Galladiator vs. deadfox081 (1v1 Singles) - Just another Random Reffing

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A distant memory
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Hi, don't post until conclusion. Any errors should be VMed to me.

Anyways, welcome to this ASB Battle between Galladiator & deadfox081! Here's the things that make this battle...
Go go gadget open challenge!

1v1 singles (derp)
No recovers or chills
3 day battlers/1 week ref DQ

I'll be using an evolved Pokemon, so be warned.
I'll take this up!
All abilities, no items.
Arena: Sports Oval

A nice green open field. Weather, flying, digging and earthquaking are all possible. The sprinklers are off but there is a switch to activate them should a poke require a water source for a move.

1. deadfox081 issues actions.
2. Galladiator issues actions.
3. I make a crapload of errors ref.
4. Galladiator issues actions.
5. deadfox081 issues actions.
6. I ref.
7. Repeat from step 1 until a winner is found.

Now, I'll send out both players Pokemon.

Gallade (*) [Roman] (M)

Nature: Adamant (increases Attack by *, decreases Sp. Attack by *)
Psychic: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference, Disable, Focus Blast and Recover have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves. Superior reaction time in close quarters.

Steadfast: (Innate) If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases speed by one (1) stage to make up the difference. This speed boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Justified (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokemon's attack will increase one (1) stage. A boost gained this way will be maintained at the end of each round.

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 6 (+)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2 (-)
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80

EC: 9/9
MC: 2
DC: 4/5

Night Slash
Leaf Blade
Growl (*)
Confusion (*)
Double Team (*)
Teleport (*)
Fury Cutter
Lucky Chant (*)
Magical Leaf (*)
Heal Pulse (*)
Psycho Cut
Close Combat

Confuse Ray (*)
Shadow Sneak (*)
Will-o-Wisp (*)

Return (*)
Psychic (*)
Shadow Ball (*)

Lampent* [Flicka] (M)
Nature: Timid (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks; Subtracts One (1) from Attack)

Type: Ghost/Fire
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.


HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 63 (55*1.15)

EC: 6/9
MC: 0
DC: 3/5


Flash Fire: (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures, and takes the energy of any fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack’s Base Attack Power by two (2).

Flame Body: (Innate) This Pokemon’s external temperature is kept at such a high level that any contact attack used on this Pokemon has a 30% chance of burning the opponent.

Ember (*)
Astonish (*)
Minimize (*)
Smog (*)
Fire Spin (*)
Confuse Ray (*)
Night Shade (*)
Will-O-Wisp (*)
Flame Burst (*)
Imprison (*)
Shadow Ball
Pain Split

Haze (*)
Acid Armor (*)
Heat Wave (*)

Energy Ball (*)
Attract (*)
Thief (*)
Calm Mind
And that's about it. Go deadfox081.
This is definitely going to be a close one Flicka, but with sound strategy and a bit of luck we should come out on the winning end.

I want you to start with our strongest attack, Shadow Ball. Then burn him with your Will-O-Wisp to weaken those physical attacks and finally Shadow Ball him again.
Galladiator vs. deadfox081 (1v1 Singles) - Just another Random Reffing - Round 1


HP: 100
Energy: 100
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 80
No Boosts

HP: 90
Energy: 100
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 63
No Boosts

Alrightio, welcome one & all to this ASB Match against Galladiator & deadfox081! The location? Just a simple Recreational Sports Oval with Sprinklers that can be turned on. These two users are about to go to war on this arena with their 1 Pokemon. And after a brief exchanging of words, the battle began. Galladiator sends out his beloved Gallade, named Roman, as his Pokemon of choice! deadfox081 replies with a Lampent, named Flicka. Type-wise, it seems Flicka has the advantage, but this is ASB, anything can happen. Shall we begin this battle? Yes, we shall.

And Roman kicks off Round 1 of this battle with a nasty Night Slash! Roman's elbow blades glow with a dark energy, & he slashes Flicka with it, hoping to aim for a weak spot. He doesn't hit a weak spot, but it's still does a chunk of damage to Flicka, about a fifth of Flicka's HP in total! Flicka is startled by this & decides to reply with Shadow Ball! Flicka creates some dark energy & concentrates it into a ball, which he fires at Roman. Its Super Effective! Roman stumbles back a few paces but is relatively unfazed by the ball of Shadow as the action comes to a close.

Now for action two & Flicka gets the jump, firing Will-O-Wisp! Flicka uses some of the fiery energy from his lamp, & launches the wisps at Roman! Roman, however, had other ideas, replying with Teleport! Roman, after sensing the threat of a burn, temporarily disappears from the arena, avoiding the Will-O-Wisp & reappearing a metre to his left, as the second action of the round ends.

