulky offense to stall as a dangerous sweeper that provides plenty of early-game defensive utility and wallbreaking with its difficult to switch into move combinations. Hippowdon provides Stealth Rock support to wear down Slowking and checks Ground-types like Zygarde-10% and Excadrill as well as powerful Special Attackers like Thundurus-T. Salamence also checks Excadrill and removes entry hazards that wear Galarian Slowbro down. Cobalion wipes out Dark-types like Zarude and Hydreigon and breaks through Chansey.