Gamestop Tournament Aftermath / Hopes Thread

Bleh. My tourney,s supposed to be 4v4 singles, but they chnaged the rules to doubles on the very last second. I had no 2v2 team, but I ended up winning anyways. Choice Scarf Kyogre was insanely devastating (I was the only one using it). Blissey made the first round guy useless, the second round ended in 2 turns, and the third (final) was quite challenging, but I was lucky and his Slaking's Giga Impact missed. He was pretty suprised when Kyogre went faster than Gengar

I'll be warstorying/videoing these later
I won, 6 people out of 16 actually knew what they were doing. About half of them were Serebii and I was the only Smogoner there.

First 3 matches were against n00bs, the next match was intense with my Choice Band Groudon versus a Life Orb'ed Salamence. In the end I got a CH with Dragon Claw but still would have won without it. The final against Roger I swept with Agility Metagross and DD'ed Rayquaza.

Roger (We talked pokemon the whole time and became friends)
My Kyogre, Metagross. and Rayquaza
EV training

Me being nervous almost the entire event
Not Thundering a Charizard that had Fly
First round was doubles. I won that round, but my Latias got killed by a Lapras Sheer Cold lol. Someone convinced the guy running the tournament to do singles rest of the way. I beat the second guy's Mewtwo and Lucario with my Focus Sash Deoxys-F, then Rayquaza ko'd Infernape. Deoxys ran through the next player's whole team, and Deoxys and Kyogre won me the finals.

Also Quick Claw Infernape with Mach Punch and someone Focus Blasting a Froslass with Swampert.
[thread=25443]Warstory posted.[/thread]

edit: ShadowNinja, where did you go? Not my place in Poughkeepsie...
I'm gonna repeat this: Doubles or singles, Scarf kyogre was honestly devastating in there
Whew, got there late but I'm really happy I didn't get to enter.

Rules were 3v3 singles, no legendaries, NO HELD ITEMS.

Would have ruined my Toxic Orb Breloom. I didn't see the reasoning behind no items, but whatever.

There were 16 people in the tournament, which couldn't be expanded even though there were about 18934091 (read: 4) more kids that wanted to play. Probably some rules thing.

Out of the 16, I would say 4 were serious trainers. Oh, and my definition of serious changed today, when I found out that these guys bred for their 31 IVs in whatever stat. I know a lot of people do that here, but that, to me, is now serious. It used to be that if you EV trained you were serious. Not anymore.

Therefore, by my definition, I am no longer a serious player.

We'll see how that turns out tomorrow in the Wi-Fi tourney.

Most of the battles I saw were terrible. By terrible, I mean HM Slave Empoleon (Whirlpool/Waterfall/Defog/Surf) and Riolu. Yikes. And then the two serious players ended up having to play each other in the first round. Not fair at all.

But hey, I got a free bookmark for not even playing, but for intelligently commentating. Sweet deal.

Can't wait for some serious battles in the Wi-Fi tourney (but I'm not a serious trainer since I don't breed for IVs...).
[thread=25443]Warstory posted.[/thread]

edit: ShadowNinja, where did you go? Not my place in Poughkeepsie...

I went to Auburn. If I had my license, I would've driven out to Poughkeepsie, but I can't get that for about a month :/
Long story short, Yanmega's Hypnosis missed and I got knocked out first round. At least the guy I lost to seemed to be competent (except for Giga Impact/Ammesia Snorlax).

Oh well.
My gamestop was doing 4 vs 4 doubles. The guy there didn't really seem to know anything about pokemon though. He didn't know the difference between single and double battles, and you probably could've used Arceus and he wouldn't have noticed since he doesn't know jack about pokemon.

At my gamestop just my friend and I showed up's a small city so that's probably why. I beat my friend and then some other guy showed up. He was about 16 years old, he had a spore punching breloom, and a Kingler, Umbreon, and Frosslass too, with standard movesets. He wasn't a noob though because he EV trained his pokemon. I kinda have a feeling he's a member of Smogon, but I can't be too sure of that. I beat him with ScarfChomp, Weavile, CBgross, and SpecsMence. I like the T-shirt, although I probably won't wear it in public. I got Chimchar, Turtwig, Piplup, and Palkia bookmarks and I just gave PBR away to my friend who got 2nd (he used Kyogre to beat the other guy), because I already have it...and there isn't really anything I wanna trade it in for. Would've been nicer if there was 8 people at least.
My Gamestop tourney wasn't too bad, I single-handedly swept everyone's team with Kyogre (not scarfed) and Dragon Dance Rayquaza (not Life Orbed)

Why? Because they wouldn't let us hold items. Their argument was that Full Restores would make this last forever. I loled in my head.

