Monotype Galvantula (Electric)

name: Sticky Web
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: String Shot / Energy Ball
item: Focus Sash
ability: Compound Eyes
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Galvantula is a fantastic lead because it is one of the few Electric-types with access to Sticky Web and has a high base Speed. Having Sticky Web set up is important for Electric-type teams because it helps against threatening Choice Scarf users such as Weavile, Gengar, and Gardevoir and hinders setup sweepers like Cloyster and Barbaracle. Galvantula is also a good attacker because it can land Thunder consistently thanks to Compound Eyes. Thunder is able to 2HKO common Defoggers such as Galarian Weezing and Rotom-W while also threatening anti-hazard leads such as Xatu. Bug Buzz is used for Pokemon that can tank Thunder such as Hydreigon, Mew, Rotom-C, and Alolan Raichu. String Shot slows opposing Pokemon, which makes it easier for Galvantula's teammates to outspeed and check threatening sweepers, such as Excadrill. Energy Ball can be used instead of String Shot to offer Galvantula coverage against Ground-types such as Gastrodon and Seismitoad. Galvantula should be wary of Magic Bounce users such as Hatterene and Defiant users such as Bisharp, as they can take advantage of Sticky Web. A Timid nature and maximum Speed investment allow Galvantula to outspeed Pokemon such as Mew and Speed tie Cobalion. Focus Sash is used so Galvantula can survive any attack and set up Sticky Web or attack.

Powerful wallbreakers and sweepers such as Zeraora, Toxtricity, and Rotom-H make for great teammates, as they take full advantage of Galvantula's Sticky Web. Specifically, Alolan Raichu outspeeds a Jolly Barraskewda outside of rain after Sticky Web. A Choice Band Zeraora is also a huge threat to Dark-, Dragon-, and Normal-type teams once Sticky Web is set because it can outspeed Choice Scarf users such as Krookodile and Dragapult and OHKO them with Close Combat and Play Rough, respectively. When Sticky Web is up, Toxtricity does well against Poison- and Fairy-type teams, as it can outspeed Pokemon such as Salazzle and Alolan Ninetales and do tons of damage. Rotom-H is a great option that takes advantage of Galvantula's Sticky Web, especially against Steel- and Grass-type teams, dealing with Pokemon such as Excadrill, Ferrothorn, and Celebi that Electric teams can struggle against. Finally, Pincurchin's entry hazard stacking abilities, when combined with Galvantula's Sticky Web, can heavily damage grounded foes upon entry. Furthermore, Pincurchin's Electric Surge is able to power up Galvantula's Thunder.

- Written by: [[ForgottenOnes, 205691]]
- Electric analysis by: [[ForgottenOnes, 205691]]
- Quality checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [[Havens, 391540]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]
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* 'Galvantula is a fantastic lead Pokemon and is Electric-type's only viable Sticky Web setter and when you pair it with Focus Sash, you can set up Sticky Webs consistently and get an attack off before getting KOed because of its good speed tier.' Galvantula isnt electric only viable sticky web setter as there is Vikavolt too which can set Sticky Web and is ranked on the Viability rankings too, so remove the part which states that it is the only viable sticky web setter. One of the reasons, Galvantula is used as web setter is due to its above average speed at base 108 which lets it setup webs quickly early game so you need to mention that in the first line. Also dont mention focus sash in the first line, you can do that during the closure of the first paragraph.

* After the first line, talk about sticky web in particular and why it is good for electric teams.

* 'Galvantula is also a great quick special attacker with amazing STAB moves in Thunder and Bug Buzz and decent coverage in Giga Drain (to deal good damage to Rock-types.' Its special attack at base 97 isnt that great honestly, what great is the fact that it gets to use Thunder along with its compound ability which lets it threaten common defog users like Galarian Weezing, Rotom-W while also threaten anti lead like Xatu. Talk about Thunder and Bug Buzz separately. When you talk about Bug Buzz after Thunder mention how bug buzz lets it deal with Pokemon like Hydreigon that can stomach Thunder from Galvantula, while also dealing with Mew and Electric-types like Rotom-M and Alolan Raichu.

* ' Galvantula can carry String Shot to slow the opposing Pokemon before it gets KOed so Galvantula's teammate can get a revenge kill without taking any damage.' You will need to explain a bit more here about why string shot is used on the set, mention how it slows down Pokemon like Excadrill and Dragon Dance Kyurem-B allowing teammates to take care of them easier as both of them are pretty big threat to electric-type teams.

* After you are done explaining moves, give a usage tip or two. Mention that Galvantula should be used as a lead most of the time but should be wary of magic bounce user like Hatterene. Also add that it shouldnt set up sticky web against teams that have a defiant user like Bisharp. Free Swords dance boost will be hard for electric teams to stop.

*' We choose Compound Eyes over other abilities because it gives Galvantula a higher chance of hitting powerful moves such as Thunder.' Compound Eyes should be used almost always unless someone wants to meme as fairly accurate STAB Thunder is too hard to pass so reflect this in the line, dont mention that it is chosen over other ability.