On to the final action, & Roman begins it with another Night Slash! Roman's elbow blades glow with a dark energy, & he slashes Flicka with it, hoping to aim for a weak spot. Its Super Effective! Roman hits, but still, he didn't find a weak spot. Flicka also shows his unoriginality, & replies to the Night Slash with another Shadow Ball! Flicka creates some dark energy & concentrates it into a ball, which he fires at Roman. Its Super Effective! In addition to the SE damage, Roman's Special Defence stat also seemed to fall as well! Roman stumbles back a few more paces, as the opening round comes to an end.

The two are situated 6 metres apart from each other, near the centre of the arena. A few onlookers have started to gather around to watch the action, hopefully they don't disrupt the match. What will happen next time? Wait until trainers issue actions...


HP: 72
Energy: 86
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 80
-1 Sp. Defence

HP: 54
Energy: 83
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 63
No Boosts
The battle between Galladiator & deadfox081 started!
Galladiator sent out Roman (Gallade!)
deadfox081 sent out Flicka (Lampent)!
Roman used Night Slash!
Its Super Effective!
Flicka took 18 Damage! Roman used 5 Energy!
Flicka used Shadow Ball!
Its Super Effective!
Roman took 14 Damage! Flicka used 5 Energy!
Roman used Teleport!
Roman teleported to another place! Roman used 4 Energy!
Flicka used Will-O-Wisp!
Flicka's Attack Missed! Flicka used 7 Energy!
Roman used Night Slash!
Its Super Effective!
Flicka took 18 Damage! Roman used 5 Energy!
Flicka used Shadow Ball!
Its Super Effective!
Roman took 14 Damage! Roman's Sp. Defence fell 1 Stage! Flicka used 5 Energy!
Go Galladiator.
Okay, Roman! Let's do some major damage this round!

Night Slash...Psycho Cut...Night Slash

Note: if Lampent uses Will-o-Wisp, use Teleport to evade
That's ok Flicka, odds are our Flame Body will burn him on one of those hits anyway. Let's just keep on throwing Shadow Ball's at him but on your final action I want you to take advantage of the fact he is doing more damage than us by using Pain Split!

Shadow Ball > Shadow Ball > Pain Split

EDIT: actually I'm unsure if Pain Split is counted as a recovery and just noticed the rules say none of them. If I can't pain split then Confuse Ray instead.
Galladiator vs. deadfox081 (1v1 Singles) - Just another Random Reffing - Round 2


HP: 72
Energy: 86
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 80
-1 Sp. Defence

HP: 54
Energy: 83
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 63
No Boosts

Alright, time for Round 2 of this ASB Battle! It seems that Galladiator had gotten the upper hand early in the piece but deadfox081 isn't about to give up, knowing he has an uphill battle to climb. So what will happen in this round of ASB? Who will gain the advantage? Roman or Flicka? Well, the only way is to find out...

Starting things off is the same old same old, with Roman opening with Night Slash! He rushes towards Flicka & strikes him! Its Super Effective! Flicka stumbles back & takes a number as Flicka also replies with the same old boring Shadow Ball! Flicka hurls a blob of dark energy at Roman & strikes him, & it hits a weak spot! A Critical Hit! Its Super Effective! Roman stumbles back from the hit, taking massive damage as the first action ends.

Action two now, & Roman decides to try something different, launching a Psycho Cut! Roman envelops his elbow blades in Psychic energy & strikes Flicka without making contact! Flicka takes a number & he replies to this with more boringness, with yet another Shadow Ball from Flicka. He strikes Roman with the blob of shadow, dealing a number as action two ends.

Final action, & the two combatants are walking wounded now. Roman decides to be boring again & use Night Slash...








And Roman strikes Flicka with Night Slash...Its Super Effective! But the attack doesn't crit...awww...But it leaves Flicka in a critical condition though...Desperately trying to salvage a win, Flicka replies with a Pain Split! Flicka comes up to Roman & strikes with a mystical force which make the two share their pain, sharing the same HP as each other, as the round concludes.

The two are situated 1 metre apart from each other as the battle marches on its way to a thrilling conclusion! Who will win this tight battle? Find out after these two users issue actions...


HP: 19
Energy: 72
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 80
No Boosts

HP: 19
Energy: 53
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 63
No Boosts
Roman used Night Slash!
Its Super Effective!
Flicka took 18 Damage! Roman used 5 Energy!
Flicka used Shadow Ball!
A Critical Hit! Its Super Effective!
Roman took 21 Damage! Flicka used 5 Energy!
Roman used Psycho Cut!
Flicka took 15 Damage! Roman used 4 Energy!
Flicka used Shadow Ball!
Its Super Effective!
Roman took 16 Damage! Flicka used 9 Energy!
Roman used Night Slash!
Its Super Effective!
Flicka took 18 Damage! Roman used 5 Energy!
Flicka used Pain Split!
Flicka gained 16 HP! Roman lost 16 HP! Flicka used 16 Energy!
Roman's Special Defence went back to normal!
Go deadfox081. I've had confirmation from Flora that Pain Split is not a recovery move, so it's legal. Other than that, lets wrap this up!
I can't believe your Flame Body hasn't activated yet Flicka, with a 30% chance and 5 contact actions the hax certainly isn't on our side. Hax seems to be our only way out though so let's hope our luck changes here. You should be able to take one more non crit Night Slash, so start by firing a Confuse Ray at him. Then pray to whatever god a shadowy lamp worships that he can't overcome the confusion to hit you again while you keep on firing boring Shadow Balls at him until one of you goes down. However, if he tries that Teleport trick again to avoid your Confuse Ray then use Flame Burst as your first action instead. Since the attack sends flames out in all directions (ie into allies in multi-battles) it should hit him no matter where he is.