So my Kyogre wasn't scarfed, but it raped raped raped raped. Rayquaza with Outrage was raping left and right too.

The rules were

Species Clause
No items

So I cranked out my ubers, thinking everyone else would do the same, but no one really used ubers besides me and these two other kids. Oh wells, easy win.

Now what to do with this extra copy of sealed Pokemon Battle Revolution.
Live update: OmagaDonut just knocked out his first round opponent by CHing them all to oblivion.

PS: The kid with a Wobbufett just got knocked out.
I swept mine in Delran, NJ. Were 10 people total, 8 kids in the 10-12 range, me(19) and some 24 year old guy who I think went to Serebii, he knew what EV training was but didn't do it.

The guy running mine goes to Serebii, apparently, although I'm not sure if he posts on their forums or just reads. Rules for mine were no ubers(Printed list that matched the standard list of ubers 100%, I think) single battle 4v4.

My team: SpecsGar w/ HP Ice 66, ScarfCross, Curselax w/ Lum(Didn't have a Chesto >_>), and Gyarados(One of Roy's karps, beefy EVing with Waterfall/Stone Edge/DD/Twave). My other two that I never used were my Bold RestTalking Cresselia and, my freshly hatched level 1 Koffing.

My first round was VS a kid with a Garchomp, a Sheer Cold Walrein and some other junk. I led with Gengar and OHKOed Garchomp with HP Ice. Walrein came out and I switched to Gyarados, who got OHKOed by Sheer Cold. Heracross came out after that and Close Combatted everything else to death, iirc.

Second round was VS the 24 year old guy, he had a Toxic Spiking Roselia, a Swampert w/ Hammer Arm, a Gallade and some other stuff. I led with Snorlax and cursed while he toxic spiked. After that I cursed again while he Petal Danced me, socking poor Luffy(My Lax) in the nuts. That became a running theme with this battle. He socked me in the nuts again with Petal Dance and then got OHKOed by Body Slam. Swampert came out, Hammer Armed me and died immediately to Body Slam. He sent out an Infernape that CCed my Snorlax to death. I then sent out Gengar and Shadow Balled everything else to death in one shot each.

R3 was vs another of the kids, who if memory serves I had to beat twice(Fucked up brackets since there were only 10 people, there was a semi-losers bracket that only certain people were eligible for). He was packing Empoleon, Ludicolo, Moltres and Dragonite. First time he led with Dragonite vs my Heracross, I Stone Edged as he Fire Punched(no burn =[). He switched to Empoleon on the next Stone Edge, and I switched to Gyarados as he Hydro Cannoned. Dragon Danced once while he recharged, and then waterfalled him to death. Ludicolo came out and I guess killed Gyara with giga drain barely, since I remember his Moltres using Sunny Day and then Sky Attack during my first battle on my Snorlax, who must've been sent out after Gyara died.

Second time around with the kid I beat in R3 was for the finals. I led with Gengar vs his Dragonite, HP Iced it to death. Out came Empoleon, I sent out Gyarados again to eat another Hydro Cannon. Dragon Danced once as he recharged, waterfalled and flinched, leaving it with enough HP so another waterfall wouldn't kill it. I Dragon Danced again as he Ice Beamed me to like 40%, and then Waterfalled him to death. Ludicolo managed to not kill Gyara, guess Giga Drain didn't do enough damage. Gyara proceeded to Stone Edge and then Waterfall Ludi, killing it in the process. Moltres came out after that and ate a CH(ow.. overkill) waterfall, giving me the win.

I found it humorous that midway through this one kid's round 2 battle he let slip he had ARed on his team. When the guy running it asked him if he had used AR.. "Well.. kinda..". He got disqualified, although he claimed he didn't use it on anything he was using - although the masterballs they were caught with disagreed. I attached my few cloned masterballs to stuff in my boxes, in case the guy running it was a dick.

I went decked out in my JAA medal and my Pokemon Staff jacket, although it was a BIT warm in there. The geek points were worth it, though.

After winning I brought the game to Wal-Mart and returned it for $53.88. Their sale price + tax. Nifty.

All in all I had fun. Fun way to make $50. I'll probably get an R4 for my DS with the money.
Won mine, 4 v 4 doubles got changed to 3 v 3 singles, NO CLAUSES. =(

CS kyogre = MVP.

20 people showed up in mine. Tournament lasted four fricken hours.

Hilarious moment goes to electivire v electivire, I predict rayquaza and ice punch, he decides to thunderbolt me. =X
Well, mine (at waugh chapel, MD) was interesting. The neighboring gamestop's wii broke so their tournament was moved to the store I was at.

Ended up with 40 people on 4v4 single battle, no clauses.