*' Swarm is also an option since Galvantula will typically be attacking at 1% HP anyways, but the big drop in accuracy in Thunder makes KOs on Flying-types unreliable.' Remove this line.

* 'The Timid Nature is so Galvantula can be as fast as possible to get an attack off after setting up Webs.' Mention what it outspeeds with Maximum Speed investment and a Timid nature, Pokemon like Mew. Kyurem-B and having a speed tie with lead Pokemon like Cobalion.

* 'The Special Attack investment is to maximize the damage dealt after the Focus Sash is broken and the Speed investment is to make sure that Galvantula is able to outspeed and get that attack off.' Just state Maximum special attack investment makes sure Galvantula hits as hard as possible and then talk about why focus sash is used, allowing it to live any attack at least once and let it set up sticky web or attack opposing pokemon.

* 'Since Galvantula and Electric-types take a lot of damage from Stealth Rocks, having a hazard clearer would be beneficial. However, be aware that you may be Defogging away the Sticky Webs as well.' This point is invalid. As I mentioned above, Galvantula is used as a lead most of the time so it does not have to worry about Stealth Rock, also having defog on a team with sticky web support is counter-productive in my opinion so remove this line.

* 'However, be aware that you may be Defogging away the Sticky Webs as well. Rotom-W and Rotom-L make for good teammates as well as it's able to counter Rock-type attacks that Galvantula are 4x weak against.' Galvantula is a lead Pokemon so it doesnt really need support from its teammates as its job is to lead, set up webs, attack if it gets the chance and get KOed. Thats it. You need to mention Pokemon like Alolan Raichu and zeraora outspeeding foes like Barraskewda in rain and Choice Scarf Gardevoir. Choice Band Zeraora is a huge threat to types like Dark and Normal especially with webs support so add this too. when you talk about toxtricity, mention matchups where it does good like poison and fairy type teams. Rotom-H for steel and grass type match ups. You need to talk about these points with Sticky web as the context.

* 'Galvantula also is unable to deal much damage to Pokemon with high Special Defense and may end up being used as set up fodder by the likes of Curse Snorlax.' Remove this line. Doesnt really add anything. Second paragraph is to talk about teammates only.

* Mention Pincurchin which forms a hazard spamming core with Galvantual offering Toxic Spikes and Spikes support.

Implement all of this and Tag me for one more look at this analyses before I pass this for 1/2 QC. Additionally, if you have any questions regarding this then feel free to message me on discord.
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* 'Galvantula is a fantastic lead Pokemon because it's one of the few Electric-types with access to Sticky Web and has an extremely high base speed.' I would just say it has a high base speed, saying extremely high base speed doesnt feel right to me, it has a good speed tier but certainly not enough to be called extremely high speed.

*' Having Sticky Web set up is important for Electric-type teams because it stops Choice Scarfed Rock-types from sweeping the team and ensures that powerful attackers such as Zeraora are able to outspeed foes and secure KOs.' Choiced rock-types isnt a good example of what sticky web helps with, mention Choice Scarf users like Weavile, Gengar and Gardevoir and set up sweepers like Cloyster and Barbaracle.

*'Galvantula can carry String Shot to slow opposing Pokemon which makes it easier for its teammates to secure a KO against Pokemon that are sweep threats to the team such as Excadrill or Dragon Dance Kyurem-B.' Stating ' Galvantula can carry string shot' seems like it is optional when you have it on the set, so change the wording for that. Another thing is String Shot doesnt help to secure KO, it just slows down those two Pokemon which you mentioned, making sure that it is easier for teammates to check them so change the sentence to reflect this.

*'Giga Drain can be used instead of String Shot to offer Galvantula more coverage over Rock-types such as Terrakion.' Change Giga Drain to Energy Ball and show this on the set as well then talk about Energy Ball hitting Ground-types like Seismitoad and Gastrodon and remove your example of terrakion.

*'Specifically, Zerarora and Alolan Raichu outspeed a -1 Speed Swift Swim Barraskewda in Rain. ' Zeraora cant outspeed Barraksweda in rain even with sticky web support so remove zeraora from the sentence and instead of saying -1 speed, just say that after sticky web alolan raichu can outspeed barrakewda in rain.

*A Choice Band Zeraora is also a huge threat Dark- and Normal-type teams when foes are at -1 Speed thanks to Sticky Web.

*'Toxtricity does well against Poison- and Fairy-type teams where it can outspeed opposing -1 Speed Pokemon like Salazzle and Alolan Ninetales and do tons of damage thanks to its ability Punk Rock.'

*Rotom-H is a great option that takes advantage of Galvantula's Sticky Web, especially against Steel- and Grass-type teams dealing with Pokemon like Excadrill, Ferrothorn and Celebi that Electric teams can struggle not very effective against.