Confuse Ray > Shadow Ball > Shadow Ball
If Roman uses Teleport on the first action, replace yours with Flame Burst
Hm, we're up against it, it seems.

Well, let's do what we can!

Keep your distance to make the confusion as mild as possible, then charge in close with a combo of Shadow Sneak and Night Slash!

Keep distance...Shadow Sneak + Night Slash (combo)
Galladiator vs. deadfox081 (1v1 Singles) - Just another Random Reffing - Round 3


HP: 19
Energy: 72
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 80
No Boosts

HP: 19
Energy: 53
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 63
No Boosts

We're back, & just in time for Round 3 of this ASB Battle between Galladiator & deadfox081. Going by previous rounds, Galladiator seems to be in a winning position, mainly due to speed advantage & the fact that there is the possibility that Roman could end this battle action one! So, will Galladiator capitalise on his advantage & pull of a likely victory? Or will he choke & let deadfox081 slip through the cracks to steal victory from Galladiator's grasp? What will happen? Read on.

Okay, so to begin the round, instead of going on the offensive, Roman decides to go on the defensive, keeping his distance from Flicka! Little did Roman know however, is that Flicka launched a Confuse Ray as he was backing off, the peculiar ray approaches, & as soon as Roman turned around, it was too late. The ray was too close. Roman took a leap to the right in an attempt to dodge the attack, but it was futile. The ray hits as Roman hits the ground, getting up in a disorientated state. The onlookers gasp at what had happened...

So for action two, Galladiator orders a combo of Shadow Sneak + Night Slash, which would be enough to KO Flicka, however, it all comes down to this. One roll of the RNG. To win, a roll of 501 or greater would be required. So I rolled the RNG...








So I roll the RNG...I roll a 470, not enough for the combo to succeed. So Roman hits himself in his confusion, & Galladiator facepalms himself over the hax that had just occurred. Jirachi is so fickle...The onlookers gasp over this as it leaves Roman wide open for a final blow from Flicka, & he does exactly that, firing a Shadow Ball at Roman, the blob of Shadow striking Roman head-on, enough to finish him off.

"ROMAN IS UNABLE TO BATTLE, FLICKA WINS!!!" I call out, as Romans eyes were replaced by swirls. deadfox081 celebrates over the remarkable victory he had pulled off, while Galladiator just stood there, left to rue what could have been.


Energy: 67
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 80
Confused (2)

HP: 19
Energy: 44
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 63
No Boosts
Roman used Keep Distance!
Roman tries to keep his distance from an attack! Roman used 2 Energy!
Flicka used Confuse Ray!
Roman became confused! Flicka used 4 Energy!
Roman was confused!
Roman hit himself in his confusion! Roman took 8 Damage! Roman used 3 Energy!
Flicka used Shadow Ball!
Its Super Effective!
Roman took 14 Damage! Flicka used 5 Energy!
Roman fainted! Flicka gained 1 KO Counter!
deadfox081 wins 1-0!
Congratulations to deadfox081 for winning the battle by a 1-0 margin, now onto the prizes.

I get 2 Ref Tokens
Both of you get 2 TC
Roman gets 2 MC & 1 DC
Flicka gets 1 EC, 2 MC, & 1 DC
Flicka also gets a KO Counter

And that's about it. Personally Galladiator had the battle won through speed advantage, until he made the keep your distance command. To be honest, I would've just gone for the Night Slash spam there, but other than that, gg both of you. Sucks for the battle to come down to an RNG roll, but that's life for you. This was a great battle, & here's to a rematch not too far in the distant future. That's all, & I do hope you enjoyed this battle.
Wow I did not like my chances of getting out of that one alive. I'm with Random too Galladiator, if you just Night Slashed away at me then a crit would have won it for you or else I had to rely on two confusion haxes to win.

GG none the less, I like these 1v1 battles, quick and really need you to think about what you're doing. Thanks for reffing Random too.

EDIT: Hey Random, I think you mean to say Flicka gets a KO counter, not Roman, in your end summary.
My reasoning was that I've seen battles where being close when the opponent uses Confuse Ray made the confusion stronger. I guess I just over-thought it. Ah, well, gg deadfox.

Oh, and Random, Roman doesn't get an EC, since he's fully evolved already.
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