My ninjask/kingdra combo swept up until the finals. During the finals my opponent got lucky with quick claw and smacked ninjask with blizzard from empoleon, resulting in a OHKO. Tried to get my hitmonchan to sky uppercut it to death, but quick claw kicked in and it got ohko'ed by a CH surf. Magmortar died instantly, but then kingdra came in. Managed to sweep the empoleon, a Palkia, and a Giratina. It managed to bring his last pokemon (regice) down to 1% with a sniper'ed CH dragon pulse, but was taken out.

(Would've made a full warstory out of it, but I forgot to take notes.)

Well, at least i got a t-shirt
We're back from the Gamestop tournament in Trumbull, CT as both my son & I faced each other in the finals.

Rules: no ubers, no legendaries, only hold items: any berries, double-battle

Expert Evan:
Round 1: Started out with weavile & gyarados facing the store host whom probably though I was an old man pushover. Weavile took care of some of his pokemon while gyarados dragon danced and waterfall on infernape. When opponent's luxray came in, switched into motor-drive electivire on a luxray discharge as earthquake and a gyarados re-entry finished him off

Round 2: the crowd probably thought I'd instantly lose when I had weavile & gyarados on the field vs. infernape & magnezone as I once again switched out gyarados for electivire for an unsuspecting motor drive and flamethrower still didn't wipe out my weavile as I switched back to gyarados and did some massive sweeping with electivire's earthquake/thunderpunch and gyarados' waterfall, didn't lose a single pokemon this time.

Round 3: weavile's night slash OHKO gengar while gyarados dragon danced and both proceeded to wipe out much opposition's hope as his rhyperior, metagross & staraptor had little chance at all.

Gouki Shinkou:
Round 1: Had no trouble with first opponent as garchomp's dragon claw OHKO dragonite though gengar's destiny bond took down his tyranitar. Still a relief to at least get through first round after our disappointing first round loss at JAA last year in Long Island, NY

Round 2: garchomp's sand veil activated several times in a row as porygon-z's ice beam kept missing, and when it did finally hit, garchomp's yache berry activated and still proceeded to rid a frustrated opponent.

Round 3: opponent had arcanine, infernape, blastoise & electivire, and while 2 of his pokemon were taken out, it took one earthquake from swampert to finish off his opponent's last 2 pokemon.

Round 4: easier than round 3 as once again garchomp's earthquake sealed his victory to go to the finals.

Final Match: father(Expert Evan) vs. son(Gouki Shinkou): With my son predictively expecting me to once again start with weavile & gyarados, he started out with aerodactyl & swampert as aerodactyl made the first move to CH OHKO my gyarados as weavile managed to not flinch and take out his aerodactyl with ice punch. I sent in salamence while he sent in metagross. salamence's flamethrower only did about 50% damage to metagross while meteor mash took out salamence and swampert took care of my weavile. Instead of my using electivire, I used gengar instead but it still could not do much damage to swampert so it got doomed by metagross.

Winner: Gouki Shinkou

Either way it was a win-win situation. Even though the prizes could've been better, it felt great to have either one of us win a tournament especially after both of us lost first round at JAA last year.
I envy those of you who got to do singles battles. I wasn't prepared for 2v2 and also got screwed over by paralysis hax. I was left with my Ninjask (Sub/SD/BP/Protect) and the kid had an Infernape (Rock Climb/Fire Blast/Shadow Claw/?). The match ended up taking 15 minutes. I wish there had been some kind of time limit. I wallowed in self-pity at a nearby Taco Bueno afterwards, wondering how I let myself lose to somebody like that. It had some fun moments, though:

Kid: I have a level 100 Tyranitar.
Me: Jesus Christ! I don't want to go up against you.
Live update #2: Both me and OmegaDonut are advancing to round three, where we will be playing each other.
I beat my last opponent by sweeping with CMBliss, while Donut beat the kid's last pokemon, a Mewtwo, with his DDTar.
4vs4 singles, level 50 all in Bakersfield. Originally two tournaments were scheduled in the same mall (yes, that's right, the dirtass podunk asshole of California that is Bakersfield got more tournaments in the same mall than some states got total), but the tournaments were merged into one due to numbers. I think I'm the only player there that didn't use a single uber, because I already had PBR and it would be a stylish way to win.

PRELUDE: 9 people register, two are DQed for sharking, one actually cries. Two guys wander off for some reason, meaning it's now a 5-man tournament.

ROUND 1: Good news, bad news time.
Good news: At 21, I'm not the oldest one in the tournament. The guy I play first round is.
Bad news: His team is 4 ubers (Dialga/Groudon/Rayquaza/Kyogre) plus a Ninjask and an Alakazam. I don't have an uber on my team, which means that, if he knows how to play and has EV trained his Pokes, I'm pretty much fucked.
Good news: He's using Roar of Time on Dialga, no Thunder on Kyogre, and Groudon has Earth Power over Earthquake. He doesn't!