QC 1/2
- The three lines about the ability, spread, and item in the second paragraph should be moved to the end of the first paragraph to line up with the explanation of the set; the second paragraph should strictly focus on teammates.
- Additionally, delete that last line in the first paragraph talking about it being a Webs lead, since it's a reiteration of the very first sentence.
- Say "Choice Scarf users"; not "Choice Scarfed users"
- The line about Alolan Raichu outspeeding Barraskewda in Rain isn't true unless it has Electric Terrain to back it up. Change it to say that it outspeeds it outside of Rain instead.
- Go more in depth into Zeraora; why is it so good against Dark and Normal teams with Sticky Web?
- You don't need to say Punk Rock at the end of the Toxtricity line.
- Combine the last two lines about Galvantula and Pinchurchin; something along the lines of "Pinchurchin's spike stacking abilities when combined with Galvantula's Sticky Web can heavily damage grounded foes upon entry."
- Also mention Pinchurchin's Electric Surge for powering up Galvantula's Thunder.

Implement these changes first before I check this for QC 2/2
- Webs slows down threatening Choice Scarf users, but doesn't completely stop them.
- The way you write the Hatterene/Bisharp line gives it the intention that Hatterene can also have Defiant, and is slightly ambiguous. Instead of saying "it isn't worth it to give them +2 Attack", try saying "they can take advantage of it using Sticky Web."
- Choice Band Zeraora does not outspeed Choice Scarf Hydreigon; try using a grounded Dark-type target that's affected by Webs instead.
- On the topic of Dragons though, add that it's also great against them as well. Zeraora being able to naturally outspeed Choice Scarf Dragapult under Webs and Dragapult/Kyurem-B naturally is a huge help.

QC 2/2
add, remove, (comments)

gp 1/1; just make sure to implement everything :)

name: Sticky Web
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: String Shot / Energy Ball
item: Focus Sash
ability: Compound Eyes
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Galvantula is a fantastic lead because it's it is (just so the parall is clearer) one of the few Electric-types with access to Sticky Web and has a high base Speed. Having Sticky Web set up is important for Electric-type teams because it helps against threatening Choice Scarf users such as Weavile, Gengar, and Gardevoir and stops set up hinders setup (I feel like stop is too strong of a word to use for sweepers) sweepers like Cloyster and Barbaracle. Galvantula is also a good attacker because it can land Thunder consistently because of thanks to Compound Eyes. Thunder is able to 2HKO common Defog users Defoggers such as Galarian Weezing and Rotom-W while also threatening anti-hazard leads such as Xatu. Bug Buzz is the other STAB move used for Pokemon that can tank Thunder such as Hydreigon, Mew, Rotom-M Rotom-C, and Alolan Raichu. String Shot slows opposing Pokemon, (AC) which makes it easier for Galvantula's teammates to outspeed Pokemon that are sweep threats to the team and check threatening sweepers, such as Excadrill, making it easier for teammates to check them. Energy Ball can be used instead of String Shot to offer Galvantula coverage against Ground-types such as Gastrodon and Seismitoad. Galvantula should be wary of Magic Bounce users such as Hatterene and Defiant users such as Bisharp, (AC) as they can take advantage of Sticky Web. A Timid nature and maximum Speed investment allows allow Galvantula to outspeed Pokemon such as Mew and Speed ties tie Cobalion. The Special Attack investment is to maximize the damage dealt (idt this is necessary to say). Focus Sash is used so Galvantula can survive any attack and set up Sticky Web or attack.

Powerful wallbreakers and sweepers such as Zerarora Zeraora, Toxtricity, and Rotom-H make for great teammates, (AC) as they take full advantage of Galvantula's Sticky Web. Specifically, Alolan Raichu outspeeds a Speed invested Jolly Barraskewda outside of Rain rain after Sticky Web. A Choice Band Zeraora is also a huge threat to Dark-, Dragon-, and Normal-type teams thanks to Sticky Web once Sticky Web is set because it can outspeed Choice Scarf users such as Krookedile Krookodile and Dragapult and OHKO the opposing team them with Close Combat or and Play Rough, respectively. When Sticky Web is up, Toxtricity does well against Poison- and Fairy-type teams, (AC) as it can outspeed Pokemon such as Salazzle and Alolan Ninetales and do tons of damage. Rotom-H is a great option that takes advantage of Galvantula's Sticky Web, especially against Steel- and Grass-type teams, (AC) dealing with Pokemon such as Excadrill, Ferrothorn, and Celebi that Electric teams can struggle against. Finally, Pincurchin's entry hazard stacking abilities, when combined with Galvantula's Sticky Web, can heavily damage grounded foes upon entry. Furthermore, Pincurchin's Electric Surge is able to power up Galvantula's Thunder.

- Written by: [[ForgottenOnes, 205691]]
- Electric analysis by: [[ForgottenOnes, 205691]]
- Quality checked by: [[Harpp, 320110], [[Havens, 391540]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]