Bronzong comes in on Kyogre, and I learn that a 'zong with no sdef EVs cannot in fact survive a Kyogre's Water Spout. Blissey comes in, Calm Minds four times inbetween Softboileds and soon piledrives his four ubers into the ground. By the time that he catches on and realizes that Blissey is untouchable from the special end, Rayquaza is his last Poke, Blissey survives the Outrage and sends Rayquaza packing with a coked out Ice Beam.

What was truly lulcow about this match is the reactions I got: the guy I was playing was dumbstruck that Blissey made his crappy, Roar-of-Time spamming Earth-Power-on-a-physical-ubers her bitches, enough so that he complained to the Gamestop employees that I had to be hacking. During the match one guy was frantically talking into his cell phone about how it was so amazing watching Blissey kick so much uber ass, and at the end of the match the rest of the kids in the tourney are looking at me with a mixture of awe and fear.

You can tell I fought some top-tier Pokemon players, can't you.

Round 2: Kid with Lucario/Empoleon/Dialga/Lugia. Bronzong and Dusknoir sweep his first three Pokemon, with Blissey making a surprise end appearance to wipe Lugia off the map. Roar of Time Dialga makes its proud return, and he spams Fly (lol) on Lugia. 4-0 me.

Round 3: I'm facing the same guy from round one, since the tournament has a loser's bracket. However, he doesn't need to beat me twice, this match is winner-take-all.

Yeah, apparently Gamestop employees need to be educated on what a "double elimination tournament" is.

I was actually slightly worried about this match: during his rant at the Gamestop employees (see Round 1 for reasons of /emo), I pointed out that:
1)Blissey is widely known in competitive Pokemon to be a premier special wall
2)I had Calm Minds up, which boosted my ridiculous sp. def even higher
3)he used mostly special attacks on Blissey
4)You're using Earth Power on Groudon, what the fuck is wrong with you

Okay, so I didn't say number 4 to him. But I was worried, since he'd figured out near the end of our first battle that he had to switch to physical attacks and, on top of that, I had flat out told him that special attacking Blissey is epic fail, and this tournament allows us to swap Pokes between battles. So, does he build in a physical attacker or two for our rematch to stop Blissey from 4-0ing his team?

For the rematch, he chooses Kyogre/Dialga/Rayquaza again, and replaces Groudon with...Celebi. Which is carrying Giga Drain/Recover/Perish Song/Heal Bell. His grand battle strategy against Blissey is to use Perish Song while she's buffing up with Calm Minds, and hoping I'm stupid enough to like my Calm Minds so much that I won't switch out before the counter hits zero.


We start with the exact same Pokemon as before, except this time I swap to Vaporeon to absorb Water Spout. Vappy Toxics his Rayquaza on the switch, survives the Outrage, and sends Rayquaza to the great sky in with Ice Beam and Toxic damage on its turn.

The rest of the battle quickly dissolves into a game of cat and mouse, with me switching in Bronzong to take Roars of Time and setup Trick Room, Dusknoir leeching off the HP pools of Celebi and Kyogre, and Blissey waiting in the wings for her time to shine. Bronzong takes out Dialga with an Earthquake crit, Blissey comes in, Calm Minds, hits Celebi a couple times before getting a freeze proc, Thunderbolts Kyogre on the switch in, kills it, and then laughs her fat pink ass off as Celebi comes in only to die to Stealth Rock.

4-0 victory for me.

I got the game, but no t-shirt =(. Oh well, free money ain't bad for an hour's work.
My battles were suppose to be 4v4 Single, but the lady there didnt care and set it to 50 All, singles. At my tourney I won, but there were a couple good trainers, and a few that knew how to use them effectively. There was one guy who had Kyogre facing my Wobbufett, and roared me when I mirror coated. But other then that it wasn't that hard to win. About 15-16 people there, and about 6 knew how to battle well, but I only got to fight one of them, because the others got knocked out due to legendary abuse. Anyone else's stores have only 1 T-Shirt? I only got the game, which I already had.
Expert Evan with the father-son duo. That is awesome, man. I was sad I didn't see any father/son duos like yours at my Gamestop.
I lost to a hacker with a sheer cold regigigas that seemed to always make Sheer Cold hit. Its not just a random hit, it hit 18 times out of 18 for every time he used it. I tried to tell the coordinator that it was hacked, but he just mumbled something about who cares. The other people seemed to think Regigigas somehow got Sheer Cold off Regice, but Regice doesn't learn Sheer Cold.

EDIT: Next time they make a tournament, they should have people that actually know what they're doing.